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07-23-2014, 12:31 PM
We may get to the bottom of Lerner's activities yet.

This will get very interesting if they're complete... and will shed light on who was directing Lerner. Reid? Obama?


07-23-2014, 01:41 PM
We may get to the bottom of Lerner's activities yet.

This will get very interesting if they're complete... and will shed light on who was directing Lerner. Reid? Obama?


I'm sure there are a lot of high ranking dems that this will point too including reid, polosi, cummings and a whole slue of others right up to the white house.

07-23-2014, 02:57 PM
I'm sure there are a lot of high ranking dems that this will point too including reid, polosi, cummings and a whole slue of others right up to the white house.
We should be so lucky!!!!!!!

07-23-2014, 03:20 PM
As much as I totally distrust ANYTHING that may be disclosed on those Lerner emails. I suspect, the damage has already been REMOVED that would point to anyone WE KNOW.

All of this has been part of a huge, intentionally directed Delay to protect the same people WE ALL KNOW, do not wish to be exposed, or named.

Reminder. The entire Obama administration, and ANY Politician connected, in any way to Obama are FIRST, AND FORMOST....LIARS.

IF anything was contained on Lerner's emails, or the mysteriously destroyed HARD DRIVES.

Anyone who knows the IT profession..in the slightest...also knows. If there was information to be removed, or deleted/erased. Someone who has some connection to the OBAMA IRS/LERNER playbook...used all of this DELAY time to make sure....THE GUILTY WOULD NEVER BE DISCOVERED.

We are going to start hearing more defensive stories from the very same people...Possibly, Even Lerner, and Cummings. With new attitudes, and more pleasing, kind words. ALL without going back to the FIFTH Amendment declaration.

I hope I am wrong. But my gut feelings tell me. We're just seeing ROUND TWO, of the DELAY.

(a quote from aboutime)

red state
07-23-2014, 03:24 PM
I'm sure there are a lot of high ranking dems that this will point too including reid, polosi, cummings and a whole slue of others right up to the white house.

Not if they are as doctored as B.O.'s birth certificate. HA!!! So, what if they are obviously doctored and nobody lifts a finger to push the envelope to the limit? Are we to sit back and take it like all the other crap.......M3 thinks YES. This tyrannical traitor has done much worse than this (IF) he is tied to it but he and HIS has gotten a Free-get-outta jail card on all other counts. At least nobody died (as with Benghazi) of the greatest number of deaths for our Navy S.E.A.L.s (at one time and in one slow moving chopper). And this tragedy came after OBL was killed. Looks mighty bad and if lumped in with all the other stuff (A LOTTA STUFF) it looks as if this big eared galoot can get away with just about anything.

Bottom line: someone at the bottom will pay but don't look for Reid, Pill-osi or anyone at the top. We're now in this till the :shitfan:and by the time we get sick and tired of it all......it will be too late to really do anything about it. We've simply let too many things go too long.

red state
07-23-2014, 03:26 PM
As much as I totally distrust ANYTHING that may be disclosed on those Lerner emails. I suspect, the damage has already been REMOVED that would point to anyone WE KNOW.

All of this has been part of a huge, intentionally directed Delay to protect the same people WE ALL KNOW, do not wish to be exposed, or named.

Reminder. The entire Obama administration, and ANY Politician connected, in any way to Obama are FIRST, AND FORMOST....LIARS.

IF anything was contained on Lerner's emails, or the mysteriously destroyed HARD DRIVES.

Anyone who knows the IT profession..in the slightest...also knows. If there was information to be removed, or deleted/erased. Someone who has some connection to the OBAMA IRS/LERNER playbook...used all of this DELAY time to make sure....THE GUILTY WOULD NEVER BE DISCOVERED.

We are going to start hearing more defensive stories from the very same people...Possibly, Even Lerner, and Cummings. With new attitudes, and more pleasing, kind words. ALL without going back to the FIFTH Amendment declaration.

I hope I am wrong. But my gut feelings tell me. We're just seeing ROUND TWO, of the DELAY.

