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06-21-2007, 03:17 AM
Well, if this isn't a case of double standards when deciding who is/might be a terrorist, and a classic case of racial profiling being used to the miscreant's advantage, I don't know what it is. . .


Police Seize Huge Cache Of Explosives From Colorado Home, But Say It's Not Enough For An Act Of Terrorism


A Colorado man is free on $50,000 bond after a police search of his house discovered a cache of weapons, explosives and volatile chemicals.

Ronald Swerlein of Longmont, CO, attracted the attention of his neighbors by setting off explosions in his garage. Police had been seeking tips after several small homemade explosives were found in a local parking lot nearly three weeks ago.

A police search of the Swerlein home turned up hundreds of volatile chemicals and other weapons, as well as books about bomb-making and revenge.

Swerlein says he's been experimenting with various chemicals to use as rocket fuel.

According to reports from Colorado, police confiscated nitroglycerin, ammonium nitrate, PETN, thermite, and sodium azide, none of which are used as rocket fuels. They also discovered laboratory-grade glassware worth thousands of dollars.

Ammonium nitrate is the basic ingredient in so-called fertilizer bombs; PETN is an ingredient in plastic explosives; sodium azide produces a toxic gas when it comes into contact with metal; and nitroglycerin is a well-known (and extremely unstable) liquid explosive. Thermite, as most 9/11 researchers know, can be used to cut steel and may have been involved in the demolition of the three World Trade Center buildings which disintegrated on September 11, 2001.

Police detonated the nitroglycerin in Swerlein's driveway.

Longmont Police Sgt. Tim Lewis said the police had seized "cartloads of weapons ... more than I have ever seen in our armory."

Despite the size of the cache and the volatility of the chemicals involved, Sgt. Lewis told reporters that Swerlein had not created enough chemical explosives “for a terrorist action,” although he did have enough to damage his home and others in his neighborhood.

Sgt. Lewis also said, "This investigation is still in its infancy. We're still trying to determine what his intent was."

Considering that the perpetrators of the most extravagant terrorist attack ever committed on American soil were allegedly armed only with box-cutters, it is incomprehensible that a cache of weapons and explosives larger than the Longmont police have in their armory could be described as insufficient for a terrorist action.

How much nitroglycerin does one need to commit an act of terrorism? Or does that depend on one's religion or the color of one's skin?

And why has this case attracted so little national attention? Or does that depend on religion and skin color, too?

I wonder how much time it would have taken for the police to have shipped this person off to Gitmo if he was colored, and/or Muslim. . .

06-21-2007, 07:27 AM
I wonder how much time it would have taken for the police to have shipped this person off to Gitmo if he was colored, and/or Muslim. . .

Sgt. Lewis also said, "This investigation is still in its infancy. We're still trying to determine what his intent was."

You "wonder" too much. Get some facts. Or are you just too afraid to call all law enforment bigoted ?

06-21-2007, 07:36 AM
like it says in the article and what D quoted...they just started to investigate dude. and it's not like he had written out plans to do anything or was making training videos. other than a book about revenge.

and where does it even say the color of his skin or religion?

but it is kinda weird to not think that maybe he ha somteing in mind other than stump removal. specially with thermite. but like it said..they just started to investigate

Abbey Marie
06-21-2007, 07:38 AM
Rahul, why are you so obsessed with trying to tear down the U.S.?

Do you think India with all of its poverty, class bigotry, and poor treatment of its women, could stand up to such scrutiny?

06-21-2007, 07:42 AM
Rahul, why are you so obsessed with trying to tear down the U.S.?

Do you think India with all of its poverty, class bigotry, and poor treatment of its women, could stand up to such scrutiny?

You wont get an answer from this tool he just like to post crap against anyone in the US and then leave....

06-21-2007, 09:02 AM
Why are these sentences in this supposed article?

Thermite, as most 9/11 researchers know, can be used
to cut steel and may have been involved in the demolition
of the three World Trade Center buildings which disintegrated
on September 11, 2001

Considering that the perpetrators of the most extravagant
terrorist attack ever committed on American soil were allegedly
armed only with box-cutters, it is incomprehensible that a cache
of weapons and explosives larger than the Longmont police have
in their armory could be described as insufficient for a terrorist action.

How much nitroglycerin does one need to commit an act of terrorism?
Or does that depend on one's religion or the color of one's skin?

And why has this case attracted so little national attention? Or does that depend on religion and skin color, too?

This is another opinion article and not a news article. But then that's all rahul ever posts.

06-21-2007, 12:03 PM
Why are these sentences in this supposed article?

Thermite, as most 9/11 researchers know, can be used
to cut steel and may have been involved in the demolition
of the three World Trade Center buildings which disintegrated
on September 11, 2001

Considering that the perpetrators of the most extravagant
terrorist attack ever committed on American soil were allegedly
armed only with box-cutters, it is incomprehensible that a cache
of weapons and explosives larger than the Longmont police have
in their armory could be described as insufficient for a terrorist action.

How much nitroglycerin does one need to commit an act of terrorism?
Or does that depend on one's religion or the color of one's skin?

And why has this case attracted so little national attention? Or does that depend on religion and skin color, too?

This is another opinion article and not a news article. But then that's all rahul ever posts.

Thats exactly what I was thinking.

Here is an actual news report on this:

BOULDER - Curiosity about rocket fuels may have sparked the backyard blasts that put a retired electrical engineer and inventor behind bars. A raid at his home uncovered a stockpile of explosives and ammunition, police said.
Ronald Swerlein, who allegedly rousted his neighbors with explosions in the middle of the night, was told Monday he must post $50,000 to get out of the Boulder County Jail.

Swerlein will be formally charged Friday, possibly for possession of explosive devices after authorities removed more than 400 chemicals from his Longmont home over the weekend. He also could face drug charges for allegedly grinding up prescription pain medication and snorting it, prosecutors said.

