View Full Version : America!!!

07-11-2014, 12:57 AM
Imagine a World Without Her

Just got home from the movie. I live in one of the most liberal counties in N. CA. Less than 20 people ... and all but two were, without a doubt, over 50.

I can't decide if I want to cry or be pissed about what the "Rules for Radicals" and the followers of this piece of shit have done to America.

The part that did make me cry was this:


07-11-2014, 08:53 AM
Was wondering how good it was and if it would be successful. Maybe it could be made required viewing for every graduating senior of HS and College.

07-11-2014, 05:25 PM
I'd vote for that.

Another thing I didn't know ... one of the most successful slave owners was black? A former slave himself? He was freed and did the whole entrepreneurial thing. I'll bet you didn't know that there were 6,000 black slave owners in the US in 1840? Probably the most successful was William Ellison.

There are many facts presented in this movie to debunk the hysteria from the left about what we need to be ashamed about.

I plan to go see it again ... lots of facts presented ... oh, and I will buy the book ... but not from Costco. Idiots!

07-11-2014, 06:40 PM
I'm a big history buff and I didn't know about the black slave owners. I do know some blacks actually fought on the side of the confederacy. I will definitely be getting the DVD when it comes available. I know the left and the govt hate this guy.

red state
07-11-2014, 06:56 PM
I knew there were black slave owners....just not know that there were that many but I did know that the majority of slave "pushers" in the world at that time (and probably today as well) were, themselves, BLACK. Go figure.

As for blacks serving within the Confederacy. Many were treated better by their owners than they imagined being treated by the NORTH. Fact is, there were many atrocious things done to blacks North of the mason-Dixon line. My personal belief (having traveled much of the USA) is that more folks are racist in areas that are NOT Southern States. Liberals have done a good job spreading their crap. Don't get me wrong, I realize some awful things happened in the SOUTH but I never saw it and never saw any radical racism within my community.

Getting back to Blacks serving within the Confederacy, many knew what would await them (IF/WHEN) the North won.......starvation, confusion and abandonment. Now they have, yet again, been abandoned by the FIRST black president within the lying dimocrat party. They've been pushed aside for an even greater electoral population. The Cherokee also fought with the Confederate Army because they learned first hand what the Big Gov NORTH was all about. The Cherokee fought well for and with Andrew Jackson and in other American wars but that weighed little when it came time for them and later for the Scots & mixed Cherokee/Scot that settled the Smoky Mountains. Many Americans/Cherokee lost their lives defending their homes from the hand of BIG GOV gone a muck. I enjoy the Smokies but I ALWAYS have a moment of depression thinking about the dark days.

But then again....to the victor belongs the spoils and history has always been written by the victorious. Won't it be sad if the liberals write the last pages of history as they have tried to re-write our founding and other lessons we Americans have learned over the years.

red state
07-11-2014, 07:03 PM
Imagine a World Without Her

Just got home from the movie. I live in one of the most liberal counties in N. CA. Less than 20 people ... and all but two were, without a doubt, over 50.

I can't decide if I want to cry or be pissed about what the "Rules for Radicals" and the followers of this piece of shit have done to America.

The part that did make me cry was this:


I always detested this guy's politics.....not much of a fan of their music either BUT in a round-about way, he nailed it on everything. One could take it this way or that and pick it apart but I'm gonna go along with it (as I interpret it) because GOD has instilled these evident factors that we are created equal. That isn't to say that we are all equal (as liberals would have you think) but we all start off equal in God's eyes but it is what we do with our lives, sacrifices and pledges that sets us apart from the world or from any other nation the world has seen. WE ARE THE ABSOLUTE BEST that the world has ever seen (despite what the liberal pukes and EVEN the current president in OUR White House).

red state
07-11-2014, 07:13 PM

you gotta HATE them!


Ironically, this president's greatest moment (in his eyes) was one of REAGAN's worse moments after he went along with the amnesty deal of his day. He was promised one thing if he went along and his trust was spit upon. Much like this liberal scum in OUR White House spits on ALL that is American.