(a quote from aboutime)

EXACTLY......just saw what old Aboutime posted after finishing my own reply and posting it. I'll just wait for you next time old friend so that I can simply post: "EXACTLY".

07-23-2014, 03:30 PM
EXACTLY......just saw what old Aboutime posted after finishing my own reply and posting it. I'll just wait for you next time old friend so that I can simply post: "EXACTLY".

Not a problem. Glad to have YOU, and DRUMMOND as two members who still bother to respond.

Ever heard the expression "Up shit's creek without a paddle?"

Seems like Obama and Company managed to DRAIN THE CREEK on this.


07-23-2014, 03:40 PM
The biggest problem is the inmates are running the jail here and nothing will be done until they are removed.

red state
07-23-2014, 03:41 PM
Aboutime, I don't trust ANY liberal SCUM.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-23-2014, 10:27 PM
We may get to the bottom of Lerner's activities yet.

This will get very interesting if they're complete... and will shed light on who was directing Lerner. Reid? Obama?


If they turn over any tapes they will have been purged to keep bam bastard out of it or else they'll not ever get turned over!

THE CORRUPTION DONE affected that re-election and should void its result but that would cause a civil war! The IRS actions held back groups backing the Republican candidate and that was election tampering, illegal action and a huge conspiracy to rig the election--it succeeded!
Now no call to reverse or void the results. bam traitor and crew knew even if caught it would be too damn late! That's why he should be arrested and tried. He has no legal right to that office nor does the lying bastard have any true authority over any American citizen IMHO!!!!

red state
07-23-2014, 10:50 PM
yes, and in the age of technology, we are more concerned with our cell phones, Xbox's and other meaningless contraptions/venues such as TALK forums. I'm not saying that everyone is at fault and nobody seems to involve themselves but I truly believe that all of us (myself included) have become so complacent that we accept (to a certain degree) any 'law' or SOB that comes down the pike. Those who brake un-CONSTITUTIONAL laws stand alone when singled out and we lend little to no support. Yes, I support disobeying un-Constitutional laws and I do contribute in many ways to preserve this Republic but I'm also guilty of simply going with the flow..........

07-24-2014, 01:53 AM
Even if something points to high ranking Dems they will stand up behind the podium and swear before God and man that the Repubs doctored the emails to make them look bad..........and, get this ..... the idiots that listen to Reid and company will believe it.

07-24-2014, 07:12 AM
The administration is charged with enforcing the laws. Does anyone believe the administration will enforce laws against itself?

The wolves are guarding the sheep, the foxes are watching over the hen house and the snakes are in the grass keeping anyone from getting too close.

So all we got to do is vote em out? Yeah right.

07-24-2014, 03:17 PM
yes, and in the age of technology, we are more concerned with our cell phones, Xbox's and other meaningless contraptions/venues such as TALK forums. I'm not saying that everyone is at fault and nobody seems to involve themselves but I truly believe that all of us (myself included) have become so complacent that we accept (to a certain degree) any 'law' or SOB that comes down the pike. Those who brake un-CONSTITUTIONAL laws stand alone when singled out and we lend little to no support. Yes, I support disobeying un-Constitutional laws and I do contribute in many ways to preserve this Republic but I'm also guilty of simply going with the flow..........

The administration is charged with enforcing the laws. Does anyone believe the administration will enforce laws against itself?

The wolves are guarding the sheep, the foxes are watching over the hen house and the snakes are in the grass keeping anyone from getting too close.

So all we got to do is vote em out? Yeah right.

All of this is so sad, I would love to argue it but it is true, I have heard a thousand times " it is what it is" " what can we do" and so on, and to some degree it is true, with the criminals in charge it is hard to change, but we must keep up the fight and some how take our Country back. I am one that believes this isn't going to happen with votes and polls and all that other trash, people are going to have to come together and do what we must !!! It is coming, it is no longer a matter of if, but rather when.

red state
07-24-2014, 04:43 PM
Jeff, I consider myself a REALIST (even tho my wife would label me as a pessimist).

