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View Full Version : Sheila Jackson Lee - idiot

07-31-2014, 11:22 AM
How could she have "misspoke"? She's an idiot, that's the only explanation. In her rush to make retarded statements she forgot her own stupidity of the past. In her defense, she has made a LOT of idiotic statements, it must get rough trying to remember all of them.

Congresswoman who co-sponsored Bush impeachment bill said Democrats never tried to impeach Bush

During a floor speech on Wednesday night, Texas Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee voiced her opposition to the House Republican lawsuit against President Barack Obama and said that Democrats had never moved to impeach former President George W. Bush when he was in office.

“A historical fact that President Bush pushed this nation into a war that had little to do with apprehending terrorists,” Jackson Lee said. “We did not seek an impeachment of President Bush, because as an executive, he had his authority. President Obama has the authority.”

It's an odd thing for Jackson Lee to say, because it was just six years ago that she helped lead a movement to impeach Bush by co-sponsoring a bill accusing him of high crimes and misdemeanors.


07-31-2014, 11:38 AM
Historical fact has no bearing on anything folks like her do or say.

07-31-2014, 12:44 PM
Jackson Lee is still waiting...like Representative Johnson; who wondered about TOO MANY AMERICANS on GUAM...


WE all should take notice, and become familiar with the Requirements for Members of Congress.

There are NO Educational requirements....NONE. All they need is a BODY TEMPERATURE. And NO BRAIN is required either.

07-31-2014, 01:21 PM
Jackson Lee is still waiting...like Representative Johnson; who wondered about TOO MANY AMERICANS on GUAM...


WE all should take notice, and become familiar with the Requirements for Members of Congress.

There are NO Educational requirements....NONE. All they need is a BODY TEMPERATURE. And NO BRAIN is required either.
In a few cases, "no brain" would be an improvement!

07-31-2014, 01:24 PM
In a few cases, "no brain" would be an improvement!

Gotta agree with you there CSM. No Brain, compared to DAMAGED BRAIN leaves a lot of dangerous options.:laugh:

07-31-2014, 01:53 PM
She and others like her are counting on Liberals doing just like they do on this board, just believing anything they say and any proof we have that it is a lie comes from a bad source :laugh: I have watched this with a few on here that scream everytime they see something posted that they don't like that the source is "redneck, conservative BS ect..." even though you may post the same story from countless others sources it doesn't change there minds, it is called a closed mind !!!

07-31-2014, 02:00 PM
She really is a buffoon of the highest order. Here's a few funnies from around the interwebs :

- 400 year old U.S. constitution - in her world, it predated the Pilgrims.

- Republicans didn't want to raise the debt ceiling because Obama was black.

- Tea Party members are KKK :

"All those who wore sheets a long time ago have now lifted them off and started wearing, uh, clothing, uh, with a name, say, I am part of the tea party. Don’t you be fooled." She then went criticize these Tea Partiers for being among “those who said Congresswoman Jackson-Lee’s braids were too tight in her hair.”

- Her command of economics and the debt ceiling :

"Why are we trying to reinvent the wheel? All economists will say you don't make immediate cuts in this fiscal year; you project them out. Just like a budget in households, they move out. They do what they're going to do for the month of June and then for the month of July and then for the month of August. But, no."

- Even though she's on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, she doesn't know that Vietnam was reunified 39 years ago. Somehow this non-existent country still isn't up to snuff :

"Today we have two Vietnams, side by side, North and South. Exchanging and working. We may not agree with all North Vietnam is doing, but they are living in peace. I would look for a better human rights record for North Vietnam but they are living side by side."

- At a town hall on August 12, 2009 a woman named Roxana Mayer identified herself as a Primary Care Physician and stated that while our system is the greatest in existence, it is poor in terms of preventative care. She asked how the Democrat's plans would address this issue. Representative Jackson Lee asked for a round of applause for the doctor and asked the doctor how long she has been practicing. When the doctor responded four years, Representative Jackson Lee asked for another round of applause.

It was discovered later that Roxana Mayer is not a doctor. She is a political activist, a delegate for the Obama campaign, and apparently does not live in Representative Jackson Lee's district

- When confronted by opponents of illegal immigration, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee asked the ethnic origins of the protestors and when one lady responded that she was of French and Spanish heritage, Congresswoman Jackson Lee stated that she therefore knew her opinions of people like her as an African American.