07-11-2014, 08:13 PM
I'd vote for that.

Another thing I didn't know ... one of the most successful slave owners was black? A former slave himself? He was freed and did the whole entrepreneurial thing. I'll bet you didn't know that there were 6,000 black slave owners in the US in 1840? Probably the most successful was William Ellison.

There are many facts presented in this movie to debunk the hysteria from the left about what we need to be ashamed about.

I plan to go see it again ... lots of facts presented ... oh, and I will buy the book ... but not from Costco. Idiots!

I often reflect on the way that the American Left has 'historically' taken 'black rights' as a cause it feels it should champion ... in the face of the earlier history, which saw ABRAHAM LINCOLN become a great champion, himself, of the freeing of slaves.

Abraham Lincoln was no staunch Left winger himself. Was he ? Yet ... compare his beliefs, his policies, with those of Woodrow Wilson, from at least a generation LATER. The policy Wilson stood for, favouring segregation, is one that comes to mind.

Conservatives in the US should hold their heads up high. It's TO THEM that the original reputability belongs. So far as I can see, it took generations for the Left to even attempt to hijack it for themselves.

07-12-2014, 03:05 AM
Bet you didn't know this either:

Sarah Breedlove (December 23, 1867 – May 25, 1919), known as Madam C. J. Walker, was an American entrepreneur (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entrepreneur) and philanthropist (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philanthropist), regarded as the first female self-made millionaire in America. She made her fortune by developing and marketing a successful line of beauty and hair products for black women under the company she founded, Madam C. J. Walker Manufacturing Company (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madame_C.J._Walker_Manufacturing_Company).


And we all thought Oprah was the first. :slap:

red state
07-15-2014, 03:41 PM
I often reflect on the way that the American Left has 'historically' taken 'black rights' as a cause it feels it should champion ... in the face of the earlier history, which saw ABRAHAM LINCOLN become a great champion, himself, of the freeing of slaves.

Abraham Lincoln was no staunch Left winger himself. Was he ? Yet ... compare his beliefs, his policies, with those of Woodrow Wilson, from at least a generation LATER. The policy Wilson stood for, favouring segregation, is one that comes to mind.

Conservatives in the US should hold their heads up high. It's TO THEM that the original reputability belongs. So far as I can see, it took generations for the Left to even attempt to hijack it for themselves.

AT, Black folks are soon discovering that they have been a well played pawn that one usually sacrifices for a higher objective.....the next pawn in the destruction of our Nation is the dissolvement of our borders, language and culture and this has left the Black Community at the back of the bus.

I don't know if this image will come through but the simplicity of Michael's illustrations speak volumes.



red state
07-15-2014, 03:45 PM
Even this strategy of weak borders and the giving away of our resources has been in play for many decades but we are certainly seeing it in full force now. Can I imagine a world without AMERICA?! NO....but B.O. certainly can and has pretty much made mention of this through apologetic tours and most every time he opens his big, fat mouth of LIES, scandal and support for out enemies.

07-15-2014, 03:57 PM
AT, Black folks are soon discovering that they have been a well played pawn that one usually sacrifices for a higher objective.....the next pawn in the destruction of our Nation is the dissolvement of our borders, language and culture and this has left the Black Community at the back of the bus.

I don't know if this image will come through but the simplicity of Michael's illustrations speak volumes.



"red state. Totally agree. And, along those same lines. I have had some rather interesting, if not disgusting learning experiences on this very topic at other places online over many years.

