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08-16-2014, 06:25 PM
You are walking along a beach when you feel something under the sand. You stop, dig in the sand and find it's a bottle with a cork in it. You take the cork out and realize you have just unleashed a genie. The genie gives you the power to change just one thing about the United States.

Understanding that this one wish could fundamentally change the future of this country, what one thing would you choose?

08-16-2014, 09:07 PM
You are walking along a beach when you feel something under the sand. You stop, dig in the sand and find it's a bottle with a cork in it. You take the cork out and realize you have just unleashed a genie. The genie gives you the power to change just one thing about the United States.

Understanding that this one wish could fundamentally change the future of this country, what one thing would you choose?

I'd like to go back to 1961 and convince Obama's mother to get an abortion.

08-16-2014, 09:28 PM
I'd wish to go back to 1960. And not have any chance of something called an Obama ever appearing on Earth, unless it was taken to a landfill. :) Not a Joke.

red state
08-16-2014, 10:12 PM
I'd like more time to consider this for a final answer but for now, I'd like to go back to our founding when they were establishing the balance of power. I'd say that ONE man in power to balance the power is too much power for one man.............I believe the power of president would best serve WE THE PEOPLE if the people's governors were the balance of power. Of course, back then, distance was a problem but it isn't now. I may simply be tired but it seems that even the founders got away from States preserving their rights and freedom over a possible tyrannical federal gov. I believe I'll hit the hay now and sleep on the idea. Good thread, Perianne. I look forward to other folk's two cents/sense.

08-16-2014, 10:27 PM
I'd like more time to consider this for a final answer but for now, I'd like to go back to our founding when they were establishing the balance of power. I'd say that ONE man in power to balance the power is too much power for one man.............I believe the power of president would best serve WE THE PEOPLE if the people's governors were the balance of power. Of course, back then, distance was a problem but it isn't now. I may simply be tired but it seems that even the founders got away from States preserving their rights and freedom over a possible tyrannical federal gov. I believe I'll hit the hay now and sleep on the idea. Good thread, Perianne. I look forward to other folk's two cents/sense.

We do have a balance of power, we have three branches, Executive, Legislative and Judicial. That system has served us well for over 200 years. Right now we are experiencing a breakdown of communication. The president refuses to allow the government to function as it was designed.
The states are represented at two levels, Representatives in the House based on population and two Senators from each state. I'm not sure I like the way the Supreme Court is appointed. I agree they should serve for life, or they choose to retire, but presidents will always appoint a justice whose record reflects his political views. That can build a court that can be too partisan.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-16-2014, 10:54 PM
You are walking along a beach when you feel something under the sand. You stop, dig in the sand and find it's a bottle with a cork in it. You take the cork out and realize you have just unleashed a genie. The genie gives you the power to change just one thing about the United States.

Understanding that this one wish could fundamentally change the future of this country, what one thing would you choose?

No Rap music ever!!!!!! -Tyr

08-16-2014, 11:11 PM
My wish is that everyone be responsible for themselves and their own family.

I am tired of supporting whores and lazy people. You don't work, you don't eat.

Of course alliances could be built amongst people to help care for each other. I like it better that when mom and dad get old and unable to care for themselves, their family steps up.

A small percentage of people are unable to care for themselves, and for those, the state would take the place of family. But that small percentage is almost totally comprised of children, the elderly, and the mentally retarded.

I believe America would be a better place if everyone were held responsible for themselves and the consequences of their behavior.

08-16-2014, 11:35 PM
My wish is that everyone be responsible for themselves and their own family.

I am tired of supporting whores and lazy people. You don't work, you don't eat.

Of course alliances could be built amongst people to help care for each other. I like it better that when mom and dad get old and unable to care for themselves, their family steps up.

A small percentage of people are unable to care for themselves, and for those, the state would take the place of family. But that small percentage is almost totally comprised of children, the elderly, and the mentally retarded.

I believe America would be a better place if everyone were held responsible for themselves and the consequences of their behavior.

A beautiful thought Peri but it will never happen. Too many people want the easy way, let someone else break a sweat, while they sit back waiting for a check.

08-16-2014, 11:54 PM
A beautiful thought Peri but it will never happen. Too many people want the easy way, let someone else break a sweat, while they sit back waiting for a check.

I know, Redrose, but this is a fantasy thread. It is my wish so the genie has to grant it!

08-17-2014, 01:30 AM
I would abolish Homeland Security. They spend more resources on containing Americans than actually protecting them.

