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View Full Version : Mutiliate the women cries Muslim State!!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-24-2014, 03:09 PM

No anti-muslim biased source here Jafar.--Tyr

UN representative says Islamic State issues order to Mosul women, a claim denied by websites linked to the group.

The Islamic State group has ordered females in its territory in Iraq to undergo female circumcision, the UN's resident and humanitarian coordinator in Iraq has said - a claim rejected by activists linked to the group.

Jacqueline Badcock said on Thursday the decree was issued to residents between 11 and 46 years old living in and around the city of Mosul. The decree would potentially affect four million women and girls, she said.

"This is something very new for Iraq, particularly in this area, and is of grave concern and does need to be addressed," she said during a news conference from Erbil.

"This is not the will of Iraqi people, or the women of Iraq in these vulnerable areas covered by the terrorists."

The decree was posted on Twitter, but its authenticity was rejected by Islamic State affiliated websites and Twitter accounts.

When asked by Al Jazeera when the group would issue a statement, one Islamic State sympathizer said: "They have better things to do with their time than retracting bogus claims."

However, local reports suggest that it was not issued by the Islamic State group, and a statement had not been issued by its media division.

The Islamic State group took over large parts of Iraq last month.

Minorities, such as Christians and Shias, have been leaving Mosul after the group took control. It issued a decree last week ordering Christians to convert, pay a Christian tax, leave Mosul or face death.
Religion of Peace cutting off piece one at a time. As usual inflicting pain on women--innocent victims and doing so in Allah's name just as they murder in Allah's name.
Yet Jafar will deny all of it as usual.
Finally he pulls his mask down. And more members here see that he is a true muslim--one that supports terror, murders of innocent women and children along with wishes of the death of Israel and the Jews.

Took long enough....

07-24-2014, 03:57 PM
When asked by Al Jazeera when the group would issue a statement, one Islamic State sympathizer said: "They have better things to do with their time than retracting bogus claims."

However, local reports suggest that it was not issued by the Islamic State group, and a statement had not been issued by its media division.

The group didn't say it. It appears to be, thank God, an unsubstantiated rumour. Why are you even wasting your time posting this drivel Tyr?

07-24-2014, 04:07 PM
The group didn't say it. It appears to be, thank God, an unsubstantiated rumour. Why are you even wasting your time posting this drivel Tyr?

jafar. THERE YOU GO AGAIN. What you call, and demand...propaganda-wise as DRIVEL. The rest of CIVILIZED people around the World know it to be TRUTH.

Because you are convinced it is false....doesn't mean it isn't true. You have no defense against TRUTH.

07-24-2014, 04:28 PM
International news source with no ties or allegiances to either side:


07-24-2014, 04:37 PM
International news source with no ties or allegiances to either side:


What does this have to do with genital mutilation?

07-24-2014, 08:17 PM
jafar. THERE YOU GO AGAIN. What you call, and demand...propaganda-wise as DRIVEL. The rest of CIVILIZED people around the World know it to be TRUTH.

Because you are convinced it is false....doesn't mean it isn't true. You have no defense against TRUTH.

This is like that thing where Egypt was supposed to have passed a law to allow men to have sex with their dead wife when Morsi was in charge. You guys took that whopper hook, line, and sinker too.

Is it your contention that this story is true because you say it is?

BTW, I have absolutely no love for ISIS and I wouldn't put it past them to do something terrible like this, but in this case they are innocent. Even the story in the OP says so.

07-24-2014, 09:17 PM
This is like that thing where Egypt was supposed to have passed a law to allow men to have sex with their dead wife when Morsi was in charge. You guys took that whopper hook, line, and sinker too.

Is it your contention that this story is true because you say it is?

BTW, I have absolutely no love for ISIS and I wouldn't put it past them to do something terrible like this, but in this case they are innocent. Even the story in the OP says so.

