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Abbey Marie
07-10-2014, 05:39 PM
(I hope you can see the video. If not, I included a link below).

I learned something new today: Being pro-life means you are racist. Who knew!

A violent encounter between a young pro-life protestor and an adult abortion activist in downtown Columbus, OH was caught on camera and published late July 9 on Youtube.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/kristine-marsh/2014/07/10/woman-attacks-young-pro-lifer-racist-fing-male-doesn-t-stand-women-s#ixzz376lYsr83

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/g67z_xBe07Q" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


07-10-2014, 05:52 PM
I was just going to post this!

Here is the follow-up video including a reporter interviewing the attacker...


07-10-2014, 05:53 PM
(I hope you can see the video. If not, I included a link below).

I learned something new today: Being pro-life means you are racist. Who knew!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/g67z_xBe07Q" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>


See my MR.S OBama remarks under the video.

07-10-2014, 06:04 PM
See my MR.S OBama remarks under the video.

There's 400+ comments... kinda hard to sort and find just yours. :dunno:

07-10-2014, 06:05 PM
There's 400+ comments... kinda hard to sort and find just yours. :dunno:

Sorry. Guess I caught them early. I said she sounded like Mrs. Obama.

07-10-2014, 07:46 PM
Glad they're pressing charges.

She's the perfect poster child for liberals - can't think or speak logically, and doing her best to silence any other viewpoint other than hers.

I couldn't help but notice she picked out the smallest, skinniest kid there to try and bully. She needs to have those two buck teeth knocked out by another woman next time that wildebeest pulls a stunt like that.

A buck says Burger King is going to fire her since she was stupid enough to do this in her uniform. Takers?

Abbey Marie
07-10-2014, 07:46 PM
Isn't it amazing to see the difference in the pro-life people vs. the pro-abortion person?

07-10-2014, 07:49 PM
Glad they're pressing charges.

She's the perfect poster child for liberals - can't think or speak logically, and doing her best to silence any other viewpoint other than hers.

I couldn't help but notice she picked out the smallest, skinniest kid there to try and bully. She needs to have those two buck teeth knocked out by another woman next time that wildebeest pulls a stunt like that.

A buck says Burger King is going to fire her since she was stupid enough to do this in her uniform. Takers?

Funny thing is NightTrain. Her 15 minutes of fame...ON VIDEO, has become her 15 minutes of shame in front of a Judge. But then. Someone who dresses, and acts that way. Never had 15 minutes of sanity, or intelligence to share with anyone who has less of a trash mouth.

07-10-2014, 07:57 PM
Unfortunately, she's just going to get a slap on the hoof.

The protesting group handled themselves very well, kudos to them.

Abbey Marie
07-10-2014, 08:04 PM
Glad they're pressing charges.

She's the perfect poster child for liberals - can't think or speak logically, and doing her best to silence any other viewpoint other than hers.

I couldn't help but notice she picked out the smallest, skinniest kid there to try and bully. She needs to have those two buck teeth knocked out by another woman next time that wildebeest pulls a stunt like that.

A buck says Burger King is going to fire her since she was stupid enough to do this in her uniform. Takers?

My usually calm husband saw the video and said he'd like to reach through the monitor and clock her.

Good point about the bullying.

07-10-2014, 08:32 PM
Isn't it amazing to see the difference in the pro-life people vs. the pro-abortion person?

Abortions are disproportionately done to minorities. The right/pro-life movement either doesn't have the brains or the nerve to call it what it is: Genocide.

07-10-2014, 08:33 PM
Abortions are disproportionately done to minorities. The right/pro-life movement either doesn't have the brains or the nerve to call it what it is: Genocide.

Damn, I agree with that.

07-10-2014, 10:01 PM
Abortions are disproportionately done to minorities. The right/pro-life movement either doesn't have the brains or the nerve to call it what it is: Genocide.

You know, one day society will look back on how common abortions are now and discuss what an awful barbaric practice it was.

07-10-2014, 10:03 PM
You know, one day society will look back on how common abortions are now and discuss what an awful barbaric practice it was.

I hope you are right. I doubt it though. Truth is, most people seem to think there's little wrong in sex without pay, this is an extension of that.

07-11-2014, 01:31 PM
Honestly? I hope that fat slob loses her job at BK, I hope she gets hit by the bus behind her, I hope all of her friends disown her, I hope the next sign she vandalizes falls on her fat head and I hope the next fat food she eats gives her food poisoning. I had the desire to punch her right in her disgusting fat face, and wish I could, although I never would.

Seriously, did that bus hit her and squish her? I hope she turned into a fat and flat oversized pancake.

Yes, that made me a bit angry.

red state
07-11-2014, 01:47 PM
FREE speech & LIE-berals!....Lie~berals & intelligence.....like oil is to water!

