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07-19-2014, 06:12 PM

07-19-2014, 06:29 PM
BS Propaganda

The documented record still stands: Israel intentionally targets civilians and civilian infrastructure (http://mondoweiss.net/2011/04/the-documented-record-still-stands-israel-intentionally-targets-civilians-and-civilian-infrastructure.html)

07-19-2014, 07:08 PM
BS Propaganda

The documented record still stands: Israel intentionally targets civilians and civilian infrastructure (http://mondoweiss.net/2011/04/the-documented-record-still-stands-israel-intentionally-targets-civilians-and-civilian-infrastructure.html)


Thanks for finally admitting it. If it wasn't true. You would have had something to defend, instead of agreeing with the two letter description...

07-20-2014, 06:57 AM
jafar we seen the same thing when America went after the terrorist, this is not something new just now happening in Israel, the terrorist did the same thing to our troops, hide amongst civilians to make the good look bad, hell they stored weapons ( and other military things ) in schools and hospitals, One day someone is going to say we have no choice and then you will truly see innocents getting hurt and worse but the terrorist will get what they have coming.

07-20-2014, 01:43 PM
BS Propaganda

The documented record still stands: Israel intentionally targets civilians and civilian infrastructure (http://mondoweiss.net/2011/04/the-documented-record-still-stands-israel-intentionally-targets-civilians-and-civilian-infrastructure.html)

jafar. Still complete lies you will never be able to change.

Anyone who takes the time to READ that obvious ISRAEL hating article should (but won') notice how the actions of HAMAS, and HEZBOLLA seem to be downplayed, and even ignored. While...like you always do jafar; ENDLESSLY blame Israel as targeting...rather than HONESTLY reporting Israel DEFENDING themselves.

YOU CAN'T EVEN LIE VERY WELL JAFAR. And the mere fact you present this crap on a daily basis, only goes to prove...to the rest of us. How challenged you are with TRUTH.

07-20-2014, 03:59 PM
jafar we seen the same thing when America went after the terrorist, this is not something new just now happening in Israel, the terrorist did the same thing to our troops, hide amongst civilians to make the good look bad, hell they stored weapons ( and other military things ) in schools and hospitals, One day someone is going to say we have no choice and then you will truly see innocents getting hurt and worse but the terrorist will get what they have coming.

The hiding among civilians thing is just an excuse Israel uses to target civilians and civilian infrastructure. You have no proof they store weapons in schools and hospitals (well ok, that ONE VACANT UNHCR school). It's propaganda.

07-20-2014, 04:03 PM
The hiding among civilians thing is just an excuse Israel uses to target civilians and civilian infrastructure. You have no proof they store weapons in schools and hospitals (well ok, that ONE VACANT UNHCR school). It's propaganda.

Wrong again jafar. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/182765#.U8wt8PldUrk

Now, try to tell me the links and sources I use are any less accurate than those your propaganda use?

07-20-2014, 05:32 PM
The hiding among civilians thing is just an excuse Israel uses to target civilians and civilian infrastructure. You have no proof they store weapons in schools and hospitals (well ok, that ONE VACANT UNHCR school). It's propaganda.

You'd know all about propaganda, wouldn't you, Jafar ?

As well as Aboutime's reply, you might also care to view this ....


Judge for yourself how difficult it would be to take out - for example - rocket launchers without also hitting schools.


07-20-2014, 07:33 PM
You'd know all about propaganda, wouldn't you, Jafar ?

As well as Aboutime's reply, you might also care to view this ....


Judge for yourself how difficult it would be to take out - for example - rocket launchers without also hitting schools.


The only ones saying civilian buildings are full of rockets, are the Israelis. No wonder whole families are being wiped out when they level entire apartment buildings with little or no warning.

07-20-2014, 08:05 PM
The only ones saying civilian buildings are full of rockets, are the Israelis. No wonder whole families are being wiped out when they level entire apartment buildings with little or no warning.

And, jafar. The only one here trying to hide from the truth is......YOU.

