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View Full Version : Gaza truce efforts go up in smoke

07-27-2014, 10:51 AM
Is it a surprise that the terrorist animals don't care about their people? Or is it that they don't care about the Jews and must continue to try and kill them? Or both?


Gaza City (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) - The Islamist Hamas movement continued firing rockets at Israel Sunday, despite claims it had accepted a UN request for a 24-hour extension of a humanitarian truce in war-torn Gaza.

Hamas's belated acceptance of diplomatic calls for a temporary ceasefire was announced several hours after Israel resumed a devastating military assault on the enclave after a pause of more than 24 hours.

Although Hamas said its militants would halt their fire from 1100 GMT in response to a request from the United Nations, there was no response from Israel.

And rockets continued to fall, with 11 striking Israel in the two hours after the reportedly truce went into effect, prompting a derisive response from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"They are violating their own ceasefire," he told the CNN news network.


07-27-2014, 10:57 AM
I'm not surprised and I don't care who will come next, Hamas-era is just over.
Stupid John Kerry.

07-27-2014, 11:01 AM
I'm not surprised and I don't care who will come next, Hamas-era is just over.
Stupid John Kerry.

It's all they know, violence and death. A truce? From terrorists? The only way to finally put this to an end is to decimate the place and take them all out. Hamas and their other terrorist cronies over there ALL have to go, and Israel should keep up the bombardments until this happens.

And John Kerry, being called stupid is a compliment. He lied and stabbed his fellow soldiers in the back, tossed his medals away. Then he turned around and wanted to use the very same time he served to his advantage when running for office.

07-27-2014, 11:49 AM
I realize that Israel is in a difficult position, and I don't presume to know more about warfare than the commanders of the arguably most impressive military on earth (pound-for-pound).

That being said, it is a very big mistake to agree to a cease-fire because Hamas will only agree to that when they're on the ropes. That is precisely the time to launch a devastating offensive to decimate them, because Hamas is in bad shape and needs time to regroup and resupply.

We went through that cease-fire and peace talks bullshit back in Vietnam. When Hanoi was desperate, they'd agree to sit down and talk while regrouping and resupplying - and that cycle continued for years.

Every time the end was in sight, politicians would agree to back off the bombing campaigns and offensives after being suckered into more peace talks and our military would have to start again against brand new SAM sites, aircraft, weapons & troops put into place and reorganized during that window. As soon as they were ready, they'd break off talks and the war would start again against those new assets.

That's what created the quagmire - the military wasn't allowed to win the war because of meddling politicians reigning in our forces.

IMO, you either let the military off the leash and let them win, or get off the friggin' battlefield. This half-stepping bullshit is not how you wage war.

Unconditional Surrender was the goal in WWII, and that was a resounding success. Even today the old Axis countries are loathe to take up weapons, let alone plot and plan offensive operations against another country.

07-27-2014, 01:22 PM
Hamas agrees to (or initiates, if rarely) lulls in fighting (a) for propaganda purposes, (b) to rearm, (c) to gain an alternative tactical advantage (.. I have in mind the news that Hamas has created a network of tunnels to help them get terrorists out of Gaza and into Israeli territory).

I don't know about American news media, but the BBC is going all-out to push the idea that the Israelis are killing large numbers of Gazans in areas that are purely residential. Only a couple of hours ago, BBC News arranged an interview with some Palestinian child welfare spokeswoman, who insisted she wasn't a Hamas supporter, but went on to insist that Hamas doesn't turn people into human shields (.. this leaving the listener the notion that Israel is killing indiscriminately, for its own sake .. 'strangely', I was reminded of Jafar's arguments and approach by this point).

At least we also have the news that the tunnel networks are set up to allow terrorists to avoid Israeli capture, since they allow terrorists the means to pop up in any residences and blend in with the general population .. as well, of course, as also being covert exit-routes to escape Gaza in the first place.

Anyone reading the Hamas Charter cannot help but understand that Hamas is MANDATED not to seriously negotiate. When agreements are struck, they are purely temporary and never aimed at any lasting peace as any hoped-for objective.

Here's what I don't get: their Charter is freely available for scrutiny. Why don't people like the UN, Kerry, etc just GET THE MESSAGE FROM IT that Hamas will never agree to permanent peace, that they EXIST for the OPPOSITE of that ????

By the way, I've not viewed it .. but I've seen trailers advertising the BBC's HardTalk programme (these are 30 minute-long 'hard nosed' interview sessions). The latest is one of Stephen Sackur and an interview he's had with the Hamas leader !! Knowing the BBC ... they'll doubtless repeat their broadcast of it several times.