No jafar. We have no reasons to contend anything, or agree with any of your endless attempts to jam your propaganda down our throats.

You once again skirt the primary question, trying to distract, and divert by saying you have no Love for ISIS. While, previous months here on this board. You intentionally will never admit the same about Hamas.

07-24-2014, 11:31 PM
No jafar. We have no reasons to contend anything, or agree with any of your endless attempts to jam your propaganda down our throats.

You once again skirt the primary question, trying to distract, and divert by saying you have no Love for ISIS. While, previous months here on this board. You intentionally will never admit the same about Hamas.

And he never will AT, he is in support of Hamas, we have all seen it and this past week he proved it to us.

07-25-2014, 02:32 PM
I see Tyr left the thread due to the embarrassment of shouting unchecked facts which turned out to be false from the rooftops.

07-25-2014, 02:38 PM
I see Tyr left the thread due to the embarrassment of shouting unchecked facts which turned out to be false from the rooftops.

I don't think so jafar, Tyr has been here on a limited time basis, I am pretty sure he will be back ( when time allows ) and if and when he see's this he will hand you another spanking :laugh:

07-25-2014, 03:04 PM
I see Tyr left the thread due to the embarrassment of shouting unchecked facts which turned out to be false from the rooftops.

You have the audacity to try and call out Tyr for bailing from a thread? You must have bailed from hundreds over the years when your bullshit was proved wrong. I have never once seen Tyr disappear from a reply. I have never seen Tyr support atrocities like you do either. Nor have I ever seen him support the discrimination of women as you do. Nor have I seen him call for the death of jews as you do. Nor have I seen him call for the death of those leaving Islam, like you do. Nor have I seen him call for punishment for free speech as you have done. Nor have I seen him cheer for terrorist attacks like you did, and made further excuses for.

When 20,000+ attacks are made by your friends over the years, and you support it - and Tyr shoves the facts down your throat - I can 'almost' understand why you may want to attempt to rub it in when a supposed rumor makes its way through the cracks. Understand though, with the endless stream of proven atrocities coming direct out of Islam, one or 2 out of every 20,000 may slip through.

07-25-2014, 03:10 PM
I see Tyr left the thread due to the embarrassment of shouting unchecked facts which turned out to be false from the rooftops.

jafar. Another FAILED attempt to distract, and avoid being proven as the LIAR you are, and have become.

When Tyr visits his bathroom. He voids himself of inhumane waste with More Credibility than You.

You keep coming here to compete with being the lone BOTTOM of the barrel. And nobody denies you are.

07-25-2014, 03:18 PM
Tyr is a stand up guy that stands by his beliefs and doesn't wavier, truth be told Tyr has a lot on his plate right now taking care of business like a man should ( jafar I understand that you wouldn't understand this ) as for him leaving a thread because he lost :laugh: jafar you and I know that isn't true, you posted this here to feel like you have accomplished something even if it is just until Tyr logs back on.

We all Have seen Tyr admit he was wrong in other post , it just very rarely happens, but honestly this subject here I doubt he is wrong, if enough research was done he will win this one to, jafar you should try and be half the man Tyr is, then maybe you could pull your head out of your Butt and see things straight !!

07-25-2014, 03:20 PM
I see Tyr left the thread due to the embarrassment of shouting unchecked facts which turned out to be false from the rooftops.

He's going to hand you your tattered ass when he sees this.

"Hey, Achmed, let's see what happens when we dump some Avgas on this fire!":popcorn:

I really think it's funny that you falsely accuse ANYONE of bailing when you've got at least 100 threads that you've fled right here on this board. Hypocrite.

07-25-2014, 03:35 PM
He's going to hand you your tattered ass when he sees this.

"Hey, Achmed, let's see what happens when we dump some Avgas on this fire!":popcorn:

I really think it's funny that you falsely accuse ANYONE of bailing when you've got at least 100 threads that you've fled right here on this board. Hypocrite.

