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View Full Version : Astounding bias: Media ignores two court rulings rejecting "new" Walker "scandal"

06-20-2014, 07:53 PM
Having lost repeatedly to Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, apparently the liberals (in and out of the media) have fallen to looking up old, discarded cort cases where they've already lost, and pretending they haven't lost them, so they could then pretend Walker is still "threatened" by court cases.

When in fact, it's the liberals who are now being sued in court cases of their own, for abusing the rights of the people they had tried to sue and harass back then.

Will these hysterical people every return to the real world, where they don't have to lie, fake, and pretend they have a defensible agenda?



Heinous Bias: Media Ignores Two Court Rulings Rejecting 'New' Walker 'Scandal'

Guy Benson
Jun 20, 2014

Welcome to a genuine phony scandal.

You may have caught a glimpse of the lurid headlines this morning, which were splashed across the front pages of many of America's leading newspapers -- and, indeed, on our own website: "Prosecutors Say Scott Walker at the Center of Criminal Scheme." The resulting impression is that the Wisconsin governor is embroiled in a serious new scandal, in which charges may be imminent.

Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the media's breathless coverage of a recent document release has largely promulgated the opposite of the truth. On that score, Gabriel Malor, an attorney and blogger, has a must-read primer at The Federalist. It lays bare the thorough dishonesty and inanity of the current press coverage.

For the uninitiated, Democratic district attorneys in Wisconsin opened a secret investigation into whether Gov. Walker's campaign illegally coordinated with outside conservative groups during the acrimonious recall election of 2012. The sealed nature of the probe (known as a "John Doe" investigation) barred its targets from even acknowledging its existence in public.

When the partisan prosecutors presented their "evidence" in a closed proceeding, they were swiftly thrown out of state court with their subpoenas quashed for lack of probable cause. Then, when a conservative activist targeted by "John Doe" sued the prosecutors for abuse of power and violating his rights, a federal judge emphatically sided with him, ordering the investigation be shut down, and paving the way for the retaliatory lawsuit to proceed.

Malor picks up the thread:

After a short trip to a federal appeals court, the federal judge reissued his order that the John Doe probe cease. Most recently, that appeals court has ordered some of the previously secret probe documents disclosed to the public, including an unsuccessful defense that the John Doe investigators made to one of their secret subpoenas. In their attempt to get a subpoena, which was rejected by a judge for lacking probable cause, the partisan investigators claimed that Walker was involved in the so-called conservative conspiracy.

And that is where the litigation stands as of today. Having launched a secret probe that has now been shut down by both the state and federal courts, the Democratic district attorneys find themselves the subject of an ongoing civil rights lawsuit for infringing the First Amendment rights of conservatives.

But that is not how the media have reported the case. Upon the unsealing of some of the probe documents by the federal appeals court, the media worked itself into a frenzy claiming that Walker was part of a criminal conspiracy. The media claim was based entirely on the subpoena document that was denied by the state judge as failing utterly to demonstrate probable cause to believe a crime occurred.

In short: the judge, looking at all the evidence, found no reason to believe that a crime had occurred. That has not stopped the media from falsely implying otherwise.

06-20-2014, 08:09 PM
This is how Liberal, Democrat, Leftist, Progressives act when they have been proven to be the liars they are. They always must find something to distract attention from their STUPIDITY, IGNORANCE, and HATRED for anyone who presents the TRUTH to them in any manner.

Like Obama. They must always blame others, or fabricate stuff that they are convinced; makes them look less STUPID than they actually are.

Remember this: "DEMOCRATS PROVE...YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID". They thrive on it, and must always prove how qualified they are to BE STUPID.