08-17-2014, 01:54 AM
Anyone that is a politician is unable to lie. If they lie they choke to death. Sure would change the country.

08-17-2014, 07:22 AM
Forced personal responsibility. Far too many live off the government and demand freebies.

And I want a second one - TERM LIMITS for ALL politicians.

red state
08-17-2014, 10:15 PM
We do have a balance of power, we have three branches, Executive, Legislative and Judicial. That system has served us well for over 200 years. Right now we are experiencing a breakdown of communication. The president refuses to allow the government to function as it was designed.
The states are represented at two levels, Representatives in the House based on population and two Senators from each state. I'm not sure I like the way the Supreme Court is appointed. I agree they should serve for life, or they choose to retire, but presidents will always appoint a justice whose record reflects his political views. That can build a court that can be too partisan.

To overcome evil with good takes more than one man and one man has too much power whereas the other two "balances" require a group of individuals. I appreciate the lessen in our system and its history but I disagree that this has worked 'well' for us. As one who has seen an imbalance of power directed toward certain ethnicities over our history that was unfavorable to the Irish, Italian and Cherokee (groups within my bloodline) much of their turmoil was due to certain presidents who thought themselves all powerful. They made no bones about strong arming the other two powers that be and our history is full of this (regardless of ethnic group or situation) that could be mentioned by those more tuned to history.

I appreciate your remarks but I stand firm that in our day and age, we could make this work and it'd work MUCH better than the system that corrupts...............in B.O.'s case (ABSOLUTELY).

My point was that the EXECUTIVE office should be directed to our EXECUTIVE(S) who run their States.............some quiet well, in fact, and far better than MOST of our presidents over the years. This, to me would be a better balance of power.

08-17-2014, 10:23 PM
To overcome evil with good takes more than one man and one man has too much power whereas the other two "balances" require a group of individuals. I appreciate the lessen in our system and its history but I disagree that this has worked 'well' for us. As one who has seen an imbalance of power directed toward certain ethnicities over our history that was unfavorable to the Irish, Italian and Cherokee (groups within my bloodline) much of their turmoil was due to certain presidents who thought themselves all powerful. They made no bones about strong arming the other two powers that be and our history is full of this (regardless of ethnic group or situation) that could be mentioned by those more tuned to history.

I appreciate your remarks but I stand firm that in our day and age, we could make this work and it'd work MUCH better than the system that corrupts...............in B.O.'s case (ABSOLUTELY).

My point was that the EXECUTIVE office should be directed to our EXECUTIVE(S) who run their States.............some quiet well, in fact, and far better than MOST of our presidents over the years. This, to me would be a better balance of power.

I do believe we'd be better off with giving power back to the states.

I'm English and Italian from New York. I have a long fuse, but when it burns out, oh my!

08-17-2014, 10:28 PM
I do believe we'd be better off with giving power back to the states.

I'm English and Italian from New York. I have a long fuse, but when it burns out, oh my!
Yep, the separation of powers is not only along federal lines, (which the Irish and Italians did fine with), but also along federated lines, where the federal has usurped many state powers. Like how the hell is lunch programs in the discussions of Michelle Obama? and yet, it is.

The states have acquiesced to the fed, in much the same fashion the legislative branch has acquiesced to the executive on the national level.

We inherited a federated Republic, we no longer have that, but do have means of regaining if enough people make their voices known. What the politicos want is a democracy, with all the horrors the founders recognized 250 years ago.

red state
08-18-2014, 08:27 AM
I do believe we'd be better off with giving power back to the states.

I'm English and Italian from New York. I have a long fuse, but when it burns out, oh my!

I agree wholeheartedly! It was the STATES who came together and forged our law of the land and system and it was the States that demanded certain provisions such as the RIGHT to keep and bear arms (to prevent their State from falling victim to an overbearing federal gov). FACT. It is also fact that much of our lost RIGHTs and FREEDOMS have gradually been taken away (not from STATE decisions) but from tyrannical and ant-Constitutional leaders from within the federal gov. Bush was one of the worst to trample on the Constitution and B.O. seems to be a BUSH on steroids (something I've said for YEARS now).

We seem to no longer be a Republic and many folks truly don't know what a republic is. We have false republics under the guise of communism and dictatorships so the title has been degraded to the point that many folks would shun from the idea if they even understood the meaning of a true republic. When our system or the wishes of the people is overridden by the few (as with Nazi Germany) we are treading down the wrong path.