If the BBC isn't actually a pro-Hamas mouthpiece, it might just as well be. I can't tell the difference.

07-27-2014, 01:29 PM
Hamas agrees to (or initiates, if rarely) lulls in fighting (a) for propaganda purposes, (b) to rearm, (c) to gain an alternative tactical advantage (.. I have in mind the news that Hamas has created a network of tunnels to help them get terrorists out of Gaza and into Israeli territory).

I don't know about American news media, but the BBC is going all-out to push the idea that the Israelis are killing large numbers of Gazans in areas that are purely residential. Only a couple of hours ago, BBC News arranged an interview with some Palestinian child welfare spokeswoman, who insisted she wasn't a Hamas supporter, but went on to insist that Hamas doesn't turn people into human shields (.. this leaving the listener the notion that Israel is killing indiscriminately, for its own sake .. 'strangely', I was reminded of Jafar's arguments and approach by this point).

At least we also have the news that the tunnel networks are set up to allow terrorists to avoid Israeli capture, since they allow terrorists the means to pop up in any residences and blend in with the general population .. as well, of course, as also being covert exit-routes to escape Gaza in the first place.

Anyone reading the Hamas Charter cannot help but understand that Hamas is MANDATED not to seriously negotiate. When agreements are struck, they are purely temporary and never aimed at any lasting peace as any hoped-for objective.

Here's what I don't get: their Charter is freely available for scrutiny. Why don't people like the UN, Kerry, etc just GET THE MESSAGE FROM IT that Hamas will never agree to permanent peace, that they EXIST for the OPPOSITE of that ????

By the way, I've not viewed it .. but I've seen trailers advertising the BBC's HardTalk programme (these are 30 minute-long 'hard nosed' interview sessions). The latest is one of Stephen Sackur and an interview he's had with the Hamas leader !! Knowing the BBC ... they'll doubtless repeat their broadcast of it several times.

If the BBC isn't actually a pro-Hamas mouthpiece, it might just as well be. I can't tell the difference.

Sir Drummond. We are aware of the BBC, and the liberal/lying American MSM that would crash and die from BROWN NOSE-BLEED if Obama stopped suddenly.
Most of America, or at least...the honestly educated, informed portion of America ISN'T as gullible, or easily led as the American MSM, and the BBS like to think.

As I have stated many times before here. Obama, the Left, and your BBC DEPEND on convincing the UNEDUCATED/UNINFORMED that everything they say is...FACTUAL. But...when they are exposed with their Lies...they simply Blame someone else.
It never ends.

07-27-2014, 01:45 PM
Sir Drummond. We are aware of the BBC, and the liberal/lying American MSM that would crash and die from BROWN NOSE-BLEED if Obama stopped suddenly.
Most of America, or at least...the honestly educated, informed portion of America ISN'T as gullible, or easily led as the American MSM, and the BBS like to think.

As I have stated many times before here. Obama, the Left, and your BBC DEPEND on convincing the UNEDUCATED/UNINFORMED that everything they say is...FACTUAL. But...when they are exposed with their Lies...they simply Blame someone else.
It never ends.

Totally agree.

What concerns me about the BBC is their degree of dominance here, as they ARE our State broadcaster. They can't fail, they can't fold up, no matter what they broadcast, because UK citizens are forced to pay a viewing licence fee which is used to fund the BBC ! They may have opposition, such as ITV and Sky, but once they were our ONLY radio and television media, and were for decades. Here, broadcast media started with them. To say the least, they're seen as part of the very fabric of British life.

So they're pretty much guaranteed a perception of credibility from whatever they broadcast.

It should be the case that the BBC's output is far more dismissable over there in the US. Besides, you have Fox News ... we have no equivalent. At least, you have the means to 'deprogram' yourselves !

07-27-2014, 02:42 PM
Totally agree.

What concerns me about the BBC is their degree of dominance here, as they ARE our State broadcaster. They can't fail, they can't fold up, no matter what they broadcast, because UK citizens are forced to pay a viewing licence fee which is used to fund the BBC ! They may have opposition, such as ITV and Sky, but once they were our ONLY radio and television media, and were for decades. Here, broadcast media started with them. To say the least, they're seen as part of the very fabric of British life.

So they're pretty much guaranteed a perception of credibility from whatever they broadcast.

It should be the case that the BBC's output is far more dissmissable over there in the US. Besides, you have Fox News ... we have no equivalent. At least, you have the means to 'deprogram' yourselves !