According to a police report, the 50-year-old had been experimenting with small explosions at his home at 2404 Sunset Drive in an effort to learn more about rocket fuel technology.

more... http://www.rockymountainnews.com/drmn/local/article/0,1299,DRMN_15_5592562,00.html

06-21-2007, 01:11 PM
You "wonder" too much. Get some facts. Or are you just too afraid to call all law enforment bigoted ?

The facts are stated in the article. You appear not to have understood them, though. :)

and where does it even say the color of his skin or religion?

I bolded that part at the bottom of the article. Questions were raised in the article itself.

Rahul, why are you so obsessed with trying to tear down the U.S.?

Where did I try and tear down the US?

Do you think India with all of its poverty, class bigotry, and poor treatment of its women, could stand up to such scrutiny?

You are the one trying to tear down another country. Furthermore, I am not in the least bit concerned about India or what Indians do. This is debatepolicy.com, and the primary focus is on the US. If this was debateindianpolicy.com, I likely wouldn't be posting here.

The question I asked has not been answered as yet. Here it again for everyone's reference.

I wonder how much time it would have taken for the police to have shipped this person off to Gitmo if he was colored, and/or Muslim. . .

06-21-2007, 01:17 PM
The facts are stated in the article. You appear not to have understood them, though. :)

which you appear to have not actually read

I bolded that part at the bottom of the article. Questions were raised in the article itself.

Where did I try and tear down the US?

every post

You are the one trying to tear down another country. Furthermore, I am not in the least bit concerned about India or what Indians do. This is debatepolicy.com, and the primary focus is on the US. If this was debateindianpolicy.com, I likely wouldn't be posting here.

The question I asked has not been answered as yet. Here it again for everyone's reference.

gitmo is for people waging war on the US ....this dude is an inventor that blew up his back yard and is in jail ....

06-21-2007, 01:25 PM
The question I asked has not been answered as yet. Here it again for everyone's reference.

Why would he be carted off to Gitmo? Gitmo is for our war against islamic jihadists. Maybe I am wrong but it doesn't look like this guy fits that profile. We don't send our own citizens to Gitmo, despite how much you want to believe that.

06-21-2007, 01:27 PM
Depends on who you are and what you look like. There is a lot of racial and ethnic profiling done of alleged "terrorists." You have to weigh public sentiment and whether you can get away with it.

06-21-2007, 01:37 PM
i can read Rahul...yes it asks that down there and is bolded. but what,it was just assumed that it was a white guy because of where he was and his name?or becuase it doesn't state what religion or ethnicity he was it automatically makes him white? that is what i was asking.

06-21-2007, 02:17 PM
Depends on who you are and what you look like. There is a lot of racial and ethnic profiling done of alleged "terrorists." You have to weigh public sentiment and whether you can get away with it.

Since he's an American citizen he doesn't qualify for Gitmo. He's also not charged with terrorism. He's not being profiled. Profiling is for the purpose of identifying suspects not for prosecution. Public sentiment only has to do with a case when its liberals opinions. And those are silly and can be ignored as they are never relavent.

Abbey Marie
06-21-2007, 02:21 PM
Where did I try and tear down the US?

Everywhere, and everyone can see it. Next denial?

You are the one trying to tear down another country. Furthermore, I am not in the least bit concerned about India or what Indians do. This is debatepolicy.com, and the primary focus is on the US. If this was debateindianpolicy.com, I likely wouldn't be posting here.

Yes, we are in America, but you are not, nor ar you American. So while you may enjoy your little anti-American games, you have zero credibility. Ask anyone here who has "debated" you.

So I will ask it again, with a slightly different twist: What is your reason for coming to this board to try to trash the U.S., when you clearly have no credibility?

Oh, and how did I try to tear down another country? By listing facts about it? Given your entire anti-Amercian posting history here, could you possibly be more hypocritical?

06-21-2007, 02:53 PM
total red herring...

we have had plenty of white/"christian" terrorists arrested or killed, ruby ridge, waco for starters.

Muslims are at war period. It is core to their beliefs. It is all about intent.

This thread is bullshit and rapul or whatever his name is, is a fake.

06-21-2007, 03:05 PM
American citizens have been interned at Gitmo and other torture camps. Not Anglo Americans, of course. They have been Americans who just happen to have a Middle Eastern background. Many of them are still missing.
Even now, there remain attempts to connect Middle Eastern terror groups to Tim McVey and Terry Nichols. We don't want to consider the outsider Christian groups of Waco and Jonestown. It is much more convenient to find a particular group of hate, like Muslims. We did it during WWII, and we're doing pretty much the same thing now.
That is how Hitler got away with The Holocaust. He spent several years in the early 1930s, pulling up elaborate charades to convince the German people that Jews were to blame for everything.
I keep waiting for the Bushies to come up with their own version of Kristallnacht, where they rob everyone of a certain faith of their American rights and privileges. If you don't see the parallels to Kristallnacht, you either have your eyes closed or you don't want to believe. Look it up.

06-21-2007, 03:18 PM
American citizens have been interned at Gitmo and other torture camps. Not Anglo Americans, of course. They have been Americans who just happen to have a Middle Eastern background. Many of them are still missing.
Even now, there remain attempts to connect Middle Eastern terror groups to Tim McVey and Terry Nichols. We don't want to consider the outsider Christian groups of Waco and Jonestown. It is much more convenient to find a particular group of hate, like Muslims. We did it during WWII, and we're doing pretty much the same thing now.
That is how Hitler got away with The Holocaust. He spent several years in the early 1930s, pulling up elaborate charades to convince the German people that Jews were to blame for everything.
I keep waiting for the Bushies to come up with their own version of Kristallnacht, where they rob everyone of a certain faith of their American rights and privileges. If you don't see the parallels to Kristallnacht, you either have your eyes closed or you don't want to believe. Look it up.

couple of things.......ah never mind........keep tilting at windmills.....

