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View Full Version : The new Caliphate has just been announced

06-30-2014, 11:17 AM
When the history of the reemergence of Islam is glowingly written (glowingly, because it will be written by the Islamist victors), two events will be listed as major steps. The first will be the reawakening of Islamist spirits and rededication to God's word caused by the creation of Israel, and second will be the so-called Arab Spring. I say so-called because it was really an Islamist Spring. It may take another century or two, but the world will eventually be ruled by Islam in fulfillment of God's wishes as 'received', taught, and violently propagated by Mohamed and the first Muslims.

06-30-2014, 11:19 AM
Could the mods please change the spelling in the title to Caliphate? Thanks.

06-30-2014, 11:33 AM
Wouldn't that be a new caliphate and not the?

06-30-2014, 11:37 AM
Wouldn't that be a new caliphate and not the?

No, because it's just the start of what will become the world-wide caliphate in a century or two.

06-30-2014, 11:44 AM
No, because it's just the start of what will become the world-wide caliphate in a century or two.

I think you're a little late on the new worldwide caliphate. This one is some thugs in the desert.

06-30-2014, 12:08 PM
who gives a shit? Nothing 'we' can do about it.

06-30-2014, 12:15 PM
Could the mods please change the spelling in the title to Caliphate? Thanks.


06-30-2014, 01:31 PM
who gives a shit? Nothing 'we' can do about it.

Just something to justify fear and intolerance.

06-30-2014, 02:09 PM
Steve, I assume you're talking about this?


I don't believe that islam will end up taking over the world. It probably says something along those lines in the Koran but I certainly don't give that book any more credence than the nutjobs practicing Scientology from the book from L. Ron Hubbard.

These are just another group of sun-stroked savages running around killing people and terrorizing the locals to get their way to gain land and install themselves as brutal rulers while proclaiming Allah is on their side. This is occurring because the USA didn't blow the bastards to hell with a few air strikes before they took cities. It would have been a simple matter to annihilate them while they were out in the desert approaching the first cities but that didn't happen.

Now it'll require a bloody ground campaign, led by America & a coalition to remove them from Iraq. This won't happen until we get rid of the bozo we have as a President, so that's going to really give ISIS time to dig in.

It is possible that other muslims will go head to head with them and kill them off, which would be ideal, but I don't see it happening.

A couple of quotes from the above article :

He is filmed showing abandoned Iraqi army badges and vehicles left by fleeing soldiers. "There is no army in the world that can withstand the soldiers of Islam (http://www.theguardian.com/world/islam)," he said.

Meanwhile, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a monitoring group, said Islamic State fighters crucified eight men said to be rival rebel fighters in the town square of Deir Hafer in Syria's Aleppo province on Saturday as a warning to others.

So now we've got this spokesman saying no one can beat an islamic army, which is pretty amusing considering their defeat in every war in modern history, and the they're back to actually crucifying people - who were also muslims. Such enlightenment.

There will be many other proclamations from this charming group of muslims before it's all over, and the savagery is only beginning over there.

06-30-2014, 02:20 PM
Radical Islam can't take over shit here in the USA.

Look, I guess there are 100 Million households in the US with at least one firearm. I'd bet the US could muster 1 Million fighters against Terrorist-Islam if need be; if they landed on our soil.

I know people with tens of thousdands of rounds of Ammo. And multiple weapons. Fighting here we would NOT be subject to this Government's BS "Don't attack them if they are hiding in a mosque" rules, etc.

We'd f them up. Force-on-force or guerilla warefare type.

06-30-2014, 03:19 PM
Radical Islam can't take over shit here in the USA.

Look, I guess there are 100 Million households in the US with at least one firearm. I'd bet the US could muster 1 Million fighters against Terrorist-Islam if need be; if they landed on our soil.

I know people with tens of thousdands of rounds of Ammo. And multiple weapons. Fighting here we would NOT be subject to this Government's BS "Don't attack them if they are hiding in a mosque" rules, etc.

We'd f them up. Force-on-force or guerilla warefare type.

Yep. Not a chance in hell that could happen here.

06-30-2014, 04:04 PM
I agree .. I don't believe the US could ever be conquered by Islam.

But I wonder if that's particularly the point ? Nutters out there determined to make the attempt will do rather more than just wish for it to happen. Even in failing, much harm could (and I believe WILL) happen before the attempts stop.

9/11 .. just 19 terrorists perpetrated that. Who wants to tolerate a likelihood of more of them ?

No ... even if your enemies are destined to fail, the damage they do in their attempts matters.

Why tolerate any of it ?

06-30-2014, 04:23 PM

06-30-2014, 05:37 PM
Radical Islam can't take over shit here in the USA.

Look, I guess there are 100 Million households in the US with at least one firearm. I'd bet the US could muster 1 Million fighters against Terrorist-Islam if need be; if they landed on our soil.

I know people with tens of thousdands of rounds of Ammo. And multiple weapons. Fighting here we would NOT be subject to this Government's BS "Don't attack them if they are hiding in a mosque" rules, etc.

We'd f them up. Force-on-force or guerilla warefare type.

The Islamic takeover by force will only happen in countries that already have a Muslim majority, namely all the Islamic 5h!tholes in the ME and Africa. The struggle for power between Sunni and Shia will be our only salvation. It's entirely possible they will NEVER settle their 5h!t. Let's hope.
Meanwhile, the west is already being invaded in large numbers, but the weapon of choice for these invaders is the passport and the cradle.
I'm getting ready to leave for a couple of weeks, so I'm kind of getting this thread rolling and then leaving it to its own devices.

06-30-2014, 05:50 PM
ISIS is jumping the gun on establishing their caliph. They are about five years ahead of the scheduled take overs. They haven't taken control in Turkey, Lebanon, and the other arab states, most of which are funding them and will join them willingly when they actually have their territory establish.

The wrench in the works is iran which needs to be taken out completely to make a caliph work. So there will be a long war of control in the ME for years to come, as iran has their own caliph plans. This fighting will create refugees and immigrants to the western countries where they will set up their communities and through birth rates get the numbers they need to topple the western govts.

I'm all for letting the sunnies and shea fight it out and after that we carpet bomb and nuke the winner.

06-30-2014, 06:48 PM
Gunbot.net :-)

06-30-2014, 07:03 PM
Re: your signature quote - It is not the business of government to make men virtuous or religious ....

It is in a caliphate.