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View Full Version : Abducted Israelis found dead in pit

06-30-2014, 04:47 PM
This is becoming a major story in the UK ... I'd expect it to get comparable coverage in the US ?


Three Israeli teenagers who were abducted earlier this month in the West Bank have been found dead.

An Israeli military spokesman said their bodies were found in a pit near the town of Halhul, north of Hebron.

Naftali Frenkel and Gilad Shaar, both aged 16, and 19-year-old Eyal Yifrach were last seen at a junction near Hebron as they hitchhiked home.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Hamas was responsible, a claim the Palestinian militant group has denied.

At the start of a meeting of the Israeli security cabinet, Mr Netanyahu said the three were "kidnapped and murdered in cold blood by animals" and promised: "Hamas will pay".

But Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri told the AFP news agency that any action to punish the movement would "open the gates of hell".

This site where the teenagers' bodies were found is just 10 minutes' drive from where the young Israelis were last seen two-and-a-half weeks ago.

Halhul is a turnoff from Route 60 - a busy road connecting the southern West Bank with Jerusalem. I watched Israeli soldiers operate a roadblock at this junction in the first days of their search.

Israeli officials accuse the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas of killing the young Israelis. There are now calls for the group to be "eradicated".

These deaths are a tragedy for the families of the Israeli students, but they could also have deep political implications.

Israeli President Shimon Peres said the "whole nation is in deep grief".

"Amid our deep sorrow, we remain determined to fiercely punish the criminal terrorists," he added.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has called an emergency meeting of the Palestinian leadership to discuss the teenagers' deaths.

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri wrote on Facebook : "The occupation bears responsibility for escalation. Netanyahu tries to turn the picture upside down and he must understand his threats do not terrify us."
Well ... that Hamas commits terrorist acts is hardly a surprise to anyone. Still, this looks to be a major story in the making because of the suggestion that it shows the need to wipe out Hamas once and for all.

Not before time .. is what I say. I think that the Israelis would be thoroughly justified in seeing to it that Hamas was destroyed. Indeed, I wonder why they haven't already seen to it.

And this will be a testing time for Abbas. He can show his true colours by sticking to supporting the Hamas side .. or .. disengage from Hamas. No prizes for guessing what he'll do.

I wonder how the Left will spin this one ?

Jafar ? Any comments ? Do you agree that Hamas's demise is justly called for ? Or would you like to equivocate ?

06-30-2014, 05:19 PM
And obama's remarks on the situation show he is a pussy. He has no clue. I'm convinced ME as POTUS with CSM as SECDEF and Abbey heading up Justice would fix this fucking mess of a country

06-30-2014, 06:17 PM
And obama's remarks on the situation show he is a pussy. He has no clue. I'm convinced ME as POTUS with CSM as SECDEF and Abbey heading up Justice would fix this fucking mess of a country

Yes, I saw Obama's remarks. I completely agree.

This has been par for the course where Obama's non-domestic voice has been concerned. Makes America look weak, I think .. which is the last thing you need in the current climate (if at all). The sooner he and his ilk are booted out of power the better.

06-30-2014, 06:21 PM
Will not happen, friend. Our society will not recover. Only worse from here on out.

06-30-2014, 06:27 PM
Will not happen, friend. Our society will not recover. Only worse from here on out.

IF the Dems continue on, agreed. But I'm not prepared to be pessimistic enough to assume any such thing.

I'm not saying the Republicans don't have their faults .. but I can't believe it has to be all 'doom & gloom'. If/when the Dems do get kicked out, you have real hope for the future.

I refuse to believe otherwise. I for one have faith in America's future.

06-30-2014, 06:40 PM
When 4 Supreme Court judges are literally partisan hacks what hope do we have? When Obama gets elected amid widespread voter fraud how can truth prevail? When the order of the day is 'entitlement' how will "goodness" ever come to office?

06-30-2014, 08:24 PM
When 4 Supreme Court judges are literally partisan hacks what hope do we have? When Obama gets elected amid widespread voter fraud how can truth prevail? When the order of the day is 'entitlement' how will "goodness" ever come to office?

How do political systems ever turn around for the better ?

I don't have any detailed or precise answers to offer. But I do know that even in seemingly hopeless cases, turnarounds DO happen. Consider the propaganda drilled into Russians, over a number of generations, to accept Communism, to see nothing else BUT Communism as the prevailing system, and accepted 'civilised standard' with which countries should be administered. Even despite ALL those years, ALL the iron-fisted totalitarianism involved, Communism rotted from within. Not only no mean feat ... but seemingly a miracle.

I think that you underestimate the will of the People. Something will happen, sooner or later, to effect a change. I can't tell you what. But stagnation, perpetuation of an unsatisfactory status quo, one everyone can see for themselves ... it's unlikely to continue anything like indefinitely.

07-02-2014, 11:31 PM
And obama's remarks on the situation show he is a pussy. He has no clue. I'm convinced ME as POTUS with CSM as SECDEF and Abbey heading up Justice would fix this fucking mess of a country

And, what will my position be? First Lady?

Oh, oh, I know!!! :salute:

I want to be the head of homeland security!

07-05-2014, 04:04 PM
How do political systems ever turn around for the better ?

