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08-03-2014, 01:43 PM
Those who still think it was all just another conspiracy theory...as usual, need to read...AND DENY this.


Obama's plan to downsize, and slowly destroy our military is no longer just words on a paper.

He (Obama) is intentionally Ignoring his NUMBER ONE duty as the so-called Commander-in-Chief, according to his Oath.

How many times must this be repeated before the UNEDUCATED in America who voted for Obama...get the picture???

08-03-2014, 01:56 PM
Those who still think it was all just another conspiracy theory...as usual, need to read...AND DENY this.


Obama's plan to downsize, and slowly destroy our military is no longer just words on a paper.

He (Obama) is intentionally Ignoring his NUMBER ONE duty as the so-called Commander-in-Chief, according to his Oath.

How many times must this be repeated before the UNEDUCATED in America who voted for Obama...get the picture???

Come on. He doesn't have a plan. That would require intelligence.

08-03-2014, 01:59 PM
Come on. He doesn't have a plan. That would require intelligence.

Right you are Gunny. I stand corrected. SEMPER FI!

08-03-2014, 02:25 PM
That asswipe couldn't lead ants to a picnic. The only reason no one's put a bullet through his skull is because Biden's next in line. And for 4 years pelosi was after that. "id rather have to face the Predator than put up with that shit.

08-03-2014, 02:51 PM
Come on. He doesn't have a plan. That would require intelligence.

You make a fatal mistake assuming Obama isn't intelligent. He is deliberately doing as much damage to the US as he can get away with. Did you know that illegal immigration has shifted from majority male to majority female? Such a move shouts engineering to generate "anchor babies". Here's Dick Morris on the topic in the below link.


08-03-2014, 05:31 PM
You make a fatal mistake assuming Obama isn't intelligent. He is deliberately doing as much damage to the US as he can get away with. Did you know that illegal immigration has shifted from majority male to majority female? Such a move shouts engineering to generate "anchor babies". Here's Dick Morris on the topic in the below link.


Disagree. If Obama was as intelligent as so many people think he is. Why would he need to take a job he isn't, and has never been qualified to do, or hold?

Popularity contests, based on skin color, and race should stay in CHICAGO.

08-03-2014, 06:11 PM
He's part of a bigger conspiracy called ONE PARTY RULE. It's not global conspiracy, not illumati, not a Jewish conspiracy, not templar knights running things. That's all straw man bullshit designed to distract from what the DNC is attempting to do. Create a single party govt. Think National Socialist. A new NAZI Party using much of the old communist methods. The changing of America takes a long time. They already have laid down the ground work in the schools and media. Now they are importing the votes and creating the crisis's that will be needed for the crack down.

Does anyone actually believe the DNC leadership is protecting the administration because they like the president. It's all about acquiring one party rule. Where they pick the chairman of the central party. Want to work in a good job or for the govt. You must join the party. Crony's and nepotism rule in govt now days.

For a long time I thought it was just the dark one looking to become a tyrant, but I am rethinking that. This is much bigger than just him. He's just conducting the orchestra.

08-04-2014, 01:57 AM
Follow news about Valerie Jarrett and you'll know where we are headed.

red state
08-04-2014, 02:24 AM
He's part of a bigger conspiracy called ONE PARTY RULE. It's not global conspiracy, not illumati, not a Jewish conspiracy, not templar knights running things. That's all straw man bullshit designed to distract from what the DNC is attempting to do. Create a single party govt. Think National Socialist. A new NAZI Party using much of the old communist methods. The changing of America takes a long time. They already have laid down the ground work in the schools and media. Now they are importing the votes and creating the crisis's that will be needed for the crack down.

Does anyone actually believe the DNC leadership is protecting the administration because they like the president. It's all about acquiring one party rule. Where they pick the chairman of the central party. Want to work in a good job or for the govt. You must join the party. Crony's and nepotism rule in govt now days.

For a long time I thought it was just the dark one looking to become a tyrant, but I am rethinking that. This is much bigger than just him. He's just conducting the orchestra.

Wow! Good read, Gaffer!!!

You usually put out some great lines (short but to the point) but this was some outstanding thoughts put to a few paragraphs. Thanks! Whatever or whomever is behind it all.............it is PURE EVIL (if evil can be "PURE").

08-04-2014, 03:02 PM
Follow news about Valerie Jarrett and you'll know where we are headed.

