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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-30-2014, 10:49 PM

Obama: I'll act on my own on immigration


Associated Press
5 hours ago

AP) — Conceding defeat on a top domestic priority, President Barack Obama blamed a Republican "year of obstruction" for the demise of sweeping immigration legislation on Monday and said he would take new steps without Congress to fix as much of the system as he can on his own.

"The only thing I can't do is stand by and do nothing," the president said. But he gave few hints about what steps he might take by executive action.

Even as he blamed House Republicans for frustrating him on immigration, Obama asked Congress for more money and additional authority to deal with the unexpected crisis of a surge of unaccompanied Central American youths arriving by the thousands at the Mexico-US border. Obama wants flexibility to speed the youths' deportations and $2 billion in new money to hire more immigration judges and open more detention facilities, requests that got a cool reception from congressional Republicans and angered advocates.

The twin announcements came as the administration confronted the tricky politics of immigration in an election year with Democratic control of the Senate in jeopardy. The fast-developing humanitarian disaster on the border has provoked calls for a border crackdown at the same moment that immigration advocates are demanding Obama loosen deportation rules in the face of congressional inaction.

Obama's announcement came almost a year to the day after the Senate passed a historic immigration bill that would have spent billions to secure the border and offered a path to citizenship for many of the 11.5 million people now here illegally. Despite the efforts of an extraordinary coalition of businesses, unions, religious leaders, law enforcement officials and others, the Republican-led House never acted.

Obama wanted to make immigration overhaul the central accomplishment of his second term just as the health care law was the signature achievement of his first term.

"Our country and our economy would be stronger today if House Republicans had allowed a simple yes-or-no vote on this bill or, for that matter, any bill," Obama said in the Rose Garden. "They'd be following the will of the majority of the American people, who support reform. And instead they've proven again and again that they're unwilling to stand up to the tea party in order to do what's best for the country."

Obama said that House Speaker John Boehner, a Republican, informed him last week that the House would not be taking up immigration legislation this year.

A growing number of advocates and congressional Democrats already have declared immigration dead, the victim, in part, of internal Republican politics, with the most conservative lawmakers resisting the calls of party leaders to back action and revive the party's standing with Latino voters. The Central American migrant surge, along with the surprise defeat of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor at the hands of an upstart candidate from the right who accused him of backing "amnesty," helped kill whatever chances remain.

Boehner blamed Obama for the outcome.

"I told the president what I have been telling him for months: the American people and their elected officials don't trust him to enforce the law as written. Until that changes, it is going to be difficult to make progress on this issue," he said. Boehner called Obama's plan to go it alone "sad and disappointing."

Obama directed Homeland Security Department Secretary Jeh Johnson and Attorney General Eric Holder to present him by the end of the summer with steps he can take without congressional approval.

For now the White House said he'd refocus resources from the interior of the country to the border, a move that would effectively further reduce the number of deportations in the country's interior by stressing enforcement action on individuals who are either recent unlawful border crossers or who present a national security threat, public safety, or border security threat.

bampunk says, Congress do as I bid because if you don't I'll just keep on taking your power and acting as a tyrant dictator!
And the media fawns /praises the bastard as if he is a hero!
While he engages in pure treason!!!! --Tyr

07-01-2014, 06:19 AM
This is how Hitler and Mussolini started, slow and gradual, designating certain groups as subjects to be hated.

07-01-2014, 06:42 AM
bampunk says, Congress do as I bid because if you don't I'll just keep on taking your power and acting as a tyrant dictator!
And the media fawns /praises the bastard as if he is a hero!
While he engages in pure treason!!!! --Tyr

Yes and the media is full of Liberals, liberals need someone to wipe their Butts so yes he is their Hero! And as long as he has these worms running behind him he will continue to do as he pleases.


07-01-2014, 07:20 AM
While he engages in pure treason!!!! --Tyr

Details of treason from the story?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-01-2014, 08:08 AM
Details of treason from the story?

If you disagree, then state why. I'll not bother to explain my judgment
as if I have no right to an opinion. Obama's history of seizing more and more power is obvious to anybody not blinded.
Check out a truly great Constitutional expert -Turley's writes on it.
And check this out as well.


25 years ago a brazen declaration like Obama just made would have destroyed a President making it--now it is instead--Praised!
Liberal insanity that will almost surely come to a head someday--likely soon!
That coming to a head has a name -- guess what it is..-Tyr

07-01-2014, 08:12 AM
I can't believe this man has the audacity to outright claim he'll ignore congress and do his own thing. It's a shame that there is no way to stop him in his tracks. I don't think he should have the ability to ignore law, make law and such...

Imagine for a moment that he decided to ignore abortion laws and make changes on such a hotbed issue?

This is really getting ridiculous.

07-01-2014, 08:28 AM
I'll not bother to explain my judgment

So the story was just a jumping off point for another rant?

