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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-07-2014, 05:40 PM
Europe takes rehab approach to Islamic extremists


BERLIN (AP) — Chris Boudreau's son Damian told her over dinner on a November evening in 2012 that he was going to Egypt to study Arabic, the language of Islam.
She never saw him again.

"He flew to Seattle, then Amsterdam, then into Istanbul," said Boudreau. "There was a training camp just outside the city where radicals train prior to crossing the border into Syria."

Fourteen months later, the 22-year-old Canadian convert to Islam was dead, apparently killed in fighting between rival groups of Islamic militants in the Syrian city of Aleppo. Boudreau was left to wonder what she could have done to stop her son from becoming a jihadi foot soldier. For answers she's turning to Europe, where authorities are increasingly using outreach programs to prevent and even reverse radicalization. Initiatives include school counseling, emergency hotlines and even programs to help find jobs for returning jihadists.

The West has grappled with preventing radicalization since 9/11, when a Hamburg terror cell emerged as a key force in the attacks. The conflict in Syria, where thousands of Westerners are believed to be fighting, has added urgency to the challenge. In May, a 29-year-old man who had fought in Syria was arrested in France on suspicion of shooting dead four people at the Jewish Museum in Brussels.

"So far, as a society we've only reacted when it was too late," said Kemal Bozay, the son of Turkish immigrants in the German city of Bochum. "This is the first time we're approaching the problem pre-emptively."

Bozay runs a project called Wegweiser, which means 'signpost' in German. It seeks to prevent radicalization among Muslim teenagers in the city, which has a large Islamic community, with the help of schools, families, religious leaders and job centers. Besides Bochum, there are two Wegweiser centers in Bonn and Duesseldorf — all three aimed at engaging troubled youths before they fall into radical Islam.

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This undated family photo provided by Chris Boudreau …
This undated family photo provided by Chris Boudreau shows her son, Damian Clairmont. The Calgary, C …

The centers send out social workers who intervene when they see recruiters approaching teenagers on playgrounds, football fields and school yards, or when they carry out Islamic conversions on market squares. The workers engage the youths in conversation and try to offer solutions that steer them away from fundamentalism.

The centers, which were launched in April, have the backing of the security service in Germany's most populous state, North-Rhine Westphalia. The state has seen a jump in the number of Salafists, adherents of an extreme fundamentalist version of Islam that has authorities worried. Their numbers have grown to 6,000 in Germany, according to official figures, with 1,800 in North-Rhine Westphalia alone.

"Salafism is a lifestyle package for young people because it offers them social warmth, a simple black-and-white view of the world, recognition by their peer group — basically everything they lack in real life," said Burkhard Freier, who heads the state's domestic intelligence service.

Most of those drawn to fundamentalism in the West are the children or grandchildren of Muslim immigrants, but a sizable number of Islamic radicals are converts like Boudreau's son, Damian Clairmont, who found religion at 17 after battling depression

Here is a hint to the stupid governments, shut down the mosques teaching this and its not radicalism--rather it is standard Islam!
Jihad is a primary and core part of Islam. Every damn nations that has mosques but does not yet have Sharia law has muslims being taught to destroy that infidel government! They all teach revolution against every non-Sharia government! The big lie saying it is only radicals just lets it grow larger and larger every place it exists. That is why the lie is promoted so vigorously and such massive costs!
America is no exception to this, they teach in hundreds if not thousands of mosques here. And our government knows it too! yet refuses to act.
CAIR buys politicians and has spent many decades doing just that!
No costs are too high for the advancement of Allah!
This nation . its citizens face a coming massacre that will come when we are the weakest! And it is likely at that point to be full scale war and millions will die..
Wake up people!!! If and when they attack it will be nation wide and wil likely start with some huge chem weapon, biological weapon attack across multiple large cities.
To damn late is just that--TOO DAMN LATE!--TYR

07-07-2014, 05:52 PM
Here is a hint to the stupid governments, shut down the mosques teaching this and its not radicalism--rather it is standard Islam!
Jihad is a primary and core part of Islam. Every damn nations that has mosques but does not yet have Sharia law has muslims being taught to destroy that infidel government! They all teach revolution against every non-Sharia government! The big lie saying it is only radicals just lets it grow larger and larger every place it exists. That is why the lie is promoted so vigorously and such massive costs!
America is no exception to this, they teach in hundreds if not thousands of mosques here. And our government knows it too! yet refuses to act.
CAIR buys politicians and has spent many decades doing just that!
No costs are too high for the advancement of Allah!
This nation . its citizens face a coming massacre that will come when we are the weakest! And it is likely at that point to be full scale war and millions will die..
Wake up people!!! If and when they attack it will be nation wide and wil likely start with some huge chem weapon, biological weapon attack across multiple large cities.
To damn late is just that--TOO DAMN LATE!--TYR

Well said !!

There's been a lot said in our media about the numbers of Muslims going off to fight for ISIS in Syria and especially Iraq - hundreds of them. Why, even the BBC has shown us that, when they started examining how certain kids in the news became radicalised, lo and behold, surprise surprise, it was traced back to a mosque they attended.

But, STILL, political correctness kicked in, STILL, it was painted as 'extremism' at work, divorced from the so-called 'peaceful mainstream'.

I think people are in thrall to whatever image of Islam it most comforts them to believe in. Since the TRUTH is so much worse ......