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View Full Version : IRS Chief: When Lerner's disk crashed,no one tried to recover emails from backup tape

06-24-2014, 06:27 PM
The IRS has been insisting that the reason Lois Lerner's emails are gone, is because they were only backed up to a tape that was erased and re-used every six months.

So yesterday Congress asked IRS chief John Koskinen, if anyone had thought to retrieve her emails from that tape as soon as her hard disk crashed.

His answer: a blank "As far as I know, they did not."

But he still sees no wrongdoing in the vanishing of Lerner's critical emails. Nope, "not a smidgen", as some might say.

I'm starting to think that the list of things Koskinen doesn't see, is long and distinguished.



IRS chief scorched as 'liar'

'We are sick and tired of your game playing'

Published: 23 hours ago
by Garth Kant

In a stunning admission under questioning from Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, Koskinen divulged that the IRS made no effort to recover Lerner’s email archive from the six month backups after her initial computer problems in June of 2011.

Koskinen had informed the committee that emails were not backed-up on a server, but on a tape that recorded emails for only six months.

So, Chaffetz simply asked, “When Lois Lerner figured out on June 13th (2011) that her computer crashed, and there have been emails showing that she was going to great lengths to try to get that recovered, why didn’t they just go to that six month tape?”

“Because that six month tape is a disaster recovery tape that has all of the emails on it and is a very complicated tape to actually extract emails for, but I have not seen any emails to explain why they didn’t do it, so it would be difficult, but I don’t know why,” replied the IRS boss.

“Did anybody try?” asked Chaffetz.

“I have no idea or indication that they did,” admitted Koskinen.

An incredulous Chaffetz then recounted, “So you have multiple emails showing she was trying to recover this, it’s the testimony of the IRS that they were trying desperately, in fact you got a forensic team to try to extract this, you went to great lengths, you made a big point over the last week about all the efforts you’re going through, but they were backed up on tape, and you didn’t do it?”

“As far as I know they did not,” the head of the IRS.

06-24-2014, 06:47 PM
He's a liar and has worked hard to see to it the emails can't be recovered. Because if they are they will point to a lot of people involved in all of this. All democrats. Probably many of the democrats on that very committee.

He's also a heavy donater to the dark ones election campaign and the DNC. His job was given to him as payback. Like most of the incompetent fools working in the govt.