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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-28-2014, 10:06 AM

Marine held in Mexico: Free Sgt. Tahmooressi

Sad that this nation, this President will try to grant millions of lawbreakers (illegal Mexican immigrants) full amnesty but not demand the Mexican government release this Marine !!!!
Obama cares so deeply about Mexican criminals bot not a damn thing about a Marine that served honorably . Yet Obama will comment on and send government reps to a black thug(criminal) funeral.
What we have with Obama is a worthless, slimy MMTHFFKKERR that hates, this nation, our laws and Constitution, true patriots, our military, whites , Christians and conservatives. -Tyr

08-28-2014, 10:56 AM
The Marine is white, that says it all.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-28-2014, 06:43 PM
White you say!
So you contend if he was black proper action would have already been taken???


I now await the race card to be played on you. :rolleyes:

O' fj wer is u? --Tyr

red state
08-28-2014, 11:00 PM
Actually, this Marine is Italian (we consider this white but not of the 'white bread' variety). HA! Now that is racist (coming from someone with a bit of Italian).

As for the thread, it truly is a shame that the media doesn't cover this EVERY freakin' day but they seemed to have used it for all it was worth (for their ratings) and have long forgotten this guy.

What truly sickens me (and I've posted this before) is why our first muSLUM president arms/supports Mexican gangs, ISIS and most anyone who are anti-American while he turns his back on REAL Americans. Could he not have hit Mexico hard in the pocket book until they release this Marine...of course he could. Did he have the power and oportunity to REQUIRE/DEMAND the release of the journalist who was beheaded for at least one of the muSLUM terrorist he "negotiated with" in the release of a traitor who claimed to be muSLUM......his dad as well.

__________________________________________________ __________
B.O. is a muSLUM and enemy collaborator:





08-29-2014, 04:56 AM
Actually, this Marine is Italian (we consider this white but not of the 'white bread' variety). HA! Now that is racist (coming from someone with a bit of Italian).

As for the thread, it truly is a shame that the media doesn't cover this EVERY freakin' day but they seemed to have used it for all it was worth (for their ratings) and have long forgotten this guy.

What truly sickens me (and I've posted this before) is why our first muSLUM president arms/supports Mexican gangs, ISIS and most anyone who are anti-American while he turns his back on REAL Americans. Could he not have hit Mexico hard in the pocket book until they release this Marine...of course he could. Did he have the power and oportunity to REQUIRE/DEMAND the release of the journalist who was beheaded for at least one of the muSLUM terrorist he "negotiated with" in the release of a traitor who claimed to be muSLUM......his dad as well.

__________________________________________________ __________
B.O. is a muSLUM and enemy collaborator:





He's got Camp Pendleton 58 miles north of the border. Home of I MEF.

However, upon further review ....

I'm not so much on this guy's side. You don't "accidentally" end up in Tijuana with a load of weapons. You don't accidentally end up in Tijuana. Former Marine? Then he KNOWS how to get in and out of Tijuana. Yes, you CAN get stuck in traffic and end up crossing the border. If you can't read the giant signs. And if you don't know a thing about SoCal.

If you go to MCRD San Diego for boot camp and then are stationed at Camp Pendleton or even 29 Palms, you KNOW where you are where that border is concerned. I'm not going to pretend to know his motives, but I just ain't going for the media hype.

And why is it that no matter what we do, we're "former Marines'? Other than some yellow journalism designed to incite? If I walked out and kicked some old lady's dog, it'd be "Former Marine Launches Assault on Defenseless Puppy."

But it DOES divert your eyes from what the government is or isn't doing, right? Hmmm.

08-29-2014, 06:28 AM
The Marine is white, that says it all.

He is white and he also won't bring the votes in like the illegals do, Obama is forever on the campaign trail.

08-29-2014, 06:31 AM
He is white and he also won't bring the votes in like the illegals do, Obama is forever on the campaign trail.

Could you just imagine if this was a black former Marine? OMG. Can you spell "international incident"?

08-29-2014, 06:37 AM
Could you just imagine if this was a black former Marine? OMG. Can you spell "international incident"?

