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View Full Version : Parents to pay $500 fine if child breaks curfew

07-22-2014, 04:46 AM
I like this idea and wish other cities would follow it's example. I hope it works.

Baltimore Residents React To Stricter Curfew
With the new law, teens under 14 years old have to be off the streets by 9 p.m. Those 14 to 16 years of age can stay out no later than 10 during the week and no later than 11 on the weekends and during the summer.
But will it work?
“I don’t know if it’s going to do anything,” said one teen.
“It’s already been in place in Panama and all the kids do is break the rules and nothing really is done about it,” said Alexandra Diaz-Albertini.
The law, while meant to do more good than harm, is drawing criticism from parents who, with the new law could be fined $500 if their kids are out late.
A stiff price to pay but other parents say it could help.
“Maybe they would be more strict if they had to pay $500,” said Ieasha Daughtery.
The $500 could be waived if parents sign up for parental guidance classes provided by the city.


07-22-2014, 06:54 AM
I like this idea and wish other cities would follow it's example. I hope it works.

I use to deliver to Baltimore a good bit, and that is one place that when I shut my eyes I always had a little something laying across my chest ( thank god I never had to use it ) but many areas I would have to shut down in where bad, but honestly parts of Baltimore where some of the worst, and going to the truck stop they had was worst yet. these fines won't work at all there because #1 no one could afford them ( at least the people that are allowing their kids to do wrong ) #2 parents must be home at night to make sure the kids are there ( the streets are filled with what I call folks with night jobs )

All the fines and laws in the world won't fix anything when people don't care to do the right thing, many of these kids are brought up to have these night jobs, they are born into a life on the streets.

07-22-2014, 04:02 PM
Using the threats of FINES against people who will never pay such fines, just won't work.

What will they do when ALL THE PEOPLE who don't pay....FILL THE JAILS?


Taxpayers. YOU, ME, ALL OF US.

Meanwhile. The same people are out on the streets.

YOU can't THROW money at the Problem, and you can't TAKE money away...if it's not there.

07-22-2014, 05:28 PM
Nothing good has ever come from teenagers being out after 11 or 12 at night. Most things are closed and there is really nothing to do in most towns except get into trouble.

I applaud the law, the gov. should be able to garnish wages if necessary in order to get the people to pay the fines. Maybe "parents" would start parenting their little hooligans.

07-22-2014, 05:55 PM
Nothing good has ever come from teenagers being out after 11 or 12 at night. Most things are closed and there is really nothing to do in most towns except get into trouble.

I applaud the law, the gov. should be able to garnish wages if necessary in order to get the people to pay the fines. Maybe "parents" would start parenting their little hooligans.

Trigg. I would love to totally agree with you about this but. TRUTH IS....any of those teens who are out getting into trouble; generally have no parents at home who either CARE, or claim any responsibility.
The drug traffic, and other crimes that are borne out of the needs to use, and sell drugs. Most often are the only sources of living for those children/teens who are forced to live alone, either on the streets, or with other parent-less teens.

What most of us call Ghetto life is a hard REALITY for millions of young people who, as most of us know; are minorities in the Big cities across this nation.
Sadly. And coincidentally...but not accidentally. Those large cities with large ghetto populations of minority young people....JUST HAPPEN TO BE CONTROLLED BY DEMOCRAT mayor's, and Democrat city councils that have been STEALING, CHEATING, ROBBING, and IGNORING these problems for many decades.

Just watch the reactions to what I have said here.
Pay attention to those who DENY where I blamed Democrats.
That will answer everything, and provide the TRUTH.

07-22-2014, 06:07 PM
I agree with Trigg. I also agree with waiving the fine if parent(s) attend a training class. No, it won't help parents in the throes of addiction, but may help the many that really want to help their kids, but don't know how to discipline.

Even for those with addicted parents or ineffectual, the kids may avail themselves to alternatives, to keep their parents from debt.

07-22-2014, 08:09 PM
Several So. Calif. cities used to have a law where kids caught violating curfew were picked up and brought to a detention center. An adult needed to come pick them up. There was no fine, but the adult had to sign a form acknowledging that their kid was in violation.
Of course, the law was overturned when some bleeding heart liberal went to court screaming that they weren't responsible for their kids hoodwinking them. Now, all the kids get are misdemeanor tickets that they probably toss before they get home.

My dad told us that we were responsible for our own actions. If one of us was picked up by police, he wasn't coming down to bail us out. We weren't about to call his bluff.

07-23-2014, 01:29 AM
Several So. Calif. cities used to have a law where kids caught violating curfew were picked up and brought to a detention center. An adult needed to come pick them up. There was no fine, but the adult had to sign a form acknowledging that their kid was in violation.
Of course, the law was overturned when some bleeding heart liberal went to court screaming that they weren't responsible for their kids hoodwinking them. Now, all the kids get are misdemeanor tickets that they probably toss before they get home.

My dad told us that we were responsible for our own actions. If one of us was picked up by police, he wasn't coming down to bail us out. We weren't about to call his bluff.

I always knew that the "authorities" could never rain hellfire down on me worse than my mom. Just knowing what she was capable of kept my nose clean. Unfortunately, after I left home her alcoholism caught up with her big time and all my younger siblings became hooligans (i.e., criminals). What also helped was that we lived way out in the country when I was a kid and then she moved to town where it was easy for the kids to sneak out at night.

If the "bleeding heart liberals" had not taken away all parental rights to discipline our children things might be different ... but who knows.