View Full Version : Conquering the world from within through Islam

07-22-2014, 04:40 AM
America is on the same path as Europe .... unfettered immigration to cultures with high birth rates which will eventually lead to disproportionate power structure. Have enough Islamic/Muslim voters and Sharia law will be voted in. However, we are a culture of religious tolerance ... even to the detriment of our future I suppose. It's quite the conundrum.

In case you didn't know Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in the entire world. Some statisticians have said that for every 1 non-Muslim child born there are 8 Muslim children born in the world and that number is conservative. Others say that the rate is more like 3 to 1. Regardless of the number, think about that. The Muslims don't have to do anything, they will rule the world by virtue of their numbers.

According to America Speaks Inc.com the birth rate a society needs to break even and not start to disappear is 2.1 babies per woman. Anything less than that, the culture disappears in a matter of three generations or more. The math can’t be argued. No culture has ever survived once it reached the breaking point 1.3 babies per woman. The United States birth rate is 2.1. Canada, New Zealand, Germany, Russia, Spain and Italy are all between 1 and 2 percent.
Now let’s take a look at some Muslims countries, Afghanistan is 47.02 per 1000 people, Albania 15.08 per 1000 people, Niger 7.46, Mali 7.42, Somalia 6.76, Afghanistan 6.69,Yemen 6.58. I think you can start to get the idea here. Muslim populations are filling up the birth shortfalls all throughout Europe and have already started taking over the European culture.

In America in 1970 there were over 1,000 Muslims in America, today there are over 9 million.


Not only is the religion a threat because of it's tendency towards violence but I think the real concern here is the threat of a Muslim takeover of western culture and law. Attempts to install "creeping" Sharia laws into the United States system of government have caused a backlash resulting in many states passing anti-Sharia laws in order to thwart this perceived threat. Sharia law is literally translated as "the path" and it is a combination of the Koran and the Hadith which is a collection of words and deeds of Muhammad. The most concerning aspects of Sharia law might be the death penalty for apostasy, it's treatment of women and it's opposition to certain expressions of freedom of speech. Many Muslim countries have severe penalties for people who convert to religions other than Muslim. Women can be divorced under Sharia law by saying "I divorce you" three times, they are also not allowed to marry non-Muslims and are considered inferior to men under the law. A woman can only prove that she has been raped if she has 4 male witnesses, and if she is returned to her family, her family is encouraged to kill her in order to restore honor to the family. At the same time a man can have 4 wives included a "temporary" wife (read prostitute) for one hour. Moreover, we are all familiar with the huge outcry in the Netherlands when a cartoon depiction of Mohammed was published. As long as the Muslim population remains a minority this fear is kept to a minimum but as the population rises the fear will rise as well. What could be at issue here is the very Muslims who are having the most children tend to also be the more extreme.

We live in a pluralistic society and I think most Americans would agree that freedom of religion is a good thing. I think the most important thing we can take from this information is that as long as any group (even a group that I do not agree with) can be tolerant of other groups that that group has a right and a place within the United States. As Voltaire once said, I may disagree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it... However, if a group begins to dictate how others should live...well that's a different kettle of fish! Unfortunately the tolerance track record of Islamic countries towards other religions is not very encouraging as most if not all Muslim countries have strict laws forbidding the practice of other religions. For example in Saudi Arabia the practice of proselytizing by other religions is illegal and to convert to another religion carries the death penalty and this is not at all unusual for Muslim countries.

Muslims have taken over several towns in Britain already and also in America (Dearborn, MI is one). In twenty years Muslims will be able to elect the next president in the United States. I really don't know what the answer is to this problem but I do know that something must be done NOW in order to stop this from happening. Your suggestions are encouraged.

07-22-2014, 07:11 AM
Reads like an invasion of cockroaches! Only roaches act less like animals than the radical side of Islam.

07-22-2014, 04:07 PM
It's referred to as soft jihad.

07-22-2014, 04:50 PM
It's referred to as soft jihad.

Sometimes, it's not particularly 'soft'. But it most certainly is insidious.

An example from the UK ... from a leaked official report .....