Sir Drummond. Totally agree, and feel so bad that people over there have become almost like our Undereducated, Educationally challenged, Obama voters who are convinced...The Earth (their earth) is Flat if OBAMA, or the BBC say so.

For me. The BBC sort of now stands for "British Believed CHAMBERLAIN", and continue to do so. But those who know, and remember History also know...What Doomed to Repeat It means..up close, and personal.

For a large number of our Perpetually Uneducated, Hateful population. Those who have been convinced to always insist FOX is their enemy, and always lying. They remain so fully uninformed...almost intentionally, that Obama, and our Democrats have succeeded in convincing the Perpetually Ignorant, and Uninformed...only THEY know what is good for the DUMB, STUPID, IGNORANT Voters for Obama.

So. You have the BBC. Nothing more than an OLDER version of the new AL JAZEERA-ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN liars clubs.

07-27-2014, 03:48 PM
I see Jafar whined in another thread about Israel supposedly breaking a cease fire. Then he reads the news in this thread and can't even reply. Tsk Tsk, must royally suck to be a muslim and a terrorist supporter these days!

07-27-2014, 05:11 PM
I see Jafar whined in another thread about Israel supposedly breaking a cease fire. Then he reads the news in this thread and can't even reply. Tsk Tsk, must royally suck to be a muslim and a terrorist supporter these days!

Jim. As many of us predicted. Hamas intentionally broke their own cease-fire, then using the gullible Palestinians as pawns, blamed it on Israel.

jafar will come back with the same LIES he has been using all along.

It may not be the same words...in the same order. But lies are often changed to suit the moment.

Just wait, and watch.

07-27-2014, 06:44 PM
Sir Drummond. Totally agree, and feel so bad that people over there have become almost like our Undereducated, Educationally challenged, Obama voters who are convinced...The Earth (their earth) is Flat if OBAMA, or the BBC say so.

For me. The BBC sort of now stands for "British Believed CHAMBERLAIN", and continue to do so. But those who know, and remember History also know...What Doomed to Repeat It means..up close, and personal.

For a large number of our Perpetually Uneducated, Hateful population. Those who have been convinced to always insist FOX is their enemy, and always lying. They remain so fully uninformed...almost intentionally, that Obama, and our Democrats have succeeded in convincing the Perpetually Ignorant, and Uninformed...only THEY know what is good for the DUMB, STUPID, IGNORANT Voters for Obama.

So. You have the BBC. Nothing more than an OLDER version of the new AL JAZEERA-ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN liars clubs.

That's actually truer than perhaps you know. Did you know that when Al Jazeera first started up, most of its staff were from the old (and closed down, by the Saudis ..) BBC Arabic Television ?

It's not as though the 'drain' of BBC reporters over to Al Jazeera ended there. Rageh Omaar, who reported on the Falklands War for the BBC, 'defected' to Al Jazeera. Then, of course, there was David Frost. More recently, one of the Al Jazeera reporters to be jailed by Egypt was Peter Greste, another ex-BBC journalist.

07-28-2014, 04:31 PM
I see Jafar whined in another thread about Israel supposedly breaking a cease fire. Then he reads the news in this thread and can't even reply. Tsk Tsk, must royally suck to be a muslim and a terrorist supporter these days!

A ceasefire is not a ceasefire if one side continues as usual except for not levelling entire neighbourhoods. Hamas have the right to defend themselves.

07-28-2014, 04:35 PM
A ceasefire is not a ceasefire if one side continues as usual except for not levelling entire neighbourhoods. Hamas have the right to defend themselves.

Oh well, then Hamas and those around them die, it's really that simple.

07-28-2014, 04:38 PM
A ceasefire is not a ceasefire if one side continues as usual except for not levelling entire neighbourhoods. Hamas have the right to defend themselves.

Come on folks, it is only a ceasefire if Israel lays down and gives these animals everything they want, and then they will be able to walk into Israel and start loping heads off and put them on poles and other good fun, right jafar.

07-28-2014, 04:58 PM
A ceasefire is not a ceasefire if one side continues as usual except for not levelling entire neighbourhoods. Hamas have the right to defend themselves.

jafar. With all the countless times you have come here to repeat that. You should have spent equal amounts of time...PERSONALLY contacting HAMAS, and reminding them..."YOUR PROPAGANDA ISN'T WORKING HERE".

You sound like an American Liberal who has been conditioned, and convinced...through repeating known lies, that your words are true.

Problem is jafar. YOUR WORDS ARE NOT TRUE. Not as long as you intentionally Refuse to admit, you are only repeating the DEMANDED falsehoods, HAMAS has brainwashed you, and the Palestinians to repeat.