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08-17-2014, 07:18 AM
Name one thing (per post) about society and/or politics that used to be, but will likely never be again.

08-17-2014, 07:23 AM
Name one thing (per post) about society and/or politics that used to be, but will likely never be again.

Hanging outside with your friends from sun up till sundown. No electronics, knocking on doors still existed, walking all over God's creation... Now everyone sits inside with electronics and gets fat.

08-17-2014, 11:03 AM
People had Morals

08-17-2014, 11:09 AM
Communications - specifically, cellphones.

Remember when you were trying to get a hold of someone, so you'd call their house and they weren't home? So you'd start calling around and try to leave a message at wherever they'd be likely to show up. That only worked less than half the time.

Prior to cellphones, I remember when CB Radios were all the rage... everyone had one in their car, and quite a few household units too. Everyone had a handle, just like here on the Interwebs. My dad was the Yukon Kid, one of my Uncles was Mad Dog, and my Grandpa was Sourdough. "Breaker One-Nine for the Yukon Kid. Come on back."

There were the guys that had big illegal amplifiers that would make them BOOM across multiple States in the Lower 48... they'd have an echo when they cranked it up. A Thousand Watts in the Flower Pot! The FCC definitely didn't like those guys and tried to track them down. I remember driving across Nebraska with my Dad and hearing two truckers in the middle of the night having a conversation, one was in Colorado somewhere and the other was in Montana... they both had big amps and the conditions were just right for them to talk to each other.

You usually knew where the cops were with the speedtraps because the truckers always kept an updated report going on the last sightings in the area.

It was a different era, for sure... strangers having conversations with strangers. It was kept clean and for the most part, friendly. Sometimes you'd hear squabbles but it was rare.

08-17-2014, 12:42 PM
We lived in more innocent times ... nobody was aware, in any major sense, of the threat Islamic terrorism posed (or could pose).Then, the enemy was firmly rooted in an opposing ideology which Nation States subscribed to (or were forced to endure). The only fears we had from WMD's came from nuclear arsenals held by superpowers and their primary allies.

These days, give any bunch of homicidal nutters sufficient opportunity, and they can threaten anyone, and any city, with mass loss of life.

08-17-2014, 02:38 PM
Being able to let your kids go to the park alone, without their parents being arrested.

08-17-2014, 03:54 PM
Leaving the front and back doors open, and unlocked at night.

08-17-2014, 04:35 PM
Leaving the front and back doors open, and unlocked at night.

I never lock my house, or my vehicles. Hell, half the time I leave the keys in the truck.

The cabin is always unlocked, too, in case someone needs shelter, food, clothes or equipment.

Things are a lot different up here than down in the Lower 48, though, I know.

08-17-2014, 05:08 PM
I never lock my house, or my vehicles. Hell, half the time I leave the keys in the truck.

The cabin is always unlocked, too, in case someone needs shelter, food, clothes or equipment.

Things are a lot different up here than down in the Lower 48, though, I know.

Right you are NT. If we tried that down here. Everything might be gone in the morning.

But I do remember the time when I was able to keep my 66 Chevy Impala SS convertible open, and unlocked. Even back in the 70's, and not worried about it being taken. My...HOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED?

Not mine above. My Chevy had red interior.

08-18-2014, 02:22 AM

08-18-2014, 07:08 AM
At some point during the 1990s, the percentage of Americans who classified themselves as white dropped below 80%. It will never be that high again.

08-18-2014, 07:17 PM
At some point during the 1990s, the percentage of Americans who classified themselves as white dropped below 80%. It will never be that high again.

Perianne. Look at the bright side. Eventually. We may be able to get away with having our own NAAWP???

08-18-2014, 10:02 PM
Hanging outside with your friends from sun up till sundown. No electronics, knocking on doors still existed, walking all over God's creation... Now everyone sits inside with electronics and gets fat.

I got nostalgic (or as much as a 30 year old woman can get nostalgic) while watching my daughter out skating with some friends on Sunday afternoon. No cell phones, no listening devices, no sitting inside playing games or watching games. Actual kids playing outdoors. And enjoying it.
My mom often talks about wanting to put the genie back into the bottle. She will go visit friends from teaching and their kids are all sitting inside. How can your kids develop if they do nothing but play games all day? How can they learn to interact with others if they do nothing but stare at a screen?

08-19-2014, 01:19 AM
I got nostalgic (or as much as a 30 year old woman can get nostalgic) while watching my daughter out skating with some friends on Sunday afternoon. No cell phones, no listening devices, no sitting inside playing games or watching games. Actual kids playing outdoors. And enjoying it.
My mom often talks about wanting to put the genie back into the bottle. She will go visit friends from teaching and their kids are all sitting inside. How can your kids develop if they do nothing but play games all day? How can they learn to interact with others if they do nothing but stare at a screen?

My grand kids live in AZ and their yard has no trees or grass and it's usually too hot to play outside too long. So they come to my house in CA. I have 2 acres of trees and lots of grass. They know when they come to Grammy's it's "get out of the house and don't come in until it's time to eat ... and even then, we might have a picnic ... so GO!!"

Two tire swings, a knotted climbing rope goes up 30', three special "climbing trees", their own little "Teribithia" that we built for them (they have to walk a plank to get to the island in the middle of the pond). We take them to a little secluded place on the Russian River and they get to play in the water (not a pool).

They love Grammy's house. Every kid should have a place like this to spend time growing up and learning how to use their bodies for something besides video games.

09-01-2015, 06:16 PM

09-01-2015, 06:59 PM
Name one thing (per post) about society and/or politics that used to be, but will likely never be again.

You could go to the beach and be by yourself. They're like sardine cans now.

09-01-2015, 07:00 PM
People had Morals

You did NOT. Don't spin stories.:laugh:

09-01-2015, 09:01 PM
I remember being able to enjoy concerts without someone sticking a cell phone in front of my face. Same with movies. Which I rarely attend anymore due to the poor distracted behavior by people who should know better.

Politics is actually better now than before. The reigns of powers are no longer controlled by a privileged few. Everyone can vote now. It used to be that only white males could vote.
We know more about our political figures and can hold them accountable. Go back to presidents before Nixon and review all the misdeeds that they got away with.