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View Full Version : Meet Trey Gowdy

06-25-2014, 08:36 PM
U.S. Congressman representing the 4th district of South Carolina (Greenville)


Okay, so I moved to South Carolina at the end of 2012. Until two weeks ago, I don't think I had ever heard of Trey Gowdy. I was driving home from work, listening to the only halfway decent talk radio I could find in this town because they have the best traffic reports, when the host played the clip above. I was... I don't know. I don't know enough about the guy to decide whether or not I like him. I don't know enough about his ideas or beliefs to decide whether or not I would vote for him were I living in his district.

What I do know is this: He's a GOD damned pitbull! He is a former federal prosecutor and it shows in the way he approaches the hearings. That much I do like. He may well be the first Congresscritter that makes me think he might actually give two shits about his constituents.

Here he is questioning IRS Commissioner John Koskinen:


There many more videos available on YT if you're interested...

So, you may be asking yourselves, what's the point? Why are you introducing us to Trey Gowdy, mick?

Okay, I'll tell you...

The day after the previously mentioned radio station played the second clip with the IRS commissioner, today, they played this:


Elijah Cummings, U.S. Congressman representing Maryland's 7th congressional district.

After hearing Cummings apologize to Koskinen and praise his service, his sacrifice, his honor, after hearing Cummings claim Koskinen and served and was respected by administrations both Republican and Democrat, I was left wondering why? Cummings sounded more like a man deeply in love than a congressman elected to represent the people, so why the almost tearful apology?

Today I get my answer:

Dems Fawn Over IRS Commissioner Who Contributed Over $85,000 to Their Committees, Candidates (http://www.cnsnews.com/mrctv-blog/barbara-boland/dems-fawn-over-irs-commissioner-who-contributed-over-85000-their)

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen contributed more than $85,000 to Democratic candidates and committees, MRCTV research has discovered - with a $5,000 donation to President Obama in 2012 and $19,000 to the Democratic National Committee from 1988 to 2008. This may explain the fawning "thank yous" Koskinen received for his public service from many Democrats last night on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

Now I more fully understand... Better to protect a donor than the people you purportedly represent.

Oh, and get this...

Listening to Cummings, those watching at home may have thought that Koskinen had served a long and storied civil service career "under Republican and Democratic administrations" - but as a matter of fact, prior to his appointment to the IRS six months ago, Koskinen worked as non-executive chairman of publicly-traded Freddie Mac (from 2008 to 2012.)

Koskinen was CEO at Freddie Mac in 2009 (He earned a cool $550,713 for his "service" that year). Before working at Freddie Mac, Koskinen was President of the U.S. Soccer Foundation, Deputy Mayor and City Administrator of Washington D.C. and "assistant to the President and Chair of the President's Council on Year 2000 Conversion and Deputy Director for Management at the Office of Management and Budget. Mr. Koskinen also spent 21 years in the private sector in various leadership positions with the Palmieri Company, including President and Chief Executive Officer," according to his biography on the IRS.gov website.

So he never served any administration but, what? Clinton's on the fringes and now Obama's. What was Mr. Cummings thinking? That no one would think to verify his statements? That they would be so bowled over by the way he was gobbling Koskinen's knob they would care about the facts, the truth?

I may not know whether or not I would ever vote for Gowdy, but I do know I'd rather have more people like him in Congress than the Elijah Cummings of the world...

06-26-2014, 04:03 AM
I've listened to Trey a few times and I like him because he says it like it is.

06-26-2014, 04:49 AM
I've never heard Gowdy speak before now, and I have to say I'm impressed! He was definitely going for the throat and you're right about the Pitbull analogy.

We desperately need more like him, asking pointed and heated questions and getting to the bottom of the layer after layer of corruption that this administration has nurtured.

If we had someone like Gowdy in every Republican & Independent seat right now, we'd have some answers and there would be a line of these corrupt bastards going to prison, with Obama & Holder at the front of the line.

As far as Cummings, I've seen him a few times and he's a first-class POS that doesn't give a damn about doing the right thing. He's happy as a clam as he parrots talking points & follows orders from Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL) who is the DNC Chair. He's got the I.Q. of a fucking carrot.

I'm convinced the true mastermind behind all these scandals that keep appearing and getting covered up via 5th Amendment pleadings, refusal to cooperate in investigations and destroyed evidence is Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. She's all over YouTube getting cornered in her lies and will continue to repeat the lie, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Chuck Schumer, D-NY, even admitted in an interview that he was "instructed" to phrase things according to an unnamed person - who would be the DNC Chair, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

I don't know anything about Gowdy yet, but I like him a lot so far. Going to research him further. Limp fuckers like Boehner and the other spineless bastards in the GOP have ruined the conservative power base and they all need to get their asses kicked out of office so we can install firecrackers in there that are willing to roll up their sleeves and call a duck a fucking duck - and start cleaning house.