I am approximately 20% Italian, 60% Scot and 15% Cherokee out of the Smoky mountains....later settling in the Mid-South where my 5% "OTHER" came into the picture and I'll admit that I have a very short fuse. I've worked on this for my entire life, have gotten much better to control myself but I don't feel that control is necessarily a good thing cuz keeping a lid on the pressure cooker only accounts for a major disaster later. HA!!! Yet, I believe many Americans fall under this scenario and will be the only thing to save this Nation. This easing into this or that has caused us to shrug but when push comes to shove, I believe it will get very ugly and in a moment's notice. As Jefferson proclaimed, that'll be a good thing.

Have a good one everyone.

Joyful HoneyBee
08-18-2014, 08:39 AM
Let's not forget about the bastardization of our monetary system by the enactment of the Federal Reserve System, which was never fully ratified in the first place. Our founding fathers warned against allowing a private central banking system to become established in our nation.

08-18-2014, 08:48 AM
I'd like to go back to 1961 and convince Obama's mother to get an abortion.

I wonder how many Right-to-lifers agree with you?

Understanding that this one wish could fundamentally change the future of this country, what one thing would you choose?

Repeal the 17th and require that State legislatures appoint their Senators.

And second if I can have one is eliminate the corporate income tax. :)

08-18-2014, 08:53 AM
Let's not forget about the bastardization of our monetary system by the enactment of the Federal Reserve System, which was never fully ratified in the first place. Our founding fathers warned against allowing a private central banking system to become established in our nation.

Um, passed by both Houses and signed by the POTUS?

08-18-2014, 09:01 AM
I wonder how many Right-to-lifers agree with you?

Oooh, Oooh, Oooh - said in my best Arnold Horshack voice! (if you don't know, you're too young)

I'm a right to lifer...

I wish we could go back, and have Obama born from his Grandmother, and be WHITE. If he was white, he never would have been elected. Truth!

Abbey Marie
08-18-2014, 12:46 PM
Nice thread idea :cool:

I would probably have Marbury v. Madison come down the other way, so the Supreme Court would not be able to overturn our elected Legislators so easily. Perhaps no Roe v. Wade then.

And fj, I am certainly not in favor of the Obama abortion comment. Apart from my strong anti-abortion stance, we cannot know whether Obama's Presidency is in God's plan for us. Hard to understand, but to sort-of quote C.S. Lewis, we only see through a glass, darkly.

08-18-2014, 12:53 PM
And fj, I am certainly not in favor of the Obama abortion comment. Apart from my strong anti-abortion stance, we cannot know whether Obama's Presidency is in God's plan for us. Hard to understand, but to sort-of quote C.S. Lewis, we only see through a glass, darkly.

Seems a silly thing for one to agree with then but it begs the question of would it have made any difference politically. McCain was not going to win in '08.

Abbey Marie
08-18-2014, 03:24 PM
Seems a silly thing for one to agree with then but it begs the question of would it have made any difference politically. McCain was not going to win in '08.

Yeah, I try not to play "what if" scenarios in my head. The ripple effect of even one change makes me wonder what to wish for. For example, if one is a tea party fan: No Obama, possibly no tea party? The list is literally endless.

Our pastor made one little comment during a sermon that altered my confidence in my own opinions profoundly. He wondered how do we know that God doesn't want immigrants from Central and South America to come in large enough numbers to affect the US in ways we could not even predict. (And in case anyone thinks I go to a Main Line liberal denomination church, this is a socially-Conservative Baptist pastor).

08-18-2014, 04:07 PM
Yeah, I try not to play "what if" scenarios in my head. The ripple effect of even one change makes me wonder what to wish for. For example, if one is a tea party fan: No Obama, possibly no tea party? The list is literally endless.

Our pastor made one little comment during a sermon that altered my confidence in my own opinions profoundly. He wondered how do we know that God doesn't want immigrants from Central and South America to come in large enough numbers to affect the US in ways we could not even predict. (And in case anyone thinks I go to a Main Line liberal denomination church, this is a socially-Conservative Baptist pastor).

Why do you think I ask so many questions. :) As my riding buddy said this weekend about 50,000 kids on our border, "they wouldn't even fill up the Falcons stadium (Georgia Dome)." Not to say we don't need a better immigration policy and deal with the issue but how we react says a lot about us.

09-13-2014, 02:40 PM
You are walking along a beach when you feel something under the sand. You stop, dig in the sand and find it's a bottle with a cork in it. You take the cork out and realize you have just unleashed a genie. The genie gives you the power to change just one thing about the United States.

Understanding that this one wish could fundamentally change the future of this country, what one thing would you choose?

I would change the decision made on this date, January 22, 1973

09-13-2014, 03:37 PM
I'd go back to the day BEFORE the Internet, Facebook, Twitter, and I Dream of Genie....and destroy Genie's.

Think about it.

03-03-2016, 01:45 PM
Anyone that is a politician is unable to lie. If they lie they choke to death. Sure would change the country.

I'd go back to the day BEFORE the Internet, Facebook, Twitter, and I Dream of Genie....and destroy Genie's.

Think about it.

I have looked back and read some of Gaffer's posts. I like him. RIP, sir.

03-03-2016, 01:50 PM
I would abolish Homeland Security. They spend more resources on containing Americans than actually protecting them.

That is collectively inaccurate.

What about the Coast Guard and the thousands of lives saved or assisted yearly?

We are in DHS too.

03-04-2016, 12:50 AM
That is collectively inaccurate.What about the Coast Guard and the thousands of lives saved or assisted yearly?We are in DHS too.The Coast Guard has been around way longer than Homeland Security, therefore, I don't believe Homeland Security is necessary for the CG to continue to do their job. In my opinion, the CG operated quite efficiently before the creation of DHS. Perhaps you can tell me how becoming part of DHS has made you more effective.

03-04-2016, 02:35 AM
I am torn. ONE thing?


Can I just think-out-loud about some possible choices?

...I would ask the framers of the constitution to be more-specific. I would help them understand the unforeseen BULLSHIT we face today.

...I would Convince my dad to do what he had to do to buy a split-window corvette, 427 Cobra, and a 1964 1/2 Mustang. Then garage them. Store them properly. That would make America better because I'd be rich.

...here's the rub with all this - Nothing that has been done can be undone because it's already happened. Impossible.

03-04-2016, 03:21 AM
Well, looks like I found that genie again .... I would go back and counsel the founding fathers on being more specific about the "separation of state and church" so that all the crazies would get off their BS about it.

A Bible and Bible verse were removed from a POW/MIA display inside an Ohio Veteran’s Administration clinic after the notorious Military Religious Freedom Foundation complained.


03-04-2016, 06:27 AM
I am torn. ONE thing?


Can I just think-out-loud about some possible choices?

...I would ask the framers of the constitution to be more-specific. I would help them understand the unforeseen BULLSHIT we face today.

...I would Convince my dad to do what he had to do to buy a split-window corvette, 427 Cobra, and a 1964 1/2 Mustang. Then garage them. Store them properly. That would make America better because I'd be rich.

...here's the rub with all this - Nothing that has been done can be undone because it's already happened. Impossible.

Maybe it can't be "undone because it's already happened", but it can be RECTIFIED. The Department of Homeland Security — just another layer of executive power — can, and should be, abolished.

03-04-2016, 04:23 PM
Maybe it can't be "undone because it's already happened", but it can be RECTIFIED. The Department of Homeland Security — just another layer of executive power — can, and should be, abolished.

While you are at it. Don't forget to abolish every police force nationwide, since you believe they are all as useless as you.

03-05-2016, 06:34 AM
While you are at it. Don't forget to abolish every police force nationwide, since you believe they are all as useless as you.

STRANGE! (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?48009-Protect-amp-Serve&p=791524#post791524)

03-05-2016, 06:35 PM
STRANGE! (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?48009-Protect-amp-Serve&p=791524#post791524)

Once again. I agree with you. You are STRANGE.

03-05-2016, 07:33 PM
Given this is a fantasy thread, and the genie had cataclysmic power to do ANYTHING ... my choice is simple. I'd outlaw Socialism.

Let a climate exist where Socialism is equally as reviled as NATIONAL Socialism now is (Nazism). America, and the world, should the world follow suit, would know a new Golden Age.

06-10-2016, 06:49 PM
Given this is a fantasy thread, and the genie had cataclysmic power to do ANYTHING ... my choice is simple. I'd outlaw Socialism.

Let a climate exist where Socialism is equally as reviled as NATIONAL Socialism now is (Nazism). America, and the world, should the world follow suit, would know a new Golden Age.

I'd replace everyone in our government, top to bottom, and start over.

06-10-2016, 07:02 PM
Maybe it can't be "undone because it's already happened", but it can be RECTIFIED. The Department of Homeland Security — just another layer of executive power — can, and should be, abolished.


