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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-01-2014, 09:21 AM

Banning Russian-made AK-47s sets off a U.S. buying frenzy

By Michael S. Rosenwald August 31 at 7:14 PM 

Thirty-six hours after the Obama administration banned importation of the classic brand of AK-47 assault rifles as part of sanctions against Russia, a Maryland dealer specializing in the weapon took stock of its inventory.

There was nothing left.

Laboring almost nonstop, workers at Atlantic Firearms in Bishopville, a Worcester County community on the Eastern Shore, had shipped hundreds of Russian-made AK-47s — an assault rifle prized by both consumers and despots — as buyers wiped out gun dealers’ inventories around the country. The frenzy was brought on, in part, by a suspicion among some gun owners that the Russia-Ukraine conflict was a backdoor excuse to ban guns many Democrats don’t like. Some customers bought eight to 10 rifles for nearly $1,000 each or more, stockpiling them as investments.


“The gun community moved very, very quickly,” said Blaine Bunting, president of Atlantic Firearms. “I don’t see this ban going away.”

The AK-47 buying frenzy presents yet another example of a paradoxical consequence of trying to limit gun sales: booming demand. During the debate over the measure commonly called the *Brady Bill in the 1990s, gun purchases skyrocketed. When the Democrats took control of Congress in 2006, sales soared again. When President Obama tried to pass sweeping gun control laws after the 2012 Sandy Hook School shooting, some dealers even sold out of ammunition.

Tracy Earlenbaugh helps Justin Thumann select a .45-caliber pistol at TW Firearms in Leesburg on Aug. 22. After the Obama administration added Russian-made AK-47s to sanctions against Russia for its actions in Ukraine, some gun dealers reported selling out of their stock within days. (Bonnie Jo Mount/Washington Post)

“The great irony here is that the threat of regulation has the perverse effect of stimulating sales, and not just by a little,” said Philip Cook, a Duke University gun researcher and author of “The Gun Debate: What Everyone Needs to Know.” “The numbers are impressive. You have millions of extra sales.”

Sure, Obama /the Feds have no desire to take our guns.
They just add these guns to the list as a mere coincidence!
Any excuse, right??????
Ammo shortage, government propaganda now says it had nothing to do with it and the usual fools eat that crap up IMHO!
I can not help but laugh at the gullible people that walk around thinking they are so damn bright.
Gorilla in a room knocking out windows , they ask, "what gorilla"
Then find a government propaganda piece to validate their blindness.
Priceless entertainment it is, simply priceless.
Government pisses down their backs and they talk about the unusual rainy season.. :laugh: :laugh::laugh:-----Tyr

09-01-2014, 09:49 AM
Not importing anything from Russia, to me, is a good thing. They need to be economically crushed before a major war can begin. Yes this plays into DNC hands, but it can help in the long run and there are plenty of other rifles available.

Putin has drawn a line with the Ukraine and I know dear leader won't step over it. But NATO is coming together and drawing their own line. Putin is doing a Hitler impression right now. Ukraine is Czechoslovakia. Georgia will be next and then the Baltic states which will be our Poland. Hopefully we have a Reagan type president by the time all of that happens.

Someone needs to remind Putin that yes he has nukes but so does NATO and the US and that if he gets foolish his whole country and himself will cease to exist.

If Russian AK's aren't available here, it's a small price for weakening Russia and a smart move by the administration, even if for all the wrong reasons.

09-01-2014, 11:18 AM
I read Tyr's post and agree, Obama is doing anything he can to take guns from law abiding citizens, but in the same token Gaffer is exactly right also, so yes I agree with ya Gaffer this was a good call even though the Nit Wit in charge never even thought of it this way !!!

09-01-2014, 01:21 PM
How more obvious can he be? The left has made the AK-47 the poster boy of "evil" assault rifles. Any excuse will do.

I can agree it's probably a necessary evil, but I also agree with assumption if and when all this blows over, THIS doesn't go away.

09-01-2014, 04:39 PM
The U.S. government needs to ban all Russian and Chinese made products.
Then we need to ban importation of all weapons. Support U.S. made weaponry! :cool:

09-01-2014, 06:37 PM
The U.S. government needs to ban all Russian and Chinese made products.
Then we need to ban importation of all weapons. Support U.S. made weaponry! :cool:

Good Idea , And then we can ban all imported cars, appliances hell everything , Support the U.S. :rolleyes:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-01-2014, 08:29 PM
Good Idea , And then we can ban all imported cars, appliances hell everything , Support the U.S. :rolleyes:

When da bammyboy gonna ban dat thar tarrist oil????-:terror:

Dat rite , da boy maks sho' we don't dril har so wez bees mo' pendant on da thar muzzy tarrist oil.
Dem thar magissins calls dat a magic ack. :laugh:--Tyr

09-01-2014, 09:13 PM
As far as I know, that only bans Russian made AKs - there's still many other countries that manufacture those. My buddy has one that was made in Romania during the Cold War... it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-01-2014, 09:22 PM
As far as I know, that only bans Russian made AKs - there's still many other countries that manufacture those. My buddy has one that was made in Romania during the Cold War... it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot.

Mine was made in Romania. Unfortunately I lost it in a deep mud puddle and its long gone. And also the ammo too was in a bag that fell in as well. ;) -Tyr

09-01-2014, 09:55 PM
As far as I know, that only bans Russian made AKs - there's still many other countries that manufacture those. My buddy has one that was made in Romania during the Cold War... it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot.

Being a voice of reason will get you nowhere. :poke:

09-01-2014, 10:19 PM
Mine was made in Romania. Unfortunately I lost it in a deep mud puddle and its long gone. And also the ammo too was in a bag that fell in as well. ;) -Tyr

How the HELL do you lose your weapon in a mud puddle? ESPECIALLY one with a sling? :wtf:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-01-2014, 10:24 PM
How the HELL do you lose your weapon in a mud puddle? ESPECIALLY one with a sling? :wtf:]

Read a little deeper my friend. I think you missed the wink.
Big gubbermint reads everything... This po' ole redneck Southern boy dun lost all his guns do to robbery, fire and careless handling. Damn ammo too. ;)-Tyr

09-02-2014, 07:03 AM
The U.S. government needs to ban all Russian and Chinese made products.
Then we need to ban importation of all weapons. Support U.S. made weaponry! :cool:

As far as I know, that only bans Russian made AKs - there's still many other countries that manufacture those. My buddy has one that was made in Romania during the Cold War... it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot.

Being a voice of reason will get you nowhere. :poke:


Read a little deeper my friend. I think you missed the wink.
Big gubbermint reads everything... This po' ole redneck Southern boy dun lost all his guns do to robbery, fire and careless handling. Damn ammo too. ;)-Tyr

The US Gov is run by the same type folks that want to ban guns from one country to save to U.S. :laugh: Yup liberal mind set, Ban a few guns coming out of Russia but yet drive around in your foreign car, I don't worry about anyone looking into what I have, I am getting old and yes I can promise you whats mine is mine and will be until I decide other wise or I croak. The only folks that want any other way are the ones on top of this post, it wont be hard at all to beat them !!!

09-02-2014, 11:11 AM

Read a little deeper my friend. I think you missed the wink.
Big gubbermint reads everything... This po' ole redneck Southern boy dun lost all his guns do to robbery, fire and careless handling. Damn ammo too. ;)-Tyr

That must be a Deep South saying. I'm a Texan. And a Marine. Don't talk over my head. :laugh: