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View Full Version : Is Rick Perry Presidential?

06-24-2014, 08:39 AM
What do you guys think?


His prominent, dark-rimmed glasses are the first noticeable difference between the Rick Perry who bombed on the campaign trail in 2012, and the 2016 version of the Texas governor touring the country and talking up the importance of initiating thoughtful, civil blue state/red state conversations, “even in a winsome way.”

Winsome is not the first adjective I would expect from Perry, who’s always presented himself as a guy’s guy. The definition of winsome is “charming often in a childlike and naïve way,” and oddly enough, it fits what Perry is trying to do as he attempts a comeback in presidential politics as an affable face of conservatism with a back-to-basics economic message.

He is coming off a 14-year successful run as governor of Texas, and says the single most important thing he does in public life is create a climate where business can succeed and jobs are created. One of every 12 Americans live in Texas, and three of every eight new jobs created are in Texas, he told reporters at a lunch in Washington Thursday sponsored by The Christian Science Monitor. It’s a formula he thinks could work elsewhere and he blames the Obama administration for disrupting the country’s economic engine with its pesky environmental regulations.

“Based on what I consider to be science that is not settled, calling CO2 a pollutant is doing a disservice to the country, a disservice to the world,” he said. “I’m substantially more concerned about Iran changing the temperature in New York than some 50-year role that could be played by environmental choices made today.”

Presumably, that means he thinks there’s a greater threat of Iran dropping a bomb on a major city than any dangers from a warming planet. Like other Republicans who deny the science of climate change, Perry prefaces his remarks saying, “I’m not a scientist,” but he has no hesitation to reject what the great majority of scientists say, and he faults Obama’s EPA for “strangling” the economy with its policies.


06-24-2014, 08:55 AM
I like Perry, he was just poor about presenting himself. He's proved to be an excellent executive in Texas, now he just has to get through the liberal media gauntlet. He's one of the few that is actually looking to run.

06-24-2014, 11:22 AM
Yes, I like him and would vote for him.

06-24-2014, 07:26 PM
When given the option?

1. Hillary NO WAY!

2. Perry YOU BET!

Better yet.


2. The Easter Bunny.... YOU BET!