A leaked report into the so-called "Trojan Horse" plot has found evidence there was an agenda to introduce "an intolerant and aggressive Islamist ethos" into some Birmingham schools.

The report, revealed in The Guardian, was ordered by the government after claims some Muslim groups were trying to take control in some schools.

The Department for Education has said it will not comment on the leaks.

Birmingham council has released its own report, disagreeing with Mr Clarke.

The government's report was compiled by retired senior police officer Peter Clarke, the former head of the Met Police's counter-terrorism unit. It is due to be published next week.

It says he found evidence of "sustained and co-ordinated agenda to impose upon children in a number of Birmingham schools the segregationist attitudes and practices of a hardline and politicised strain of Sunni Islam".

He also found evidence of a "co-ordinated, deliberate and sustained action to introduce an intolerant and aggressive Islamist ethos into some schools in the city".

The agenda would have confined "schoolchildren within an intolerant, inward-looking monoculture that would severely inhibit their participation in the life of modern Britain," the leaked report says.

A spokesman for the DfE said: "The allegations made in relation to some schools in Birmingham are very serious and we are investigating all evidence put to us in conjunction with Ofsted and Birmingham City Council."

Russell Hobby, general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers, said his union was disturbed by the Clarke review findings but not surprised.

07-22-2014, 11:04 PM
America is on the same path as Europe .... unfettered immigration to cultures with high birth rates which will eventually lead to disproportionate power structure. Have enough Islamic/Muslim voters and Sharia law will be voted in. However, we are a culture of religious tolerance ... even to the detriment of our future I suppose. It's quite the conundrum.

Regardless of religion, immigration needs to be curtailed to give time for assimilation. Irrespective if it's the Latin American bribery culture or the Middle Eastern violence culture, Americanist principles must be preserved.

07-22-2014, 11:44 PM
Ya Rabb.

Just drop the pretence and just wage your campaign to have us all locked up and sent to the gas chamber out in the open for once eh?

Some of you people have short memories when it comes to this kind of prejudice.

07-23-2014, 01:33 AM
Ya Rabb.

Just drop the pretence and just wage your campaign to have us all locked up and sent to the gas chamber out in the open for once eh?

Some of you people have short memories when it comes to this kind of prejudice.

Are you saying there is no such thing as "soft jihad"?

Just curious Jafar, what do you think/know about CAIR? What's your take on the organization and it's purpose here in America?

07-23-2014, 04:34 PM
Are you saying there is no such thing as "soft jihad"?

Yes, there is no such thing. Do you have a name for it in Arabic?

Just curious Jafar, what do you think/know about CAIR? What's your take on the organization and it's purpose here in America?

They seem ok to me. Why?

07-23-2014, 05:46 PM
Yes, there is no such thing. Do you have a name for it in Arabic?

There is no such thing ?

How should this be interpreted ? As evidence of your 'militancy' ?

Are you finally coming clean, Jafar ? You might as well. Your attacks on Israel have shown us your remorselessness, wholly inconsistent with your self-crafted 'love of peace'.

They seem ok to me. Why?

I'm sure they do, Jafar.

07-23-2014, 07:24 PM
Yes, there is no such thing. Do you have a name for it in Arabic?

Amazing that you are consistently wrong.

http://www.investigativeproject.org/documents/misc/20.pdf (http://www.investigativeproject.org/documents/misc/20.pdf)

They even have a plan.

You'll note that these all are marked "Government Exhibit", that's because the muzzie plot for Stealth Jihad was discovered here in the USA.

Here's a breakdown of "soft" or "stealth" jihad :

Terrorist attacks that involve bombings and shootings are just one component of the jihad, or holy war, that Islamists are actively waging against infidels all over the world. Another component of that jihad consists of nonviolent initiatives which can be classified as stealth (or "soft”) jihad, whose goal is the imposition of Islamic law,Sharia (http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/viewSubCategory.asp?id=774), over every region of the earth by non-confrontational means. Under the banners of "tolerance" and "civil rights," stealth jihadists introduce, in piecemeal fashion, elements of Sharia into Western societies and then demand that non-Muslims make allowance for those elements. Moreover, stealth jihadists smear those who dare to discuss the negative aspects of Sharia (and Islam) as "racists" and "Islamophobes (http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/viewSubCategory.asp?id=777)."

