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View Full Version : Israeli officials call for cutting energy and food supplies to Gaza

07-19-2014, 06:55 PM
Collective Punishment is a War Crime (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_Geneva_Convention)

Israeli officials yesterday renewed their calls for cutting food and electricity supplies to the Gaza Strip as a punitive measure against Hamas and the area's residents.
Israel's Deputy Defence Minister Danny Danon stressed that it is important to pressure Hamas and the people of Gaza through cutting off electricity and bombing Gaza's power plant and destroying it completely.
In a radio interview yesterday Danon called on Netanyahu to cut off the electricity supplies that Israel provides to the power plant, and to prevent the flow of fuel, food and basic goods into Gaza.


07-19-2014, 06:56 PM
That's what happens when you allow terrorists to be your leaders. Now war is here, and war is hell. Let Hamas surrender.

07-19-2014, 07:02 PM
Collective Punishment is a War Crime (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_Geneva_Convention)


Wrong again jafar. The only collective punishment any of us....who are not you...see, is YOU, and your Failing Propaganda machine you depend upon to convince like-minded, other terrorist supporters like you.

07-19-2014, 07:45 PM
The only recorded time Israel cut the Electricity remembered by the "Avatar" protest and that's because of debts of 800m ILS(about 233m USD) Which still never paid, water never blocked by Israel to Gaza and provided FREE, and about food and medical supplies Israel never blocked or interrupted delivery except by Sea which is blocked because of the smuggling issue.

07-19-2014, 08:01 PM
That power plant should have been taken out as soon as the first rocket was fired from Gaza.

Then maybe the residents will wake up and remove the terrorists from their population.

On the downside, when Israel annexes Gaza, then they'd have to rebuild it... and that's expensive.

07-19-2014, 11:25 PM
You are all ignoring the fact that collective punishment is a war crime according to the 4th Geneva convention. Why are you giving Israel a free pass when you wouldn't accept this from anyone else?

07-20-2014, 02:17 AM
You are all ignoring the fact that collective punishment is a war crime according to the 4th Geneva convention. Why are you giving Israel a free pass when you wouldn't accept this from anyone else?

Wrong again.

The 4th Geneva Convention mentions collective punishment as reprisal killings against a whole city for the deeds of a few, and it gives Germany's Rape of Belgium as an example.

Whoever is putting these outlandish claims in your head isn't very bright, either, Jafar. You need to find a smarter Master Muzzie.

Besides that, Jafar, Gaza still has a power plant. This event hasn't happened, and here you are running around falsely claiming war crimes based on your inability to understand plain English.

But now that you mention Geneva War Crimes...

It is a War Crime by strapping bombs to children and sending them in to blow themselves up along with any civilians.

And indiscriminately firing rockets into cities.

And taking civilians hostage.

And executing civilians.

And using civilians as shields.

And murdering a Prisoner of War.

And using hospitals as ammunition depots.

Or using schools as ammunition depots.

Or using religious buildings as ammunition depots.

Here's something that's amusing - this is the Palestinian UN Ambassador, Ibrahim Khraishi about War Crimes a few days ago:

Dragging Israel before the International Criminal Court on accusations of war crimes is a non-starter, said a senior Palestinian official, because the Palestinians themselves are guilty of blatant war crimes.

“The missiles that are now being launched against Israel, each and every missile constitutes a crime against humanity, whether it hits or misses, because it is directed at civilian targets,” Ibrahim Khraishi (pictured), the Palestinian ambassador to the UN Human Rights Council, told Palestinian Authority TV last week.

By contrast, Khraishi said that Israel had very cleverly adhered to international rules of engagement, so even if the Palestinian death toll is higher, legally Israel is still in the right.


Pretty funny that you try to accuse Israel of War Crimes in an imaginary event, but here is the Palestinian Ambassador saying that they don't have a leg to stand on because Israel plays by the rules and the palestinans don't! :laugh2:

Good times, Jafar! Thanks for the laughs. :slap:

07-20-2014, 06:21 AM
You are all ignoring the fact that collective punishment is a war crime according to the 4th Geneva convention. Why are you giving Israel a free pass when you wouldn't accept this from anyone else?

Not giving them a free pass - just holding terrorists accountable. You want to sit here and hold Israel accountable, but not a peep about terrorists.

