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View Full Version : BIKERS TO THE RESCUE: Bikers Go To Mexico to FREE MARINE

06-12-2014, 08:41 PM
I don't know how far they will get, heck they might all be in jail by morning but ya have to give them credit for trying !!

Bikers are going to try to do what Obama Administration has refused to do – namely, try to rescue USMC Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi. John Harrington of Shield Tactical is leading the charge. Ride on brothers … we’re praying you!


06-12-2014, 09:37 PM
Bikers attended a rally calling for the Marine to be freed. They did not go to Mexico. The Marine was freed through negotiations with the Mexican government.


How much of this less-than-true right-wing garbage are you going to post here?

06-12-2014, 11:28 PM
Bikers attended a rally calling for the Marine to be freed. They did not go to Mexico. The Marine was freed through negotiations with the Mexican government.


How much of this less-than-true right-wing garbage are you going to post here?

I will quit posting when you quit lying for starters but how about trolling. You know you are really a fucking stupid twat, I posted something that said they went and that is exactly what the fucking video shows but if I made a mistake I am the first to admit it and apologize ( I have done so a few times ) , if you think I am going to research every article kiss my ass. Hell you have been proven wrong more than any other poster here but yet you are allowed to keep your BS, I have never ever seen you admit you were wrong, you are more likley to post your fucking lies and then just not respond in the thread again, When you even own to one of your fucking lies I may take you fucking serious, until then keep telling people how smart you are and we will keep laughing and don't forgot to wash those trays real well OK .

By the way where does your article say anything about the bikers at all let alone them having a rally, ( a rally is many more bikers than they have shown and it usually is on a weekend so people can make it, unless of course it is one of the big ones lasting a week to ten days ) the video I posted shows them on their way, and it also stated how they where taking a day off. No one ever said they got him out, it was a video telling how the trip down had come about and how little Obama has done , I guess you watched the video well. But hey did ya ever stop and think maybe they were doing just as they said and they where on their way when he was released ? For someone as nasty as you, that wishes to attack all the time you should have all the answers ( well I know you have answers but how about correct ones )

So please tell me how anything that was posted isn't true. No one said they got him out, they said they are doing more than Obama and that is a Fact !! They said they where on there way and that also is a FACT !!

You know just last week or so there was a thread why people leave and this is exactly why, I have been thinking on it for a while, I don't come on here looking for a fight but every time you post it just pisses me off, so why bother logging in just to get pissed off.

06-13-2014, 05:42 AM
Bikers attended a rally calling for the Marine to be freed. They did not go to Mexico. The Marine was freed through negotiations with the Mexican government.


How much of this less-than-true right-wing garbage are you going to post here?

The article YOU posted is about a "Jon Hammar", and your article is from December of 2012. What Jeff posted was from June 12th - YESTERDAY - and the Marine in question is USMC Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi. 2 totally different people.

So are you happy that ONCE AGAIN you try to attack people - without reading - and starting shit over your own stupidity? Seriously, here you are condemning a board member about what they post, accusing them of posting "right wing garbage" - and your'e wrong, and the story he posted is 100% correct. EPIC FAIL.

06-13-2014, 05:56 AM
How much of this less-than-true right-wing garbage are you going to post here?

I can't get over the amount of stupidity here. One would think that you would need to open Jeff's article in order to know the story, and names and such involved. One would think that Gabby would have needed to read her own article, to know the names and such involved. Even a retard could tell if 2 names are the same, within minutes of reading them. So tell me, Gabby, where did you get lost? The title of your article which states the name, or the 1st sentence of Jeff's article, which states the name? Or were you perhaps too busy glowing over your 2 degrees from Cal?

06-13-2014, 06:04 AM
The article YOU posted is about a "Jon Hammar", and your article is from December of 2012. What Jeff posted was from June 12th - YESTERDAY - and the Marine in question is USMC Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi. 2 totally different people.

So are you happy that ONCE AGAIN you try to attack people - without reading - and starting shit over your own stupidity? Seriously, here you are condemning a board member about what they post, accusing them of posting "right wing garbage" - and your'e wrong, and the story he posted is 100% correct. EPIC FAIL.