06-21-2007, 03:23 PM
American citizens have been interned at Gitmo and other torture camps. Not Anglo Americans, of course. They have been Americans who just happen to have a Middle Eastern background. Many of them are still missing.
Even now, there remain attempts to connect Middle Eastern terror groups to Tim McVey and Terry Nichols. We don't want to consider the outsider Christian groups of Waco and Jonestown. It is much more convenient to find a particular group of hate, like Muslims. We did it during WWII, and we're doing pretty much the same thing now.
That is how Hitler got away with The Holocaust. He spent several years in the early 1930s, pulling up elaborate charades to convince the German people that Jews were to blame for everything.
I keep waiting for the Bushies to come up with their own version of Kristallnacht, where they rob everyone of a certain faith of their American rights and privileges. If you don't see the parallels to Kristallnacht, you either have your eyes closed or you don't want to believe. Look it up.

What is wrong with you? I used to like your posts, not all, but some, however, lately you make no sense. You have the most outrageous insults, especially with pedos... Lighten up, will ya :)

It is called war and protecting your citizens. You are right, even americans go there. Why? Because they have declared WAR on this country. They do not want to make the country better or bring it back to its foundation, they want to completely DESTROY it.

06-21-2007, 05:52 PM
What is wrong with you? I used to like your posts, not all, but some, however, lately you make no sense. You have the most outrageous insults, especially with pedos... Lighten up, will ya :)

It is called war and protecting your citizens. You are right, even americans go there. Why? Because they have declared WAR on this country. They do not want to make the country better or bring it back to its foundation, they want to completely DESTROY it.

but yurt, you don't understand ....we deserved it....we insulted them and we support the jews....we are evil and deserve to die....

06-21-2007, 06:06 PM
And she wonders why she is called jihadisaurus and an enabler.

Gitmo is just a military prison for those captured on the battlefields around the world. And those sent there have been throughly checked out before that to insure they did take part in fighting American troops. Or they are high level AQ. They are not human, they are monsters that would rip your throat out at the soonest opportunity. Not a one even deserves to be alive. They are not poor misunderstood, pathetic, creatures, they are pure evil.

They do not think like you, which is a common misconception among liberals. They don't have dreams and hopes for a better life. They have dreams of dying while taking as many infidels with them as they can. They are deceitful, cruel and uncaring. And libs want them released.

06-22-2007, 12:22 AM
gitmo is for people waging war on the US ....this dude is an inventor that blew up his back yard and is in jail ....

How do you think he would have been treated if he was a Muslim? Let off with a slap on the wrist, so to speak?

Why would he be carted off to Gitmo? Gitmo is for our war against islamic jihadists. Maybe I am wrong but it doesn't look like this guy fits that profile.

He doesn't fit the profile. Correct. And that profile would probably be, someone who is brown skinned, and Muslim. . .

Thanks for making my point again. :)

We don't send our own citizens to Gitmo, despite how much you want to believe that.

Certainly you do. Have you forgotten John Walker Lindh?

i can read Rahul...yes it asks that down there and is bolded. but what,it was just assumed that it was a white guy because of where he was and his name?or becuase it doesn't state what religion or ethnicity he was it automatically makes him white? that is what i was asking.

It wasn't assumed that it was a white guy. He WAS a white guy. I tried posting the picture here, but failed. Perhaps you could click the link and see the picture on the page.

Everywhere, and everyone can see it. Next denial?

See what? Perhaps you could be less vague.

Yes, we are in America, but you are not, nor ar you American. So while you may enjoy your little anti-American games, you have zero credibility. Ask anyone here who has "debated" you.

Perhaps you could substantiate the "facts" you provided in the first sentence.

So I will ask it again, with a slightly different twist: What is your reason for coming to this board to try to trash the U.S., when you clearly have no credibility?

I don't come on here to trash anyone, rather, to debate issues. However, a lot of your fellow conservatives come here to insult others and engage in name calling, character assasinations, obtuse positions and worse.

Pot, kettle, hmm. . .

06-22-2007, 06:21 AM
And she wonders why she is called jihadisaurus and an enabler.

Gitmo is just a military prison for those captured on the battlefields around the world. And those sent there have been throughly checked out before that to insure they did take part in fighting American troops. Or they are high level AQ. They are not human, they are monsters that would rip your throat out at the soonest opportunity. Not a one even deserves to be alive. They are not poor misunderstood, pathetic, creatures, they are pure evil.

They do not think like you, which is a common misconception among liberals. They don't have dreams and hopes for a better life. They have dreams of dying while taking as many infidels with them as they can. They are deceitful, cruel and uncaring. And libs want them released.

For an experiment, let's see how you act when your territory is taken by European jews using the old testament as their title to the land. Would you take it like a little bitch? Oh wait, if you still support bush on immigration, then yes, you would just bend over. You are not a man.

06-22-2007, 09:03 AM
How do you think he would have been treated if he was a Muslim? Let off with a slap on the wrist, so to speak?

He doesn't fit the profile. Correct. And that profile would probably be, someone who is brown skinned, and Muslim. . .

Thanks for making my point again. :)

And your point is what? That we have no right to profile people in our war on terror? This is our country, we do what we need to survive. There is absolutely nothing wrong with profiling for a specific group of people when the threat of terrorism largely comes from them.

Certainly you do. Have you forgotten John Walker Lindh?

ROFL. Lindh is not at Gitmo. He already had a trial and plead GUILTY to the charges. He is currently serving in a supermax prison in Colorado. Do your homework before you spew your garbage.

06-22-2007, 09:26 AM
And your point is what? That we have no right to profile people in our war on terror? This is our country, we do what we need to survive. There is absolutely nothing wrong with profiling for a specific group of people when the threat of terrorism largely comes from them.

ROFL. Lindh is not at Gitmo. He already had a trial and plead GUILTY to the charges. He is currently serving in a supermax prison in Colorado. Do your homework before you spew your garbage.

White people are not allowed to protect themselves. It's racism if they do that.