Read up : http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/viewSubCategory.asp?id=815

07-23-2014, 08:03 PM
Ya Rabb.

Just drop the pretence and just wage your campaign to have us all locked up and sent to the gas chamber out in the open for once eh?

Some of you people have short memories when it comes to this kind of prejudice.

And some like you bring back such horrible memories with your hatred, and disgusting propaganda.

07-23-2014, 08:36 PM
Yes, there is no such thing. Do you have a name for it in Arabic?

Barak Hossein Obama

07-23-2014, 09:50 PM
Barak Hossein Obama

You sure hit that nail on the head. :clap: :clap: :clap:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-23-2014, 10:14 PM
I sounded this alarm long ago. My thread titled, I Take My Stand -You, covers it and predicted it three years ago here but I was giving that prediction 5 years before that at my old site(8 years ago) and ten years before that (18 years ago)long before 9/11. Because I being a fan of all things Brit saw what was happening there! The Islamists do not race across territory on horseback conquering as they did at their start-murdering about 250 million innocent people until stopped when attempting to conquer all of Europe, Charles Martel etc. They fly in, come in by ship, car and by rail.
They sent up enclaves, take over neighborhoods -run decent native citizens out then set up Sharia law just as my thread predicted and suggested we as a nation must start immediately to counter this. Instead we went rapidly along with it! Voted in their man--obam bastard!!!

Doubt--go check out my thread--it is not hard to find. It is listed at top of the board.
I Take My Stand -You!
and so I did..... now I see so many here caught up , the entire board just about, praise the Lord.
That long thread has tons of info as well as my very long thread in the religion and ethics forum that documents their decades long expanding Jihad--murder of all that opposes them!



Welcome aboard folks, mighty glad you bought a ticket on this ship..
I was lonely but now have great company... Tyr

07-23-2014, 10:45 PM
Amazing that you are consistently wrong.

http://www.investigativeproject.org/documents/misc/20.pdf (http://www.investigativeproject.org/documents/misc/20.pdf)

They even have a plan.

You'll note that these all are marked "Government Exhibit", that's because the muzzie plot for Stealth Jihad was discovered here in the USA.

Here's a breakdown of "soft" or "stealth" jihad :


Read up : http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/viewSubCategory.asp?id=815

As I thought. A loony conspiracy theory from right wing bigots. We have no concept of "soft jihad" or indeed of "Holy" war in Islam.

We have Lesser Jihad which is an armed conflict, and the Greater Jihad which is the fight we all have against our inner self/ego. Regular Jihad is just every day life, especially if you are poor or opressed.

The idea that Jihad means holy war is an orientalist's dream and this soft Jihad idea is loony.

07-23-2014, 10:50 PM
You know what this reminds me of?

The "Jewish Peril" or a Jewish conspiracy to quietly take over the world.

You all know where this is leading.

07-23-2014, 10:53 PM
You know what this reminds me of?

The "Jewish Peril" or a Jewish conspiracy to quietly take over the world.

You all know where this is leading.

Think so?

Explain why your misunderstood muslims all over the world are currently engaged in terrorism and atrocities against civilized humanity.
Hard to ignore today's headlines, don't you think?

07-24-2014, 01:48 AM
You know what this reminds me of?

The "Jewish Peril" or a Jewish conspiracy to quietly take over the world.

You all know where this is leading.

There is no such thing as the "Jewish Peril"....it's just a conspiracy created by Islamists as a deflection from their "conquer from within" strategy.

07-24-2014, 01:29 PM
You know what this reminds me of?

The "Jewish Peril" or a Jewish conspiracy to quietly take over the world.

You all know where this is leading.

jafar. In case no-one has reminded you lately. YOU continue to prove to the rest of us. What a truly SICK, DISTORTED, MISERABLE body you are.
Creating more excuses to disguise your intentional propaganda of HATRED...still fails.

