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View Full Version : What does this"A computer crash erased emails"story say about the IRS scandal,really?

06-13-2014, 08:21 PM
What does this "A computer crash deleted the emails" story tell us about what's going on in the IRS, really?

The Obamanites have admitted:

1.) The emails vanished because Lerner's own computer (presumably a desktop system provided by the IRS that she personally used) crashed.

(We know this would not have caused the emails to vanish, since they are contained on servers for from Lois Lerner that are backed up daily. This means that if emails are truly gone, they were deliberately and carefully deleted by somebody with detailed knowledge of the IRS email system AND the system of the external agencies that the emails were sent to.)

2.) The missing emails were between Lerner and external agencies such as Treasury, Dept. of Justice, the White House, etc.

(From this, we know that whatever was in the emails the Obamanites wanted covered up, wasn't just stuff that went on in IRS offices. Outside agencies were involved, such as the White House.)

3.) They vanished because "the dog ate my homework".

("Computer crash" is so clearly a bogus excuse, that it is clear that the person who deleted the emails, would much rather face the blizzard of accusations of lying and obstruction it is clearly guilty of here, than face the consequences of whatever is being covered up by this email deletion. Therefore the thing(s) being covered up, are much worse than some low-level person lying and obstructing an investigation.)

4.) Consider too, that the Articles of Impeachment against Richard Nixon, approved by the House committee in 1974, stated that he should be impeached for (a) trying to misuse the IRS to go after his political enemies; (b) lying to Congress's investigative committees, (c) withholding documents subpoenaed by Congress; (d) lying to the public to fool them into thinking a thorough investigation had been done; (e) interfering with investigations by Congressional committees.

So far, we have clear evidence that SOMEBODY did all these things. But all that evidence can be applied, so far, to people inside the IRS - there is no clear evidence that anybody outside the IRS was involved.

Until a bunch of emails between the suspects in the IRS, and people in outside agencies, was suddenly and deliberately deleted. And with an excuse that nobody would ever buy.

Once that happened, it became clear that somebody wanted the communications between the IRS and those outside agencies (Treas, DoJ, White House) deleted... and was willing to face the consequences of such blatant destruction of evidence.

Nixon was about to be impeached for doing exactly that. But as of today, we don't have evidence that Barack Obama ordered documents subpoenaed by Congress withheld. Or that Obama ordered his employees to lie about what they knew. Or that Obama ordered the emails deleted. Or that Obama ordered the IRS to hold up approvals for conservative groups.

We only know, that someone did.

Did the emails between Lois Lerner and groups such as the White House, contain clear evidence that the orders came from the White House? Emails that just got so carefully and thoroughly deleted?

Answer: We don't know what was in those emails. But clearly, somebody certainly didn't want us to know what was in them.

The game just shifted into the big leagues.

Until today, only lower offices of the IRS, were guilty. But now we know that somebody didn't want their communications with higher offices, revealed. And was willing to commit an obviously obstructive act, to keep them secret.

Some IRS IT flunky who decided on his own to deleted the emails (which is the lowest level this can now be spun at), can't be impeached. The most that can happen to him, is a firing... no doubt with a very generous separation package, reward for services rendered, and a quiet job with an obscure Democrat consulting firm.

But such a blatant and obvious act of obstruction, sufficient to get Richard Nixon impeached, created a situation much LESS dangerous to the people involved... than the revealing of the contents of those emails, would have created.

That's why those emails were deliberately and thoroughly deleted, in an act that couldn't possibly have been an accident, or a crash of just one computer.

The game just shifted into the big leagues. And it's barely in the first inning. This has just begun to get interesting.

06-13-2014, 09:03 PM
Truth is. The FBI, and even someone like Bill Gates has tools that can bring such a computer back from the dead.

In fact. Even as the amateur many might think I am here on DP. My experience over the years, combined with all I learned in Navy communications (pre-Internet computer usage), makes me confident I haven't forgotten the tricks of the trade.

As long as there is a HARD DRIVE of any kind. It can be brought back to life...if only for the information on it.

06-13-2014, 11:33 PM
Did Jay Carney quit because he got wind of this "Computer crash caused the emails to vanish" load, and didn't want to be in the position of having to explain THAT one to people who knew better?

06-15-2014, 01:32 PM
Have the Obamanites been waiting for a period of huge problems in other areas, to slip in this "A computer crash deleted the important emails" fib with relatively little notice?

* We left Iraq, letting terrorists walk in and take it back.
* We traded five terrorist "generals" for one American deserter.
* We are letting thousands of children, gang members etc. flood over the border.

Today not one of the Sunday news-summarry shows even mentioned missing emails and nonsense excuses.

Forty years ago, Richard Nixon was basically impeached for tellinng the IRS to do illegal things (they refused to comply).