In my opinion, she was upset because of GUILT. She too had probably had an abortion or several with knowledge that friends had also done the same thing. Many folks (especially liberals) rather hide from the truth and lash out before giving TRUTH a whirl.

*Note the repetitive MO-FO's, F-bombs and such.......obviously, this person is just as out of her element in debating or carrying on true, respectful and reasonable conversation as her "bucks" were protruding out of her big, FAT lie-beral mouth. Another reason I don't do BURGER KING. Also note how she was a PHD all of a sudden. Lie-berals do that sort of thing (void of fact or reason) to TRY and make themselves look intelligent....only it brings on the reverse. HA!!!

red state
07-11-2014, 02:01 PM
As for the PRO-LIFE group. I'm not entirely sure they should be on the streets. Like Jim, I rather not here preaching or other crap on the streets. That is what bill-boards, elections and other things/places are for. I believe in free speech but this kind of stuff (including Pentecost churches and boy/girl scouts selling cookies, candies and other junk) at the entrances to Walmart is simply aggravating to say the least.

Still, the fat cow's reaction was either from stupidity, hatred, SHAME or a combo of these. I honestly have trouble talking about abortion because I've lost a good friend in CA due to our differences in that area. We've discussed, agreed and disagreed on many subjects but that one area caused much pain as his wife had an abortion years ago and they STILL hide behind the awful truth of taking an unborn fetus. We are ALL developing human beings and my wife's sister (who recently passed away of cancer) was haunted by her decision to end a pregnancy over 30 years ago.

It is devastating to the physical, spiritual and psychological health of women and WE are eventually getting the word out through information, scientific proof in the form of photos and, most of all, LOVE. Not that these Pro-LIFE kids were in any wrong but one can catch more flies with honey and sticking it to some folks out on the street is simply turning many away from the movement.

I'm glad to say that Red States have just about closed down abortion clinics and we're still going. Some of the laws such as WAIT/LEARN laws have educated would be abortions and that is exactly where the mandated viewing of fetuses and step by step abortion procedures should be viewed....not on the streets.

Abbey Marie
07-11-2014, 02:33 PM
How the pro-abortionists hate to see public images of abortion. They need to keep perpetrating the lie that these do not look like and are not really babies. If it weren't just casting pearls before swine, I'd like to tell that woman, "The truth shall set you free".

07-11-2014, 02:45 PM
Honestly? I hope that fat slob loses her job at BK, I hope she gets hit by the bus behind her, I hope all of her friends disown her, I hope the next sign she vandalizes falls on her fat head and I hope the next fat food she eats gives her food poisoning. I had the desire to punch her right in her disgusting fat face, and wish I could, although I never would.

Seriously, did that bus hit her and squish her? I hope she turned into a fat and flat oversized pancake.

Yes, that made me a bit angry.

Jim. Your anger is MORE than understood. But...doggone...Think about how the bus would feel. Disfigured, and tarnished with Aborted Liberal, cesspool waste?

red state
07-11-2014, 02:57 PM
How the pro-abortionists hate to see public images of abortion. They need to keep perpetrating the lie that these do not look like and are not really babies. If it weren't just casting pearls before swine, I'd like to tell that woman, "The truth shall set you free".

Abbey, they do indeed hate to KNOW because ignorance protects them from the awful truth and don't get me wrong......abortion is awful!

07-11-2014, 05:37 PM
Honestly? I hope that fat slob loses her job at BK, I hope she gets hit by the bus behind her, I hope all of her friends disown her, I hope the next sign she vandalizes falls on her fat head and I hope the next fat food she eats gives her food poisoning. I had the desire to punch her right in her disgusting fat face, and wish I could, although I never would.

Seriously, did that bus hit her and squish her? I hope she turned into a fat and flat oversized pancake.

Yes, that made me a bit angry.

Makes you wonder how much of this stuff doesn't get recorded for posterity. Reminds me of labor union strikes and the picket line and anyone who tried to cross was bullied.

07-11-2014, 05:39 PM
FREE speech & LIE-berals!....Lie~berals & intelligence.....like oil is to water!

In my opinion, she was upset because of GUILT. She too had probably had an abortion or several with knowledge that friends had also done the same thing. Many folks (especially liberals) rather hide from the truth and lash out before giving TRUTH a whirl.

*Note the repetitive MO-FO's, F-bombs and such.......obviously, this person is just as out of her element in debating or carrying on true, respectful and reasonable conversation as her "bucks" were protruding out of her big, FAT lie-beral mouth. Another reason I don't do BURGER KING. Also note how she was a PHD all of a sudden. Lie-berals do that sort of thing (void of fact or reason) to TRY and make themselves look intelligent....only it brings on the reverse. HA!!!

And she was using her new found word of the day .... "misogynist".

red state
07-11-2014, 06:08 PM
Yeah.....teach a monkey new tricks or a liberal a new word and they'll wear you out with it!