07-20-2014, 09:54 AM
And if you really insists:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHxf1Glztfs&list=UUpBvIBfZ-foo5ZbLH5O0N4g (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHxf1Glztfs&list=UUpBvIBfZ-foo5ZbLH5O0N4g)

07-20-2014, 10:12 AM
And if you really insists:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHxf1Glztfs&list=UUpBvIBfZ-foo5ZbLH5O0N4g (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHxf1Glztfs&list=UUpBvIBfZ-foo5ZbLH5O0N4g)

Are those utility worker uniforms? Or did they dress up special for the occasion?

07-20-2014, 12:45 PM
Terrorists wearing safety vests!

I find that very ironically funny.

07-20-2014, 01:36 PM
Terrorists wearing safety vests!

I find that very ironically funny.

NightTrain. As most of us have learned from the jafar propaganda posts. Those terrorists, like jafar. Wear Safety Vests to prevent their fellow terrorists from becoming confused, and either Mowing them down with AK's, or Beheading their friendly terrorists because they aren't smart enough to TELL THE DIFFERENCE?:laugh:

07-20-2014, 01:46 PM
NightTrain. As most of us have learned from the jafar propaganda posts. Those terrorists, like jafar. Wear Safety Vests to prevent their fellow terrorists from becoming confused, and either Mowing them down with AK's, or Beheading their friendly terrorists because they aren't smart enough to TELL THE DIFFERENCE?:laugh:

Terrorists sabotaging power lines with a chop saw in the middle of the day wearing Day-Glo safety vests is just.... stupidly funny to me.

07-20-2014, 02:38 PM
Terrorists sabotaging power lines with a chop saw in the middle of the day wearing Day-Glo safety vests is just.... stupidly funny to me.
This kind of neighbors the Israeli settlements deal on daily basis, you can understand the love.

07-20-2014, 03:02 PM
Are those utility worker uniforms? Or did they dress up special for the occasion?

Good thing they have on their safety vest, heck with all the traffic there they may get run over :laugh:

07-20-2014, 03:40 PM
Wrong again.

The 4th Geneva Convention mentions collective punishment as reprisal killings against a whole city for the deeds of a few,

Doesn't that describe what's been happening to Gaza all these years? Nearly 2 million people live there and they have been locked in there without any hope of economic prosperity, under siege and every other week, Israel has attacked them.

Are those utility worker uniforms? Or did they dress up special for the occasion?

They wore day glo vests and bright blue pants so they could make better targets for the "settlers" derp.... It wouldn't be the first time Israelis dressed as Arabs for nefarious purposes.

07-20-2014, 03:52 PM
Doesn't that describe what's been happening to Gaza all these years? Nearly 2 million people live there and they have been locked in there without any hope of economic prosperity, under siege and every other week, Israel has attacked them.

They wore day glo vests and bright blue pants so they could make better targets for the "settlers" derp.... It wouldn't be the first time Israelis dressed as Arabs for nefarious purposes.

jafar. Once again. You fail to mention how those nearly 2 million people are there, and suffering because HAMAS controls their lives, and doesn't want those people to have economic prosperity unless Hamas says so?
And Hamas doesn't want PEACE either. So...all of your WHINING can only be blamed on YOUR FRIENDS in HAMAS.
But, we all know. You will never admit that. It would make you look like a worse liar than you are.

07-20-2014, 05:45 PM
Doesn't that describe what's been happening to Gaza all these years? Nearly 2 million people live there and they have been locked in there without any hope of economic prosperity, under siege and every other week, Israel has attacked them.

They wore day glo vests and bright blue pants so they could make better targets for the "settlers" derp.... It wouldn't be the first time Israelis dressed as Arabs for nefarious purposes.

So those are actually Israelis cutting down that line?

07-20-2014, 06:12 PM
So those are actually Israelis cutting down that line?

See Gaffer. Even jafar believes his lies, and propaganda are believable, and true. Almost sounds like an Obama voter who buys anything.

07-20-2014, 07:17 PM
You are all ignoring the fact that collective punishment is a war crime according to the 4th Geneva convention. Why are you giving Israel a free pass when you wouldn't accept this from anyone else?


Why do YOU keep ignoring the Hamas crimes, Jafar ?

NightTrain gave you a list of them.

You've also - again from NightTrain - been issued with THIS challenge ...


Show me where Israel was the aggressor and didn't retaliate without provocation.
Put up or shut up.

I've just taken a look at the thread that challenge came from. You did not reply to it .. and I'm not aware that you've tried to since.

I echo NightTrain's challenge, as I'm thoroughly fed up with your obvious and outrageous biases, Jafar. Meet the challenge put to you.

07-20-2014, 07:23 PM
That's what happens when you allow terrorists to be your leaders. Now war is here, and war is hell. Let Hamas surrender.

Totally agree.