That is just silly. The Coast Guard, ICE, CBP - to name a few are in DHS.

It puts the vast majority of LE and Intel agencies under one umbrella, which
was a woeful weakness prior to 9/11.

I've explained this need several times over. Some, like you, seem to ignore it.

06-10-2016, 07:23 PM

That is just silly. The Coast Guard, ICE, CBP - to name a few are in DHS.

It puts the vast majority of LE and Intel agencies under one umbrella, which
was a woeful weakness prior to 9/11.

I've explained this need several times over. Some, like you, seem to ignore it.

Elessar. After reading indago's comical comments about getting rid of Homeland Security. That tends to tell me, and possibly others..how indago is so much like Obama. Inviting enemies like ISIS, and other Known Terrorist Groups to get FREE WILL, AND UNINCUMBERED permission to Kill as many Americans as they can. So...I would happily suggest to ISIS...begin with indago!

06-10-2016, 07:29 PM
Elessar. After reading indago's comical comments about getting rid of Homeland Security. That tends to tell me, and possibly others..how indago is so much like Obama. Inviting enemies like ISIS, and other Known Terrorist Groups to get FREE WILL, AND UNINCUMBERED permission to Kill as many Americans as they can. So...I would happily suggest to ISIS...begin with indago!

Indago's off pouting somewhere. I got in his ass and he hasn't been coming around fora few days. Maybe jimnyc can find him from wherever he dragged him up the first time. I'm sure a pacifier and a diaper change will make him fell all f-ing better. :laugh:

06-10-2016, 07:38 PM
Indago's off pouting somewhere. I got in his ass and he hasn't been coming around fora few days. Maybe @jimnyc (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1) can find him from wherever he dragged him up the first time. I'm sure a pacifier and a diaper change will make him fell all f-ing better. :laugh:

You can not fix Stupid, and it is hard to alter Ignorance.

06-10-2016, 10:29 PM
Indago's off pouting somewhere. I got in his ass and he hasn't been coming around fora few days.

What, pray tell, did you do to his ass? Is there something about yourself that you aren't telling us? :p

06-10-2016, 10:37 PM
What, pray tell, did you do to his ass? Is there something about yourself that you aren't telling us? :p

A simple play on words. Ass in this simple statement means an Ass of a person, not the anal area.

06-10-2016, 10:52 PM
What, pray tell, did you do to his ass? Is there something about yourself that you aren't telling us? :p

Yeah, right. Geez. If you haven't figured out I'm alpha male heterosexual 110% by now, I don't know what to tell you. He's just butt-hurt on my critiquing his cut n paste crap.

06-11-2016, 06:21 AM
I would change the perception that animal abuse is okay aslong as the right species of animals are being abused.

06-11-2016, 04:40 PM
I would change the perception that animal abuse is okay aslong as the right species of animals are being abused.

Use and abuse are two different words. Y'all lefties need to bust out a dictionary and figure it out.

06-11-2016, 05:40 PM
Use and abuse are two different words. Y'all lefties need to bust out a dictionary and figure it out.

Thanks for providing an example of the perspective that would be changed (:

06-11-2016, 06:38 PM
Thanks for providing an example of the perspective that would be changed (:

I don't need to change my perspective. Maybe you should look in the mirror. That person in your profile is the perfect example of a skinny little vegan. Maybe you ought to reexamine YOUR issues. We raise animals for food. That is not abuse. It's a perfect example of use.

Abuse is killing something for no reason and/or wasting it. It's in the Bible they are there for our use. And I sure as Hell ain't going to be a skinny geek like you. I'm a Texan. I eat cows. And I love it. Especially if I cook it on the grill.

For someone who claims to be liberal you sure do judge others a lot about crap that's none of your business. Maybe you shouldn't be killing those poor plants you stuff your face with?

06-12-2016, 04:17 AM
Thanks for providing several follow up examples of perspectives that would change (:

06-12-2016, 05:24 AM
Thanks for providing several follow up examples of perspectives that would change (:

And thank you for being a closed minded geek, intolerant of others who differ from you. You are EXACTLY what you accuse others of being. So don't don't call yourself liberal. NAZI would work better.

I don't tell you what to eat. My arm is bigger than your neck. Is a there a point to your existence? You sure as Hell can't hump ammo. You'd fall apart just trying to carry your pack. So what are you actually worth?

You want to personally attack me because I'm not a pansy like you? Expect return fire.