WOW she had made me so made that even though I read her article a couple of times ( looking for a mention of the bikers ) I didn't notice that it was two different stories, posters like her are exactly what kills a board Jim, from the different pictures she post of her self ( I have seen a couple different woman , honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Gabby was really a teenage boy ) to all the lies she tells, it makes me not want to post, it had gotten a little better but than the attacks start again, why would I or who ever this thing wants to attack want to post anything, if every time I post she tells some kind of lies only to piss me off well that is no fun and yes Gabby has told me herself that is exactly what she does, do we really need a poster like that, if so lets bring back Virgil ( hell he just stirred shit as well ) well we are at it how about OCA , Big D ....ect

06-13-2014, 06:11 AM
WOW she had made me so made that even though I read her article a couple of times ( looking for a mention of the bikers ) I didn't notice that it was two different stories, posters like her are exactly what kills a board Jim, from the different pictures she post of her self ( I have seen a couple different woman , honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Gabby was really a teenage boy ) to all the lies she tells, it makes me not want to post, it had gotten a little better but than the attacks start again, why would I or who ever this thing wants to attack want to post anything, if every time I post she tells some kind of lies only to piss me off well that is no fun and yes Gabby has told me herself that is exactly what she does, do we really need a poster like that, if so lets bring back Virgil ( hell he just stirred shit as well ) well we are at it how about OCA , Big D ....ect

She thought she had you in a "gotcha" or "snopes" moment where she could laugh at your post or link. She smiled smugly, made fun of you and bailed. Little did she know she was simply making an ass out of herself. Don't give her a second thought, it's like a family of mosquitos all rolled into one, following you around and trying to suck your blood. Or like the mythological cat who steals your breath while you sleep during the night. She's not worth getting "angry" over. Sure, I still get mad, but she's much too dense and dumb to get too too angry about. And if all else fails, just place her on ignore. Oh, and you missed a few good ones of her. I thought she was kinda cute and hot in a couple of pictures! And the cute and hot ones get away with SO much more than others. But she's rubbing off the cuteness with her stupidity and desire to come here and solely piss people off.

06-13-2014, 06:19 AM
She thought she had you in a "gotcha" or "snopes" moment where she could laugh at your post or link. She smiled smugly, made fun of you and bailed. Little did she know she was simply making an ass out of herself. Don't give her a second thought, it's like a family of mosquitos all rolled into one, following you around and trying to suck your blood. Or like the mythological cat who steals your breath while you sleep during the night. She's not worth getting "angry" over. Sure, I still get mad, but she's much too dense and dumb to get too too angry about. And if all else fails, just place her on ignore. Oh, and you missed a few good ones of her. I thought she was kinda cute and hot in a couple of pictures! And the cute and hot ones get away with SO much more than others. But she's rubbing off the cuteness with her stupidity and desire to come here and solely piss people off.

Jim if you remember she had posted a picture of a young girl and at best a average looking skinny girl saying it was her and her daughter than less that a few month went by and she posted a picture of some HOT looking but slutty looking pig with knee high come F*** me boots on saying that was her, it was two different woman, but I tried to be nice and just chalk it up as someone needing to make themselves look good on the net, but now it is time to call a spade a spade.

06-13-2014, 06:36 AM
What should be said:

"You're right, I'm a dumbass and never read the article. I simply saw a post about a soldier coming home from Mexico, recalled something and did a search for it. Little did I know it was 2 different soldiers and 2 different stories. That's what I get for being in a rush to prove people wrong, and set aside sources as "right wing blogs". I screwed this particular one up. I'm sorry for rushing to judgment and trying to make you look silly. Instead, I made myself look silly. Again, my apologies".

Read it. Memorize it. Cherish it. You will NEVER see it from her.