Hamas could end this, for good, any time they chose. They don't even have to surrender (though I'd much prefer it if they did). They could publicly renounce violence AT ANY TIME. They could ask the UN in, to supervise their disarming.

It goes without saying that hell will freeze over before we see any such constructiveness from the terrorist scum known as Hamas.

07-20-2014, 07:31 PM

Why do YOU keep ignoring the Hamas crimes, Jafar ?

NightTrain gave you a list of them.

You've also - again from NightTrain - been issued with THIS challenge ...


I've just taken a look at the thread that challenge came from. You did not reply to it .. and I'm not aware that you've tried to since.

I echo NightTrain's challenge, as I'm thoroughly fed up with your obvious and outrageous biases, Jafar. Meet the challenge put to you.

While Israel is performing inhuman war crimes in front of your face with impunity, you can talk to the hand.

07-20-2014, 08:13 PM
While Israel is performing inhuman war crimes in front of your face with impunity, you can talk to the hand.

Deal jafar. While we talk to our HAND. You can observe, and interpret our ONE FINGER SALUTE, dedicated to truly ignorant, hateful people who lie, and lie, and lie. Then pretend everyone else is lying. YOU WIN jafar.


07-20-2014, 09:02 PM
While Israel is performing inhuman war crimes in front of your face with impunity, you can talk to the hand.


You are one weak fucker, Jafar.

There is no point in even reading any more of your useless posts, let alone respond to them.

07-21-2014, 06:45 PM

You are one weak fucker, Jafar.

There is no point in even reading any more of your useless posts, let alone respond to them.

NightTrain. Notice how jafar said nothing about the MICKEY ONE FINGER SALUTE?

Guess jafar is trying to figure a way to tell us...it either means his AGE, or his IQ?

07-22-2014, 12:01 AM
While Israel is performing inhuman war crimes in front of your face with impunity, you can talk to the hand.

You really are a Idiot, open any paper and look at the crimes the idiots you defend commit daily !!! We have been posting daily for months about these animals and your response is always the same , they aren't real muslims , well jafar the people you see supposedly committing these crimes aren't real Jews !!!

After all the beheading s, stoning s and so on I have seen these people doing I am actually enjoying watching those yellow bellied chicken shit bastards finally getting theirs !!!

Nuke em and let Allah sort them out !!!

07-22-2014, 07:01 AM
You really are a Idiot, open any paper and look at the crimes the idiots you defend commit daily !!! We have been posting daily for months about these animals and your response is always the same , they aren't real muslims , well jafar the people you see supposedly committing these crimes aren't real Jews !!!

After all the beheading s, stoning s and so on I have seen these people doing I am actually enjoying watching those yellow bellied chicken shit bastards finally getting theirs !!!

Nuke em and let Allah sort them out !!!

Ok. When was the last beheading or stoning in Gaza. Entertain me.

07-22-2014, 07:06 AM
Ok. When was the last beheading or stoning in Gaza. Entertain me.

Funny that - animals commit crimes such as stonings and beheadings around the world - but the terrorists they support in Gaza don't even do those things. LOL With that said, they are still scumbag terrorists and I hope they all die and burn in hell, and the current brings down all who support these scumbags.

07-22-2014, 08:07 AM
Ok. When was the last beheading or stoning in Gaza. Entertain me.

Split hairs all you want jafar you know exactly what I am saying, so instead of me entertaining you do as I am doing and flip the TV on and let the news entertain you, watching Israel rid the world of the scum you support is very entertaining to me !!!

07-22-2014, 11:28 AM
Doesn't that describe what's been happening to Gaza all these years?


This is specifically what the 4th Geneva Convention is talking about with regard to 'collective punishment' : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rape_of_Belgium

Read up.

Nearly 2 million people live there and they have been locked in there without any hope of economic prosperity, under siege and every other week, Israel has attacked them.

They could have a great life if they policed their own, instead of making excuses for radical muzzies like you do.

Lobbing rockets at Israel is a very bad idea, as they're finding out. Israel's retaliation and subsequent ground invasion would have been avoided if they'd taken action against the terrorists instead of cheering them on like mindless sheep.

Instead of making excuses for terrorists, Jafar, why aren't you trying to reign them in? You're as guilty as the terrorists are for this situation by continuing to defend the indefensible.

At least there's a few Egyptian muslims that recognize that Hamas is pure evil and are saying so on Egyptian TV, so there might be action taken by muslims against the terrorists in the near future... but I think it's safe to say that you and muzzies like you won't be part of the solution.

You are part of the problem because you can't think for yourself.