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View Full Version : The universities.

07-14-2014, 11:11 AM

The point of the thread I made "Regarding the last events" (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?46028-Regarding-the-last-events) is mainly because of this, In this video the explanation about the protests and their power among the youth circling the new antisemitism again, reading the news report I made at the early of the discussion you can clearly believe Israel is committing war crimes or at least a cruel state of apartheid, the pro-Palestinians largely spread over Europe as Muslim (the majority of supporters) immigrant from Muslim countries to Europe, and to the rest of the world as well, while Jewish immigration goes by majority to Israel and smaller by 10 times also, which means pro-Palestinians voice is larger than pro-Israeli supporters by millions, this create a massive pressure on the governments and the universities to benefit pro-Palestinians supporters over pro-Israeli supporters, changing the world democratically to the wrong side of the scale, matter of fact Jewish were always minority, not only in the M.E. but also Europe and America is considered a safe shelter but stepping there as well including the antisemitic raise in world wide scale also by Neo-Nazism.
(Sorry I couldn't resize the picture)







As I stated above, I predict a major crisis coming towards and I consider it a brainwash.

Feel free to share your thoughts,
Peace, Danny.

07-14-2014, 11:34 AM
There are a few sites I go to daily that post unedited/raw videos, to include much from Gaza/Israel and other conflicts. Anyway, I thought it a tad ironic that many of the "pro-palestinian" marches and such over the weekend - many of them ended up in violence. Some are trying to "blame the jews" already, but there were just too many cameras around documenting the marches. Making demands, burning things and violence - NOT a good way to march in support of change. No doubt some of the opposition provoked in some areas, but the majority were these groups demonstrating via vandalism and violence.

07-14-2014, 11:44 AM
Liberals and muslims never do anything peacefully. Their gatherings are only for confrontation and destruction. It's a terror tactic.