06-12-2016, 05:44 AM
Well compassion and empathy were undoubtedly two pillars of nazism, so looks like you nailed me down there.

My neck may not be as thick as your arm, and yet this is a 'if you found a genie on a beech' thread. Go figure.

06-12-2016, 06:01 AM
Well compassion and empathy were undoubtedly two pillars of nazism, so looks like you nailed me down there.

My neck may not be as thick as your arm, and yet this is a 'if you found a genie on a beech' thread. Go figure.

More like I found a "geek on the beach" thread. And when you want to attack me personally? It's coming back. You goofballs that whine and cry about something that isn't your business need to learn to just shut the Hell up. You accuse us on the right of trying to tell everyone how to live when that's all you got -- telling others how to live. I don't want to be a skinny pencil-necked geek like you. There's nothing about you anyone would want to be. I was your size when I was 12.

06-12-2016, 06:07 AM
More like I found a "geek on the beach" thread. And when you want to attack me personally? It's coming back. You goofballs that whine and cry about something that isn't your business need to learn to just shut the Hell up. You accuse us on the right of trying to tell everyone how to live when that's all you got -- telling others how to live. I don't want to be a skinny pencil-necked geek like you. There's nothing about you anyone would want to be. I was your size when I was 12.

Sleep easy Gunny in the knowledge that you'll never be anything like me (:
Speaking of sleep, the early hours are well upon you and you should look to get some before sunrise.

06-12-2016, 06:20 AM
Sleep easy Gunny in the knowledge that you'll never be anything like me (:
Speaking of sleep, the early hours are well upon you and you should look to get some before sunrise.

I sleep during the day, Einstein. You'd think someone as intelligent as you think you are might notice that. I'm up almost all night.

06-12-2016, 07:18 AM
Sleep easy Gunny in the knowledge that you'll never be anything like me (:
Speaking of sleep, the early hours are well upon you and you should look to get some before sunrise.

Orders, Noir ? Judgementality ? An expectation that others think as you do, behave as you mandate them to do ?

So tell me, is all that evidence of 'free thinking', 'enlightened attitudes' .. or does it, indeed, have a lot more in common with Nazism ?

Lefties try and sell themselves as 'tolerant', and preach that message to their opponents. But, toleration of others' views is light years away from their own thinking.

06-12-2016, 07:44 AM
I'll put it this way. Noir, get another mod to cut this part out and put it in the steel cage if you want to go at it with me, I won't mod my own threads. I WILL hand you your ass in a proper forum. Seems to me you always run away from direct confrontation.

Do what you think you need to. I'll wait.

06-12-2016, 09:21 AM
I'll put it this way. @Noir (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=517), get another mod to cut this part out and put it in the steel cage if you want to go at it with me, I won't mod my own threads. I WILL hand you your ass in a proper forum. Seems to me you always run away from direct confrontation.

Do what you think you need to. I'll wait.

Using my genie wish to suppose an America that is more compassionate towards animals is not a personal attack on you Gunny, much as you may believe it so, and I don't tend to interact with the cage.

06-12-2016, 04:18 PM
Using my genie wish to suppose an America that is more compassionate towards animals is not a personal attack on you Gunny, much as you may believe it so, and I don't tend to interact with the cage.

Heh! Interacting here and bowing out.

So you run your mouth and judge others, yet when challenged decide to run and hide?
You are purely a COWARD with a huge mouth.

If you do not like replies to your pussy opinions and rejoinders, then keep
your Liberal Gay mouth in order.

Bowed out.

06-12-2016, 04:32 PM
Using my genie wish to suppose an America that is more compassionate towards animals is not a personal attack on you Gunny, much as you may believe it so, and I don't tend to interact with the cage.

You are kidding, right? You DID attack me personally. As far your wish, we're the most PC nation in the world. We have a freakin' rule for everything. Our government tells us what we can and cannot eat. You get caught abusing an animal here you'll make the front page of the grade. Abuse a human? Won't even be mentioned.

What you have not addressed is the difference between use and abuse. You just get out your broad paintbrush and call it all the same thing. You abuse plants. What's the difference? They are living things, right?

06-28-2016, 11:19 PM
If the wish granted was retroactive then it would be whatever was necessary to prevent the war of Northern Aggression. That would cure most of what ails our country.

If it's something to be changed going forward from this point, a Constitutional litmus test before being allowed to serve in any public office. If you don't fully grasp what the Founding Fathers intended and vow to abide by the same, you cannot serve in public office.