06-13-2014, 06:40 AM
I will quit posting when you quit lying for starters but how about trolling. You know you are really a fucking stupid twat, I posted something that said they went and that is exactly what the fucking video shows but if I made a mistake I am the first to admit it and apologize ( I have done so a few times ) , if you think I am going to research every article kiss my ass. Hell you have been proven wrong more than any other poster here but yet you are allowed to keep your BS, I have never ever seen you admit you were wrong, you are more likley to post your fucking lies and then just not respond in the thread again, When you even own to one of your fucking lies I may take you fucking serious, until then keep telling people how smart you are and we will keep laughing and don't forgot to wash those trays real well OK .

By the way where does your article say anything about the bikers at all let alone them having a rally, ( a rally is many more bikers than they have shown and it usually is on a weekend so people can make it, unless of course it is one of the big ones lasting a week to ten days ) the video I posted shows them on their way, and it also stated how they where taking a day off. No one ever said they got him out, it was a video telling how the trip down had come about and how little Obama has done , I guess you watched the video well. But hey did ya ever stop and think maybe they were doing just as they said and they where on their way when he was released ? For someone as nasty as you, that wishes to attack all the time you should have all the answers ( well I know you have answers but how about correct ones )

So please tell me how anything that was posted isn't true. No one said they got him out, they said they are doing more than Obama and that is a Fact !! They said they where on there way and that also is a FACT !!

You know just last week or so there was a thread why people leave and this is exactly why, I have been thinking on it for a while, I don't come on here looking for a fight but every time you post it just pisses me off, so why bother logging in just to get pissed off.

I just noticed the "T" word in the second sentence, which is really the same as the infamous "C" word that is banned here. I don't think any of the ladies should be called that word, even Gabriella. Don't fret, there are many other fitting words we can call her, like the REALLY bad word "liberal". :)

06-13-2014, 11:53 AM
I just noticed the "T" word in the second sentence, which is really the same as the infamous "C" word that is banned here. I don't think any of the ladies should be called that word, even Gabriella. Don't fret, there are many other fitting words we can call her, like the REALLY bad word "liberal". :)

Party pooper. What you miss on Gabriella is that she likes it. It may even get you those photos you want. I was wondering something Jim: Can you get turned on by a good looking chick that you can't stand to be around?

06-13-2014, 04:58 PM
I just noticed the "T" word in the second sentence, which is really the same as the infamous "C" word that is banned here. I don't think any of the ladies should be called that word, even Gabriella. Don't fret, there are many other fitting words we can call her, like the REALLY bad word "liberal". :)

I want to apologize to all who where offended and of course to all the woman that may have read it, I had originally posted the "C" word I was that angry , I am tired of posting only to have this nit wit attack me. We all know exactly why she does it, I love to post here but truth be told I don't have the education most have here so she figures she can attack me and no one will check her on it because all know I make mistakes. There are some very smart folks here and guess what not a one attacks like she does and well we are being honest we all know the only school Gabby has been to after HS was back to a public school to work in the kitchen, you only have to look at the folks that post here to see that, see those that I may piss off for my typing, spelling, grammar or what ever if they are really disturbed they ignore, and yes I have had some smart folks correct me, Log was the last and I admitted that I was wrong, and I hold no ill feelings about that at all, I learned something, but just the fact that this thing must attack the way she does is because she knows her short comings and if she can get the board looking at others it will take all eyes off of her, yes we see this in children all the time, attack others because of your short comings. I mean seriously how many people with 2 degrees that have a husband that is so rich and family that are in gangs and a daughter that can recite the Bible and the Koran are there :laugh: You must almost feel sorry for such a uneducated person, we see post about bullies all the time and that is exactly what she tries, she just isn't smart enough to do so. The fact that she is hated by 99% of the board but returns each day speaks volumes :laugh:

06-13-2014, 05:14 PM
I see someone went to another thread, kinda denied things and continue the riling crap - but couldn't be bothered to come here and admit she was 10000000000000000000000% wrong on this one.

Hey, we all make mistakes, and to mitigate and admit when we are wrong makes things a little better, and shows some class.

Then we have Gabby, who could never admit she made a fuckup, without bothering to read, and making an ass out of herself. AGAIN.

06-13-2014, 05:17 PM
You guys have given the troll enough attention and response to last her for months.