No Doubt !!!!

08-29-2014, 08:05 AM
From what I've read and heard, he's an active duty Marine. He had just moved to S. Cal and was not familiar with the area. Greta does some piece on him every night an has devoted much of her program to him. She drove the same route as he did and those BIG signs don't exist.

The white house should be all over this.

08-29-2014, 08:27 AM
White you say!
So you contend if he was black proper action would have already been taken???


I now await the race card to be played on you. :rolleyes:

O' fj wer is u? --Tyr

Are you going to troll or are you going to debate?

BTW, that's not racist.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-29-2014, 08:51 AM
Are you going to troll or are you going to debate?

BTW, that's not racist.

der u iz.... :laugh:
da race expirt haz spok...;)

u off da hook now gaffer. - :beer:

what bez thir ta dabate?

Truff iz racist, remimbir?

Back on topic.

The Marine is being used as a pawn by the Mexican government and Obama the clown
doesn't give a rip because he is not black, dem, lib, gay or unpatriotic..
Yet this man turned himself in after being lost entering Mexico.
His story checks out completely and the guns were in his vehicle as was all his other personal property because he was relocating to San Diego.
The Mexicans and the Mexican government are ALL playing us for chumps but that is no biggie(right) because our piece of scum Prez does that every damn day!---Tyr

08-29-2014, 08:52 AM
^Was that English?

red state
08-29-2014, 09:08 AM
He's got Camp Pendleton 58 miles north of the border. Home of I MEF.

However, upon further review ....

I'm not so much on this guy's side. You don't "accidentally" end up in Tijuana with a load of weapons. You don't accidentally end up in Tijuana. Former Marine? Then he KNOWS how to get in and out of Tijuana. Yes, you CAN get stuck in traffic and end up crossing the border. If you can't read the giant signs. And if you don't know a thing about SoCal.

If you go to MCRD San Diego for boot camp and then are stationed at Camp Pendleton or even 29 Palms, you KNOW where you are where that border is concerned. I'm not going to pretend to know his motives, but I just ain't going for the media hype.

And why is it that no matter what we do, we're "former Marines'? Other than some yellow journalism designed to incite? If I walked out and kicked some old lady's dog, it'd be "Former Marine Launches Assault on Defenseless Puppy."

But it DOES divert your eyes from what the government is or isn't doing, right? Hmmm.

Gunny, I agree that there is two sides to any given story but I remember when this first happened and as GAFFER (a very informative and appreciated member here) mentioned: this guy was new to the area, got locked after passing the point of no return and either missed the small sign that was temporarily replacing the official sign OR there wasn't a sign at all. Still, you are also a much appreciated member and I commend you for bringing "the other side" into it and expressing the difference of attention this guy has received verses the attention he would most assuredly received has he been a bit "darker". As for a "load of weapons"; I don't see that he had enough weapons. Had I been re-located within my company and was moving to an area with all my belongings, I'd have four high powered rifles, five shotguns, two pistols, six bows an entire $#!T load of "edged" weaponry from knives, broadheads and bush-blades to yard tools). Talk about putting a guy UNDER the jail. HA!!! Now that I know how they treated that guy......if I EVER make a wrong turn (if I'm ever that close to that hell-hole piece of $#!T country) I'm gonna tear my vehicle all to pieces after throwing it in revers and pushing folks out of my way till I'm a few feet on "the other side" of the line. HA!!! If I have to, I'm gonna pull some 'hardware' out before being "ABDUCTED" (and this is how I see it.....the guy was abducted when common sense should have prevailed). After Fast & Furious, who knows what agenda our gov. or the mexican gov. may have in proving something. As an active duty soldier, I feel he should have quickly been released to OUR military for 'corrective action'.