07-24-2014, 02:40 PM
jafar. In case no-one has reminded you lately. YOU continue to prove to the rest of us. What a truly SICK, DISTORTED, MISERABLE body you are.
Creating more excuses to disguise your intentional propaganda of HATRED...still fails.

WRONG aboutime, jafar is the worst kind of terrorist, yes I said he is a terrorist but a true cowardly one, see all of these terrorist are cowards ( hiding behind kids and in Hospitals and stuff like that ) but jafar showed his true colors by supporting this scum, make no mistake what side jafar is on, he is just to chicken shit to do the deal himself.

07-25-2014, 08:39 PM
It's referred to as soft jihad.

I don't think its really about that. I mean, that strategy just isn't a viable plan, because of how many moving parts you're talking about. Really, it's more that we stopped having as many kids per household, and, actually, the absurdly high birthrate is part of the reason they're having so many hard battles over resources in the ME. If every household is having 7+ kids in an area with few resources (like, say, the middle of the fucking desert), then it becomes a huge problem.

You also have to realize that most muslims over here are more along the lines of Jafar: they're sort of the Presbyterians of Islam. They believe, and certainly have faith, but they're not fully drinking the Kool-Aid.

07-25-2014, 09:08 PM
I don't think its really about that. I mean, that strategy just isn't a viable plan, because of how many moving parts you're talking about. Really, it's more that we stopped having as many kids per household, and, actually, the absurdly high birthrate is part of the reason they're having so many hard battles over resources in the ME. If every household is having 7+ kids in an area with few resources (like, say, the middle of the fucking desert), then it becomes a huge problem.

You also have to realize that most muslims over here are more along the lines of Jafar: they're sort of the Presbyterians of Islam. They believe, and certainly have faith, but they're not fully drinking the Kool-Aid.

Gaffer, and Dragon. Think about that SOFT JIHAD thing. For me, that's like saying EASIER DEATH, rather than INSTANT DEATH. When someone tries to place a value on such things as DEATH.

Both semantic-rhetorical meanings are still JUST AS PERMANENT.

red state
07-25-2014, 09:20 PM
There is no such thing as the "Jewish Peril"....it's just a conspiracy created by Islamists as a deflection from their "conquer from within" strategy.

EXACTLY!!!!! Sassy you touched on something there. Hitler proposed the same non-sense as those who supported him during WWII and till this very day we know them as (muSLUMS). Yes, those who don't know any better; look it up....they both worked hand in hand and they both spread the same BULL$#!T that jaFART and his ilk spread. THEY are the world's problem and if it weren't for our enemies we know as the LEFT, we would be fairing much better in our fight for FREEDOM, SECURITY and SUCCESS!!!

By the way; [Presbyterian of iSLUM]?! REALLY? I've never known of any Christian denomination that supported the stifling of FREE will or the murder of others. WOW!

07-25-2014, 11:20 PM
I sounded this alarm long ago. My thread titled, I Take My Stand -You, covers it and predicted it three years ago here but I was giving that prediction 5 years before that at my old site(8 years ago) and ten years before that (18 years ago)long before 9/11. Because I being a fan of all things Brit saw what was happening there! The Islamists do not race across territory on horseback conquering as they did at their start-murdering about 250 million innocent people until stopped when attempting to conquer all of Europe, Charles Martel etc. They fly in, come in by ship, car and by rail.
They sent up enclaves, take over neighborhoods -run decent native citizens out then set up Sharia law just as my thread predicted and suggested we as a nation must start immediately to counter this. Instead we went rapidly along with it! Voted in their man--obam bastard!!!

Doubt--go check out my thread--it is not hard to find. It is listed at top of the board.
I Take My Stand -You!
and so I did..... now I see so many here caught up , the entire board just about, praise the Lord.
That long thread has tons of info as well as my very long thread in the religion and ethics forum that documents their decades long expanding Jihad--murder of all that opposes them!



