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View Full Version : Jihadists stone Syria woman to death for 'adultery'

07-19-2014, 09:17 AM
Beirut (AFP) - Jihadists in the northern Syrian province of Raqa have accused a woman of adultery and stoned her to death, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Friday.

It was the first "execution" of its kind by the Islamic State (IS) group in Syria, which has proclaimed the establishment of an Islamic "caliphate" straddling Syria and Iraq.

"The Islamic State carried out its first sentence of death by stoning against a woman in Tabaqa, accusing her of adultery," said the Britain-based Observatory, referring to a town in Raqa province, most of which is under IS control.

An activist in the province confirmed the report, and said the stoning took place in a public square in the Tabaqa market area on Thursday evening.

"This is the first time that this has happened here," added Abu Ibrahim.

A second activist in Raqa, Hadi Salameh, said the woman was reportedly in her thirties, but that few details were known about her except that she was killed after sentencing by an IS religious court.

"The situation is unbearable. Stoning is the worst punishment history has known. A quick death is more merciful," Salameh told AFP via the Internet, using a pseudonym for security reasons.


Abbey Marie
07-19-2014, 11:40 AM
Funny, I just mentioned this kind of thing in another thread, not having seen this first. There you go, when something is common, it just pops up regularly.

07-19-2014, 06:48 PM
Mossad taught them well.

07-19-2014, 06:53 PM
Mossad taught them well.
Blame the Mossad for everything, yet I'm still alive and 50,000,000,000 Muslims which considered radicals would be happy to hear I'm dead, and this is only the Muslims...

07-19-2014, 06:58 PM
Mossad taught them well.

And yet the ONLY place I see these stonings for absolute petty bullshit is in Islamic shitholes. It's got a LONG history in Islam, and many animals in Islam still condone the use today.

07-19-2014, 07:02 PM
Blame the Mossad for everything, yet I'm still alive and 50,000,000,000 Muslims which considered radicals would be happy to hear I'm dead, and this is only the Muslims...

He's angry since it was released that 15-25% of Muslims are radicalized, meaning anywhere from 91 million to 500 million Muslims considered "radicals". And we are seeing that more and more and more these days. EVERY SINGLE DAY we read about muslim atrocities from all corners of the world, not even in just one country that may or may not be in a war zone. Cutting fingers and hands off, sawing off of heads, stonings, slow hangings. Sick stuff for sure. t's got to get tiring defending that crap when it happens day after day after day after day after day....

07-19-2014, 11:02 PM
Blame the Mossad for everything, yet I'm still alive and 50,000,000,000 Muslims which considered radicals would be happy to hear I'm dead, and this is only the Muslims...

There are not even that many people living in the world. Yet again, I need to remind you to go back to your Mossad masters for propaganda training.

And yet the ONLY place I see these stonings for absolute petty bullshit is in Islamic shitholes. It's got a LONG history in Islam, and many animals in Islam still condone the use today.

Like I said, well trained by Mossad to do un Islamic things while duping you into believing that they are acting in conformity with Sharia.

He's angry since it was released that 15-25% of Muslims are radicalized, meaning anywhere from 91 million to 500 million Muslims considered "radicals". And we are seeing that more and more and more these days. EVERY SINGLE DAY we read about muslim atrocities from all corners of the world, not even in just one country that may or may not be in a war zone. Cutting fingers and hands off, sawing off of heads, stonings, slow hangings. Sick stuff for sure. t's got to get tiring defending that crap when it happens day after day after day after day after day....

If those numbers were 1/2 true, you would be in a world of hurt. Haven't you noticed that only Muslims seem to get that treatment these days? Why is that?

07-20-2014, 03:38 AM
There are not even that many people living in the world. Yet again, I need to remind you to go back to your Mossad masters for propaganda training.

Like I said, well trained by Mossad to do un Islamic things while duping you into believing that they are acting in conformity with Sharia.

If those numbers were 1/2 true, you would be in a world of hurt. Haven't you noticed that only Muslims seem to get that treatment these days? Why is that?
Assuming the numbers are not true, and there are only 5,000,000 radicals I don't think 7,000,000 Israelis can be complacent.
The Mossad is estimated to be an organization of 700 people, and the rest are agents and spies hired from outside, do you really think 700 people can control not 50,000,000,000 but 5,000,000?

07-20-2014, 06:33 AM
Like I said, well trained by Mossad to do un Islamic things while duping you into believing that they are acting in conformity with Sharia.

So you're trying to say that the stonings, be headings, arm removals, hand removals, slow hangings... These things that have happened in Islam since the beginning - all taught to them from Mossad? These things are tattooed by Islam. It's like America and Apple Pie - only here we have Islam and Death. This shit happens in ENDLESS Islamic countries and ALWAYS stated the reason for the punishment is Sharia.

If those numbers were 1/2 true, you would be in a world of hurt. Haven't you noticed that only Muslims seem to get that treatment these days? Why is that?

Radical doesn't mean they kill or are even violent, if you paid attention. But that radicalism is what keeps terrorism, violence and discrimination going. It's what supports that crap. It's what wants western civilization gone. And quite frankly, I EASILY see them numbers being true. Look at the latest marches for example, the marches against Israel - were any of them peaceful? Seems Islam really can't do anything peacefully, without someone getting punished, without someone being threatened.

I honestly can't think of a single Islamic country where I would feel safe visiting. NONE. Not a single one.

07-20-2014, 06:46 AM
There are not even that many people living in the world. Yet again, I need to remind you to go back to your Mossad masters for propaganda training.

Like I said, well trained by Mossad to do un Islamic things while duping you into believing that they are acting in conformity with Sharia.

If those numbers were 1/2 true, you would be in a world of hurt. Haven't you noticed that only Muslims seem to get that treatment these days? Why is that?

Make no mistake jafar, America has terrible leadership right now, we are in turmoil, but let the Muslims go just to far and they will be wishing they where back fighting Israel real quick. Look at 9/11 yes the terrorist killed many innocents but they paid a terrible toll ( and it isn't done yet ) and I haven't seen another attack ( to that magnitude ) since on American soil. This is why myself and a couple others continue to warn, yes it is coming ( another attack ) but the terrorist again will be meet with severe punishment and make no mistake at some point ( as happened right after 9/11 ) our country will stand as one and it wont be the pussies in DC calling the shots, that is when Muslim will be nothing more than a bad memory.