Anyway, it is the world we live in and I don't know the exacts but it sure looks like the same ole, same ole stupidity.

red state
08-29-2014, 09:17 AM
As for accidentally ended up 50+ miles from where you were to be.....this has pretty much been covered but my dad missed his exit late one night coming home from our cabin in the Gatlinburg area and noticed that he only had a few miles before he'd arrive in ATLANTA. HA! Why this is funny and significant is that we live in the MEMPHIS/TUPELO area!!!!!!!!! You do the calculating on that one. HA!!!! I have no issue with the Marine getting turned around and as you (GUNNY) have said.....this is a JARHEAD/ROUGHNECK we're talking about. HA!!!! Just kidding....but my "Pa" was in the Army and told me many stories about Marines being bullet sponges. I cringed at the notion but from what I've read, that isn't too far fetched and extremely sad. I know we poke fun at each other but I would like to say that picking on certain groups can be very funny.....but I do respect ALL military branches. SALUTE!!!!

red state
08-29-2014, 09:24 AM
From what I've read and heard, he's an active duty Marine. He had just moved to S. Cal and was not familiar with the area. Greta does some piece on him every night an has devoted much of her program to him. She drove the same route as he did and those BIG signs don't exist. The white house should be all over this.

I suppose I'll have to start watching GRETA......had actually stopped watching FOX (or any other news source altogether). Never heard much on important topics and seemed to only see them "dance" around issues. I have NOTHING for Bill O'reily now (not that I had much stock in him to begin with) but I do read and I do listen to Entertainment News such as: Lars Larson, Mark Levin and The SAVAGE Nation.

I agree with Tyr......100% (just had to put that in cuz it is true). One can always expect TRUTH, HONOR/INTEGRITY/ Wisdom and common sense out of GUNNY, GAFFER, AT, ABBEY, GRANNY, Sassy and Drummond......just to name a few. Bad thing is; we have more than a few who are either pretenders or outright LIB LEMMINGS.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-29-2014, 09:48 AM
As for accidentally ended up 50+ miles from where you were to be.....this has pretty much been covered but my dad missed his exit late one night coming home from our cabin in the Gatlinburg area and noticed that he only had a few miles before he'd arrive in ATLANTA. HA! Why this is funny and significant is that we live in the MEMPHIS/TUPELO area!!!!!!!!! You do the calculating on that one. HA!!!! I have no issue with the Marine getting turned around and as you (GUNNY) have said.....this is a JARHEAD/ROUGHNECK we're talking about. HA!!!! Just kidding....but my "Pa" was in the Army and told me many stories about Marines being bullet sponges. I cringed at the notion but from what I've read, that isn't too far fetched and extremely sad. I know we poke fun at each other but I would like to say that picking on certain groups can be very funny.....but I do respect ALL military branches. SALUTE!!!!

Marines are trained to be pure killing machines. Other branches know this and good natured rivalry exists thus the joke go back and forth. Sometimes the rivalry isn't so good natured -then the fights start.
My two best friends were both military, both combat vets(different wars) and both respected each other but were never friends so to speak.
They didn't hang together. Each one was a true badass and by that I mean the damn real thing! I should know I am no pansy ass myself(fact)..
haha, I was able to make Herschel the Marine(Korean War vet) mad at me just once and it was when I repeated a joke told to me by Don (the Vietnam war vet)..
Here it is....

Say , do you know why Marines don't eat pickles??

No, why??

Because they can't get their ffing heads into the jar....:laugh::laugh:

*jarheads*-- :laugh:

I told that one and the first time I saw a pissed off look directed at me by my great friend. Then after a minute or two he started laughing and damn sure guessed who had told me that one. He then told me some jokes about the Army and the Navy.
Back in the good ole days when both my friends were still alive...
By the way, in my opinion , Herschel was the tougher of the two but only by a tad...
I am 60 years old and still miss both those men , my friends....
Both men were honorable, courageous and took no damn crap from ANYBODY!!
Exactly like my father and grandfather...--Tyr