07-20-2014, 10:37 PM
The only ones saying civilian buildings are full of rockets, are the Israelis. No wonder whole families are being wiped out when they level entire apartment buildings with little or no warning.

So bite the bullet. Are you saying that the site producing that photo was LYING ? Is what it shows UNTRUE ?

This is from the same site. I thought you might enjoy this, Jafar ....


Who are we?

We are a group of European and Israeli citizens concerned with the increasingly anti-Israel dominated media. It is our goal to educate at all levels, balance the media, improve public relations for Israel and perfect our Christian-Jewish alliance. We are not part of any religious or political organization, we will not attempt to influence Israel's government policies, nor represent this government.

We concentrate our efforts on the European media and parliaments and cooperate with major religious and nonreligious institutions that will help multiply our efforts.
So even your claim that it's ONLY Israelis who claim what's depicted in that picture is trounced, Jafar ....

They're anti-the propaganda that persons such as you disseminate. They are NOT affiliated to anyone. They just want to redress the propaganda battle balance that Hamas, Muslims and the Left are trying to skew in THEIR direction.

07-21-2014, 02:24 PM
So bite the bullet. Are you saying that the site producing that photo was LYING ? Is what it shows UNTRUE ?

This is from the same site. I thought you might enjoy this, Jafar ....


So even your claim that it's ONLY Israelis who claim what's depicted in that picture is trounced, Jafar ....

They're anti-the propaganda that persons such as you disseminate. They are NOT affiliated to anyone. They just want to redress the propaganda battle balance that Hamas, Muslims and the Left are trying to skew in THEIR direction.

They are still a part of the vast Zionist online propaganda machine. Maybe they should be looking to the streets where thousands of people around the world are protesting against them.

07-21-2014, 02:32 PM
They are still a part of the vast Zionist online propaganda machine. Maybe they should be looking to the streets where thousands of people around the world are protesting against them.

Yes, thousands of Muslims in other countries are protesting Palestine getting their asses whooped. I'm betting there are a lot of people that are now thinking that backing a known terror organization wasn't a wise choice. And the cheering they did, which we discussed? Sometimes comes back and bites ya in the ass. I'm also betting that cheering is a tad less today.

07-21-2014, 02:35 PM
They are still a part of the vast Zionist online propaganda machine. Maybe they should be looking to the streets where thousands of people around the world are protesting against them.
Do you honestly not know how you sound when you say things like this. WE could give you a hundred sites with information and YOU would say they are all propaganda. Yet you give one site and we are supposed to believe that there is NO WAY that HAMAS is even slightly biased in their tales.

You sound like an ignorant fool every time you spout the same tired lie of "it's all propaganda" Do you not see that. What will it take for you to admit that followers of Islam can be some of the most bloodthirsty people ever produced in the MODERN world!?!??!?

Do you honesty NOT see the biased in reporting of the conflict in Israel right now? We see EVERYTHING that Israel does but the media glosses over the HUNDREDS of missiles launched by HAMAS.

Israel could catch the coward bastards red handed in a school or hospital and you and your ilk would just call it staged or fake... Do you truly and honestly believe that they don't fire from behind women and children. Do you think they are honorable men who think about their families and protecting those they love or are they just so filled with hate they cant even hold a cease-fire for a few hours to allow others to clear away ruble and get necessaries...

My respect for you Jafar is quickly dwindling I can't believe that you don't see that this is not only possible but is happening!!!!!!!

07-24-2014, 03:34 PM
The hiding among civilians thing is just an excuse Israel uses to target civilians and civilian infrastructure. You have no proof they store weapons in schools and hospitals (well ok, that ONE VACANT UNHCR school). It's propaganda.


07-24-2014, 03:58 PM

JAFAR. Now explain to us how HAMAS doesn't threaten the people, convincing them to stay to prevent IDF soldiers from occupying their homes? REALLY?

