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View Full Version : Congressional Democrat approval down to 14%

06-21-2007, 12:25 PM
So naturally democrats are trying to drive them even lower by increasing the tax on gasoline.

Abbey Marie
06-21-2007, 02:34 PM
Do the polls say why? I always hear the media claim it's the Iraq war, but that's old news and wouldn't logically explain a continual huge drop. What is hot now is the Amnesty bill. Dare I hope Dems are fed up with it?

06-21-2007, 06:37 PM
14%... if one takes the common assumption that 30% of the electorate as consistent, self-described Democrats, 30% consistent, self-described GOP, and 40% swing/independent, that means half of self-styled Democrats disapprove of how the Dem Congressmen are doing. It takes talent to suck that bad.

06-21-2007, 06:40 PM
So naturally democrats are trying to drive them even lower by increasing the tax on gasoline.

We all new that would happen when Pelosi became Speaker of the House.

06-21-2007, 06:46 PM
Do the polls say why? I always hear the media claim it's the Iraq war, but that's old news and wouldn't logically explain a continual huge drop. What is hot now is the Amnesty bill. Dare I hope Dems are fed up with it?

In my opinion amnesty has a lot of influence on this. I think the war does too, but perhaps not the way the dems see it. I don't think the 'moderate' democrat likes to see the games being played with funding or even what the media is doing with coverage of the war. In the last week they've had to start covering the surge better and it's not turning out the way they said it would. I think when the 'people' get mad as MSM, the dems take some of the heat. Then there are the earmarks, which I know Chicago Tribune has been covering.

Then there is the Obama drip, drip, drip, who seemed to be a savior. Now we have the (albeit funny, imo) Hillery Soprano video, getting coverage all over, but how is it resonating with the populace? My guess, those that are just starting to pay attention, may not be so happy to be treated like children at school, with the teacher trying to mimic Sesame Street.

06-21-2007, 08:29 PM
well im betting its immigration. they have a 3% approval with immigration. The President has 10%... weird huh

Black Lance
06-21-2007, 08:46 PM
So naturally democrats are trying to drive them even lower by increasing the tax on gasoline.

Who conducted the poll?

The approval of Congress has been in the tank lately, but 14% sounds a bit too low.

06-21-2007, 08:52 PM
Who conducted the poll?

The approval of Congress has been in the tank lately, but 14% sounds a bit too low.


06-21-2007, 09:15 PM