- After the 2009 death of Michael Jackson, Sheila Jackson Lee went to Los Angeles to speak at the memorial service of the pop star where she mourned him as “someone who will be honored forever and forever and forever and forever.” The congresswoman ended her valedictory to a man she described as “our icon” by saying “Michael Jackson, I salute you.” While speaking, she held up a copy of House Resolution 600, which she introduced to honor him. Her resolution, though, didn't go anywhere in the House. After all, very few members of Congress were eager to mourn a man with a well-documented history of allegations of sexual predation on young boys.

"Who paid for that trip for you to go to that memorial service?" reporter Joel Eisenbaum asked Jackson Lee when she appeared live on the Sunday morning newscast.

"Well, uh ... that umm ... those resources are resources that I have and, therefore, they are in a way that does not interfere with anything that has to do with serving the United States Congress," answered Jackson Lee.

"Understood," Eisenbaum replied. "So, public funds?"

"Those resources are resources that I have," said Jackson Lee.

- Early in her tenure in Congress, back in the days when airlines still served food, Jackson Lee would demand the ability to make multiple first class reservations on Continental Airlines and then cancel them freely according to her schedule. The airline did not appreciate this. The culminating point was when Jackson Lee boarded a flight back to her Houston district and discovered the first class menu didn’t include the seafood option that she wanted. The congresswoman started screaming :
“Don’t you know who I am? I’m Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Where is my seafood meal? I know it was ordered!”

- She doesn't seem to understand what her job entails, or what an Executive Order is :

“I believe this caucus will put us on the right path and we’ll give President Obama a number of executive orders that he can sign with pride and strength.”


“In fact, I think that should be our number one agenda. Let’s write up these executive orders, draft them of course - and ask the president to stand with us on full employment.”


“We have martial law. What that means – and my colleagues know what it means – is that you can put a bill on in just minutes.”

- Apparently it's not the fault of the thugs that they have illegal weapons :

“Don’t condemn the gangbangers, they’ve got guns that are trafficked, that are not enforced, that are straw purchased and they come into places even that have strong gun laws. Why? Because we don’t have sensible gun legislation.”

- This one defies logic :

“I stand here as a freed slave because this Congress came together.”

- Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee had an interesting response when a staffer requested to meet with her :

“What? What did you say to me? Who are you, the Congresswoman? You haven’t been elected. You don’t set up meetings with me! I tell you! You know what? You are the most unprofessional person I have ever met in my life.”

- Former Capitol office executive assistant and events scheduler Rhiannon Burruss claimed Sheila Jackson Lee was outraged when she found out someone was given a chauffeur to a Selma march anniversary, while she wasn't given one :

“You don't understand. I am a queen, and I demand to be treated like a queen.”

- After ordering her driver to literally park at the front door of the US Treasury against Secret Service orders, and then demanding her driver to not pull over for pursuing Secret Service officers, her driver finally pulled over against her wishes. She then confronted the Secret Service officials :
“I’m Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee! Who do you think you are?”

- And possibly my favorite : In 1997, while on a trip to the Mars Pathfinder operations center in California, Jackson Lee asked if the Pathfinder had succeeded in taking a picture of the flag planted on Mars by Neil Armstrong in 1969.

Does anyone else think she looks like Martin Lawrence in drag? :laugh:


07-31-2014, 02:05 PM
She really is a buffoon of the highest order. Here's a few funnies from around the interwebs :

- 400 year old U.S. constitution - in her world, it predated the Pilgrims.

- Republicans didn't want to raise the debt ceiling because Obama was black.

- Tea Party members are KKK :

- Her command of economics and the debt ceiling :

- Even though she's on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, she doesn't know that Vietnam was reunified 39 years ago. Somehow this non-existent country still isn't up to snuff :

- At a town hall on August 12, 2009 a woman named Roxana Mayer identified herself as a Primary Care Physician and stated that while our system is the greatest in existence, it is poor in terms of preventative care. She asked how the Democrat's plans would address this issue. Representative Jackson Lee asked for a round of applause for the doctor and asked the doctor how long she has been practicing. When the doctor responded four years, Representative Jackson Lee asked for another round of applause.

It was discovered later that Roxana Mayer is not a doctor. She is a political activist, a delegate for the Obama campaign, and apparently does not live in Representative Jackson Lee's district

- When confronted by opponents of illegal immigration, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee asked the ethnic origins of the protestors and when one lady responded that she was of French and Spanish heritage, Congresswoman Jackson Lee stated that she therefore knew her opinions of people like her as an African American.