Hagbard Celine
06-22-2007, 09:48 AM
White people are not allowed to protect themselves. It's racism if they do that.

I come home late probably three or four nights out of the week and now that I've been robbed, I pray every night I come home late that those/the motherf*cker(s) will be back for more so I can murder him on my front lawn. BTW, I live in a majority black area--so when this happens, I'd like to see them try and pull the racism card on me.

06-22-2007, 09:50 AM
I come home late probably three or four nights out of the week and now that I've been robbed, I pray every night I come home late that those/the motherf*cker(s) will be back for more so I can murder him on my front lawn. BTW, I live in a majority black area--so when this happens, I'd like to see them try and pull the racism card on me.

You got robbed? That sucks dude. Did you post about it on here? Honestly, I've been a little shy about talking to you since you posted your pic. I have a man-crush.:laugh2:

06-22-2007, 11:57 AM
ok..that guy looks kinda creepy....did he have a High School reunion coming up or something? i mean he did have a book about revenge...

06-23-2007, 12:12 AM
And your point is what? That we have no right to profile people in our war on terror? This is our country, we do what we need to survive. There is absolutely nothing wrong with profiling for a specific group of people when the threat of terrorism largely comes from them.

I disagree. Racial profiling is WRONG, as it unfairly targets a specific group of people based upon irrelevant and discriminatory factors such as religion and skin color amongst many. In addition, it goes against American principles of freedom.

How would you feel if Caucasians were racially profiled daily instead of other races?

Pale Rider
06-23-2007, 04:30 AM
I disagree. Racial profiling is WRONG, as it unfairly targets a specific group of people based upon irrelevant and discriminatory factors such as religion and skin color amongst many. In addition, it goes against American principles of freedom.

How would you feel if Caucasians were racially profiled daily instead of other races?

How does it feel to be the board moron?

06-23-2007, 06:22 AM
How does it feel to be the board moron?

I am not a moron. Your constant insults are unwelcome and unwanted.

So, how would you feel if Caucasians were racially profiled daily instead of other races?

06-23-2007, 06:55 AM
I want to party with that Swerlein guy! He sounds awesome!

An evening of snorting pain pills and playing with explosives sounds right up my alley.

06-25-2007, 08:01 AM
I am not a moron. Your constant insults are unwelcome and unwanted.
In your short time on this board you have already been caught either distorting the truth or just outright lying. Judging on gems like your Lindh quip I'd say that means you're either a liar or a moron bordering on mental retardation. Otherwise, how else would you describe your remarks like the Lindh one? Or do you just prefer to ignore the times you're caught lying?

Your constant lies are unwelcome and unwanted.

So, how would you feel if Caucasians were racially profiled daily instead of other races?

We're not profiling a skin color, its people who believe in a certain ideology of violence....namely Islam. If they feel so bad about it they are welcome to move back to any of the shithole Islamic countries in the middle east, countries I doubt that white Christians could live in without being in any danger or persecuted.

06-25-2007, 01:33 PM
We're not profiling a skin color, its people who believe in a certain ideology of violence....namely Islam.

So, we should profile Muslims but not Christians?

06-25-2007, 02:07 PM
So, we should profile Muslims but not Christians?

that is so lame. when was the last time a Christian walked into a crowded area and blew themselves up?

06-25-2007, 02:35 PM
So, we should profile Muslims but not Christians?


06-25-2007, 03:15 PM
So, we should profile Muslims but not Christians?
lame post of the day award

06-25-2007, 03:20 PM
So, we should profile Muslims but not Christians?

Why would you bring up Christians? But to answer your question yes, we should profile Muslims and not Christians, as well as not athiests, Jews, Buddhists, ect.

06-25-2007, 03:24 PM
Muslims are responsible for 99.9% of all terrorist acts that have taken place this century.

Profiling them is logical and reasonable.

Abbey Marie
06-25-2007, 03:33 PM
Nah, we shouldn't profile Muslims. We should just have law enforcement, security forces, and all screeners watch them much more carefully and intently than any other group. We should also be sure to search them much more thoroughly than other groups, ;) :D

And for cryin out loud, let the grannys get right on the plane without luggage and body cavity searches.

Hagbard Celine
06-25-2007, 03:55 PM
So, we should profile Muslims but not Christians?

Of course. Christians aren't the ones who've declaired "jihad" against the west. Why would it be useful to profile Christians when they aren't the ones joining radical Islamist groups?

06-25-2007, 04:05 PM
Of course. Christians aren't the ones who've declaired "jihad" against the west. Why would it be useful to profile Christians when they aren't the ones joining radical Islamist groups? psssst: dot-head doesn't respond to logic.

06-25-2007, 04:24 PM
that is so lame. when was the last time a Christian walked into a crowded area and blew themselves up?On April 19, 1995, Timothy McVeigh (a Roman Catholic, and registered Republican) did not blow himself up, but instead he blew up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City; in doing so, he injured 850 people, and murdered 168 others--including 19 children.

06-25-2007, 04:29 PM
On April 19, 1995, Timothy McVeigh (a Roman Catholic, and registered Republican) did not blow himself up, but instead he blew up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City; in doing so, he injured 850 people, and murdered 168 others--including 19 children.

And did the vast majority of Christians, whites, and Republicans condone this action?

And believe it or not, because of McVeigh, whites males have been profiled. When I got to my base as an airman and did some security forces detail, we were told to look out for whites, not middle eastern types.

06-25-2007, 04:36 PM
On April 19, 1995, Timothy McVeigh (a Roman Catholic, and registered Republican) did not blow himself up, but instead he blew up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City; in doing so, he injured 850 people, and murdered 168 others--including 19 children.

Ok 1 incident, agreed.

Would you like me to go down the list of terrorist acts last week in Iraq alone?

Hagbard Celine
06-25-2007, 04:38 PM
And did the vast majority of Christians, whites, and Republicans condone this action?

And believe it or not, because of McVeigh, whites males have been profiled. When I got to my base as an airman and did some security forces detail, we were told to look out for whites, not middle eastern types.

Here's the kicker question for you: Did the vast majority of Christians, whites and Republicans scorn Eric Rudolph when he bombed abortion clinics and gay clubs?

06-25-2007, 04:40 PM
And did the vast majority of Christians, whites, and Republicans condone this action?Did I suggest they did?

And believe it or not, because of McVeigh, whites males have been profiled. When I got to my base as an airman and did some security forces detail, we were told to look out for whites, not middle eastern types.Believe it or not, the justification for the continued profiling of white males has not diminished, nor is it less valid than the justifications for profiling middle eastern types.

06-25-2007, 04:41 PM
Here's the kicker question for you: Did the vast majority of Christians, whites and Republicans scorn Eric Rudolph when he bombed abortion clinics and gay clubs?


06-25-2007, 06:01 PM
Would you like me to go down the list of terrorist acts last week in Iraq alone?No. But considering your line of inquiry earlier, I thought you'd be more interested in the Centennial Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta on July 27, 1996; or the bombing of an abortion clinic in Sandy Springs on January 16, 1997; or the bombing of the Otherside Lounge, in Atlanta on February 21, 1997; or the bombing of the clinic in Birmingham, Alabama on January 29, 1998, killing officer Robert Sanderson and critically injuring nurse Emily Lyons; all performed by Eric Robert Rudolph, a Catholic with connections to the Christian Identity movement.

I figured you might also be interested in the 280 letters that threatened to contain anthrax sent by Clayton Lee Waagner, who was "on a mission from God," or the terrorist activities of Paul Jennings Hill, an excommunicated minister, formerly affiliated with both the Presbyterian Church in America and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, and connected to the Army of God--he murdered Dr. John Britton and James Barrett, inujring Dr. Barrett's wife. The murder of Dr. David Gunn in Pensacola, Florida on March 11, 1993 might be of interest too.

You might want to check out Rev. Michael Bray, member of the Army of God. Here's a guy who was convicted of two counts of conspiracy and one count of possessing unregistered explosive devices in relation to 10 bombings of women's health clinics and offices of liberal advocacy groups in Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia in 1985.

Noteworthy is James Charles Kopp, affiliated with "The Lambs of Christ," this terrorist performed the 55th trimester abortion of Dr. Barnett Slepian in 1998.

But if you prefer to explore terrorism outside of the US, I see no point in rehashing the stuff we hear about in Iraq every day--why not look into the activities of the National Liberation Front of Tripuraand the Nagaland Rebels in India, or the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda? Or is that a bit too embarassing to you?

06-25-2007, 06:09 PM
No. But considering your line of inquiry earlier, I thought you'd be more interested in the Centennial Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta on July 27, 1996; or the bombing of an abortion clinic in Sandy Springs on January 16, 1997; or the bombing of the Otherside Lounge, in Atlanta on February 21, 1997; or the bombing of the clinic in Birmingham, Alabama on January 29, 1998, killing officer Robert Sanderson and critically injuring nurse Emily Lyons; all performed by Eric Robert Rudolph, a Catholic with connections to the Christian Identity movement.

I figured you might also be interested in the 280 letters that threatened to contain anthrax sent by Clayton Lee Waagner, who was "on a mission from God," or the terrorist activities of Paul Jennings Hill, an excommunicated minister, formerly affiliated with both the Presbyterian Church in America and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, and connected to the Army of God--he murdered Dr. John Britton and James Barrett, inujring Dr. Barrett's wife. The murder of Dr. David Gunn in Pensacola, Florida on March 11, 1993 might be of interest too.

You might want to check out Rev. Michael Bray, member of the Army of God. Here's a guy who was convicted of two counts of conspiracy and one count of possessing unregistered explosive devices in relation to 10 bombings of women's health clinics and offices of liberal advocacy groups in Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia in 1985.

Noteworthy is James Charles Kopp, affiliated with "The Lambs of Christ," this terrorist performed the 55th trimester abortion of Dr. Barnett Slepian in 1998.

But if you prefer to explore terrorism outside of the US, I see no point in rehashing the stuff we hear about in Iraq every day--why not look into the activities of the National Liberation Front of Tripuraand the Nagaland Rebels in India, or the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda? Or is that a bit too embarassing to you?

So you named 5 Christians, yet there are tens of thousands of Muzzy terrorists. Seems like OCA's got his numers right on.

06-25-2007, 06:23 PM
why do so may justify the actions of one group by citing the actions of another group?

the dirty hands argument is infantile at best....

06-25-2007, 06:40 PM
So you named 5 Christians, yet there are tens of thousands of Muzzy terrorists. Seems like OCA's got his numers right on.There are only five members in all of Christian Identity, Army of God, The Lambs of Christ, TNRI, the Nagaland Rebels, the Lord's Resistance Army, and every other Christian terrorist group I failed to list? This is your dumbass argument now? Go get a fucking clue.

06-25-2007, 06:41 PM
why do so may justify the actions of one group by citing the actions of another group?

the dirty hands argument is infantile at best....Fortunately for me then, this is not my argument.

06-25-2007, 06:48 PM
There are only five members in all of Christian Identity, Army of God, The Lambs of Christ, TNRI, the Nagaland Rebels, the Lord's Resistance Army, and every other Christian terrorist group I failed to list? This is your dumbass argument now? Go get a fucking clue. I have my fucking clue. There are about a billions muzzies, and if 1% are as they claim to be, are a huge number when compared to Christian fringe groups. :laugh2:

06-25-2007, 07:08 PM
I have my fucking clue. There are about a billions muzzies, and if 1% are as they claim to be, are a huge number when compared to Christian fringe groups. :laugh2:If we accept your 1% rule as valid, and 1% of Christians belong to terrorist "fringe groups," the Christian terrorist have a ~3 : 2 advantage in numbers over the "muzzies."

06-25-2007, 09:03 PM
If we accept your 1% rule as valid, and 1% of Christians belong to terrorist "fringe groups," the Christian terrorist have a ~3 : 2 advantage in numbers over the "muzzies."
Perhaps you can provide evidence of your numerical claim against Christians. :poke:

06-25-2007, 09:06 PM
No. But considering your line of inquiry earlier, I thought you'd be more interested in the Centennial Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta on July 27, 1996; or the bombing of an abortion clinic in Sandy Springs on January 16, 1997; or the bombing of the Otherside Lounge, in Atlanta on February 21, 1997; or the bombing of the clinic in Birmingham, Alabama on January 29, 1998, killing officer Robert Sanderson and critically injuring nurse Emily Lyons; all performed by Eric Robert Rudolph, a Catholic with connections to the Christian Identity movement.

I figured you might also be interested in the 280 letters that threatened to contain anthrax sent by Clayton Lee Waagner, who was "on a mission from God," or the terrorist activities of Paul Jennings Hill, an excommunicated minister, formerly affiliated with both the Presbyterian Church in America and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, and connected to the Army of God--he murdered Dr. John Britton and James Barrett, inujring Dr. Barrett's wife. The murder of Dr. David Gunn in Pensacola, Florida on March 11, 1993 might be of interest too.

You might want to check out Rev. Michael Bray, member of the Army of God. Here's a guy who was convicted of two counts of conspiracy and one count of possessing unregistered explosive devices in relation to 10 bombings of women's health clinics and offices of liberal advocacy groups in Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia in 1985.

Noteworthy is James Charles Kopp, affiliated with "The Lambs of Christ," this terrorist performed the 55th trimester abortion of Dr. Barnett Slepian in 1998.

But if you prefer to explore terrorism outside of the US, I see no point in rehashing the stuff we hear about in Iraq every day--why not look into the activities of the National Liberation Front of Tripuraand the Nagaland Rebels in India, or the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda? Or is that a bit too embarassing to you?

Do you really think that you will find an equal number, hell anything even remotely close, of terorist acts committed in the name of Christianity than in the name of Islam?

Tell me you are smarter than that.

You wanna talk acts committed in the U.S.A.? Shit all I gotta mention is 9/11. I think out of all the acts you mentioned just two fucking people got clipped...... just two.

Come on, I know you are better than this, give me a challenge.

06-25-2007, 09:07 PM
Fortunately for me then, this is not my argument.

Sure it was.

06-25-2007, 09:28 PM
Perhaps you can provide evidence of your numerical claim against Christians. :poke: I'm just using your rule--provide the evidence yourself. :poke:

Do you really think that you will find an equal number, hell anything even remotely close, of terorist acts committed in the name of Christianity than in the name of Islam?I really only had to come up with more than one--your rules.

Tell me you are smarter than that.I am. Tell me you're smarter than the assertion that Christian terrorism is somehow less validly terrorism because I can't drum up more examples of Christian terrorism than you can drum up examples Islamic terrorism.

You wanna talk acts committed in the U.S.A.?Nope. But I'm sure you do. Rock on! :popcorn:

Shit all I gotta mention is 9/11. I think out of all the acts you mentioned just two fucking people got clipped...... just two.2 or 168, about the same. And it's certainly fair to ignore every murder terrorist Christians commit in Inda and Africa, since 2 is the number you're interested in. Fine. I'm not here to cure your myopia.

Come on, I know you are better than this, give me a challenge. I'm not challenging you. You issued the challenge--I met it and then some. Thanks.

Sure it was.Only in your fatuous imagination.

06-25-2007, 09:37 PM
I'm just using your rule--provide the evidence yourself. :poke:..... That's not my rule. You made the claim, now back it up or shut up. :laugh2:

06-25-2007, 11:17 PM
that is so lame. when was the last time a Christian walked into a crowded area and blew themselves up?

Answered already.


No. Just because a few extremist Muslims commit terrorism does not mean all Muslims commit terrorism.

Why would you bring up Christians?

Because of your obvious bias against Muslims.

06-26-2007, 02:33 AM
I disagree. Racial profiling is WRONG, as it unfairly targets a specific group of people based upon irrelevant and discriminatory factors such as religion and skin color amongst many. In addition, it goes against American principles of freedom.

How would you feel if Caucasians were racially profiled daily instead of other races?

Probably wouldnt care for it. But if there were caucasions waging war on others, killing citizens, and swearing genocide, id expect it.

Which is exactly why id make sure i beat the crap out of the guys trying to do that because i wouldnt want to get annoyed because of others.

be nice if some others policed themselves, rather than comply by doing nothing

06-26-2007, 02:38 AM
No. Just because a few extremist Muslims commit terrorism does not mean all Muslims commit terrorism.

Then its about time they stood up to the people causing the problems and stopped helping them by complying isnt it?

06-26-2007, 02:56 AM
Then its about time they stood up to the people causing the problems and stopped helping them by complying isnt it?

The general Muslim population does not comply with Terrorists, if that is what you are saying.

Probably wouldnt care for it.

Probably don't, or wouldnt?

But if there were caucasions waging war on others, killing citizens, and swearing genocide, id expect it.

It happened not so long ago during the era of open imperalism.

be nice if some others policed themselves, rather than comply by doing nothing

Again, the "others" aren't complying with Terrorists.

06-26-2007, 04:37 AM
That's not my rule. You made the claim, now back it up or shut up. :laugh2:This:<blockquote>
There are about a billions muzzies, and if 1% are as they claim to be, are a huge number when compared to Christian fringe groups. :laugh2:...is you. Get over it.

06-26-2007, 05:10 AM
2 or 168

2, unless you want to prove the 168. Maybe you forgot to mention McVeigh along with Rudolph in the 2nd post?

06-26-2007, 05:34 AM
2, unless you want to prove the 168. Maybe you forgot to mention McVeigh along with Rudolph in the 2nd post?:popcorn:

06-26-2007, 06:36 AM
This:<blockquote>...is you. Get over it. http://www.pursuingholiness.com/category/religion-of-peace/the-tiny-percentage-of-radical-islamists/

1% of 1 billion = 10 million terrorists. If its 5%, the number is 50 million. Good luck finding an equivalent number of Christian whackos.

06-26-2007, 06:52 AM

1% of 1 billion = 10 million terrorists. If its 5%, the number is 50 million. Good luck finding an equivalent number of Christian whackos.Nothing there changes the fact that Christians out-number Muslims by ~3:2 ratio world wide. If 1% (or 5% or whatever %. Again, these percentages are all yours) of religious populations constitute the violent, extremist, terrorist portion of those populations, then Christian terrorists would out-number Muslim terrorists by a ratio of ~3:2.

06-26-2007, 07:06 AM
Nothing there changes the fact that Christians out-number Muslims by ~3:2 ratio world wide. If 1% (or 5% or whatever %. Again, these percentages are all yours) of religious populations constitute the violent, extremist, terrorist portion of those populations, then Christian terrorists would out-number Muslim terrorists by a ratio of ~3:2.

Yet Christians, when polled, overwhelmingly reject terrorism, while Muslims, when polled, show significant percentages of support of same.

Of course I've already shown you poll results of the Muslims, and you ignore this. Is your argument that weak?

06-26-2007, 07:14 AM
Yet Christians, when polled, overwhelmingly reject terrorism, while Muslims, when polled, show significant percentages of support of same.

Of course I've already shown you poll results of the Muslims, and you ignore this. Is your argument that weak?You've never, not even once, shown me any of these Christian polls of yours. But when you do, be sure the site publishing the polls is no less biased against Christians than the the site you provided for the Muslim polls is biased against Muslims. OK?

06-26-2007, 07:36 AM
You've never, not even once, shown me any of these Christian polls of yours. But when you do, be sure the site publishing the polls is no less biased against Christians than the the site you provided for the Muslim polls is biased against Muslims. OK?

You're a funny guy. You are the one claiming Christians are terrorists as much as or more than Muslims. I simply showed you results of polls that Muslims are sympathetic to terrorism- in huge numbers. Now man-up and do the same to support your claim. Or lose cred.

06-26-2007, 07:59 AM
You're a funny guy. You are the one claiming Christians are terrorists as much as or more than Muslims.YOu're fucking wrong again. I am claiming that Christian terrorists are no less, and no more, terrorists than Muslim terrorists are.

I simply showed you results of polls that Muslims are sympathetic to terrorism- in huge numbers. Now man-up and do the same to support your claim. Or lose cred.Man up and admit you've resorted to putting words in my mouth to avoid posting Christian polls from sites no less biased against Christians than the the site you provided for the Muslim polls is biased against Muslims. Or lose credibilty.

06-26-2007, 08:16 AM
YOu're [sic] f[---]g wrong again. I am claiming that Christian terrorists are no less, and no more, terrorists than Muslim terrorists are.

Man up and admit you've resorted to putting words in my mouth to avoid posting Christian polls from sites no less biased against Christians than the the [sic]site you provided for the Muslim polls is biased against Muslims. Or lose credibilty. [sic]

So are you claiming Christian terrorists are more or as deadly as individuals, or more or similar numbers? Either way you are wrong, and as the assertion is yours, is yours to prove. I gave you ½ of the equation in an attempt to help define your argument for you. No good deed goes unpunished, apparently.

06-26-2007, 08:37 AM
So are you claiming Christian terrorists are more or as deadly as individuals, or more or similar numbers? Either way you are wrong, and as the assertion is yours, is yours to prove.Still putting words in my mouth, eh? I am saying that Christian terrorists are no less, and no more, terrorists than Muslim terrorists are.

I gave you ½ of the equation in an attempt to help define your argument for you. No good deed goes unpunished, apparently.You're asserting I need help making an argument I'm not making. Man up and admit you've resorted to putting words in my mouth to avoid posting polls regarding Christian terrorism from sites no less biased against Christians, than the site you provided for the Muslim polls is biased against Muslims.

06-26-2007, 08:57 AM
[1] Still putting words in my mouth, eh? [2] I am saying that Christian terrorists are no less, and no more, terrorists than Muslim terrorists are.

[3]You're asserting I need help making an argument I'm not making. Man up and admit you've resorted to putting words in my mouth to avoid posting polls regarding Christian terrorism from sites no less biased against Christians, than the site you provided for the Muslim polls is biased against Muslims.

1. Still playing the victim? If you were clear in your initial argument then there would be no misunderstanding on my part.
2. Now that you have defined your argument, prove same.
3. Point is now moot as addressed in item 1 above.

06-26-2007, 09:53 AM
1. Still playing the victim?At least this strawman misrepresentation is not the putting words in my mouth misrepresentation.

If you were clear in your initial argument then there would be no misunderstanding on my part.If you weren't so blindly dedicated to misunderstanding, you wouldn't have misunderstood that I didn't make an initial argument.

2. Now that you have defined your argument, prove same.I have defined no argument, I am not making an arguement--if you wish to argue the point that terrorists are no less, and no more, terrorists than Muslim terrorists are, then do so.

3. Point is now moot as addressed in item 1 above.That must be a very cozy relief for you.

06-26-2007, 10:11 AM
I must say LOki, I assumed that you would be more formidable. This exchange was no more challenging than one I would have with Joe Steel.

06-26-2007, 10:22 AM
I must say LOki, I assumed that you would be more formidable. This exchange was no more challenging than one I would have with Joe Steel.I must say that I'm not surprised that you find not being challenged not challenging. Nor am I surprised by your intellectually dishonest behavior.

06-26-2007, 10:25 AM
I must say that I'm not surprised that you find not being challenged not challenging. Nor am I surprised by your intellectually dishonest behavior.
I would say that you are the master at that trait here.

06-26-2007, 11:38 AM
I would say that you are the master at that trait here.Of course you would, false accusation is but one of your intellectually dishonest tactics.

06-26-2007, 11:51 AM
Of course you would, false accusation is but one of your intellectually dishonest tactics.


06-26-2007, 12:35 PM
Of course you would, false accusation is but one of your intellectually dishonest tactics. Perhaps you could point out where I have been intellectually dishonest.

06-26-2007, 12:45 PM
Perhaps you could point out where I have been intellectually dishonest.

On every post you have made about Gay People.

06-26-2007, 01:47 PM
Perhaps you could point out where I have been intellectually dishonest.
I already have.

06-26-2007, 02:15 PM

Guess you can't prove it, cool.

Anyway don't remember McVeigh or any of the abortion bombers claiming to do it in the name of Christianity but sure as hell remember every single act of terrorism done by a Muslim being done in the name of Allah.

06-26-2007, 02:18 PM
Still putting words in my mouth, eh? I am saying that Christian terrorists are no less, and no more, terrorists than Muslim terrorists are.

Correct only no one ever commits terorism in the name of Jesus Christ. Muslims commit atrocities on a daily basis in the name of Allah.

06-26-2007, 02:19 PM
At least this strawman misrepresentation is not the putting words in my mouth misrepresentation.

If you weren't so blindly dedicated to misunderstanding, you wouldn't have misunderstood that I didn't make an initial argument.

I have defined no argument, I am not making an arguement--if you wish to argue the point that terrorists are no less, and no more, terrorists than Muslim terrorists are, then do so.

That must be a very cozy relief for you.

*OCA watches Loki backpedal like a motherfucker*

06-26-2007, 02:21 PM
On every post you have made about Gay People.

Are you shitting us?

Perhaps you would like to share with us the evidence of queer by birth that the scientific community has been unable to find.

Every single pov on queers listed by me, Glock, Pale etc. etc. is 100% verifiable truth.

06-26-2007, 02:34 PM
*OCA watches Loki backpedal like a motherfucker*Translation: OCA is dreaming.

06-26-2007, 02:36 PM
Guess you can't prove it, cool.

Anyway don't remember McVeigh or any of the abortion bombers claiming to do it in the name of Christianity but sure as hell remember every single act of terrorism done by a Muslim being done in the name of Allah.:popcorn:

06-26-2007, 02:37 PM
Translation: OCA is dreaming.

Hey Loki its all right here in this thread for anyone to read, you gonna rewrite history now lol?

You backpedaled as good as Lance Armstrong.

06-26-2007, 02:51 PM
Hey Loki its all right here in this thread for anyone to read, you gonna rewrite history now lol?

You backpedaled as good as Lance Armstrong.Wake up, smell the coffee. I did not initiate the argument glockmail wishes I had; I responded to your challenge--it's all right here in this thread for anyone to read.

06-26-2007, 02:55 PM
Wake up, smell the coffee. I did not initiate the argument glockmail wishes I had; I responded to your challenge--it's all right here in this thread for anyone to read.

Wow repeating the words of another is a sign of autism, you autistic?

06-26-2007, 02:55 PM
Lok better head back to USMB, this place is over your head.

06-26-2007, 02:59 PM
Wow repeating the words of another is a sign of autism, you autistic?What's the matter? Are you more comfortable with suggesting I might be autistic, than to actually check the record and choke on your own bullshit?

06-26-2007, 04:00 PM
I already have.:link:

06-26-2007, 04:10 PM
Post 71: Misrepresenting me by putting words in my mouth.
Post 73: Misrepresenting me by putting words in my mouth.
Post 75: Misrepresenting me for the benefit of your strawman attack.

06-26-2007, 04:36 PM
Post 71: Misrepresenting me by putting words in my mouth.
Post 73: Misrepresenting me by putting words in my mouth.
Post 75: Misrepresenting me for the benefit of your strawman attack.

You've got to be kidding. Or uber-sensitive. :laugh2:

06-26-2007, 04:37 PM
You've got to be kidding. Or uber-sensitive. :laugh2:Just correct in fact.

06-26-2007, 04:49 PM
You've got to be kidding. Or uber-sensitive. :laugh2:

What's wrong with being sensative? :laugh2: I cry errrr get allergies during love stories so I guess that makes me sensative?

06-26-2007, 06:50 PM
Just correct in fact. In your own mind.

06-26-2007, 07:30 PM
What's the matter? Are you more comfortable with suggesting I might be autistic, than to actually check the record and choke on your own bullshit?

No, I actually checked the record and found you to be backpedaling even more which in fact........makes me correct.

*onstar speaks*........"at the intersection turn left for USMB where the dumbing down of the board is better suited for you":laugh2:

06-26-2007, 07:45 PM
I am delusional. Please send help.:fu:

06-26-2007, 08:15 PM

Oh gee board, I can reword a post and hope that maybe y'all didn't read the whole thread and see that I backpedaled my ass off!:laugh2:

06-26-2007, 08:24 PM
Desperate cry for help.:fu:

06-26-2007, 08:30 PM

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz *yawn*

06-26-2007, 08:34 PM
You've got to be kidding. Or uber-sensitive. :laugh2:

Loki? Sensitive? That's the funniest shit I've EVER seen come from you.:lmao:

06-27-2007, 06:37 AM
Oh gee board, I can reword a post and hope that maybe y'all didn't read the whole thread and see that I backpedaled my ass off!:laugh2:

Loki? Sensitive? That's the funniest shit I've EVER seen come from you.:lmao:

These recent actions by LOki have made me wonder if he hasn't been hijacked by a lesser being. I mean, he used to have some great stuff, condescending as hell, but at least it was intelligent. Lately he's been nothing more than mediocre, at best.

06-28-2007, 06:12 PM
In your own mind.Objectively.

06-28-2007, 06:33 PM
Like I said...