Today, it looks like the White Houuse did that and more... and barely anybody even notices, due to the other "even worse" stuff going on.

Nice planning, if nothing else.

And these Democrats insist THEY are the ones who should be running our country.

06-15-2014, 03:15 PM
Pretty obvious to most Informed Americans. This is just another of the many Lies from the OBAMA gang. Doesn't matter whether it's the IRS, VA, or STATE DEPARTMENT. LIES are Lies, hidden by the protections invoked with the 5th amendment of a Constitution...those who use it IGNORE.

06-16-2014, 02:29 AM
I finally realized why people can sit in front of cameras and bald face lie. Because the majority of people watching believe it. They believe it because they don't really give a crap about what's going on in the world as long as their pay check arrives.

Have you ever looked around when you are sitting at a stop light, grocery shopping, going to movies .... and wondered if any of the people you see even know who Jay Carney is ... or Lerner.

During the recent vote I asked a couple of people who they were voting for and asked why. One person said that they were voting for "XXX" because they had not heard of any of the other people. Really? It seems that the person who has the most signs up with their name on it will get the votes ... Why, because people do not take the time to research.

A survey company called me and asked some questions ... my answers were to agree or disagree whether I thought the "message" was a good one. Sadly, even though the "message" was from a politician that I dislike, the message sounded great. And, anyone who didn't know this politician would think they were great. Wordsmithing gets people elected more often than not.

06-18-2014, 06:36 PM

06-18-2014, 07:23 PM
I finally realized why people can sit in front of cameras and bald face lie. Because the majority of people watching believe it. They believe it because they don't really give a crap about what's going on in the world as long as their pay check arrives.

Have you ever looked around when you are sitting at a stop light, grocery shopping, going to movies .... and wondered if any of the people you see even know who Jay Carney is ... or Lerner.

During the recent vote I asked a couple of people who they were voting for and asked why. One person said that they were voting for "XXX" because they had not heard of any of the other people. Really? It seems that the person who has the most signs up with their name on it will get the votes ... Why, because people do not take the time to research.

A survey company called me and asked some questions ... my answers were to agree or disagree whether I thought the "message" was a good one. Sadly, even though the "message" was from a politician that I dislike, the message sounded great. And, anyone who didn't know this politician would think they were great. Wordsmithing gets people elected more often than not.

Sassy. I once listened to a very intelligent, wealthy millionaire describe how he became successful in a major business in New York City.
And during his 30 minute speech. He kindly told all of us in the audience that

"Two, out of every Three people in the United States always blame other people for their failures".
Then he laughed, and told all of us to Look to our Right, then, to our Left. Asking

"Which one are you?"

I fully believe, as you said. Generally. Most Americans have no idea, or concept about who anyone is in Washington, D.C. Nor do they know anything more than the importance of cashing their paycheck at the end of the week...week, after week.
I dare say. A majority of our 311 Million Americans can't even tell us WHO Joe Biden is. Nor "WHO" Ben Ghazi is?????:laugh:

06-18-2014, 07:46 PM
This reminds me of one thing


06-19-2014, 08:00 AM
I worked at a large law firm and my job at the time was to backup 127 servers. A few of those servers were the mail servers, which of course were the most important. Everyday these were performed and every single day the tapes were sent offsite, and those tapes not received back for 6 months. So by the time the 6 months were up, the offsite location had 6 months of daily backups of mail servers. If for whatever reason we needed to restore something - we now had about 180 tapes to recover from per employee. This is in addition to the hard drive itself. We had a drive go once from the CEO and we sent it off to "OnTrack", a major data retrieval place, where they would take the drive into a vacuum sealed room and literally remove the platters and get to the data. This would only be done in a catastrophic failure.

To believe they couldn't get jack shit from her drive, or that a government entity didn't properly backup their data, is stunningly ridiculous. Even with a major failure, someone will be able to look over her "dead" drive and confirm it's the one she's been using, so I hope they do respond to the subpoena and turn it over. I don't buy this story for a single second.

06-19-2014, 12:56 PM
I worked at a large law firm and my job at the time was to backup 127 servers. A few of those servers were the mail servers, which of course were the most important. Everyday these were performed and every single day the tapes were sent offsite, and those tapes not received back for 6 months. So by the time the 6 months were up, the offsite location had 6 months of daily backups of mail servers. If for whatever reason we needed to restore something - we now had about 180 tapes to recover from per employee. This is in addition to the hard drive itself. We had a drive go once from the CEO and we sent it off to "OnTrack", a major data retrieval place, where they would take the drive into a vacuum sealed room and literally remove the platters and get to the data. This would only be done in a catastrophic failure.