I can't believe this man has the audacity to outright claim he'll ignore congress and do his own thing. It's a shame that there is no way to stop him in his tracks. I don't think he should have the ability to ignore law, make law and such...

He has options via executive order.

Obama seeks power to return immigrant children (http://news.yahoo.com/obama-seeks-power-return-immigrant-children-152336373--politics.html)
But what are his options for the unprecedented situation on the border?

07-01-2014, 08:32 AM
He has options via executive order.

Obama seeks power to return immigrant children (http://news.yahoo.com/obama-seeks-power-return-immigrant-children-152336373--politics.html)

But what are his options for the unprecedented situation on the border?

The only option should be to take unprecedented actions to protect our borders and stop the hemorrhaging.

07-01-2014, 08:35 AM
The only option should be to take unprecedented actions to protect our borders and stop the hemorrhaging.

How is he supposed to take unprecedented action without doing his own thing? You know that Americans won't just look at tens of thousands of kids and not do something.

07-01-2014, 08:55 AM
Action he can take without congress is to militarize the border. send FEMA into the border area to house and secure the illegals. Enforce the laws already on the books instead of ignoring them. He doesn't need congress for any of that.

This is a bama created crisis to undermine and overwhelm states, put the blame on congress and supply more voters to the DNC (the national socialist party).

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-01-2014, 08:59 AM
So the story was just a jumping off point for another rant?

He has options via executive order.

Obama seeks power to return immigrant children (http://news.yahoo.com/obama-seeks-power-return-immigrant-children-152336373--politics.html)
But what are his options for the unprecedented situation on the border?

Actually it was a thread started to discuss Obama thinking he gets to tell Congress --do you job or I'll do your job. When our Constitution expressly forbids him doing that! Obviously that if he could do that we'd have no need for Congress !!! Strange how you seem to miss that...
And try to divert this into discussing if its just a rant by me.
THE OP ARTICLE clearly shows that Obama dictates(look that word up) to Congress it must act when and how he deems best!

How about you discuss the article and not whether I rant in my replies.
Since the article was not authored by me nor is it a rant!--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-01-2014, 09:06 AM
How is he supposed to take unprecedented action without doing his own thing? You know that Americans won't just look at tens of thousands of kids and not do something.

You should investigate Obama admin advertising for transportation for those kids a year ago ! And consider how and why MEXICO suddenly let them in to cross their country to get to our border to come here.
Mexico used to keeps its Southern border tightly sealed. Now suddenly they dont! They suddenly ignore their own extremely strict immigration laws to allow this massive influx!
Can you even say -conspiracy?

07-01-2014, 09:27 AM
How is he supposed to take unprecedented action without doing his own thing? You know that Americans won't just look at tens of thousands of kids and not do something.

Enforcing our border laws is much different than "fixing the system". He can legally do things to enforce the laws we already have.

07-01-2014, 10:56 AM
Actually it was a thread started to discuss Obama thinking he gets to tell Congress --do you job or I'll do your job. When our Constitution expressly forbids him doing that! Obviously that if he could do that we'd have no need for Congress !!! Strange how you seem to miss that...
And try to divert this into discussing if its just a rant by me.
THE OP ARTICLE clearly shows that Obama dictates(look that word up) to Congress it must act when and how he deems best!

How about you discuss the article and not whether I rant in my replies.
Since the article was not authored by me nor is it a rant!--Tyr

Checked the story for "dictate;" it's not in there. So it's your contention that Executive Orders are unconstitutional? I'd guess we can impeach about 44 Presidents for that one then. :rolleyes: And seeing as there are two branches of government that could take action here and if one branch is unable/unwilling to act then that leaves another option. That option may suck but there it is.

And the article isn't really worth discussing as it's relatively benign; it's the inference that one makes from the article that would be the point of discussion. But seeing as so many here are only able to discuss viewpoints that completely coincide with their own... discussion is likely dead.

You should investigate Obama admin advertising for transportation for those kids a year ago ! And consider how and why MEXICO suddenly let them in to cross their country to get to our border to come here.
Mexico used to keeps its Southern border tightly sealed. Now suddenly they dont! They suddenly ignore their own extremely strict immigration laws to allow this massive influx!
Can you even say -conspiracy?

You may do your own work. I debunk enough of your rants to bother with another. If you've got a point to make it's best to make it with fact and truth.

"Suddenly they don't!"? :laugh: Yeah, when was that?

07-01-2014, 10:58 AM
Action he can take without congress is to militarize the border. send FEMA into the border area to house and secure the illegals. Enforce the laws already on the books instead of ignoring them. He doesn't need congress for any of that.

This is a bama created crisis to undermine and overwhelm states, put the blame on congress and supply more voters to the DNC (the national socialist party).

Which is nothing new but suddenly it's a globalist conspiracy.

Enforcing our border laws is much different than "fixing the system". He can legally do things to enforce the laws we already have.