- After the 2009 death of Michael Jackson, Sheila Jackson Lee went to Los Angeles to speak at the memorial service of the pop star where she mourned him as “someone who will be honored forever and forever and forever and forever.” The congresswoman ended her valedictory to a man she described as “our icon” by saying “Michael Jackson, I salute you.” While speaking, she held up a copy of House Resolution 600, which she introduced to honor him. Her resolution, though, didn't go anywhere in the House. After all, very few members of Congress were eager to mourn a man with a well-documented history of allegations of sexual predation on young boys.

- Early in her tenure in Congress, back in the days when airlines still served food, Jackson Lee would demand the ability to make multiple first class reservations on Continental Airlines and then cancel them freely according to her schedule. The airline did not appreciate this. The culminating point was when Jackson Lee boarded a flight back to her Houston district and discovered the first class menu didn’t include the seafood option that she wanted. The congresswoman started screaming :

- She doesn't seem to understand what her job entails, or what an Executive Order is :

- Apparently it's not the fault of the thugs that they have illegal weapons :

- This one defies logic :

- Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee had an interesting response when a staffer requested to meet with her :

- Former Capitol office executive assistant and events scheduler Rhiannon Burruss claimed Sheila Jackson Lee was outraged when she found out someone was given a chauffeur to a Selma march anniversary, while she wasn't given one :

- After ordering her driver to literally park at the front door of the US Treasury against Secret Service orders, and then demanding her driver to not pull over for pursuing Secret Service officers, her driver finally pulled over against her wishes. She then confronted the Secret Service officials :

- And possibly my favorite : In 1997, while on a trip to the Mars Pathfinder operations center in California, Jackson Lee asked if the Pathfinder had succeeded in taking a picture of the flag planted on Mars by Neil Armstrong in 1969.

Does anyone else think she looks like Martin Lawrence in drag? :laugh:


Yes she does :laugh: but at least he is funny !!!

After reading all those quotes if I didn't realize just how stupid she is I would surely be a racist :laugh:

07-31-2014, 02:30 PM
Just when you thought al notsosharp had stupid all sown up along comes lee.

07-31-2014, 02:44 PM
She and her ilk are NOT the problem folks. She and her ilk are the symptom. The problem is WE - voting folks - allow her; no, we CREATE her ability to affect the nation.

How many millions of people adore her; and value her point of view? Uniformed and foolish in our society ARE the plague.

07-31-2014, 03:00 PM
She and her ilk are NOT the problem folks. She and her ilk are the symptom. The problem is WE - voting folks - allow her; no, we CREATE her ability to affect the nation.

How many millions of people adore her; and value her point of view? Uniformed and foolish in our society ARE the plague.

Exactly right.

How she can get elected after demonstrating how incredibly arrogant and stupid she is shows what the average intelligence level of the voting public is.

07-31-2014, 03:40 PM
Yes she does :laugh: but at least he is funny !!!

After reading all those quotes if I didn't realize just how stupid she is I would surely be a racist :laugh:

Really Jeff? That's more like a terrible insult to Martin Lawrence. And I honestly think he would be insulted too!:laugh:

That expression "Great minds think alike" really doesn't apply to either of them :laugh:

07-31-2014, 03:50 PM
I didn't vote for her. She's not in my district. So I'm not part of the "we" being talked about here. Obviously the district she represents is full of incredibly stupid people that are even dumber than she is. All it would take is someone running against her showing all these stupid remarks to get her out of there. If the people in that district can't see what a fool she is and continue to vote for her I recommend sending the illegals there for holding. It will increase the IQ level immensely.

07-31-2014, 03:58 PM
I didn't vote for her. She's not in my district. So I'm not part of the "we" being talked about here. Obviously the district she represents is full of incredibly stupid people that are even dumber than she is. All it would take is someone running against her showing all these stupid remarks to get her out of there. If the people in that district can't see what a fool she is and continue to vote for her I recommend sending the illegals there for holding. It will increase the IQ level immensely.

Gaffer. Would love to agree with you but..Lee has been around so long. It's obvious the people she represents aren't intelligent enough, educated, Obama voters who are equally as foolish, and dumb as she is.
Voting against her would be like voting against Obama. And those racists simply DO NOT WANT to be accused of being RACISTS based on FACTS.