Thanks for nothing.

And you wonder why the board is "dying"?

red state
06-13-2014, 05:21 PM
Well, I was more offended with the liar's response to Jeff's thread opener and although I'm a bit disappointed in Jeff's use of "language", I did learn something. I knew what a TWIT was but was unfamiliar to the other "T" word. Perhaps Jeff simply misspelled TWIT.....he does make mistakes and I'm sure we can all forgive him.....even the LIAR who poops on every good thread and has prided herself as being a troll who poops on everyone. I'm still shocked that she is a teacher and believe she was the one who had started the grammar patrol once upon a time; that is, until a few of us started policing her terrible grammar.

In closing, I agree with Jeff and Jim.....stupidity alone should get this liar banned (at least for a month or so). HA!!! If only everyone would simply exclude her from their view (as I have done with jafart, that 'lincoln moron' and a one or two others). We'd never have to see or respond to their stupidity and unfounded arrogance.

red state
06-13-2014, 05:26 PM
You guys have given the troll enough attention and response to last her for months.

Thanks for nothing.

And you wonder why the board is "dying"?

Agreed....so, if we can simply place he on "IGNORE" we can get back to this worth-while thread and all the others to come. To start it off; it is amazing to me that the media never made the connection as to how/why the B.O. administration could take such interest in a traitor and relatively NONE in a guy who simply made a wrong turn or something and didn't see the small paper that had replaced the BIG, lit-up sign warning that this was his last chance before entering Mexico. Screw them....screw the desert fleas and screw the liberal administration!!!!

06-13-2014, 06:11 PM
You guys have given the troll enough attention and response to last her for months.

Thanks for nothing.

And you wonder why the board is "dying"?

I apologize and I am done, LA you are exactly right .

06-13-2014, 06:13 PM
You guys have given the troll enough attention and response to last her for months.

Thanks for nothing.

And you wonder why the board is "dying"?

You are free to place her on ignore. You, nor anyone else, should not be making demands of others to not respond to others. Replying to her, regardless if you like her posts or not, is not going to be the demise of the board. You say "thanks for nothing" - again, what you desire disappears completely if you place her on ignore. Whether others do the same at your request or not won't change what you can do on your own.

06-13-2014, 06:14 PM
Well, I was more offended with the liar's response to Jeff's thread opener and although I'm a bit disappointed in Jeff's use of "language", I did learn something. I knew what a TWIT was but was unfamiliar to the other "T" word. Perhaps Jeff simply misspelled TWIT.....he does make mistakes and I'm sure we can all forgive him.....even the LIAR who poops on every good thread and has prided herself as being a troll who poops on everyone. I'm still shocked that she is a teacher and believe she was the one who had started the grammar patrol once upon a time; that is, until a few of us started policing her terrible grammar.

In closing, I agree with Jeff and Jim.....stupidity alone should get this liar banned (at least for a month or so). HA!!! If only everyone would simply exclude her from their view (as I have done with jafart, that 'lincoln moron' and a one or two others). We'd never have to see or respond to their stupidity and unfounded arrogance.

Agreed and I am done Brother, if everyone would ignore ( and god knows I have tried ) then she won't have anything to do but leave.

06-13-2014, 06:18 PM
If only everyone would simply exclude her from their view (as I have done with jafart, that 'lincoln moron' and a one or two others). We'd never have to see or respond to their stupidity and unfounded arrogance.

Agreed....so, if we can simply place he on "IGNORE" we can get back to this worth-while thread and all the others to come.

If more do as you did, these problems would be less on the board and slowly disappear. Each person individually has the ability to make what they want disappear. It's a better option than people getting angry at others for replying to people. The best option is for individuals to put others on ignore and never look back.

To assume one person, troll or not, could be the ruin of the board, is silly. Some seem to get angry when others reply to people they don't like. That doesn't help.

06-13-2014, 09:33 PM
The troll joined this board in 2007. I put her on ignore immediately. She has remained there ever since. The only thing I would ask of people is that they don't quote her when responding to her silliness.