red state
08-29-2014, 02:27 PM
Great story and it is a wonderful thing to have such friends that make a lasting friendship (even after death). I know full well of the rivalry because I had a friend in the Navy and when he got back, we went to a bar in Bartlett that was known for military hangout. I never felt so out of place. They all had short hair and me and another friend had VERY long hair (back in the hair band days). HA! Anyway, I remember not feeling so welcomed and after deciding to go elsewhere, some ole boy and his buds bump into us in the parking lot. My Navy buddy picked up on it right off and jumped in (making it worse actually) but nothing ever happened cuz I'm a pretty big ole boy and know how to mix it up (I wasn't a sissy and didn't have the sissy long hair....just the ROUGH, don't giva $#!T look) Anyway, the ole boy asks my friend what his problem was after my friend got in his face. The ole boy said he was Army Ranger so and so class and my buddy got directly in his face (close enough to bite) and exclaimed; "F the Army Rangers! I'm a Navy S.E.A.L. Mother Ffer and if you have a problem with my friends, you sure as hell have a problem with me!!!!" The ole boy backed down and said that he had no problem and I forget the rest but for a minute there, I thought I was gonna have a very bad evening or an extremely good one. It turned out to be a good one.....except for later that night when we thought we were gonna have to call an ambulance for him. He got pretty rowdy that night at a country boy's house an hour of so outside of Memphis where we knew about a big shin-dig and made the mistake of messing with one good ole boy's wife. He was too drunk to stand and at one time, I could have swore that he'd quit breathing. What a night. Lotta bad....lotta good. Had we not been there, I'm not so sure he wouldn't have died cuz the husband told us that he's going to get his gun and if that SOB was still here, he was going to shoot him. None are my friends anymore and I haven't a clue where they are (dead or alive) I saw one one night coming out from bow hunting a number of years ago and later learned that he was in Parchman (a bad place to be). HA!!!

Friends come and go but TRUE friends never leave or leave the heart.

08-29-2014, 03:32 PM
Gunny, I agree that there is two sides to any given story but I remember when this first happened and as GAFFER (a very informative and appreciated member here) mentioned: this guy was new to the area, got locked after passing the point of no return and either missed the small sign that was temporarily replacing the official sign OR there wasn't a sign at all. Still, you are also a much appreciated member and I commend you for bringing "the other side" into it and expressing the difference of attention this guy has received verses the attention he would most assuredly received has he been a bit "darker". As for a "load of weapons"; I don't see that he had enough weapons. Had I been re-located within my company and was moving to an area with all my belongings, I'd have four high powered rifles, five shotguns, two pistols, six bows an entire $#!T load of "edged" weaponry from knives, broadheads and bush-blades to yard tools). Talk about putting a guy UNDER the jail. HA!!! Now that I know how they treated that guy......if I EVER make a wrong turn (if I'm ever that close to that hell-hole piece of $#!T country) I'm gonna tear my vehicle all to pieces after throwing it in revers and pushing folks out of my way till I'm a few feet on "the other side" of the line. HA!!! If I have to, I'm gonna pull some 'hardware' out before being "ABDUCTED" (and this is how I see it.....the guy was abducted when common sense should have prevailed). After Fast & Furious, who knows what agenda our gov. or the mexican gov. may have in proving something. As an active duty soldier, I feel he should have quickly been released to OUR military for 'corrective action'.

Anyway, it is the world we live in and I don't know the exacts but it sure looks like the same ole, same ole stupidity.

He's from San Diego. I spent half my career in SoCal. Gaffer has nothing to do with the topic.

If I've got THAT arsenal in MY vehicle I'm stopping dead in the road on the US side. If it's all legal, nothing to hide, right? I don't care if I'm blocking traffic and I don't care who I'm pissing off. I'm not taking contraband into a foreign country; especially, one that is notorious form throwing you in jail and tossing away the key.

I've BEEN there. I've parked my truck on the US side more than twice, WITH loaded firearms in it. You don't "accidentally" cross that border. Not in SoCal. Marines read maps they're taught to from boot camp on. I'm just not buying. There's more here than we know, but this guy is full of it. You ain't "moving to San Diego" and end up in Mexico. San Diego is 20 miles north of the border. San Ysidro is the town directly across from Tijuana. I'd think he might have mentioned that in his story. That border is so contested an area because of illegals that you have to be legally blind to miss all the signs.