07-31-2014, 05:59 PM
Gaffer - "society" did not elect her. "We" - as in - the population of the US elected her. If society is the problem - WE are the problem. Vote Libertarian. :)

red state
07-31-2014, 06:21 PM
Problem is.....many (too many) of the libertarians are more suitable to being labeled LIBERAL-tarian. THEY are a dangerous lot who jeopardize order, morality and National security (as with liberals) and often side with the enemy without even knowing it. I think most of them are smokin' the junk that many of them seek to legalize. Look at the Nut Paul and how he viewed Iran. Yeah.....at times he (THEY) can make Lee look quite intelligent.

07-31-2014, 06:30 PM
Apparently you didn't get the memo, Jim...

About four years ago the word "idiot" was replaced with "Jackson Lee" thus making your thread title redundant...

So, don't be a Jackson Lee...


08-01-2014, 09:32 AM
Gaffer - "society" did not elect her. "We" - as in - the population of the US elected her. If society is the problem - WE are the problem.

Well, I can guarantee you that if she were to run for any kind of office in Alaska, she'd be laughed out of the State. Her list of gaffes illustrating her total ignorance should be a death sentence to any politician, anywhere.

Her district is to blame for either not caring, or being just as stupid as she is. Either way it's an abomination.

Vote Libertarian. :)

Dangerous. That is a surefire blueprint to end up with Hillary... and that makes me queasy.

08-01-2014, 10:52 AM
Gaffer - "society" did not elect her. "We" - as in - the population of the US elected her. If society is the problem - WE are the problem. Vote Libertarian. :)

I don't like the term "we" in these discussions as it infers I had anything to do with it. Stupid people in Houston TX along with massive fraud put her in office. "WE" did not.

I refuse to vote liberal-tarian. They have nothing to offer but more of what we have now. You'll just be able to get high and not notice it.

08-03-2014, 09:13 AM
She really is a buffoon of the highest order. Here's a few funnies from around the interwebs :

- 400 year old U.S. constitution - in her world, it predated the Pilgrims.

- Republicans didn't want to raise the debt ceiling because Obama was black.

- Tea Party members are KKK :

- Her command of economics and the debt ceiling :

- Even though she's on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, she doesn't know that Vietnam was reunified 39 years ago. Somehow this non-existent country still isn't up to snuff :

- At a town hall on August 12, 2009 a woman named Roxana Mayer identified herself as a Primary Care Physician and stated that while our system is the greatest in existence, it is poor in terms of preventative care. She asked how the Democrat's plans would address this issue. Representative Jackson Lee asked for a round of applause for the doctor and asked the doctor how long she has been practicing. When the doctor responded four years, Representative Jackson Lee asked for another round of applause.

It was discovered later that Roxana Mayer is not a doctor. She is a political activist, a delegate for the Obama campaign, and apparently does not live in Representative Jackson Lee's district

- When confronted by opponents of illegal immigration, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee asked the ethnic origins of the protestors and when one lady responded that she was of French and Spanish heritage, Congresswoman Jackson Lee stated that she therefore knew her opinions of people like her as an African American.

- After the 2009 death of Michael Jackson, Sheila Jackson Lee went to Los Angeles to speak at the memorial service of the pop star where she mourned him as “someone who will be honored forever and forever and forever and forever.” The congresswoman ended her valedictory to a man she described as “our icon” by saying “Michael Jackson, I salute you.” While speaking, she held up a copy of House Resolution 600, which she introduced to honor him. Her resolution, though, didn't go anywhere in the House. After all, very few members of Congress were eager to mourn a man with a well-documented history of allegations of sexual predation on young boys.

- Early in her tenure in Congress, back in the days when airlines still served food, Jackson Lee would demand the ability to make multiple first class reservations on Continental Airlines and then cancel them freely according to her schedule. The airline did not appreciate this. The culminating point was when Jackson Lee boarded a flight back to her Houston district and discovered the first class menu didn’t include the seafood option that she wanted. The congresswoman started screaming :

- She doesn't seem to understand what her job entails, or what an Executive Order is :

- Apparently it's not the fault of the thugs that they have illegal weapons :

- This one defies logic :

- Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee had an interesting response when a staffer requested to meet with her :

- Former Capitol office executive assistant and events scheduler Rhiannon Burruss claimed Sheila Jackson Lee was outraged when she found out someone was given a chauffeur to a Selma march anniversary, while she wasn't given one :

- After ordering her driver to literally park at the front door of the US Treasury against Secret Service orders, and then demanding her driver to not pull over for pursuing Secret Service officers, her driver finally pulled over against her wishes. She then confronted the Secret Service officials :

- And possibly my favorite : In 1997, while on a trip to the Mars Pathfinder operations center in California, Jackson Lee asked if the Pathfinder had succeeded in taking a picture of the flag planted on Mars by Neil Armstrong in 1969.

