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View Full Version : Hillary: George Bush Made Me Proud To Be An American

07-28-2014, 12:21 AM
Obama's leading from behind, not so much:


Sunday on CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS," former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton discussed the United States standing in the world and said former President George W. Bush is the president who made her "proud to be an American."Clinton then seemingly took a shot at Obama's current lack of direction in world leadership.
"We have to go back out and sell ourselves," Clinton said. "It is not to be taken for granted. What do we stand for and, how do we intend to lead and manage? How do we try to enlist the rest of the world in this struggle between cooperation and order and conflict and disorder which is really at the root of so much that's going on today, and i don't think we've done a very good job of that."

"Of course there are specifics," she continued. "They're all the headlines we can talk about. But the trend lines --let's not forget the trend lines. George W. Bush is very popular in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Why? Because of the president emergency program for AIDS relief whether you agree or disagree with a lot of what else he did -- and I disagree with a lot of it -- I am proud to be an American when I go to Sub-Saharan Africa and people say, 'I want to thank President Bush and the United States for helping us fight HIV/AIDS.' We spend a lot of money and a lot of time and effort trying to be influential around the world when I think we would be able to succeed more effectively if we were clearer about who we are and what we stand for and the values that we hold."

07-29-2014, 01:09 AM
Some of us predicted that history would see Bush as one of the great ones.