Agreed, but one thing he apparently asked for is the ability to expedite deportations. Those kids need to be back with parents.

red state
07-01-2014, 12:52 PM
Shipping/trucking in new voters...yeah, that'll work really well for our Nation.



Just look at the folks these traitors are allowing into our country! Disease, Crime, illiterate American Haters. Isn't it funny how those who are green with envy (the leftists and the 3rd worlders) simply hate those of us who are happy, grounded and prosperous.

07-01-2014, 03:53 PM
^They hate us so much they want to join us. :dunno:

07-01-2014, 05:14 PM
^They hate us so much they want to join us. :dunno:

No they want to take what we have not join us.

red state
07-01-2014, 06:21 PM
Gaffer......EXACTLY!!!!! THEY are thieves and THEY are our enemies.

07-02-2014, 07:45 AM
No they want to take what we have not join us.

More likely they just want to get away from the S*hole countries they came from because they are denied basic liberties.

Gaffer......EXACTLY!!!!! THEY are thieves and THEY are our enemies.

Yelling just makes you look like the crazy coot on the corner.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-02-2014, 09:17 AM
Checked the story for "dictate;" it's not in there. So it's your contention that Executive Orders are unconstitutional? I'd guess we can impeach about 44 Presidents for that one then. :rolleyes: And seeing as there are two branches of government that could take action here and if one branch is unable/unwilling to act then that leaves another option. That option may suck but there it is.

And the article isn't really worth discussing as it's relatively benign; it's the inference that one makes from the article that would be the point of discussion. But seeing as so many here are only able to discuss viewpoints that completely coincide with their own... discussion is likely dead.

You may do your own work. I debunk enough of your rants to bother with another. If you've got a point to make it's best to make it with fact and truth.

"Suddenly they don't!"? :laugh: Yeah, when was that?
How many more times does SCOTUS have to slap his ffing hand for your blinders come off!??
E.O. have limits and have to also be Constitutional and they are not allowed to be ready made laws used to circumvent Congress. By him doing that as he pleases he just nullifies Congress. That is an abrogation of his sworn oath. However he does it often and with a nation destroying plan so it's actually treason.
Wake up and smell his shit...
Holding your nose to backhand defend him makes you look deceitful. At least to me it does..
Your comment about E.O.'s make you look either clueless or deceitful, I call it the way I see it..-Tyr

07-02-2014, 09:54 AM
How many more times does SCOTUS have to slap his ffing hand for your blinders come off!??
E.O. have limits and have to also be Constitutional and they are not allowed to be ready made laws used to circumvent Congress. By him doing that as he pleases he just nullifies Congress. That is an abrogation of his sworn oath. However he does it often and with a nation destroying plan so it's actually treason.
Wake up and smell his shit...
Holding your nose to backhand defend him makes you look deceitful. At least to me it does..
Your comment about E.O.'s make you look either clueless or deceitful, I call it the way I see it..-Tyr

Yada, yada, yada. Link to E.O.s that have been struck down?

Yes, he sucks. No need to make up rants based on the flimsy.

red state
07-02-2014, 10:31 AM

07-03-2014, 09:40 AM
Agreed, but one thing he apparently asked for is the ability to expedite deportations. Those kids need to be back with parents.

Not 100% sold on what will happen next, but LA posted something that shows that all may not be what meets the eye...


07-03-2014, 10:11 AM
Not 100% sold on what will happen next, but LA posted something that shows that all may not be what meets the eye...


Never is but DACA appears to be limited to kids who have been here with parents for an extended period of time.

Individuals who request deferred action must have:

Been under the age of 31 on June 15, 2012
Arrived to the United States before reaching their 16th birthday
Continuously resided in the United States from June 15, 2007 (last five years) to the present
Been physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012, as well as at the time of requesting deferred action from USCIS;
Entered without inspection before June 15, 2012, or had any lawful immigration status expired on or before June 15, 2012
Been in school at the time of application, or have already graduated or obtained a certificate of completion from high school, or have obtained a general education development (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GED) (GED) certificate, or are an honorably discharged veteran of the U.S. Coast Guard (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Coast_Guard) or the U.S. Armed Forces (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Armed_Forces)
Not been convicted of a felony (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felony), significant misdemeanor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misdemeanor), or three or more other misdemeanors, and do not otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety

The recent arrivals don't qualify. I think Congress should have made an effort here and by not doing so leaves BO up to his own devices which is never a good thing.

07-03-2014, 10:16 AM
Never is but DACA appears to be limited to kids who have been here with parents for an extended period of time.

The recent arrivals don't qualify. I think Congress should have made an effort here and by not doing so leaves BO up to his own devices which is never a good thing.

Whoever ends up leading this effort needs to send every last person that comes here illegally back to where they came from. This is a huge disaster in the making, already is. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if this continued - and an executive order of amnesty is eventually used to "fix" the emergency. I'll trust BO on this issue once the illegals are clearly out of the country.

07-03-2014, 10:23 AM
Obama is the perfect storm