And, with all due respect, this has nothing to do with Gaffer. He posts what he wants and I post what I want. We get along just fine and always have. That doesn't make us symbiotic twins. I addressed the topic,not the person who started it. Let's keep it there, please.

08-29-2014, 03:42 PM
Marines are trained to be pure killing machines. Other branches know this and good natured rivalry exists thus the joke go back and forth. Sometimes the rivalry isn't so good natured -then the fights start.
My two best friends were both military, both combat vets(different wars) and both respected each other but were never friends so to speak.
They didn't hang together. Each one was a true badass and by that I mean the damn real thing! I should know I am no pansy ass myself(fact)..
haha, I was able to make Herschel the Marine(Korean War vet) mad at me just once and it was when I repeated a joke told to me by Don (the Vietnam war vet)..
Here it is....

Say , do you know why Marines don't eat pickles??

No, why??

Because they can't get their ffing heads into the jar....:laugh::laugh:

*jarheads*-- :laugh:

I told that one and the first time I saw a pissed off look directed at me by my great friend. Then after a minute or two he started laughing and damn sure guessed who had told me that one. He then told me some jokes about the Army and the Navy.
Back in the good ole days when both my friends were still alive...
By the way, in my opinion , Herschel was the tougher of the two but only by a tad...
I am 60 years old and still miss both those men , my friends....
Both men were honorable, courageous and took no damn crap from ANYBODY!!
Exactly like my father and grandfather...--Tyr

I've never understood that. You call me a jarhead and I'll just say damned right I am. And I earned it. People are dumb though. Time after time I've seen people challenged, and have been challenged, because we're so "bad ass" to fight. My standard response is this: I wasn't trained to fight. I was trained to dispatch your ass as efficiently and quickly as possible by whatever means necessary and accomplish the mission. I'm too old and have some chronic injuries. We ain't playing anymore. You're going to end up broken and bleeding in half a heartbeat. I got nothing to prove just because your drunk ass thinks you're going to score point by beating up a Marine.

I've noticed though that I haven't seen nor heard that since I quit hanging out in bars. Think there's a connection?:laugh:

red state
08-29-2014, 04:44 PM
He's from San Diego. I spent half my career in SoCal. Gaffer has nothing to do with the topic.

If I've got THAT arsenal in MY vehicle I'm stopping dead in the road on the US side. If it's all legal, nothing to hide, right? I don't care if I'm blocking traffic and I don't care who I'm pissing off. I'm not taking contraband into a foreign country; especially, one that is notorious form throwing you in jail and tossing away the key.

I've BEEN there. I've parked my truck on the US side more than twice, WITH loaded firearms in it. You don't "accidentally" cross that border. Not in SoCal. Marines read maps they're taught to from boot camp on. I'm just not buying. There's more here than we know, but this guy is full of it. You ain't "moving to San Diego" and end up in Mexico. San Diego is 20 miles north of the border. San Ysidro is the town directly across from Tijuana. I'd think he might have mentioned that in his story. That border is so contested an area because of illegals that you have to be legally blind to miss all the signs.

And, with all due respect, this has nothing to do with Gaffer. He posts what he wants and I post what I want. We get along just fine and always have. That doesn't make us symbiotic twins. I addressed the topic,not the person who started it. Let's keep it there, please.

I also post what I want and am usually well informed when I do and never suggested that the two of you were twins. Really never meant to upset anyone and merely mentioned Gaffer because he had a good point that I wished to use in adding to the thread because he actually beat me to the train of thought I was having. Again, I agree that there are two sides to every story but as I and others have mentioned, there are sides that suggest this guy is merely a victim of a weak gov. and possibly his stupidity. To add to what I had heard, he thought he was being or could be re-directed after their sign was down. The sign thing may be out since you know so much about the area but I've heard time and time again that it was not well signed there. You have a great point about pulling over of blocking traffic but I also know that this can get you @$$ in trouble to.....especially when there is concrete on each side of you and you're directed to clear traffic and POSSIBLY turn around (up ahead). Whether this guy was up to something or not, he was AT the Nation's line and they should have turned him in to the US guards there.....I suppose. I've never been to mexico or care to be anywhere near it. I'll tell you somewhere else I'm not going.......down some hit and miss with someone I admire and appreciate. I said nothing to earn the response I got and if I did, I would have much preferred a PM before being corrected, advised or asked to post a certain way.

