View Full Version : Bat Ye’or and the Coming Universal Caliphate

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-14-2014, 07:54 PM

Bat Ye’or and the Coming Universal Caliphate

by Richard L. Rubenstein (January 2013)

A review essay of Bat Ye’or, Europe, Globalization, and the Coming of the Universal Caliphate (Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2010). This essay was first published as "Coming Attractions: Caliphates?" in the Journal for the Study of Antisemitism, December issue Vol 4 #2.

In the past few years, it has become all too apparent that the nations of the European Union (EU) have made a catastrophic mistake when they created a common, one-size-fits all currency, the euro, ignoring the vast differences in productive capacity, financial resources, work habits, and culture of the member nations. The full consequences of this mistake have yet to unfold, but the instability in the world’s financial markets may be a foretaste of darker troubles ahead.

While the financial crisis has been recognized, a far worse error of judgment has yet to be recognized, at least by Europe’s leaders, the surrender of Europe’s cultural identity as a consequence of the introduction of a largely unassimilable Muslim population into the EU. According to the U.S. Department of State’s Annual Report on International Religious Freedom, 2005, the EU’s Muslim population numbered 23.2 million and has continued to increase since then. In France alone, the Report estimated that there were between five and six million Muslims, about ten percent of the population. Moreover, as Harvard Historian Niall Ferguson has pointed out, the fundamental problem facing Europe’s indigenous population is “senescence.”1

This is not true of Europe’s Muslim population. With or without further immigration, it is expected to increase considerably. Moreover, as Bat Ye’or points out in her new book, Europe, Globalization, and the Coming Universal Caliphate (Madison, NJ: Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 2011) the rising number of Muslims constitute only a part of the problem. Far more problematic have been the political, economic, and cultural motives that led to Europe’s fateful decision to permit this unprecedented mass immigration.

To explain that decision, Bat Ye’or begins with a discussion of the concept of dhimmitude, a term she characterizes as “concealed knowledge.” Although “few terms are as significant for the understanding of current events,” she reports that the term is “unknown by the general public and taboo in academia.” Dhimmitude, she argues, designates the civilizations “conquered by jihad and subject to sharia law.” It is her conviction that the nations of the European Union (EU) are in the process of submitting to that subordination at the present time. Alternatively, as she demonstrates, dhimmitude can be understood as arguably the most effective and enduring system of religiously legitimated domination human beings have ever created.

A dhimmi is a non-Muslim belonging to the civilization of dhimmitude. Either he or his ancestors surrendered to the armies of jihad and consequently lost their sovereignty and their territorial rights in exchange for “protection” in the form of a contract of surrender (dhimma) against jihad. Such protection renders dhimmis essentially powerless and subject to the humiliating conditions imposed upon them by their masters. It should be further noted that dhimmitude is a condition that can only be altered by a highly unlikely reversal of military fortune or, far more likely, conversion to Islam.

According to Bat Ye’or, the concept of dhimmitude is relevant today because, with the exception of Israel, Islam’s jihad ideology of world conquest is once again flourishing in every corner of the world while the governments of most target nations are in denial concerning jihad’s existence and its global aspirations. Global jihad is driven by the 56 nation Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC), formerly known as the Organization of the Islamic Conference. Since its creation in 1969, the OIC has been dedicated to the destruction of the State of Israel and to the eventual implementation of sharia over the Western world. The OIC’s oft-stated objectives have not prevented either the European Union or the United States from seeking close ties with the organization. At least theoretically, dhimmitude represents an interim status in which Islam conditionally accepts defeated subject peoples into its midst, provided they abide by the controls and limitations imposed upon them by their Muslim overlords. This willingness on the part of Islam to create a religiously legitimated civilization of domination and submission is often misleadingly characterized as tolerance.

This is the foundation for WW3 and USA/Obama is creating it...

How soon it will pop is debatable but Europe will likely fall and start it IMHO.
They has a Muslim (their muslim in hiding)in the highest office of this land!!! And sabotage is the call of the day!!! --Tyr

06-14-2014, 08:12 PM
Tyr. We all know. After two elections here in the U.S.A. There are about 50 million Americans who were convinced OBAMA qualified to be the Caliph..so to speak. Thus the MESSIAH complex he now enjoys from his empty vacuum chamber between his ears.

06-14-2014, 10:52 PM
More nonsense from the extremist secularists.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-15-2014, 09:25 AM
More nonsense from the extremist secularists.
A silly reply because you can not refute the truth.
Too bad Obama hasn't banned the internet for the Islamists isn't it?
The internet and Google so easily records the truth about Islam by its attempting to record everything. It has no mechanism yet to filter out ALL the truth. Islam hates that and likely is pressuring the traitor obama to change it so as to step up their deceiving ways. They seek above all else to deceive America until its too damn late. They worldwide spend billions in that effort!!!-Tyr

06-15-2014, 01:32 PM
In the meantime, we've got news of all the ISIS gains in Iraq, the prospect being that Iraq as a whole will fall to them.

Note this .... IRAN has now made a move to seek US cooperation in countering ISIS gains. Now ... just a handful of years ago, who'd have dreamed that Iran could expect any extent of a cooperative relationship with America ? Yet, here they are, today, seriously both asking for it, and expecting it !!!

One can understand what motivates them - Iran wants to help the Shia side, so really does want ISIS stopped. Nonetheless ... an Obama Administration would help sell a message to everyone, saying 'We can work with the Iranians, this implying they are trustworthy allies'. Which will be ideal for Iran's more future ambitions.

After all, they've never renounced their holocaustal threat against Israel .. nor reversed their nuclear ambitions. Why wouldn't they work to buy themselves yet more time, and further marginalise Israel in the process ??

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-15-2014, 01:37 PM
In the meantime, we've got news of all the ISIS gains in Iraq, the prospect being that Iraq as a whole will fall to them.

Note this .... IRAN has now made a move to seek US cooperation in countering ISIS gains. Now ... just a handful of years ago, who'd have dreamed that Iran could expect any extent of a cooperative relationship with America ? Yet, here they are, today, seriously both asking for it, and expecting it !!!

One can understand what motivates them - Iran wants to help the Shia side, so really does want ISIS stopped. Nonetheless ... an Obama Administration would help sell a message to everyone, saying 'We can work with the Iranians, this implying they are trustworthy allies'. Which will be ideal for Iran's more future ambitions.

After all, they've never renounced their holocaustal threat against Israel .. nor reversed their nuclear ambitions. Why wouldn't they work to buy themselves yet more time, and further marginalise Israel in the process ??

Political games being played and our traitor is neck deep in on it.
The U.S. President does not now lead this nation. It is being lead by those foreign handlers that pull his strings> Fact !

06-15-2014, 03:49 PM
More nonsense from the extremist secularists.

So YOU support what ISIS, and their intentions are jafar?

You are the extremist, propagandist, secularist here.