NT your fuel on the fire is exactly what jafar did :laugh: Tyr will hand him a new A$$ plus some real soon :laugh:

07-25-2014, 04:17 PM
You have the audacity to try and call out Tyr for bailing from a thread? You must have bailed from hundreds over the years when your bullshit was proved wrong. I have never once seen Tyr disappear from a reply. I have never seen Tyr support atrocities like you do either. Nor have I ever seen him support the discrimination of women as you do. Nor have I seen him call for the death of jews as you do. Nor have I seen him call for the death of those leaving Islam, like you do. Nor have I seen him call for punishment for free speech as you have done. Nor have I seen him cheer for terrorist attacks like you did, and made further excuses for.

When 20,000+ attacks are made by your friends over the years, and you support it - and Tyr shoves the facts down your throat - I can 'almost' understand why you may want to attempt to rub it in when a supposed rumor makes its way through the cracks. Understand though, with the endless stream of proven atrocities coming direct out of Islam, one or 2 out of every 20,000 may slip through.:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

07-25-2014, 04:26 PM
International news source with no ties or allegiances to either side:


Your 'international news source' is Independent Television News (a division of ITV), this being a British station, and the BBC's chief competitor in the UK (not counting Sky, a satellite broadcaster).

It plays to a British audience.

It therefore competes in a British market, where the BBC is the leading media disseminator. To a British audience, one that soaks up the BBC's Leftie biases, on a daily basis.

You are technically correct. ITV has 'no ties or allegiances to either side'. But if they didn't reflect a 'quality' of news dissemination which the British public already found acceptable, they'd suffer greatly in commercial terms. They, unlike the BBC, don't have licence fees they can tap into for daily funding.

07-25-2014, 05:37 PM
Your 'international news source' is Independent Television News (a division of ITV), this being a British station, and the BBC's chief competitor in the UK (not counting Sky, a satellite broadcaster).

It plays to a British audience.

It therefore competes in a British market, where the BBC is the leading media disseminator. To a British audience, one that soaks up the BBC's Leftie biases, on a daily basis.

You are technically correct. ITV has 'no ties or allegiances to either side'. But if they didn't reflect a 'quality' of news dissemination which the British public already found acceptable, they'd suffer greatly in commercial terms. They, unlike the BBC, don't have licence fees they can tap into for daily funding.

Gabby, I'm going to add to my above post. I suspect that you have an 'understanding' of what you THINK the ITV company is which is not quite true.

The context of 'Independent', as it applies to ITV, is what you may need to understand.

All of this reaches back into early British broadcasting history.

The BBC, for a very long time, was 'all there was' in the UK to occupy radio and television frequencies. In radio ... medium wave broadcasts came from the BBC, first from the old '2LO' station, latterly the Home Service, then the Light Programme, then the Third Programme (classical music station).

TV ... there was just the one BBC station, from the BBC's earliest public broadcasting origins (1936) up to the mid-1950's. No competition to the BBC existed, until then. Along came INDEPENDENT TELEVISION, called 'Independent' because it was independent from the BBC, independent also from State funding. With ITV, commercial broadcasting was born in the UK.

'Terrestrial' broadcasting was all that existed in those days. In 1964, two TV channels existed .. the BBC, and ITV. 1964 saw the birth of BBC-2, bringing the tally of channels to the grand total of three. This persisted until the 1980's, with Channel 4, a second commercial broadcaster. Since then, we've seen Channel 5, the birth of satellite broadcasts, its Cable spin-off, and today, the hundreds of channels from analogue to digital broadcast channels.

So there you have it, Gabby. 'Independent' in ITV terms refers purely to British broadcasting history, and its chief relevance is rooted in historical fact. The context I think you believed attached to 'Independent' in fact doesn't exist. ITV is simply a British broadcaster, happening to be different to the BBC, not tied into State controls, or State funding.