07-24-2014, 03:58 PM

IDF said they have a footage of the event and past events as well.
The Hamas claim tanks bombarded the place.
Help me out Jafar, who posses mortar and shot in the past few days mortar barrage? who bothered to record it? Who equipped with the better military gear? What is so important about this specific facility both sides exchanged fire for? What are the benefits fighting near that facility? Who never claimed responsibility for mistakes?

07-24-2014, 04:06 PM

What about the children who were murdered as they played on the beach in Gaza. They were deliberately targeted and killed.

07-24-2014, 04:10 PM
What about the children who were murdered as they played on the beach in Gaza. They were deliberately targeted and killed.

JAFAR. In all of my 67 years on Earth. I thought I had met some of the absolute DUMBEST people. That is, until I came here to DP, and sadly began to read your attempts to hide your DUMBNESS.

07-24-2014, 05:16 PM
What about the children who were murdered as they played on the beach in Gaza. They were deliberately targeted and killed.

That was a case of naval ships shelling an area where hamas was operating in. Show me how a naval vessel a mile off shore can see and target four kids playing on a beach. Maybe you can switch to the latest casualties at a UN site that Israel is investigating because of the number of innocences killed and wounded.

There's a war on, that hamas started, and in wars lots of people get killed. Pointing out every little incident trying to find something to point at and blame Israel just shows your a propagandist. Have you noticed Israel hasn't moved into the west bank?

07-24-2014, 05:45 PM
What about the children who were murdered as they played on the beach in Gaza. They were deliberately targeted and killed.



Tell us this, Jafar, in your own words. What is it that single-mindedly commits you to loyal dissemination of Hamas's unverified, unverifiable, hate propaganda ? You, the (.. ahem ..) 'peaceloving' Muslim, NOW OUTED AS A HAMAS SUPPORTER ???

07-24-2014, 06:37 PM
What about the children who were murdered as they played on the beach in Gaza. They were deliberately targeted and killed.

jafar that was one picture that you showed us, then you posted a video, supposedly of Israel attacking the beach, it didn't look anything like where that child was. It was obvious that child had been moved to that spot for a photo opp, I am not saying that the poor kid wasn't killed by military events, but we both know Hamas is hiding amongst civilians just so they have photo's like that one ( but think about it, they couldn't even do that right, that child was staged there )

jafar I don't want to see any child get hurt or killed but it isn't Israel that told the enemy to hide amongst them, Israel didn't tell that childs parents to cheer on Hamas. You should be spending your time condemning Hamas jafar and trying to help those that want away from those animals, I posted a video the other day of a Palestinian man over there complaining about Hamas so there are some that see the light, I am puzzled to say the least that you aren't !!

07-24-2014, 07:56 PM
You are all scrambling to excuse Israel for this heinous act. I just don't understand why.

Ayman MohyeldinVerified account‏@AymanM (https://twitter.com/AymanM)

4 Palestinian kids killed in a single Israeli airstrike. Minutes before they were killed by our hotel, I was kicking a ball with them #gaza (https://twitter.com/hashtag/gaza?src=hash)


BTW: Ayman Mohyeldin is a reporter with NBC.

07-24-2014, 08:59 PM
You are all scrambling to excuse Israel for this heinous act. I just don't understand why.


BTW: Ayman Mohyeldin is a reporter with NBC.

Jafar, common sense-
What purpose shooting 4 innocent kids obviously not Hamas members could serve any Israeli goal?
Specially in the time the entire world is watching, and dozens of journalists recording every moment in Gaza?

07-24-2014, 09:10 PM
You are all scrambling to excuse Israel for this heinous act. I just don't understand why.


BTW: Ayman Mohyeldin is a reporter with NBC.

And, millions of Americans, like many of us know. NBC is so supportive of Obama, and the Palestinians from the American, Liberal points of view. Your EXCUSE to convince us how NBC is somehow on your HAMAS supportive side...just isn't enough to convince us. Propaganda, when called a Duck, that Quacks like a Duck, is still a Duck.

07-24-2014, 09:36 PM
You are all scrambling to excuse Israel for this heinous act. I just don't understand why.