There's nothing cute or hot about her. She's ugly to the bone. If everybody ignores her she will go away. That's how you destroy a troll. Calling her names and harping about her aren't going to make her feel bad, ostracizing her will.

Join me in the ignore function. You'll thank me in the morning.

06-13-2014, 09:58 PM
Well, I was more offended with the liar's response to Jeff's thread opener and although I'm a bit disappointed in Jeff's use of "language", I did learn something. I knew what a TWIT was but was unfamiliar to the other "T" word. Perhaps Jeff simply misspelled TWIT.....he does make mistakes and I'm sure we can all forgive him.....even the LIAR who poops on every good thread and has prided herself as being a troll who poops on everyone. I'm still shocked that she is a teacher and believe she was the one who had started the grammar patrol once upon a time; that is, until a few of us started policing her terrible grammar.

In closing, I agree with Jeff and Jim.....stupidity alone should get this liar banned (at least for a month or so). HA!!! If only everyone would simply exclude her from their view (as I have done with jafart, that 'lincoln moron' and a one or two others). We'd never have to see or respond to their stupidity and unfounded arrogance.

Why does the other word bother people so much when it describes something that gives endless enjoyment? Every guy should get some. Also, you shouldn't get so angry about her. Where else can you commit sexual harassment and get away with it? Perhaps some single guy might enjoy some tongue action from her on the rim of his anal orifice.

red state
06-13-2014, 10:01 PM
If more do as you did, these problems would be less on the board and slowly disappear. Each person individually has the ability to make what they want disappear. It's a better option than people getting angry at others for replying to people. The best option is for individuals to put others on ignore and never look back.

To assume one person, troll or not, could be the ruin of the board, is silly. Some seem to get angry when others reply to people they don't like. That doesn't help.

Well, you are certainly right in this case and although I once refused to place someone on "IGNORE", I definitely see it as a 'healthy' option cuz scum are simply not worth one having high blood pressure. As for the assumption of one person ruining a board.....I never said that or believed it BUT when a board becomes burdened with several, you must admit that it is an accumulation of water that WILL and HAS sunk many a ship/board.

As for placing folks on "IGNORE", I still don't like doing it BUT if one continually places themselves above others when they are 'average' at best OR if they see fit to ALWAYS show their butt or ignorance, it is best for each member as well as the board to rid themselves of such a poster. If such posters were placed on ignore by ALL (or at least the decent among us) then the babbling idiots will simply be left talking to themselves cuz we'll never see or hear from their ignorance again. Jim, as you said earlier, let them fuss on the other board about how mean we are....they can stay their and post for all I care. Better for them to run that board down than this one or the one or two others that are still pretty good boards.

red state
06-13-2014, 10:06 PM
Why does the other word bother people so much when it describes something that gives endless enjoyment? Every guy should get some. Also, you shouldn't get so angry about her. Where else can you commit sexual harassment and get away with it? Perhaps some single guy might enjoy some tongue action from her on the rim of his anal orifice.I was talking about Jeff's use of other words....not the T word. HA!!! But your are correct...we shouldn't allow idiots to even upset us BUT ignorance and rudeness is something that I've always had a hard time tolerating. I was picking on Jeff and he's already PM'd me about my coming back to the board. Just glad that things never change and that Gabs-a-LOT is still just as ignorant as I remembered it being.As for your closing comments.....NO COMMENT given that I now have a turned stomach.

06-14-2014, 08:09 AM
You guys have given the troll enough attention and response to last her for months.

Thanks for nothing.

And you wonder why the board is "dying"?

I don't wonder. And it has nothing to do with her.

06-14-2014, 08:21 AM
I don't wonder. And it has nothing to do with her.

Yea your right :rolleyes:

06-15-2014, 07:37 AM
NO COMMENT given that I now have a turned stomach.

Don't knock it 'til you try it if you can find a willing slut to do it. If you know a guy that has some chick following him around like a puppy dog he wants to get rid of, suggest he demand that. She will likely do it if she tells him she will do "anything" for him. The humiliation will REALLY set in AFTER she's done it.