07-27-2014, 08:04 AM
Odd that one proclaims Tyr left the thread - and yet others answer Jafar, he reads the responses and bails.

Pot, Kettle, Black yourself!! :)

07-27-2014, 08:16 AM
He's going to hand you your tattered ass when he sees this.

How so? His ass has already been served with gravy on this one.

07-27-2014, 08:17 AM
How so? His ass has already been served with gravy on this one.

And yet Muslims the world over DO IN FACT commit atrocities like this on a DAILY BASIS.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-28-2014, 11:20 PM
I see Tyr left the thread due to the embarrassment of shouting unchecked facts which turned out to be false from the rooftops.

Are you insane? No need to answer as we know you are Muslim .
First, I have never ran from a fight in my life and trust me I've been in over a hundred of them with blood ever so freely flowing so this with you isn't even a tickle!
As to my not being here I am now taking care of my mother that is very likely to die if not nursed back to health soon.
So do try not to crow over your imagined victory.
Now lay out your "supposed" refutation if you want me to show you the error of your terrorist loving ways!
If not I haven't time for this crap from you , the guy that has ignored hundreds of my counter shots that hit the damn bulls-eye on your crap on so very many other threads!
Exactly what do you think you have refuted or ran me from?
You list it and I'll make the damn time to hand you your ass Hoss!
If not then sit on your prayer carpet and pray for Allah to strike me because I'll kick his pagan evil ass too!!! I don't play!
Or beg the "child molesting high priest (Mohamboy) for the Dark Lord's religion to aid you..
I am no longer being nice to a guy that supports Hamas that so eagerly murders innocent Israeli women and children...

07-29-2014, 06:48 AM
Are you insane? No need to answer as we know you are Muslim .
No not insane just a effing Terrorist !!

First, I have never ran from a fight in my life and trust me I've been in over a hundred of them with blood ever so freely flowing so this with you isn't even a tickle!

The only fight this terrorist would know is to fly a plane into a building or shoot rockets while you sleep !!

As to my not being here I am now taking care of my mother that is very likely to die if not nursed back to health soon.

I sincerely hope even a terrorist would do this but who knows.

So do try not to crow over your imagined victory.

He has so few.

Now lay out your "supposed" refutation if you want me to show you the error of your terrorist loving ways!

Yea right :laugh:

If not I haven't time for this crap from you , the guy that has ignored hundreds of my counter shots that hit the damn bulls-eye on your crap on so very many other threads!

That is what he is hoping.

Exactly what do you think you have refuted or ran me from?

A stinky Rag Head.

You list it and I'll make the damn time to hand you your ass Hoss!

That is simple, jafar's stand is Israel bad Rag Heads good.

If not then sit on your prayer carpet and pray for Allah to strike me because I'll kick his pagan evil ass too!!! I don't play!

Kill Allah !!!

Or beg the "child molesting high priest (Mohamboy) for the Dark Lord's religion to aid you..

There all either molesters or Homosexuals that are to cowardly to take serious !!

I am no longer being nice to a guy that supports Hamas that so eagerly murders innocent Israeli women and children...

Correction he is no longer supporting he is a terrorist !!

Tyr I thought in case you didn't have time to read through all the threads I would bring you up to speed :cool:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-30-2014, 10:15 PM
Correction he is no longer supporting he is a terrorist !!

Tyr I thought in case you didn't have time to read through all the threads I would bring you up to speed :cool:

Thanks my friend. It is now noted!
Give a man enough rope and eventually he will hang himself with it..
Appears Jafar has now done so. Light breaks the dark shadows and flee they do in the blink of an eye!

07-30-2014, 10:36 PM
Abusive rant ignored. Here is the answer to the only question I can see in all that.

Now lay out your "supposed" refutation if you want me to show you the error of your terrorist loving ways!


Happy now, or are you going to keep shouting fake news from the podium?

07-31-2014, 05:11 AM
Abusive rant ignored. Here is the answer to the only question I can see in all that.