No one is scrambling. We just don't buy into something like this that makes no sense.

Israel goes through great pains to avoid killing civilians, and the palestinians do their best to get them blown up - just for press. We've all seen this cycle for a long time and it's nothing new.

Arabs have no compunction with blowing up children if it makes for a good PR piece - they've done it to us in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as Israel. There's something inherently very wrong with a society that willingly uses women & children in combat zones, and arabs do it in every conflict.

To further this, I have personally challenged you on many of your bogus claims and you flee them like a palestinian staring down a tank. This particular photo reeks of a photo opportunity setup, and I'm not the only one that thinks so by a long shot.

BTW: Ayman Mohyeldin is a reporter with NBC.


Mohyeldin was born in Cairo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cairo), Egypt (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egypt) to an Egyptian (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egypt) father, and a Palestinian (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_people) mother.

I'd say that right from the start he's got a bit of a bias going, don't you think?

Regarding your photo:

Although Mohyeldin was a live witness to the event,[15] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayman_Mohyeldin#cite_note-15) NBC correspondant Richard Engel reported the story from Tel Aviv. NBC followed by pulling Mohyeldin from Gaza and terminating his reporting duties from Gaza indefinitely. Engel was sent to replace him in Gaza.[16] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayman_Mohyeldin#cite_note-16) NBC has been subsequently criticized by independent media outlets for removing Mohyeldin. NBC has not explained its actions[17] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayman_Mohyeldin#cite_note-17)and reasons for pulling Mohyeldin.

I'd say that NBC knows what really went down, but is reluctant to share what it is. I'm sure they'd rather avoid another Dan Rather scandal with bogus stories backed by journalists for their pet cause.

All you have to do is dig, Jafar. The truth is out there if you care to find it.

Think. Question. Learn.

07-24-2014, 11:28 PM
No one is scrambling. We just don't buy into something like this that makes no sense.

Israel goes through great pains to avoid killing civilians, and the palestinians do their best to get them blown up - just for press. We've all seen this cycle for a long time and it's nothing new.

Arabs have no compunction with blowing up children if it makes for a good PR piece - they've done it to us in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as Israel. There's something inherently very wrong with a society that willingly uses women & children in combat zones, and arabs do it in every conflict.

To further this, I have personally challenged you on many of your bogus claims and you flee them like a palestinian staring down a tank. This particular photo reeks of a photo opportunity setup, and I'm not the only one that thinks so by a long shot.


[/FONT][/COLOR]I'd say that right from the start he's got a bit of a bias going, don't you think?

Regarding your photo:

I'd say that NBC knows what really went down, but is reluctant to share what it is. I'm sure they'd rather avoid another Dan Rather scandal with bogus stories backed by journalists for their pet cause.

All you have to do is dig, Jafar. The truth is out there if you care to find it.

Think. Question. Learn.

Excellent Post NT, I had to say it again !!

07-25-2014, 06:54 AM
You are all scrambling to excuse Israel for this heinous act. I just don't understand why.

And YOU say that with a straight face - the one who makes endless excuses for a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION and their endless heinous acts?

Personally, I don't scramble to make an excuse - I don't make ANY excuse. WAR IS HELL as I have said over and over. The terrorist group AND their supporters should have thought of this shit before they supported and committed acts of terror. Now the fight is on, and people die, including kids sometimes. I make NO excuses for people dying during war. It sucks, but the right side is prevailing.

One can't toss rockets for years, then whine like bitches when bad shit happens in return. They'll just have to learn that actions have repercussions.

Hamas has stated they and the Palestinian people will fight till they are dead, every last one of them. With any luck, Israel will give them what they ask for.

07-25-2014, 06:56 AM
BTW: Ayman Mohyeldin is a reporter with NBC.

And a Muslim, a half Palestinian, who used to work for Al Jazeera. I'm sure he would NEVER be biased! :laugh2:

07-25-2014, 07:00 AM
[/FONT][/COLOR]I'd say that right from the start he's got a bit of a bias going, don't you think?