The country desperately needs a Republican sweep in November with unafraid fighters elected to fix America by impeaching and imprisoning a great many politicians and federal employees, and that won't happen without the Senate.

06-26-2014, 07:07 AM
I like Gowdy. I have been following him for months now. He's involved in the IRS investigation and has been a key investigator in the Benghazi cover up. He's heading the select committee on Benghazi. He's not a fire cracker, he's a cherry bomb. If he were in my district I would vote for him in a heart beat.

06-26-2014, 08:32 AM
Here he is questioning IRS Commissioner John Koskinen:


Never heard of him before but I love him now! Watching this weasel squirm, day after day, is awesome! This guy nails him good. Problem is though, without the recovery of evidence, these guys will get away with it, and Lerner. I wish there was a way to charge people for not preserving - but even then, the wrong people would likely be punished for what these corrupt idiots did. Hell, read an article yesterday, and even the democrats don't believe them. 66% of Dems don't believe the IRS's story.

red state
06-26-2014, 08:32 AM
No doubt about it.....from all that I've heard from Mr. Gowdy within the past year of two, I like.

He stands firm, doesn't pussy-foot around and pretty much adheres to the beliefs that I hold dear. Whether we agree on everything or not.....the guy is a Constitutionalist and one can tell that he's not there to make friends. He is there to make a change from the 'pocket change' the libs have delivered. Yes, I'd vote for Gowdy and would love to see a Gowdy/West or West/Gowdy ticket for president. We desperately need them in the Senate of House but they are also needed in OUR White House.

We need REAL leaders right now and definitely need something besides a "mittens" romney, McShame or rubiO. God forbid they run any one of these guys or CristyCream cuz if they do, we'll be looking at the FIRST female dimOcrat as president in 2016!!!!

Trey Gowdy + & -'s:

+ a real bulldog (as a poster has already described him)
+ Is a Constitutionalist (as I have described him)
+with the current situation of the president being sued.....Gowdy has been trying for this for some time now.
+ his voting record is very conservative, even by South Carolina Republican standards
+ Southern Baptist
- has not served in our military that I'm aware of (I believe this is his ONLY negative against him as I feel that anyone running for president or VP should have served in our military HONORABLY before taking the responsibility of Commander in Chief. Of course, this negative is void since he has shown no interest in running for the White House or run with/under someone such as Allen West for Commander in Chief. With that said, the only negative I can provide is the comical one below:

- has a lumpy head (hard to get around that) HA!!! ok, not so funny (I appologize).

red state
06-26-2014, 08:40 AM
I like Gowdy. I have been following him for months now. He's involved in the IRS investigation and has been a key investigator in the Benghazi cover up. He's heading the select committee on Benghazi. He's not a fire cracker, he's a cherry bomb. If he were in my district I would vote for him in a heart beat.

Amen, Gaffer!!! It is a shame that this outspoken man has little recognition to even more enlightened/informed individuals such as Jim. It only goes to show that our media is to blame. In days that we should KNOW everything, it seems that Americans of yesteryear were far more informed than we. Even FOX rather show a "pretend" conservative over a REAL Conservative American that cares and is fighting for this Nation.

Jim, no attack on you....just saying that REAL men such as Allen West and Gowdy are being pushed back when they should be hounded daily (as Pres. Washington was) to be president or president again and Again and AGAIN. We will need 30+ years of ALL Conservative leadership to fix what the Clinton, Bush, and B.O. years have done. We've lost so much and it is a shame that most Americans don't have a clue as to how enslaved we truly are.

red state
06-26-2014, 08:42 AM
Oh....I found one more NEGATIVE on Gowdy. He has TERRIBLE taste in ties. HA!!!
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7f/Trey_Gowdy%2C_Official_Portrait%2C_112th_Congress. jpg/220px-Trey_Gowdy%2C_Official_Portrait%2C_112th_Congress. jpg YIKES!!! What was he thinking?!

06-26-2014, 08:44 AM
Amen, Gaffer!!! It is a shame that this outspoken man has little recognition to even more enlightened/informed individuals such as Jim. It only goes to show that our media is to blame. In days that we should KNOW everything, it seems that Americans of yesteryear were far more informed than we. Even FOX rather show a "pretend" conservative over a REAL Conservative American that cares and is fighting for this Nation.