Actually. I attempted to have several, sincere, honest conversations online with members of other forums who I knew to be Black Americans. I welcomed the opportunity, on several occasions, to honestly discuss what I believed was one of the primary causes...people like him, as a Black American; felt such needs to argue, and get rather testy with me.
He immediately told me I was a typical, white racist who HAD NO BUSINESS talking about race, or racism since (as he reminded me) I had never walked in his shoes as a Black man.
So...that claim became his first, and last words. Telling me I was not qualified to even try and discuss such a topic unless I agreed with him.....that I was somehow responsible for his grandparents, and great grandparents Slavery, Discrimination, and Hatred.
Actually. Like many uninformed Black Americans today who have fallen for the Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton VICTIM GAMES that make BLACK AMERICANS....perpetual slaves to terrible WHITE GUYS like me. I, along with any White Americans who honestly would like to end the hatred, discrimination, and blame games....ARE BANNED from taking part in such discussions....because WE DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO SO.
It's going to be a long, nearly impossible task to honestly speak about such things as long as we have HOLDER, and OBAMA always falling back on the RACE CARD...that they know. STOPS EVERYTHING."
(a quote from aboutime)

red state
07-15-2014, 06:45 PM
Well, old tymer, to that liberal, groups of liberal or group of None-whites that made such idiotic remarks, I say: "Poppy-cock"!

If it were an older black man or women whom you had tried to reach or carry on a conversation, I may (possibly) give them a pass but blacks who are younger than 60 or 50 don't have a leg to stand on when arguing that old "race" thing. In fact, they've had it better than whites and have certainly had it better (as Tsalagi) could/would tell you. I'm a simple, country lovin' Cherokee/WHITE and I can definitely tell you that I, on MANY occasions, needed not apply. I know for a fact. There was one instance where I was chosen over a black guy during a lay-off at a Memphis art dept. but that was only because I had been there much longer and had proven to be more valuable as an artist/designer and dark room technician. I did something unthinkable or rare for this age and that was to advise the employer to keep the black guy and I'd take the lay-off. You see, he had two darling girls and CHRISTmas was approaching. Besides, I had been with that agency long enough to know that they were not in the best of financial standing. I say this in all honest so that it doesn't sound as if I'm trying to earn some sort of points with members here (especially the liberals). Still, I have only that one instance where I could have come out on top of a situation. To be perfectly candid, my main problem never came from a black man but from WOMEN in general. They were often chosen for jobs that I was "overly" qualified for. So, let's not forget the full picture here when it comes to TODAY's discrimination.

I don't know who gave you such silly rebuttals but I can say that a good number of white males and 50%+ white females voted for this current disaster..............TWICE!!!! so I don't feel that it is the whites who are racist (unless you start to single out the catagory of liberals and ill-informed whites who voted for B.O. due to his race and no other reason. That to me is more racist than those they label racist by far. Just look at the stats on blacks who voted for B.O. for one reason and one reason only...............because he was black. Another reason that the liberals and most of the darker skinned individuals voted for B.O. was to receive more and more hand-outs.

Speaking of Jesse Jackson......he is already crying for some of the 5B that B.O. is trying to use in supporting the border invaders. But that is for another topic.

07-15-2014, 07:16 PM
Well, old tymer, to that liberal, groups of liberal or group of None-whites that made such idiotic remarks, I say: "Poppy-cock"!

If it were an older black man or women whom you had tried to reach or carry on a conversation, I may (possibly) give them a pass but blacks who are younger than 60 or 50 don't have a leg to stand on when arguing that old "race" thing. In fact, they've had it better than whites and have certainly had it better (as Tsalagi) could/would tell you. I'm a simple, country lovin' Cherokee/WHITE and I can definitely tell you that I, on MANY occasions, needed not apply. I know for a fact. There was one instance where I was chosen over a black guy during a lay-off at a Memphis art dept. but that was only because I had been there much longer and had proven to be more valuable as an artist/designer and dark room technician. I did something unthinkable or rare for this age and that was to advise the employer to keep the black guy and I'd take the lay-off. You see, he had two darling girls and CHRISTmas was approaching. Besides, I had been with that agency long enough to know that they were not in the best of financial standing. I say this in all honest so that it doesn't sound as if I'm trying to earn some sort of points with members here (especially the liberals). Still, I have only that one instance where I could have come out on top of a situation. To be perfectly candid, my main problem never came from a black man but from WOMEN in general. They were often chosen for jobs that I was "overly" qualified for. So, let's not forget the full picture here when it comes to TODAY's discrimination.