Welcome aboard folks, mighty glad you bought a ticket on this ship..
I was lonely but now have great company... Tyr

The only stand I see is a bunch of talk. Talk is cheap. What are you going to do? Maybe picketing CAIR would be a start.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-26-2014, 12:42 PM
The only stand I see is a bunch of talk. Talk is cheap. What are you going to do? Maybe picketing CAIR would be a start.
Why ask me? Are you ready to arm and fight? If not why criticize another for not engaging in violence?
Ever hear the pen is mightier than the sword?
Keeping the information out and hidden does nothing but let the wound fester and grow. Yet many cry out against revealing what they are doing!
I ask you why do you do that?
Do you think ignorance is bliss?
Do you think head in the damn sand is the way to go?
Picketing CAIR is stupidity IMHO.
CAIR is protected by dems, globalists, Obama and libs/leftists of every stripe..
Vote in a Republican, demand change that stops this nation destroying agenda and prosecute the damn traitors-- Obama included. Do that if possible or else destruction or revolution will sooner or later hit us..
"They" plan on it and having it occur on their schedule! -Tyr

red state
07-26-2014, 01:00 PM
It is called TROLLING! Liberal cowards are good at this. In fact, they support everything we voice our opinion about. That, in and of itself, is one good reason that we keep INFORMING those who need the truth....otherwise, they'll only get mis-informed and lied to with lil' pukes like the ones we have here trolling.

07-27-2014, 07:33 AM
There is no such thing as the "Jewish Peril"....it's just a conspiracy created by Islamists as a deflection from their "conquer from within" strategy.

In case you didn't understand the reference. Hitler has the exact same conspiracy written in Mein Kampf but about the Jews.

As long as you're comfortable with the path you are following... Happy with where you are headed....

07-27-2014, 07:36 AM
In case you didn't understand the reference. Hitler has the exact same conspiracy written in Mein Kampf but about the Jews.

As long as you're comfortable with the path you are following... Happy with where you are headed....

This is the result of Islam Terrorism, not Jewish Terrorism.

07-27-2014, 07:42 AM
As long as you're comfortable with the path you are following... Happy with where you are headed....

Islam - path to hell, destruction, death, fire, suicide, murder...

07-27-2014, 08:19 AM
I'll just add my two cents and leave it at that.

Remember the Etruscans? You probably never even heard of them. They were the race of people who lived in Italy before the Romans. So what happened to them? Did the Romans systematically wipe them out? In a way, yes, they interbred with them, the Etruscans became assimilated into Roman society, and there you go, no more Etruscans. The same thing is happening today. The average, white person is slowly becoming an anachronism because a generation or two ago, we decided to have fewer children. Europe did the same thing, attaining zero population growth over 30 years ago. The stereotype of the large Italian family with kids coming out of the woodwork has been replaced by the Italian family with one or two kids. I know this from personal experience, none of my paisanos have more than two children.

On the other hand, other groups have not adopted this sort of behavior, they've continued to breed and have more children than were needed to replace them. In other words, their populations are increasing while ours decreases. If the present trends continue, the white European male/female will go the way of the Neanderthal.

Which brings up another issue.. who is going to do the work? As in Europe, we will be experiencing a labor shortage because of declining population (because we're aging, and there are fewer children to replace us as we die). So, we are going to do what Europe has done, import labor.

Unfortunately, the way its being done today is not conducive to a stable national identity. Instead, we are doing it a way that mimics the Romans. The Romans had an illegal immigration problem, too. They were called the Vandals, the Goths, the Ostrogoths... in other words, the barbarian masses that eventually brought their empire down. If we allow people who do not want to be American to come here, we will eventually live to see the sack of Washington, DC and New York just as the Romans saw the sack of Rome.

I am not, for one, against immigration... if it's legal, allows for assimilation, prevents those people with disease from entering our borders, and allows people with critical skills to enter our borders. We must address the impending labor shortage in a sane way. That doesn't mean that we should throw our doors open to a horde of people with little to no skills, who carry disease, who are prone to being enlisted in violent gangs all for the ulterior motive of getting more Democrat voters and making our country have one party rule for the next two generations.. in other words.. not the Obama way.

I could also say that we must become more competitive as American workers because we have a global economy. That means lower corporate taxes, reforming the health insurance system in a way that makes sense and make America a land that is business friendly. The path to country's prosperity is through trade....

OK, that's my two cents.