I don't have any detailed or precise answers to offer. But I do know that even in seemingly hopeless cases, turnarounds DO happen. Consider the propaganda drilled into Russians, over a number of generations, to accept Communism, to see nothing else BUT Communism as the prevailing system, and accepted 'civilised standard' with which countries should be administered. Even despite ALL those years, ALL the iron-fisted totalitarianism involved, Communism rotted from within. Not only no mean feat ... but seemingly a miracle.

I think that you underestimate the will of the People. Something will happen, sooner or later, to effect a change. I can't tell you what. But stagnation, perpetuation of an unsatisfactory status quo, one everyone can see for themselves ... it's unlikely to continue anything like indefinitely.

Sir Drummond. Very well said. Unlike many (as we have talked in PM's). I still have confidence that NOBODY, and I do mean NOBODY will ever...entirely be able to bring America down.
Despite much of our population still being terribly uninformed, and selfishly uncaring about what takes place in Washington, or any state Capitol.
Only a small percentage of Americans bother to get involved in Politics, while the rest just try to live their lives, and survive, from week to week.

The great Unknown, and Underestimated portion of Americans are...Active duty, and Veterans who represent a huge block of CONCERNED, INFORMED members of the populace that OBAMA, and DEMOCRATS constantly demagogue, threaten and blackmail...as recipients of Federal Funding.
I know because I am One.
As someone once said "It's not nice to fool with Mother Nature".
It's also a proven fact (since we have a huge V.A. problem),
"It's Not Nice To Fool With American Veterans, or Active American Military" either.

When I say "over my dead body". Unlike politicians, or pretend Liberal Americans. I AM DEAD SERIOUS.

07-06-2014, 12:03 PM
Sir Drummond. Very well said. Unlike many (as we have talked in PM's). I still have confidence that NOBODY, and I do mean NOBODY will ever...entirely be able to bring America down.
Despite much of our population still being terribly uninformed, and selfishly uncaring about what takes place in Washington, or any state Capitol.
Only a small percentage of Americans bother to get involved in Politics, while the rest just try to live their lives, and survive, from week to week.

The great Unknown, and Underestimated portion of Americans are...Active duty, and Veterans who represent a huge block of CONCERNED, INFORMED members of the populace that OBAMA, and DEMOCRATS constantly demagogue, threaten and blackmail...as recipients of Federal Funding.
I know because I am One.
As someone once said "It's not nice to fool with Mother Nature".
It's also a proven fact (since we have a huge V.A. problem),
"It's Not Nice To Fool With American Veterans, or Active American Military" either.

When I say "over my dead body". Unlike politicians, or pretend Liberal Americans. I AM DEAD SERIOUS.:clap::clap::clap::clap:

I can't help but applaud posts such as that one, Aboutime.

I might be arguing against myself by saying this .. but the spirit you express in that post is largely unknown in the UK. Oh, there'll be soldiers or ex-soldiers who'd identify with you easily enough. For the average UK citizen, though (I don't even know why I'm an exception, but I am ..) most won't readily understand where such a resolve could come from. Whether it's a motivation that's been repressed by decades of Left-wing driven social engineering, or if it's even been driven out of our mindsets altogether .. I'm uncertain.

Of this, though, I AM completely certain. American citizens are very far from the point where you lose the willingness to defend your identity as a nation, and its associated freedoms. To you, national pride is a 'given'. Left-wing erosions of it aren't anything like as major as they are over here. Your spirit WILL win through where and when it matters - it's inconceivable to me that it won't.

07-06-2014, 07:45 PM

I can't help but applaud posts such as that one, Aboutime.

I might be arguing against myself by saying this .. but the spirit you express in that post is largely unknown in the UK. Oh, there'll be soldiers or ex-soldiers who'd identify with you easily enough. For the average UK citizen, though (I don't even know why I'm an exception, but I am ..) most won't readily understand where such a resolve could come from. Whether it's a motivation that's been repressed by decades of Left-wing driven social engineering, or if it's even been driven out of our mindsets altogether .. I'm uncertain.

Of this, though, I AM completely certain. American citizens are very far from the point where you lose the willingness to defend your identity as a nation, and its associated freedoms. To you, national pride is a 'given'. Left-wing erosions of it aren't anything like as major as they are over here. Your spirit WILL win through where and when it matters - it's inconceivable to me that it won't.

Thank you for the very kind words. However. I feel so strongly because I have personally given so much of, not only my life, but the lives of my wife, and two son's who had to endure the long months, of many years waiting for me to constantly come home; to re-take my position as Husband, and part-time father. All for the service of a nation I HAVE ALWAYS LOVED.
I know it sounds hypocritical to many, and tiring to those who will never understand. But I KNOW full well about how OUR AMERICAN FREEDOMS have never been free.
I am always aware of the millions, upon millions of other Americans like myself who gave so much for the NATION we all love.
Our society here in North America has become a place where Life in general...is always taken for granted, and it took a day like September 11th to remind us how FREEDOM isn't an accident on a SILVER PLATTER.

My biggest worry isn't whether the America we know will survive, but rather whether present day Americans can become Educated, or Informed SOON ENOUGH to recognize what really hangs in that fragile balance between FREEDOM, and SERVITUDE to government.
Thanks, and I hope everyone reading this remembers....No matter how gullible, and easily led Americans have become in following Obama....