07-11-2014, 06:19 PM
Yeah.....teach a monkey new tricks or a liberal a new word and they'll wear you out with it!

Everyone take note. That screaming, swear merchant, and representative of SLUTS R US...never once tried to use the words "INTELLIGENCE", "TRUTH", or "HONESTY".

Her vocabulary was limited to common Gutter, and Sewer language, only recognizable to other SLUTS.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-11-2014, 11:02 PM
Typical young, brain dead lib and typical reaction by those guilty of having no morals .. truth convicts them and anger stirs them to act.
Hell, I wanted to slap the hell out of her myself!!--Tyr

07-12-2014, 05:29 AM
This woman is disgusting

Looks as though she ate one to many Whoppers

Personally I think she does wonders for our cause, I mean who would impregnate her

As for running her over with the bus, why harm a perfectly good bus

Her vocabulary shows her intelligence level, folks that talk like that do so because they have no better way to communicate

But in all honesty she is perfect, those young guys ought to show that video every where they go, people would want to be on the opposite side of her

Honestly she made me want to :puke:

07-12-2014, 12:43 PM
So, do all of you still say it's NEVER OK to hit a (so-called) woman? Burger flippin' high-school dropout dyke.

07-12-2014, 05:45 PM
So, do all of you still say it's NEVER OK to hit a (so-called) woman? Burger flippin' high-school dropout dyke.

YES! It might be hazardous to one's health to hit such an Ugly, Trash mouthed, Ignorant, Slutty, Big mouth.

07-12-2014, 05:55 PM
YES! It might be hazardous to one's health to hit such an Ugly, Trash mouthed, Ignorant, Slutty, Big mouth.
Not to mention that the lawsuit wouldn't carry the same weight. It's all on video.

07-12-2014, 06:00 PM
Not to mention that the lawsuit wouldn't carry the same weight. It's all on video.

Kathianne. As the video seems to show so perfectly. Idiots like that, with the garbage mouth, mind, and personality...have no idea, or form of valid education to help them recognize how WONDERFUL their video'd performances really are...IN COURT.

She will probably get noticed by the DNC, and OBAMA administration, and rewarded for her COURAGE UNDER FIRE for such Liberal Stupidity.
Shucks. Who knows? Obama might invite her to the White House to join the Sewerage-Cesspool voters of Democrat Haters, and their convention to rally behind other MINDLESS LIBERAL GARBAGE.

07-13-2014, 06:05 AM
So, do all of you still say it's NEVER OK to hit a (so-called) woman? Burger flippin' high-school dropout dyke.

Slap the sheot out of her :laugh:

As a parent of young boys yes I still think it is wrong, I want my boys to realize what is good in life. This slob is the minority, I want my boys to treat woman the way they should be treated and of course the young ladies they treat right wouldn't be like this animal.

07-13-2014, 01:49 PM
Slap the sheot out of her :laugh:

As a parent of young boys yes I still think it is wrong, I want my boys to realize what is good in life. This slob is the minority, I want my boys to treat woman the way they should be treated and of course the young ladies they treat right wouldn't be like this animal.

Jeff. RIGHT YOU ARE. And we all know. You have taught your boys the difference between Real Women, and wannabe Bullies who prance around...spewing their cesspool intelligence in public.

No male, boy, or man would dare strike, clobber, piss on, shout at, or give the time of day to such GARBAGE.

07-14-2014, 02:20 AM
So, do all of you still say it's NEVER OK to hit a (so-called) woman? Burger flippin' high-school dropout dyke.

It should never be OK to hit anyone (male or female) unless it's in self defense, or in the defense of innocents.

Hitting someone because they frustrate you or piss you off is idiotic.....ask me, I've been there, done that and it had consequences.

Believe it or not, I hated myself more for letting that person upset me to the point I lowered myself to their level and smacked them. Broke her arm and ended up having to pay medical bills. Learned that sometimes it's just better to let them rant and rave and then walk away and save it for another day.

Yeah Nope
07-14-2014, 03:41 PM
All those leftist buzzwords and phrases used to silence and invalidate because their ideology cannot stand up to debate. They really hate being recorded, because it prevents their standard tactics of lies and false accusations of harassment. If I had a nickel for every time I've heard a slacktivist level an accusation of harassment at people that argued with them, I would be rich.

-Privileged white male
-Women's rights

07-19-2014, 05:09 PM
You know, one day society will look back on how common abortions are now and discuss what an awful barbaric practice it was.

And somehow it will be twisted around so that it was really the Republicans' fault.

07-19-2014, 05:20 PM
And somehow it will be twisted around so that it was really the Republicans' fault.

Perianne. But, maybe. As it gets twisted around. Republicans will get credit for FEWER democrats. :)