Does anyone else think she looks like Martin Lawrence in drag? :laugh:


I just looked up the word "Idiot" and this is what i found

08-03-2014, 02:16 PM
I just looked up the word "Idiot" and this is what i found

namvet. I just realized how great it is to look at that photo of Lee.

It's almost the same as a DOUBLE-LIBERAL-DOSE Of.....Kaopectate...

08-03-2014, 03:02 PM
namvet. I just realized how great it is to look at that photo of Lee.

It's almost the same as a DOUBLE-LIBERAL-DOSE Of.....Kaopectate...



08-03-2014, 04:14 PM


That's the Lee Train Wreck and Kao Method of Stupid, working overtime.

08-03-2014, 04:24 PM
That's the Lee Train Wreck and Kao Method of Stupid, working overtime.

she did that from 500 yards away !!! :laugh:

08-03-2014, 04:50 PM
she did that from 500 yards away !!! :laugh:

namvet.:laugh: Do ya think Jackson Lee would approve of the Engine being eligible for OBAMACARE?:laugh:

08-03-2014, 06:12 PM
namvet.:laugh: Do ya think Jackson Lee would approve of the Engine being eligible for OBAMACARE?:laugh:

Well, the engine is black.

08-03-2014, 06:30 PM
another oldie but goodie


08-03-2014, 08:18 PM
another oldie but goodie


Great reminder namvet. And we all know....that long pause, wasn't what anyone could call "A Pregnant Pause"...Socially speaking.

Coming from her. It wasn't a slip of the tongue. But...it was a "FRAUD"...ian Liberal, Socialist Slip.

08-03-2014, 08:49 PM
the hits just keep on a commin' another one owned



08-03-2014, 09:14 PM
the hits just keep on a commin' another one owned



namvet. I have a good place for all of those P's Of S's. http://icansayit.com/images/garbagecan.jpg

They are all total Racists...and BOXER is the slippery, dangerous one from Californication.

08-03-2014, 09:37 PM
namvet. I have a good place for all of those P's Of S's. http://icansayit.com/images/garbagecan.jpg

They are all total Racists...and BOXER is the slippery, dangerous one from Californication.

I luv it when they get a shit pie right in the puss

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-03-2014, 11:35 PM
She so represents the level of stupidity the Dem party is and caters to.
Yet look how they and their slavish media have kept control for 6 years now while destroying this nation the entire time.
Got to destroy it to remake it a socialist paradise(hellhole)...
That is the scam and the dem party sold out to everything that destroys and weakens this nation, illegal immigration and Muslim causes too.
Bamscum just a well paid puppet making millions with hundreds of millions to come . They picked him because he could claim to be black and he hates this nation, wants it destroyed!
I started telling this back when the traitor was first running(2006) now 8 years later more are starting to see it!
We should be asking why he is now so open about it?
And start to realize just how serious/dangerous is the answer to that!!\-Tyr

08-04-2014, 07:54 AM
and to think there was a time when i liked dems. that was back when they were Americans. now they've morphed into our worst enemy. even my lib sister has had enough of their shit.

08-04-2014, 03:00 PM
and to think there was a time when i liked dems. that was back when they were Americans. now they've morphed into our worst enemy. even my lib sister has had enough of their shit.

namvet. Me too! I'm still ashamed to admit I hated Nixon so much that I voted for JIMMEH CARTER only because he was formerly in the Navy. I was still young, and totally uninformed about politics, and just as easily led then...as TODAY'S easily led...Uneducated Liberals.

08-04-2014, 04:06 PM
namvet. Me too! I'm still ashamed to admit I hated Nixon so much that I voted for JIMMEH CARTER only because he was formerly in the Navy. I was still young, and totally uninformed about politics, and just as easily led then...as TODAY'S easily led...Uneducated Liberals.

well pal to bad you didn't check the liberal blood line

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuRwis3_iVk :laugh:

08-04-2014, 05:07 PM
well pal to bad you didn't check the liberal blood line

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuRwis3_iVk :laugh:

BLOOD LINE? That video just described the entire Democrat party, Obama, and the DNC talking points manual.

And that's NOSCHITT!:clap:

Hanging Judge
08-08-2014, 11:22 PM
This woman is so stupid she's almost funny. Is this the best the black community can do? She's an embarrassment to 4th graders everywhere.