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09-02-2014, 12:18 AM
I have found my new heroines!!! They crack me up and they really, really frustrate the liberals. They have a new book coming out "Right for a Reason". Dr. Ben Carson and Dinesh D'Souza absolutely loved it.

Here's something funny .... and Darin, the video is just for you!!


09-02-2014, 01:53 AM
I am so tired of everyone wanting free stuff!!!! And, this one? Well, it's ridiculous. Free obamapons!

Liberal feminists are so freaking predictable.

In her column, Valenti makes her case for taxpayer-funded tampons by suggesting that "...too many governments don't recognize feminine hygiene as a health issue. We need to move beyond the stigma of 'that time of the month' – women's feminine hygiene products should be free for all, all the time."

By that logic, why isn't toilet paper free? We all need soap and toothpaste, too. And what about disposable diapers for babies? Babies need them. Why is Valenti being such a baby-ist?

Valenti laments the fact that food stamps don't cover feminine hygiene products. She laments the fact that tampons are not considered tax-exempt or tax-deductible medical care expenses, forgetting that menstruation is normal, rather than a medical problem to solve.

Valenti insists that "menstrual care is health care" and that anyone who doesn't believe women should at least get tax breaks on feminine hygiene products is guilty of lacking "an incredible amount of empathy ... because it has something (to) do with vaginas."
Everything has something to do with vaginas when you're a liberal feminist, as Valenti demonstrates.

Menstrual care is not health care. It's hygiene, just like bathing, shampooing, shaving, teethbrushing, diapering. Next, Valenti will insist that Midol or Pamprin should be free, because they are for "women's health care."

Slate.com defended Valenti (http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2014/08/11/jessica_valenti_says_tampons_should_be_free_people _freak_out.html), but they got it wrong too, when they said, "By targeting Valenti for abuse for even bringing up the issue of free tampons, anti-feminists ended up proving Valenti's point: Menstrual products are treated like luxury items that you 'score' instead of medical devices that you need because there's so much cultural discomfort with women's bodies."

That's patently absurd. Menstrual products are not "medical devices." Women "need" tampons only to the extent that anyone "needs" other hygiene products. And certainly not more than we "needed" vodka after reading Valenti's column.

Somehow, women for centuries survived without free tampons (or tampons at all, for that matter). It wasn't until the 1930s that tampons became widely used in the U.S. Leave it to liberal feminists to convince themselves that simply because tampons exist now, they are entitled to them for free. Tampons apparently are the next "human right." Like the Internet. Or cell phones. In addition to Obamacare and Obamaphones, liberal feminists apparently want Obamapons.

It's amazing that these women don't realize how weak and woe-is-me they sound when they demand that everyone else pay for their stuff. And these are the same women who complain about Republicans setting women back? Seriously?


09-03-2014, 05:50 AM
I am so tired of everyone wanting free stuff!!!! And, this one? Well, it's ridiculous. Free obamapons!

" Women "need" tampons only to the extent that anyone "needs" other hygiene products. And certainly not more than we "needed" vodka after reading Valenti's column.