Jim, no attack on you....just saying that REAL men such as Allen West and Gowdy are being pushed back when they should be hounded daily (as Pres. Washington was) to be president or president again and Again and AGAIN. We will need 30+ years of ALL Conservative leadership to fix what the Clinton, Bush, and B.O. years have done. We've lost so much and it is a shame that most Americans don't have a clue as to how enslaved we truly are.

I fully agree, the truth and such things should be aired and talked about daily. These types of videos/responses should be on the news every night. And during elections season, Shrillary for example, whoever is running against her needs the slogan of "what does it matter" and should discuss just how hard it is for her to survive in this cruel world with her millions and millions.

06-26-2014, 08:45 AM
Oh....I found one more NEGATIVE on Gowdy. He has TERRIBLE taste in ties. HA!!!
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7f/Trey_Gowdy%2C_Official_Portrait%2C_112th_Congress. jpg/220px-Trey_Gowdy%2C_Official_Portrait%2C_112th_Congress. jpg YIKES!!! What was he thinking?!

Hell, I like that tie! My Steelers tie is my favorite, and I have one of a fish, and another of deer and other crap for Christmas.

red state
06-26-2014, 08:50 AM
Hell, I like that tie! My Steelers tie is my favorite, and I have one of a fish, and another of deer and other crap for Christmas.

Well, I believe we all have an "ugly sweater" we use to win gifts at office parties but I've never heard of having ugly ties. HA!!!:poke:
I'm a steeler fan as well (all the way from back in the day when most of my fellow students and friends were DALLAS fans) but I'd not be seen wearing a tacky tie for anyone. SORRY....just picking. I'll put the stick away now. HA!

06-26-2014, 08:56 AM
Well, I believe we all have an "ugly sweater" we use to win gifts at office parties but I've never heard of having ugly ties. HA!!!:poke:
I'm a steeler fan as well (all the way from back in the day when most of my fellow students and friends were DALLAS fans) but I'd not be seen wearing a tacky tie for anyone. SORRY....just picking. I'll put the stick away now. HA!

I have more ties than anything else, probably own around 150 or so. I think like 10 of them would be office winners in an ugliest tie contest! When I went to a Steelers game in 1998, I wore everything. I had on my Steelers boxers, socks, then sweats underneath my pants (yes, it was freezing in Pittsburgh, November 15th), a shirt, with my tie for good luck, jersey above that, and then my hat, and of course one of my terrible towels. But fwiw - I didn't let the tie get exposed when we went out to eat!!

06-26-2014, 09:17 AM
Having met you, Jim, I can't begin to imagine you wearing a tie...

06-26-2014, 10:43 AM
Having met you, Jim, I can't begin to imagine you wearing a tie...

Oh yeah, for many years! Not my style, but we had no choice. Hell, it was the entire suit for awhile! No doubt I look much better in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Still an ugly fat bastard, but one with appropriate attire! :)

Joyful HoneyBee
06-26-2014, 10:47 PM
As far as Cummings, I've seen him a few times and he's a first-class POS that doesn't give a damn about doing the right thing. He's happy as a clam as he parrots talking points & follows orders from Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL) who is the DNC Chair. He's got the I.Q. of a fucking carrot.

I disagree with this point NightTrain. A carrot has a much higher I.Q. than Dummings, I mean Cummings.

06-26-2014, 10:57 PM
I've never heard Gowdy speak before now, and I have to say I'm impressed! He was definitely going for the throat and you're right about the Pitbull analogy.

We desperately need more like him, asking pointed and heated questions and getting to the bottom of the layer after layer of corruption that this administration has nurtured.

If we had someone like Gowdy in every Republican & Independent seat right now, we'd have some answers and there would be a line of these corrupt bastards going to prison, with Obama & Holder at the front of the line.

As far as Cummings, I've seen him a few times and he's a first-class POS that doesn't give a damn about doing the right thing. He's happy as a clam as he parrots talking points & follows orders from Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL) who is the DNC Chair. He's got the I.Q. of a fucking carrot.

I'm convinced the true mastermind behind all these scandals that keep appearing and getting covered up via 5th Amendment pleadings, refusal to cooperate in investigations and destroyed evidence is Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. She's all over YouTube getting cornered in her lies and will continue to repeat the lie, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Chuck Schumer, D-NY, even admitted in an interview that he was "instructed" to phrase things according to an unnamed person - who would be the DNC Chair, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

I don't know anything about Gowdy yet, but I like him a lot so far. Going to research him further. Limp fuckers like Boehner and the other spineless bastards in the GOP have ruined the conservative power base and they all need to get their asses kicked out of office so we can install firecrackers in there that are willing to roll up their sleeves and call a duck a fucking duck - and start cleaning house.