red state
08-29-2014, 04:46 PM
Sad that this nation, this President will try to grant millions of lawbreakers (illegal Mexican immigrants) full amnesty but not demand the Mexican government release this Marine !!!!
Obama cares so deeply about Mexican criminals bot not a damn thing about a Marine that served honorably . Yet Obama will comment on and send government reps to a black thug(criminal) funeral.
What we have with Obama is a worthless, slimy MMTHFFKKERR that hates, this nation, our laws and Constitution, true patriots, our military, whites , Christians and conservatives. -Tyr

Tyr, thanks for starting this thread.....I'll not mess it up so I'll head out on my 24th Anniversary. Leaving now! Ya'll have a great thread.

08-29-2014, 05:00 PM
I also post what I want and am usually well informed when I do and never suggested that the two of you were twins. Really never meant to upset anyone and merely mentioned Gaffer because he had a good point that I wished to use in adding to the thread because he actually beat me to the train of thought I was having. Again, I agree that there are two sides to every story but as I and others have mentioned, there are sides that suggest this guy is merely a victim of a weak gov. and possibly his stupidity. To add to what I had heard, he thought he was being or could be re-directed after their sign was down. The sign thing may be out since you know so much about the area but I've heard time and time again that it was not well signed there. You have a great point about pulling over of blocking traffic but I also know that this can get you @$$ in trouble to.....especially when there is concrete on each side of you and you're directed to clear traffic and POSSIBLY turn around (up ahead). Whether this guy was up to something or not, he was AT the Nation's line and they should have turned him in to the US guards there.....I suppose. I've never been to mexico or care to be anywhere near it. I'll tell you somewhere else I'm not going.......down some hit and miss with someone I admire and appreciate. I said nothing to earn the response I got and if I did, I would have much preferred a PM before being corrected, advised or asked to post a certain way.

You're entitled to your opinion. I respect that. I always have and always will.

But this isn't about me slamming Gaffer. I respect his opinion and always have. What part of he and I get along just fine have you missed? This isn't personal. He's got his opinion. I have mine. I addressed the topic. So please take a chill pill. If he and I ever butt heads it'll probably make your monitor explode.:laugh: There ain't a whole lot of back down going on there.

Everyone has a point. Mine is that as a Marine that spent half my career in SoCal, I'm just not so quick to buy the story. Too many reasons "why not" for me. Marines know how to get in and out of Tijuana as plastered as it gets. We know the rules. We know where it's safe to go. We know how to walk in, drive in, and illegally fly over the place. We know how to buzz Tijuana blaring Metallica over the speaker.:laugh:

Y'all are looking at the politics. I'm looking at the facts. So be it.

And happy 24th. Hope you have a good evening. :)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-29-2014, 06:34 PM
I've never understood that. You call me a jarhead and I'll just say damned right I am. And I earned it. People are dumb though. Time after time I've seen people challenged, and have been challenged, because we're so "bad ass" to fight. My standard response is this: I wasn't trained to fight. I was trained to dispatch your ass as efficiently and quickly as possible by whatever means necessary and accomplish the mission. I'm too old and have some chronic injuries. We ain't playing anymore. You're going to end up broken and bleeding in half a heartbeat. I got nothing to prove just because your drunk ass thinks you're going to score point by beating up a Marine.

I've noticed though that I haven't seen nor heard that since I quit hanging out in bars. Think there's a connection?:laugh:

Yes, the connection is the alcohol and how some people get in a fighting mood after having had too much hooch. I had to deal with that for many years. I did just about as you stated that you did. I tried to warn them and save them some pain. Which they then usually took as my being afraid.
I was just crazy enough back then to never be afraid...and was damn lucky to only have gotten scars instead of gotten dead back then..
I thank my lucky stars I made it thru it all and lived to go on far past 30!--Tyr

08-29-2014, 07:22 PM
He's got Camp Pendleton 58 miles north of the border. Home of I MEF.