To believe they couldn't get jack shit from her drive, or that a government entity didn't properly backup their data, is stunningly ridiculous. Even with a major failure, someone will be able to look over her "dead" drive and confirm it's the one she's been using, so I hope they do respond to the subpoena and turn it over. I don't buy this story for a single second.

jimnyc: TOTALLY agree with you. Truth is. The Obama administration, from the top down, in every direction has been practicing their LIES so long, and so well. They actually do believe WE THE PEOPLE are just gonna roll over, and pretend Obama wasn't LYING.
Sadly, as we all know. A large percentage of Americans HAVE NO IDEA what is taking place because they simply...DO NOT CARE, and DO NOT FOLLOW NEWS, or POLITICS unless it has some affect on their WALLET.

06-20-2014, 01:15 AM
I worked at a large law firm and my job at the time was to backup 127 servers. A few of those servers were the mail servers, which of course were the most important. Everyday these were performed and every single day the tapes were sent offsite, and those tapes not received back for 6 months. So by the time the 6 months were up, the offsite location had 6 months of daily backups of mail servers. If for whatever reason we needed to restore something - we now had about 180 tapes to recover from per employee. This is in addition to the hard drive itself. We had a drive go once from the CEO and we sent it off to "OnTrack", a major data retrieval place, where they would take the drive into a vacuum sealed room and literally remove the platters and get to the data. This would only be done in a catastrophic failure.

To believe they couldn't get jack shit from her drive, or that a government entity didn't properly backup their data, is stunningly ridiculous. Even with a major failure, someone will be able to look over her "dead" drive and confirm it's the one she's been using, so I hope they do respond to the subpoena and turn it over. I don't buy this story for a single second.

Can't they get this information from the NSA????

06-20-2014, 12:22 PM
Can't they get this information from the NSA????

SassyLady. SURE THEY CAN. But, remember WHO the NSA answers to these days.

I wonder how long it will be before they (THE NSA) comes out with a matching story like Lerner, and the IRS?

As long as the LIAR-IN-CHIEF is in charge, and his Whipping Boy Holder has the "BIG BAD BADGE". We are all expected to just roll over, and pretend "LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL ALL THE TIME."


06-20-2014, 01:52 PM
Just remembered someone I knew in the Navy before I retired in 1995. And back then. Computer hard drives were in their Infancy stages with the Internet.

This person I knew was (a NERD) back then, and he demonstrated how...no matter how damaged a HARD DRIVE (back then, they were really, really big, hot, and noisy) COULD be examined for the data that was possibly lost due to accidental erasure or intentionally damaged discs in the Hard Drive.

We all know, and have seen how advanced the ELECTRONIC devices we all use today are. In fact, you may not be aware that your CELL PHONE possibly has as many as 10thousand Transistors in that tiny, little package you call..Your Phone.
So. With that in mind. I suspect. OUR FBI has the capabilities, and people who CAN bring hard drive information BACK FROM THE DEAD.
I also suspect. THE IRS HAS JOINED OBAMA IN THE LIARS GAME...completely.
So. We must now wait until after the NOVEMBER elections to FIRST...Get rid of HOLDER by his Impeachment in the Republican controlled Senate (Hopefully).

06-20-2014, 09:36 PM
I predict that eventually they will find the emails go all the way to the white house as well as all the chief dem leaders. This whole thing makes Nixon look like a boyscout.

06-20-2014, 09:48 PM
I predict that eventually they will find the emails go all the way to the white house as well as all the chief dem leaders. This whole thing makes Nixon look like a boyscout.

I can only Hope you are right Gaffer. After watching this phony liar, and his merry gang of fools, following the leader without fear of being caught. History will hopefully remember Obama and friends as those who became the PERMANENT residents of GITMO.

06-21-2014, 02:11 AM
I heard someone say recently that every time there is a new scandal it puts the last one out of the limelight for a period of time and then when it's addressed again the administration says "that's old news". Then dismisses those who want answers as being extremists and disruptive.

Makes you wonder when the scandals will stop.

06-21-2014, 06:18 AM
Seems they may know where they are.

A Congressional inquiry into the targeting of Tea Party and Conservative organizations by the IRS has revealed that thousands of emails from IRS head Lois Lerner and at least six of her subordinates have been lost to history (http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/06/irs-claims-lost-lois-lerner-emails/) after the hard drive which stored them was reportedly thrown away. The loss of the emails makes it nearly impossible to track down and verify what actually took place and whether or not the Obama administration was directly involved in the harassment of independent groups that didn’t agree with the President’s political platform.

“Official records, like the e-mails of a prominent official, don’t just disappear without a trace unless that was the intention.”

It turns out that Congressman Darrell Issa is right. Records like these don’t just disappear without a trace.
We know the whereabouts of the lost IRS emails (http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/06/irs-claims-lost-lois-lerner-emails/) and they could likely be accessed and shown to the American public within 24 hours.
It turns out that there just so happens to be a redundant set of digital records available in a facility capable of holding some septillion pages of information (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pages of text) that has been actively aggregating and storing digital data for years.
