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View Full Version : Gas Taxes to be raised???????

06-20-2007, 06:53 PM
Here is an email I just got, has anyone herd about this??????????

Think you're getting socked with higher gasoline prices now?

Well, get ready: Congress is about to make them go higher! Unless you tell them to "STOP!"

Dear Friend:

Legislation now in Congress would make it harder to produce American energy. That will force energy prices higher -- especially gasoline.

This legislation, contains some of the same policies that helped cause energy crises in the past. That's right. Congress is about to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Price controls are just one example. They sound good, but they actually lead to higher prices. This is exactly what happened when our nation experimented with price controls in the past.

Punishing those Americans who produce our energy with higher taxes is another proven failure. It doesn't help America produce more American energy. And it pushes consumer prices higher.

Tell Congress you don't want to repeat the mistake of the past. Tell them you want lower gasoline prices, not higher.

Take the next 60 seconds and give Congress a piece of your mind.

Click here to send a pre-drafted email or letter to your U.S. Senators (our system will automatically address them) telling them that you want more American energy -- natural gas, gasoline, and renewable energy -- and lower gasoline prices.

Tell them you don't want America to turn the clock back to the failed energy policies of Jimmy Carter!

Speak out to your elected officials in Washington. Remember, they work for you!


Paul Poister
Partnership for America