However, upon further review ....

I'm not so much on this guy's side. You don't "accidentally" end up in Tijuana with a load of weapons. You don't accidentally end up in Tijuana. Former Marine? Then he KNOWS how to get in and out of Tijuana. Yes, you CAN get stuck in traffic and end up crossing the border. If you can't read the giant signs. And if you don't know a thing about SoCal.

If you go to MCRD San Diego for boot camp and then are stationed at Camp Pendleton or even 29 Palms, you KNOW where you are where that border is concerned. I'm not going to pretend to know his motives, but I just ain't going for the media hype.

And why is it that no matter what we do, we're "former Marines'? Other than some yellow journalism designed to incite? If I walked out and kicked some old lady's dog, it'd be "Former Marine Launches Assault on Defenseless Puppy."

But it DOES divert your eyes from what the government is or isn't doing, right? Hmmm.

Gud Lawd!!! All the ex Marines I know, are still Marines!!!

08-30-2014, 05:02 AM
Gud Lawd!!! All the ex Marines I know, are still Marines!!!

True. And on that level, we are ALL still Marines. And as Marines, we all KNOW you get your butt in a crack in a foreign country and you're in trouble and at the mercy of that country. Why do you think we take a lawyer with us on deployment?:laugh: I laugh, but the fact is, we take that lawyer to get all the dipsticks out of the can who get busted in every port after having a beer or two. For the most part, money does it. And last I checked, Tijuana is off limits to ALL Marine personnel. SO if you're going to call him a Marine, he violated standing orders from the CG, MCRD San Diego and the CG, MCB Camp Pendleton and the CG, MCAGCC 29 Palms.

So just what kind of Marine is this? If his brain hasn't been filled with SOFA? The fact is, if he was ANYONE ELSE BUT a Marine or Sailor, I'd be more inclined to buy the story. I can see some dumb civilian doing this. But he's been trained to NOT do it. He of all people should be more aware of the situation.

Now, do I sound like a retired Gunnery Sergeant in the US Marine Corps who had to put up with this kind of crap for years? How many times do think as the Command Duty Staff NCOIC I had to receive drunks being delivered to the base? Nothing better than duty on a Friday or Saturday at MCRD or 13th MEU.

I'm okay with him being stupid. But I'm not buying the "victim" thing. Unless you want to call him a victim of his own stupidity.

red state
08-30-2014, 09:06 AM
You're entitled to your opinion. I respect that. I always have and always will.

But this isn't about me slamming Gaffer. I respect his opinion and always have. What part of he and I get along just fine have you missed? This isn't personal. He's got his opinion. I have mine. I addressed the topic. So please take a chill pill. If he and I ever butt heads it'll probably make your monitor explode.:laugh: There ain't a whole lot of back down going on there.

Everyone has a point. Mine is that as a Marine that spent half my career in SoCal, I'm just not so quick to buy the story. Too many reasons "why not" for me. Marines know how to get in and out of Tijuana as plastered as it gets. We know the rules. We know where it's safe to go. We know how to walk in, drive in, and illegally fly over the place. We know how to buzz Tijuana blaring Metallica over the speaker.:laugh:

Y'all are looking at the politics. I'm looking at the facts. So be it.

And happy 24th. Hope you have a good evening. :)

Thanks, Gunny....we had a great time and slept in a bit late this morning. Actually, she's still in bed but I'm trying to get her to git to town, git busy and enjoy the rest of the day/weekend. As you recall, I'm doing a good bit of plumbing and electrical work on a new room. And no chill pill needed....I was never upset (except for the fact that I also have no back down and don't take kindly as to how I post or those who would "advise" me how to post. I understand that you were upset for some reason and couldn't put my finger on why you would refer to Gaffer (TWICE). To be perfectly candid, I was more in shock than upset because this seemed to be the average, well thought out and written with all of us posting some really good points (with reminiscing from the past to add a bit of personality).