Regarding your photo:

I'd say that NBC knows what really went down, but is reluctant to share what it is. I'm sure they'd rather avoid another Dan Rather scandal with bogus stories backed by journalists for their pet cause.

All you have to do is dig, Jafar. The truth is out there if you care to find it.

Think. Question. Learn.

Awesome, NT!! I replied as soon as I saw his "twitter" message and didn't even see you had beat me to it.

If I had to bet - I would bet that the kid was killed elsewhere and brought for a photo op. For YEARS the Pallie scum have been falsifying photos and videos. I won't say this kid didn't die, but I doubt the beach story. A fake sniper hits a guy in an alley, and people just stand there videotaping. And yet this kid, there is no video? No pictures of the bombarded area? One would think a news guy would have pictures and video all over for proof.

07-25-2014, 09:10 AM
Awesome, NT!! I replied as soon as I saw his "twitter" message and didn't even see you had beat me to it.

If I had to bet - I would bet that the kid was killed elsewhere and brought for a photo op. For YEARS the Pallie scum have been falsifying photos and videos. I won't say this kid didn't die, but I doubt the beach story. A fake sniper hits a guy in an alley, and people just stand there videotaping. And yet this kid, there is no video? No pictures of the bombarded area? One would think a news guy would have pictures and video all over for proof.

Agreed. The kid was brought in after he was already dead, or there was an event happening on the beach that prompted the shelling.

If the beach did get shelled, it was because the Navy boat saw something happening on the beach to prompt the shelling in the first place. Maybe terrorists were setting up a rocket pod or missile to shoot at Navy boats that were a mile offshore, I don't know. Something was happening though, because you don't shell empty beaches... it's possible that the shells fell short, but I see that as very unlikely.

Another disquieting fact is the sand on that beach doesn't even look like it's been disturbed by a bombardment. Where is the big holes in the sand, blackened from the explosion on impact? Nope, looks like a normal beach with footprints all over it from normal activities.

It just doesn't add up. It does, however, provide more proof that palestinians love introducing children to combat operations.

07-25-2014, 03:42 PM
Agreed. The kid was brought in after he was already dead, or there was an event happening on the beach that prompted the shelling.

If the beach did get shelled, it was because the Navy boat saw something happening on the beach to prompt the shelling in the first place. Maybe terrorists were setting up a rocket pod or missile to shoot at Navy boats that were a mile offshore, I don't know. Something was happening though, because you don't shell empty beaches... it's possible that the shells fell short, but I see that as very unlikely.

Another disquieting fact is the sand on that beach doesn't even look like it's been disturbed by a bombardment. Where is the big holes in the sand, blackened from the explosion on impact? Nope, looks like a normal beach with footprints all over it from normal activities.

It just doesn't add up. It does, however, provide more proof that palestinians love introducing children to combat operations.

Completely agree .. especially the sentence I've highlighted, which is the clincher for me. Makes no sense at all.

Of course, it doesn't help Jafar's propaganda agenda that he can't supply hard facts about the picture he posted ....

07-27-2014, 08:11 AM
Why is is so hard for you people to admit that Israel deliberately targeted children on the beach?

Here is some french video about the incident.


07-27-2014, 08:12 AM
And more video. Warning, this video will make you feel sick if you have any semblance of a heart.


07-27-2014, 08:16 AM
Why is is so hard for you people to admit that Israel deliberately targeted children on the beach?

Here is some french video about the incident.

1. It is not deliberately targeting.
2. There is NO evidence Israel did that.
3. There is NO reason for kids to play on the beach during war.
4. Israel is the LAST on the listen to benefit from the death of kids.
5. Like every strange film in Gaza, every frame captures dozen of death and injuries but ZERO records of Hamas and ZERO record of IDF "deliberately" targeting innocents, although thousands of journalists filming every second in Gaza.

07-27-2014, 08:25 AM
I wonder why so many people that support terrorism are surprised when violence and death comes to their door?