I don't know who gave you such silly rebuttals but I can say that a good number of white males and 50%+ white females voted for this current disaster..............TWICE!!!! so I don't feel that it is the whites who are racist (unless you start to single out the catagory of liberals and ill-informed whites who voted for B.O. due to his race and no other reason. That to me is more racist than those they label racist by far. Just look at the stats on blacks who voted for B.O. for one reason and one reason only...............because he was black. Another reason that the liberals and most of the darker skinned individuals voted for B.O. was to receive more and more hand-outs.

Speaking of Jesse Jackson......he is already crying for some of the 5B that B.O. is trying to use in supporting the border invaders. But that is for another topic.

Agreed. And, as I have tried to get across here, and other places on this subject. I sadly have to admit there is a UNIFORM, MUTUAL problem those WHITE males, and females who voted for Obama share with Black Americans who were so easily convinced to vote for Obama as well.
That Uniform/Mutual problem...seriously is...Terrible, if not Lacking Educational skills that allow people the opportunity to THINK, REASON, and become RESPONSIBLE for their own destiny, rather than the Huge Dependency on a Failed, Unqualified Government that claims to provide everything for Free to those who are unwilling, or uneducated enough to be personally responsible for their own life.
So. The bottom line Obama, and Democrat politicians DESIRE, and APPLAUD is NO EDUCATION.

07-17-2014, 02:04 AM
Found this on a blog called "Klavan On the Culture" (looked it up after Daniyel thread about funny way to resolve ME crisis).

Better description than mine:

America: Imagine The World Without Her begins by letting leftists tell why they hate this country, as they so obviously do. D’Souza doesn’t argue with them or try to make them look stupid. He lets them say exactly what they have to say: we stole the country from the Washington Redskins, we enslaved blacks, we murdered all those nice Vietnamese people, capitalism is greed, we suck.

D’Souza examines the way these arguments have become gospel to the left through the insidious work of “historian” Howard Zinn and the genuinely sinister activism of Saul Alinsky, spiritual mentor to both Obama and Hillary Clinton. And then D’Souza takes the left’s narrative apart by the simple technique of putting our “crimes” in the context of the rest of history and the actions of other countries throughout the world. Turns out — as rock star Bono says in the most moving scene in the picture — America is a terrific nation that has transformed the world for the good and continues to do so today.
Throughout the movie, D’Souza’s love for his adopted country comes shining through. His argument is poignant, powerful and convincing. Hey, you don’t even have to see it to know I’m right. You just have to read the nuanced, subtle, considered views of leftists who are already calling the film “nuts,” (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/06/30/in-dinesh-d-souza-s-america-slavery-wasn-t-so-bad-but-hillary-and-barack-are-socialist-devils.html) and a “total piece of junk,” (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/06/30/in-dinesh-d-souza-s-america-slavery-wasn-t-so-bad-but-hillary-and-barack-are-socialist-devils.html) and “the worst political documentary of all time.” (http://blogs.indiewire.com/theplaylist/review-is-dinesh-dsouzas-america-the-worst-political-documentary-of-all-time-20140630) Which is Leftese for “a good movie that tells the truth.”
It isn’t often I get to recommend a conservative work so wholeheartedly, but I’m just about positive you’ll like this, especially if you’re a patriot or simply an honest person ready to hear a different take than the one you’ve been getting at the movies for the last 50 years.
D’Souza’s a tough guy for not backing down, and a talented guy for delivering a strong sophomore effort. We need about 20 more like him.


07-17-2014, 03:05 PM
I can't wait to see it. From all I've heard, and read. ALL AMERICANS, of all stripes SHOULD SEE IT.

Of course. Most of us know. The Americans who SHOULD see it. Probably won't because they have been trained, convinced, lied to, and threatened that this story is ANTI-GOVERNMENT....their sole source of life without responsibility.