06-15-2014, 07:59 AM
You guys have given the troll enough attention and response to last her for months.

Thanks for nothing.

And you wonder why the board is "dying"?

You guys are missing out on a real opportunity. Interacting with Gabby can be a "gratifying" experience. My next question for her is: Does she prefer men that cum in her face, her mouth or down her throat?

06-15-2014, 04:03 PM
Bikers attended a rally calling for the Marine to be freed. They did not go to Mexico. The Marine was freed through negotiations with the Mexican government.


How much of this less-than-true right-wing garbage are you going to post here?

The article YOU posted is about a "Jon Hammar", and your article is from December of 2012. What Jeff posted was from June 12th - YESTERDAY - and the Marine in question is USMC Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi. 2 totally different people.

So are you happy that ONCE AGAIN you try to attack people - without reading - and starting shit over your own stupidity? Seriously, here you are condemning a board member about what they post, accusing them of posting "right wing garbage" - and your'e wrong, and the story he posted is 100% correct. EPIC FAIL.

What should be said:

"You're right, I'm a dumbass and never read the article. I simply saw a post about a soldier coming home from Mexico, recalled something and did a search for it. Little did I know it was 2 different soldiers and 2 different stories. That's what I get for being in a rush to prove people wrong, and set aside sources as "right wing blogs". I screwed this particular one up. I'm sorry for rushing to judgment and trying to make you look silly. Instead, I made myself look silly. Again, my apologies".

Read it. Memorize it. Cherish it. You will NEVER see it from her.

Is anyone else shocked that Gabby made an accusation, made an ass out of herself, and then can't muster the courage to admit she was 100% dead wrong? Or to offer an apology?

06-15-2014, 04:10 PM
Why does the other word bother people so much when it describes something that gives endless enjoyment? Every guy should get some. Also, you shouldn't get so angry about her. Where else can you commit sexual harassment and get away with it? Perhaps some single guy might enjoy some tongue action from her on the rim of his anal orifice.

You guys are missing out on a real opportunity. Interacting with Gabby can be a "gratifying" experience. My next question for her is: Does she prefer men that cum in her face, her mouth or down her throat?

You are better than this. And you can't commit sexual harassment here and get away with it, that's not cool to even think you could do. Definitely no need for the vulgarity and question posed. While you may think it's ok, as "it's only Gabby" - we DO have other ladies posting here, not to mention guests reading, guests who may not want to register if they see stuff like that.

I'm not defending Gabby. She wore out her welcome with me when she befriended me and then discarded that friendship like a used paper towel. Maybe I was naive in thinking we were "friends". Then I slowly got over it, only to kinda give her another chance, and of course she bit my fingers for even thinking that was the right choice to make.

I can't control whether or not members like one another, and I've given up trying. But there's an invisible line that shouldn't be crossed, even when posting with someone we despise or hate. I think the above crossed that. PLEASE try and refrain from doing so in the future.

06-15-2014, 10:42 PM
You are better than this. And you can't commit sexual harassment here and get away with it, that's not cool to even think you could do. Definitely no need for the vulgarity and question posed. While you may think it's ok, as "it's only Gabby" - we DO have other ladies posting here, not to mention guests reading, guests who may not want to register if they see stuff like that.

I'm not defending Gabby. She wore out her welcome with me when she befriended me and then discarded that friendship like a used paper towel. Maybe I was naive in thinking we were "friends". Then I slowly got over it, only to kinda give her another chance, and of course she bit my fingers for even thinking that was the right choice to make.

I can't control whether or not members like one another, and I've given up trying. But there's an invisible line that shouldn't be crossed, even when posting with someone we despise or hate. I think the above crossed that. PLEASE try and refrain from doing so in the future.

That's where we answer the question regarding the lefties whom deliberately stomp on our sensitivities. For example, if two fags french kiss on the sidewalk as a fundamental church dismisses, why not tell them they would look good dragged behind a pickup truck. If a PETA member throws paint on your wife's mink coat, why not slit a live rabbit's throat and throw the blood all over them. The left has their sensitivities, why not trample all over them?