To put it in a perspective that folks will understand me more; it is like driving a care without oil......you'll get only so far and once the damage has been done IT IS DONE. When injustice Roberts signed over our rights with the stroke of a pen, he, like others before him, just scribbled VOID over part of the Constitution. I don't wish to sound pessimistic but we did have a chance to see the LIGHT but we chose to do what Ben Franklin feared that we'd do.......................eventually.

It seems that our morals and character has finally reached the proper "water downed" state to where someone like B.O. and his scum can do just about anything they want. I will not gloat in any predictions I've made (WHEN) they come true cuz it will indeed be a sad day for AMERICA when they do come true. Anyone who has known me for the past several years knows what I'm talking about.

We have all the signs; the steam is coming out of the radiator, the pipe is smoking and we're jumping gears YET we continue driving as if nothing is wrong. The car can only go so far till it locks up.

07-31-2014, 06:54 AM
May not be able to vote 'em out but we can still holler real loud on social media until a movement is created.

Joyful HoneyBee
08-01-2014, 11:00 PM
These various scandals are all part of the cat and mouse game they like to play, and Lerner will end up being the patsy. I agree with aboutime and red states that they back ups will have been doctored and she'll be well compensated for taking the fall. For this administration, the beauty of having so many scandals at once is that an abundance of smoke and mirrors keeps everyone from seeing the big picture.

Joyful HoneyBee
08-12-2014, 11:11 AM

Under Oath: IRS officials detail Lerner computer crash in declarations to courtThe IRS has submitted several sworn declarations to a federal district court in an attempt to explain the missing emails of former agency official Lois Lerner, as part of a case brought against the agency by a conservative watchdog group.

In the declarations, agency technology officials insisted they did everything they could to fix and recover data from the hard drive of Lerner, who is a central figure in the investigation into the agency’s targeting of conservative groups. However, they said their efforts were fruitless, and some of Lerner's emails were lost.
The IRS submitted the declarations to comply with an order from U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, which said Monday the agency’s explanations were inadequate.
“This latest IRS filing seems to treat as a joke Judge Sullivan’s order requiring the IRS to produce details about Lois Lerner’s ‘lost’ emails, and any efforts to retrieve and produce them to Judicial Watch as required under law,” the statement said. “Frankly, it seems the cover-up continues.”
The IRS says it lost the emails in 2011 when Lerner's computer crashed. Judicial Watch, along with GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill, has questioned how the IRS lost the emails and, in some cases, had no apparent way to retrieve them.
The declarations submitted were from five IRS officials, including two who said they personally worked on the hard drive.
In their declarations, the two IT officials insisted they did everything they could to recover Lerner’s lost files. Aaron G. Signor, an information technology specialist, recounted how he ran multiple tests on the hard drive and attempted to recover the data, but it was to no avail.
Signor said he did not recall there being any external physical damage to the hard drive, and the hard drive was later taken to be worked on by a more senior technician.
The official, John H. Minsek, also worked on the hard drive. Minsek said the drive had “critical problems” that could have been either electronic or mechanical in nature, or both, and he was also unable to fix it.
Sullivan had given the tax agency 30 days to file a declaration by an "appropriate official" to address the computer issues involving Lerner.
Lerner, who has since retired, headed the IRS unit that reviews applications for tax-exempt status, at the time when the agency was accused of subjecting conservative groups to additional scrutiny.
The Associated Press contributed to this report

If the IT techs for the IRS can't do a better job backing up the IRS email system, how can they be trusted to preserve and protect everyone's sensitive personal records? This is simply more BS!
Everyone who had anything to do with missing emails from each and every instance of "lost emails" should be charged with obstruction & contempt of congress, and jailed & fined!

08-12-2014, 11:58 AM
The emails are missing because they would incriminate people all the way to the white house and probably a bunch of senators as well. It's a full blown criminal conspiracy. Unfortunately the people responsible for prosecution are up to their eyeballs in it as well.

08-12-2014, 12:19 PM
The next time the IRS wants you to produce some records for them while you're under the microscope, just tell them they got lost in a catastrophic hard drive failure. Being the responsible citizen that you are, you sent it off to the recyclers.

Seems like it's a valid argument and they certainly can't fault you.