I find it mind boggling that someone can be upset over a child killed by collateral damage - BUT CELEBRATES A TERROR GROUP STRAPPING BOMBS TO KIDS FOR SUICIDE. Shows you the mind of Islam.

07-27-2014, 09:18 AM
You are all scrambling to excuse Israel for this heinous act. I just don't understand why.


BTW: Ayman Mohyeldin is a reporter with NBC.

That's because Israel has a right to defend itself. Civilians sometimes die (unintentionally) during a war. Israel is led by a Harvard (and MIT!) educated scholar that understands the principles of freedom. The idea that Bibi Netanyahu would deliberately target civilians isn't credible. I stand with Bibi!

07-27-2014, 11:24 AM
Still no footage of the beach where the sand has a crater and blackened sand from the "shelling".

No footage of Navy boats firing, just mysterious explosions out of nowhere.

How do you explain that, Jafar?

And why did NBC pull Mohyeldin from Gaza reporting duties immediately after reporting this story?

Why do you avoid questions about your allegations and refuse to provide legitimate backup?

Is it because you don't have a leg to stand on and buy into whatever Hamas says happened?

Do you think it's brave for the leader of Hamas to be comfortably living in Qatar while directing his terrorists and civilians to fight Israel?

07-27-2014, 01:05 PM
Still no footage of the beach where the sand has a crater and blackened sand from the "shelling".

No footage of Navy boats firing, just mysterious explosions out of nowhere.

How do you explain that, Jafar?

And why did NBC pull Mohyeldin from Gaza reporting duties immediately after reporting this story?

Why do you avoid questions about your allegations and refuse to provide legitimate backup?

Is it because you don't have a leg to stand on and buy into whatever Hamas says happened?

Do you think it's brave for the leader of Hamas to be comfortably living in Qatar while directing his terrorists and civilians to fight Israel?

NightTrain. jafar refuses to answer any of your questions because HIS LIES have no defense.
If he responds. He must Lie again to convince himself, while we just know, he's lying.

07-27-2014, 03:37 PM
1. It is not deliberately targeting.
2. There is NO evidence Israel did that.
3. There is NO reason for kids to play on the beach during war.
4. Israel is the LAST on the listen to benefit from the death of kids.
5. Like every strange film in Gaza, every frame captures dozen of death and injuries but ZERO records of Hamas and ZERO record of IDF "deliberately" targeting innocents, although thousands of journalists filming every second in Gaza.

1) Looks like 4 terrified children running along the beach were targeted and shelled to me. Countless eyewitness accounts attest to that.
2) The Israeli gunboats spotted firing upon the beach say otherwise.
3) Where do you suggest they go? What about the people who were watching the world cup in a cafe on the beach a week before? Should they not be trying to live a normal life?
4) Stop murdering them then!
5) Maybe the presence of Hamas out in the open is greatly exaggerated by Zionist propaganda.

07-27-2014, 03:43 PM
1) Looks like 4 terrified children running along the beach were targeted and shelled to me. Countless eyewitness accounts attest to that.
2) The Israeli gunboats spotted firing upon the beach say otherwise.
3) Where do you suggest they go? What about the people who were watching the world cup in a cafe on the beach a week before? Should they not be trying to live a normal life?
4) Stop murdering them then!
5) Maybe the presence of Hamas out in the open is greatly exaggerated by Zionist propaganda.

Countless eyewitnesses attest to Hamas being a terror group for years and years. And you pop a box of pop tarts and do cartwheels when they murder children and strap bombs on the others. Why do you enjoy what they do?

07-27-2014, 04:11 PM
1) Looks like 4 terrified children running along the beach were targeted and shelled to me. Countless eyewitness accounts attest to that.
2) The Israeli gunboats spotted firing upon the beach say otherwise.
3) Where do you suggest they go? What about the people who were watching the world cup in a cafe on the beach a week before? Should they not be trying to live a normal life?
4) Stop murdering them then!
5) Maybe the presence of Hamas out in the open is greatly exaggerated by Zionist propaganda.

Jafar you are opposing yourself..several times..