The country desperately needs a Republican sweep in November with unafraid fighters elected to fix America by impeaching and imprisoning a great many politicians and federal employees, and that won't happen without the Senate.

NT ... you may be correct about Wasserman but who do you think she gets her talking points from? I would bet my life on it that Valerie Jarrett is the puppet master. And, I don't doubt that she has regular summit meetings with George Soros.

Research these people as well: Todd Steyer, Allison Grimes, Bill De Blasio, David Axelrod, Soros' son Jonathan .... oh, and if you haven't already ... look up info on this: The Democracy Alliance.

06-26-2014, 11:18 PM
More info about Democracy Alliance:

The courting of rich Democrats in Chicago comes as some of the party’s top names continue a discordant character assault (http://www.politico.com/story/2014/03/koch-brothers-democrats-2014-104688.html) on major conservative donors as eroding the very fabric of American democracy. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has repeatedly blasted the billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch as “un-American” and accused them of “actually trying to buy the country (http://www.politico.com/story/2014/01/harry-reid-koch-brothers-102859.html).”

Democracy Alliance partners, as the group calls its members, pay annual dues of $30,000 and are required to contribute a total of at least $200,000 a year to recommended groups. Since its inception in 2005, the DA has steered upward of $500 million to a range of groups, including pillars of the political left such as the conservative media watchdog Media Matters, the policy advocacy outfit Center for American Progress and the data firm Catalist — all of which are run by Clinton allies.
While those groups will be represented in Chicago, DA insiders and observers are watching the conference closely for signs of a leftward tack away from the Democratic Party’s strategy.
Steyer, the San Francisco hedge fund billionaire trying to raise money for a planned $100-million midterm spending spree (http://www.politico.com/story/2014/02/tom-steyer-campaign-donor-103617.html) on behalf of environmentally minded candidates, is hosting a session called “Putting Climate Change at the Forefront of American Politics,” and is expected to hold one-on-one meetings to solicit checks from interested DA partners.
And the conference will mark the beginning of a new DA leadership regime that is replacing the Obama and Clinton loyalists who had been running the organization.

“I anticipate the Democracy Alliance becoming both more progressive and more aggressive in the coming years,” said Erica Payne, who helped found the club, and now runs the Agenda Project, a progressive communications nonprofit. “That will disturb centrist Democrats, but it will be healthy and productive for the country. They need to be challenged on these things.”
New DA President Gara LaMarche, who comes from the ranks of liberal philanthropy, is regarded as more independent from the Democratic Party (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/08/democracy-alliance_n_4064495.html) than his predecessor Kelly Craighead. A former Clinton White House staffer and longtime Hillary Clinton assistant (http://nypost.com/2005/05/11/hills-close-call-key-aide-may-be-witness-at-trial/), she had helped raise money for Obama (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0312/73534.html) and Democratic super PACs closely linked to party leaders.
And in June, the board is expected to elect a new chair to replace Rob McKay, an heir to a Taco Bell fortune who has been chair since 2006. McKay, an early Obama supporter, sat on the board of Priorities USA (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0411/53905.html), the super PAC that boosted Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign and this year switched its allegiances to Clinton (http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/24/us/politics/biggest-liberal-super-pac-to-fund-possible-clinton-bid.html) in advance of a hoped-for 2016 presidential campaign.
National Education Association executive John Stocks, is among the leading candidates to replace McKay, DA sources say, and would be the group’s first chair who is not a major donor and who hails from organized labor.


This is the group that will get the next progressive liberal president elected.

06-26-2014, 11:31 PM
Here's another organization to keep an eye on:

The Agenda Project. Check out this website which was created and maintained by the Agenda Project.


Here's the teaser:

To amplify progressive ideas and values, we depend on other like-minded organizations to help market and distribute our "finished products." The Practical Progressive lays out in great detail the progressive infrastructure that provides this distribution. Whether you're a casual activist or a policy expert, it is an indispensable resource.

07-05-2014, 09:18 PM
Here's another organization to keep an eye on:

The Agenda Project. Check out this website which was created and maintained by the Agenda Project.


Here's the teaser:

Sassy. Thanks for the link. Take notice about how the Progressive, Liberal, Idealist authors INTENTIONALLY never manage to mention Liberal Mentor's, and Money suppliers Like SOROS, when they think they are exposing the TWO RICH Conservative brothers who...by the way. Also provided Massive Funding to Liberal programs.