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View Full Version : 72 hour humanitarian cease fire

07-31-2014, 04:44 PM
FOX news just announce there's a 72 hour cease fire planned for 8 AM tomorrow morning. 1 AM EST. Should we start a pool of how long it lasts before hamas breaks it?

07-31-2014, 04:52 PM
FOX news just announce there's a 72 hour cease fire planned for 8 AM tomorrow morning. 1 AM EST. Should we start a pool of how long it lasts before hamas breaks it?

I'm guessing by tomorrow night we'll once again be discussing how Hamas breaks a ceasefire deal. But then again, they may low and try to find a way to re-arm themselves and get more supplies. Hopefully Israel will be keeping a good eye out on any traffic and be prepared to take out the terrorists, either at a moments notice or when the 72 is up.

07-31-2014, 05:13 PM
FOX news just announce there's a 72 hour cease fire planned for 8 AM tomorrow morning. 1 AM EST. Should we start a pool of how long it lasts before hamas breaks it?

A buck says a rocket in the 24 - 48 hour range.

07-31-2014, 05:24 PM
No sense in making any bets. If Hamas' record of breaking THEIR OWN cease fires is accurate.
How can any of those DECLARED HATRED TERRORIST PUKES....Not break it, and try to blame Israel again.

I know the people would like the time out. But we all know. Hamas will never allow it to happen...unless, they are out of ROCKETS, and need deliveries from Syria, and Iran to make their losses up.

Personally. If I had anything to do with the planning in Israel. I would have been loading up My aircraft with BUNKER BUSTERS...all Labeled as TUNNEL ONE, TUNNEL TWO, TUNNEL THREE...and so on until Hamas has to dig STRAIGHT DOWN..instead of horizontally...to stay alive.

red state
07-31-2014, 05:54 PM
Hummus is probably waiting for Kerry and/or B.O. to do their fighting for them. Bush certainly did hummus a favor by strong-arming Israel into giving up more land. I still remember the footage of those poor Israelis having to pack up and hand over their keys to homes they had lived in for decades. It wasn't long after that Bush negotiation that Israel was attacked (AGAIN) and at closer range.....given their new land from which to launch attacks.

There is NO negotiating with these worms. I hate to call them animals as I've heard others do because they are much lower. Let's change it to maggots because they aren't even on the level of worms.

Wait.....I think I hear Kerry talking about how he and B.O. single-handedly caused world peace............at the expense of Israel.

07-31-2014, 06:41 PM
A buck says a rocket in the 24 - 48 hour range.

Dang NT I was going to get a pool going to see what time Hamas will start shooting rockets :laugh:

07-31-2014, 06:42 PM
No sense in making any bets. If Hamas' record of breaking THEIR OWN cease fires is accurate.
How can any of those DECLARED HATRED TERRORIST PUKES....Not break it, and try to blame Israel again.

I know the people would like the time out. But we all know. Hamas will never allow it to happen...unless, they are out of ROCKETS, and need deliveries from Syria, and Iran to make their losses up.

Personally. If I had anything to do with the planning in Israel. I would have been loading up My aircraft with BUNKER BUSTERS...all Labeled as TUNNEL ONE, TUNNEL TWO, TUNNEL THREE...and so on until Hamas has to dig STRAIGHT DOWN..instead of horizontally...to stay alive.

AT the article says all parties have agreed :laugh: don't you have any faith in the terrorist :laugh:

You Know I just thought of something, tonight may be very interesting, this cease fire is set for 8 am, I am sure Hamas will try there best to do what sneak attack stuff they can do tonight, but Israel may go in and clean house this way they know the cease fire will stand

07-31-2014, 06:49 PM
"Humanitarian Cease Fire" is Arabic for "Time to Rearm..."

07-31-2014, 07:04 PM
AT the article says all parties have agreed :laugh: don't you have any faith in the terrorist :laugh:

You Know I just thought of something, tonight may be very interesting, this cease fire is set for 8 am, I am sure Hamas will try there best to do what sneak attack stuff they can do tonight, but Israel may go in and clean house this way they know the cease fire will stand

Jeff:laugh: In answer to your loaded question (tongue in cheek).

The only faith I might have, would need to be directed at either JOHN KERRY, or HAMAS.

But, unfortunately. I trust Hamas more than Kerry. The self-proclaimed Vietnam War Hero, and Self Decorated Betrayal accomplice of Hanoi Jane.
Other than that. My answer has to be "NO".:poke:

red state
07-31-2014, 07:07 PM
AT, you truly have something there......whether you were funning or not. I feel that we have enemies within our gov. who are PERSONALLY at best more of an enemy to me than hummus or any such organization could ever be. I've said this many times over the years and I still mean that.

07-31-2014, 07:10 PM
AT, you truly have something there......whether you were funning or not. I feel that we have enemies within our gov. who are PERSONALLY at best more of an enemy to me than hummus or any such organization could ever be. I've said this many times over the years and I still mean that.

Thanks red state but....I am never funning when talking about the TRIPLE PURPLE HEART phony that helped cause the torture, and possible deaths of AMERICANS.

07-31-2014, 10:20 PM
AT, you truly have something there......whether you were funning or not. I feel that we have enemies within our gov. who are PERSONALLY at best more of an enemy to me than hummus or any such organization could ever be. I've said this many times over the years and I still mean that.

One has to look no further than the Oval office to see enemy #1

red state
07-31-2014, 10:24 PM
Thanks red state but....I am never funning when talking about the TRIPLE PURPLE HEART phony that helped cause the torture, and possible deaths of AMERICANS.

True enough....sad but so VERY true.

red state
07-31-2014, 10:28 PM
One has to look no further than the Oval office to see enemy #1

Yep....OBL, BO.....all the same to me. Now if I lived in NY, DC or PA I would have a slight difference of opinion but in a way. Clinton was part of the OBL problem and BO is simply growing and supporting more of the same for us to look forward to. PLUS, B.O. is destroying us from within. This is a TOTAL destruction (not limited to a select region of victims or few buildings that can be rebuilt). This is total destruction or MY, YOU, US. Damn muSLUM / liberal SOB!!!

08-01-2014, 05:14 AM
Hamas is a particularly bad case. It's in their very CHARTER that the defeat of Israel is a religious duty.

So this means that no less than total defeat of Hamas is the answer. Lulls in fighting are just that, and will never be any more, unless Hamas is smashed once and for all.

Such is scum.

08-01-2014, 05:26 AM
2 hours into the ceasefire and Hamas once again couldn't help themselves. Once and for all Israel needs to just go full force.

08-01-2014, 07:21 AM
2 hours into the ceasefire and Hamas once again couldn't help themselves. Once and for all Israel needs to just go full force.

Time to level and Annihilate, 2 hours into it is unreal, I would of gave them 12 hours, I wonder how long it will be before we here it was Israel that violated, kind of hard to say that though when according to what I read it was a Israel soldier they are worried about being abducted.

Again talk is over time to level.