Anyway, I believe I understand now the friction. I NEVER realized that there was any and was confused as to why I received your initial message where you mentioned Gaffer and never detected anything to suggest that any of us was SLAMMING anyone (unless this was something from long ago or an Army/Marine thing. In fact, I mistakenly thought you were Army but I know better now and will not soon forget it. I most definitely missed something there and want you to know that I never intended to stir something up. I had to go back and re-read the thread and still saw no hostility or hints that I was pushing or encouraging any hostility. I also had to re-read to see who actually started the thread. If there was or is still something I've missed then I'll simply let this go and I merely used his logic as I have used your logic as well....it is, after all, my kind of logic so I use it. Ideas is what I was introducing as to why or how this may have happened and I can see the possibilities. Again, there it two sides to every story and I'll leave it there.

Now, hopefully this is and WILL BE behind us.......so, getting back to the actual thread: I agree with your take on Marines (or any branch of military) knowing the rules. They know survival, they see danger or the prospects of danger and they (like many of us with a history of sorts) know where it's safe to go and how to conduct themselves or "open up some" when forced to do so. We/THEY (this marine) know how to walk in, drive in, and illegally travel (whether in the US or abroad). AND I LIKED THIS LAST PART YOU WROTE IN PARTICULAR: The military or AMERICANS know how to legally hit the road and see the sights (be it the good ole USA or Mexico) while blaring METALLICA.....................With some ACDC (of course).

I don't apologize easy and I'm not aiming to do it now but I do hope you realize that I NEVER wished to step on anyone or pit one against the other. Friends don't do that and that is what bothered me most (IF) you consider/considered me to be that kind of person. If ever you have a request of me.....please hit me with a PM and if it's OK, I'd very much like to add you to my friend list (now that we've hopefully dusted each other off).

Heading out to town now that my better half is FINALLY up cuz I need a different faucet and a good ole McD's coffee and biscuit. Had to blare some ACDC to get her outta the bed! She's fussing a bit but forgives me. HA!!

08-30-2014, 09:22 AM
As a Marine and a U.S. citizen, we should be able to get him outta there an back on U.S. soil to face whatever charges fur stupidity thar might be. If we can get bergdahl, who is either just as stupid or possibly awol, back, an a journalist released with some help from Qatar, getting this ex Marine back, oughta be a piece of cake.

This administrations hypocritical stance on allowing illegals to stay in this country, after violating our border an then go onto commit crimes in this country, but standin up for mexico's rule of law is absurd!!!

08-30-2014, 10:50 AM
As a Marine and a U.S. citizen, we should be able to get him outta there an back on U.S. soil to face whatever charges fur stupidity thar might be. If we can get bergdahl, who is either just as stupid or possibly awol, back, an a journalist released with some help from Qatar, getting this ex Marine back, oughta be a piece of cake.

This administrations hypocritical stance on allowing illegals to stay in this country, after violating our border an then go onto commit crimes in this country, but standin up for mexico's rule of law is absurd!!!

That's the point here, granny. He violated the laws of a sovereign foreign nation and is subject to them. I understand the point that's being made. And I'm pointing out the legality of the issue.

Yeah, it IS bullshit what we traded for Bergdahl. I don't know if I believe him either. And it completely was an illegal exchange. What do we trade for this former Marine? Drug lords?

We shouldn't be trading anything for anyone. Bargaining with terrorists? How about a 7.62 mm round through the skull from a half mile? THAT is MY idea of "bargaining". The thread is about a situation, not "What would Gunny do?" Gunny's are very singular of mind and method. I'd load up some Hummers with 1st Recon and go lay waste to the place. Wouldn't phase me in the least. I've been too many places and seen too many things. That little crap-hole across the border has never been anything but trouble and they LOVE to screw with Sailors and Marines.

Hope I cleared up "How does Gunny REALLY Feel?" for you.:laugh:

I'm STILL not buying this guy's story.