Happy now, or are you going to keep shouting fake news from the podium?

That was cool how ya did that jafar, here is the problem, remember you and Gabby going on and on about my sources being no good, the first 3 on the list are 3 that I got them from :laugh: so guess what buddy this means nothing !!! And that is from your mouth, these sources aren't any good :laugh:

07-31-2014, 05:32 AM
Are you insane? No need to answer as we know you are Muslim .
First, I have never ran from a fight in my life and trust me I've been in over a hundred of them with blood ever so freely flowing so this with you isn't even a tickle!
As to my not being here I am now taking care of my mother that is very likely to die if not nursed back to health soon.
So do try not to crow over your imagined victory.
Now lay out your "supposed" refutation if you want me to show you the error of your terrorist loving ways!
If not I haven't time for this crap from you , the guy that has ignored hundreds of my counter shots that hit the damn bulls-eye on your crap on so very many other threads!
Exactly what do you think you have refuted or ran me from?
You list it and I'll make the damn time to hand you your ass Hoss!
If not then sit on your prayer carpet and pray for Allah to strike me because I'll kick his pagan evil ass too!!! I don't play!
Or beg the "child molesting high priest (Mohamboy) for the Dark Lord's religion to aid you..
I am no longer being nice to a guy that supports Hamas that so eagerly murders innocent Israeli women and children...:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

07-31-2014, 04:11 PM
Abusive rant ignored. Here is the answer to the only question I can see in all that.


Happy now, or are you going to keep shouting fake news from the podium?

jafar. You should know by now. The ONE and ONLY member who keeps shouting FAKE news here is YOU.

You call it news. We call it HAMAS PROPAGANDA, and LIES.

How bout you deny this one: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/middle-east/ISIS-jihadists-order-genital-mutilation-of-all-women-in-Iraq/articleshow/38979130.cms

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-01-2014, 09:58 AM
Abusive rant ignored. Here is the answer to the only question I can see in all that.


Happy now, or are you going to keep shouting fake news from the podium?
I reject your propaganda sources. See how easy that is? For it is exactly what you have done hundreds of times..

Next! -Tyr

08-01-2014, 01:01 PM
I reject your propaganda sources. See how easy that is? For it is exactly what you have done hundreds of times..

Next! -Tyr

jafar has no idea what he has been programmed to say here. Like a mechanical Hamas Robot. Jafar simply does what he is told to do to keep himself safe from the retribution Hamas might shower down on him.

Here in the states we have a name for that. It's called "LOOSING YOUR HEAD".

08-01-2014, 08:01 PM
jafar. You should know by now. The ONE and ONLY member who keeps shouting FAKE news here is YOU.

You call it news. We call it HAMAS PROPAGANDA, and LIES.

How bout you deny this one: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/middle-east/ISIS-jihadists-order-genital-mutilation-of-all-women-in-Iraq/articleshow/38979130.cms


It's really not hard to realise the story is fake. Much as I wouldn't be surprised with scum like ISIS, but this time at least it is fake news!

08-01-2014, 08:20 PM

It's really not hard to realise the story is fake. Much as I wouldn't be surprised with scum like ISIS, but this time at least it is fake news!

Isis is scum, but Hamas is ok. Who the hell are you fooling? If ISIS was in Palestine right now, and helping "avenge earlier deaths" as you put it, then you would still call them scum? Or you would condemn them. Once again, don't bother, I already know the answer. ISIS is only scum because they aren't killing who you don't like - but start killing the jews and they earn your full support.

08-02-2014, 08:46 AM

It's really not hard to realise the story is fake. Much as I wouldn't be surprised with scum like ISIS, but this time at least it is fake news!

PROVE IT JAFAR. PROVE IT'S FAKE. And while you are at it. PROVE everything you bring here is TRUE.

Your support of ISIS is almost as laughable as your HAMAS support.