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07-18-2014, 06:19 AM
This says all that's needed to be said about the worst President in modern times - makes him one of the worst public person of all time, too.


'Before I begin, obviously the world is watching reports of a downed passenger jet near the Russia-Ukraine border. And it looks like it may be a terrible tragedy. Right now we’re working to determine whether there were American citizens on board....(but Treasury Secretary Jack Lew)'s...signature (looks) just like a caterpillar running along the bottom (of our money).'



Yuks all-around! Hey! Let's blame REPUBLICANS for stuff! Yeah! Let's RAISE MONEY! WOOT!

07-18-2014, 06:56 AM
Congress and yes, the senate, need to get off their asses and impeach this worthless piece of shit before he does any more harm. Hell, even biden would make a better president than this clown and that's saying something.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-18-2014, 08:34 AM
Congress and yes, the senate, need to get off their asses and impeach this worthless piece of shit before he does any more harm. Hell, even biden would make a better president than this clown and that's saying something.

The Globalists protect their puppet. He will not be impeached IMHO.
Simply because it would take a revolution to expose the truth about his true agenda and who he truly serves!!!
Odds are only a Revolution can or will save this great nation IMHO.
Never fear , Obama has plans most likely in engineering that to meet his scheduled agenda.
Scum is a certified traitor that has the best protection in the world.
He has our nation's protection (as President) and the Globalist's even far more powerful protection as their puppet!!
Here is some info--Russia hasn't joined the globalists, at least not yet!
And guess who the bambastard is making enemies with now..
While he forces away our long standing allies..--Tyr

07-18-2014, 02:11 PM
I'm waiting for Obama's Teleprompter to be updated, and generate the words

"It's Bush's Fault for the shoot-down since Bush looked into Putin's eyes".

And, we shouldn't forget. Nancy Pelosi, in cahoots with Harry Reid. Will jointly bring a Bill before Congress that approves UNLIMITED FUNDS for the Obama Vacations, used for hiding from World and Home problems until after the November elections....WHEN WE WILL ALL FIND OUT WHAT THE BILL SAYS.

07-18-2014, 02:13 PM
It's not like Obama flew over a hurricane zone on his way to taking a vacation. :rolleyes:

07-18-2014, 02:18 PM
It's not like Obama flew over a hurricane zone on his way to taking a vacation. :rolleyes:

Sure thing gabby. It's also not like anyone can blame your parents for not using birth control. SHIT HAPPENS.

07-18-2014, 09:28 PM
Obama is a piece of shit as a leader.

07-18-2014, 11:20 PM
It's not like Obama flew over a hurricane zone on his way to taking a vacation. :rolleyes:

Gabby, at least Bush actually flew over and looked at the result. Your man, he's not oblivious ... he just doesn't care. He acts as if he is above it all. The man campaigns 24/7, 365......oh, wait, I might be wrong about that - I don't think he's interrupted a vacation to campaign.

Can you honestly say that you still have confidence in this administration? You are the one that is still bashing everyone here for sticking with their man and yet here you are doing the very same thing. Admit it, he's a total and complete failure at being a president.

His new name should be "Nero".

07-19-2014, 03:18 PM
It's not like Obama flew over a hurricane zone on his way to taking a vacation. :rolleyes:

By the way gabby. You sound like Obama. And excuse to blame everyone else...while enjoying EVERY DAY as a vacation. Away from a job he hates, and has never been qualified to do.

Holy Hell. Even YOU gabby...are more qualified than Obama. But he's the better Liar.