Sassy. Right you are. Here's the perfect link:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valerie_Jarrett

The HIGHLIGHT for everyone should be....CHICAGO.

Joyful HoneyBee
08-08-2014, 06:02 PM
More news on the ongoing downsizing efforts. They certainly aren't wasting any time accomplishing this agenda.


08-08-2014, 06:26 PM
More news on the ongoing downsizing efforts. They certainly aren't wasting any time accomplishing this agenda.


Right you are. And many Americans have no idea what is taking place, right before their NON-CARING eyes.

Obama, and the Lying Democrats, with their Puppet of a Defense Secretary have been working overtime...clearing out the Pentagon from the top down.
It's not bad enough that the Obama administration has caused MILLIONS OF AMERICANS to lose their jobs, and join the Unemployment rolls. But Obama and the Dems...claiming they are SAVING money, are actually placing more VETERANS into the Unemployment rolls at the same time.
And everybody pretends THEY ARE ANGRY ABOUT THE VA???

It's all SMOKE and MIRRORS.
Obama and the Democrats need to lose, or get rid of Thousands of Military people who DO NOT VOTE DEMOCRAT.

08-08-2014, 06:34 PM
Right you are. And many Americans have no idea what is taking place, right before their NON-CARING eyes.

Obama, and the Lying Democrats, with their Puppet of a Defense Secretary have been working overtime...clearing out the Pentagon from the top down.
It's not bad enough that the Obama administration has caused MILLIONS OF AMERICANS to lose their jobs, and join the Unemployment rolls. But Obama and the Dems...claiming they are SAVING money, are actually placing more VETERANS into the Unemployment rolls at the same time.
And everybody pretends THEY ARE ANGRY ABOUT THE VA???

It's all SMOKE and MIRRORS.
Obama and the Democrats need to lose, or get rid of Thousands of Military people who DO NOT VOTE DEMOCRAT.

It's not smoke and mirrors, the cuts are real and will take decades to undo. The majority of military hasn't ever been liberal, even when there was a draft.

08-08-2014, 07:39 PM
It's not smoke and mirrors, the cuts are real and will take decades to undo. The majority of military hasn't ever been liberal, even when there was a draft.

Kathianne. Read my last line again.

08-08-2014, 07:42 PM
Kathianne. Read my last line again.
and ya what?

Joyful HoneyBee
08-08-2014, 08:25 PM
It isn't as if the military cuts are anything new, just more transparent and more expansive. As of last fall, 197 military commanders had been fired over a five year period, many tagged with disgraceful allegations of wrongdoing. This article provides a list of many of those who were fired: http://www.standupamericaus.org/breaking-news/obama-purging-the-military-197-officers-in-5-years/

It really sickened me to listen to the lame stream news media reporting on the so-called wrongdoing of some of the generals who were let go. The idea was to discredit them so they wouldn't be invited to become contributing news correspondents, I suppose.

08-08-2014, 08:56 PM
It isn't as if the military cuts are anything new, just more transparent and more expansive. As of last fall, 197 military commanders had been fired over a five year period, many tagged with disgraceful allegations of wrongdoing. This article provides a list of many of those who were fired: http://www.standupamericaus.org/breaking-news/obama-purging-the-military-197-officers-in-5-years/

It really sickened me to listen to the lame stream news media reporting on the so-called wrongdoing of some of the generals who were let go. The idea was to discredit them so they wouldn't be invited to become contributing news correspondents, I suppose.

Joyful. Personally. I have the unique advantage of being a resident, and veteran living around many of those Military people who freely share their life experiences...(present day) with me because we all know first hand; how the Pentagon is forced to comply, and work with the Administration in Washington...In Power.

Truth is, and can be verified that the hundreds, if not thousands of Military Members being given their Walking Papers (pink slips), and notification about their career being stopped. IS all part of a much larger, administration-secretive move...hidden behind the false claims of SAVING money.
The reality is. At least 50 percent of those being terminated from Active Duty also present a challenge to Democrats, and Obama because of their openness in disagreement with White House/Congressional tactics to slowly, and deliberately destroy the Experienced membership by terminating High Ranking Officers...not because they are DEAD WEIGHT, but because they pose a real threat to Obama's/Democrat's demand to derail, and destroy our Entire Military...step by step until (as we see around the world) Our Foreign Policy, and Trustworthiness as a Dependable Ally to much of the World is also destroyed.

Anyone who claims differently...IS LYING.