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View Full Version : British 'jihadist' mum threatens to behead Christians

09-02-2014, 06:11 AM
First I saw a rather disturbing video the other day, which I'm not sure is real. But it's of a CHILD practicing beheading someone with a doll. Will place it at bottom. Now this article, about a Mom. :shaking head:


London (AFP) - A middle-aged British mother-of-two and former rock band member has joined jihadists in Syria and wants to behead Christians with a "blunt knife", British media reported.

The reports identified the woman as Sally Jones, 45, from Kent in southeast England, and said she now goes by the name Sakinah Hussain, or Umm Hussain al-Britani.

Security experts estimate that hundreds of Britons have gone to the Middle East to join the Islamic State (IS) militant group, the most brutal to emerge out of Syria's bloody civil war and the most successful.

The well-funded group controls large swathes of Syria and Iraq and has proved adept at using social media to boost its profile, attract recruits and terrify enemies with images of mass executions and battlefield victories.

Last week another female British jihadist reportedly in Syria, known as Khadijah Dare, purportedly tweeted that she wanted to be the first woman to kill a British or US "terrorist".


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/joiv7DCNoxc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

09-02-2014, 06:53 AM
I hate to say it but it is time to take every last one of these animals out, yes there will be some innocents that go along with them, but in war innocents get killed. And think about it ( jafar is a perfect example ) if there is suppose to be so many non violent Muzzies than they ought to police there own, but jafar showed us exactly why they don't, they may not be killers but they sure support those that are. Time to take out the trash !!!

09-02-2014, 06:59 AM
Let them all gather in syria then carpet bomb the whole place.

09-02-2014, 07:04 AM
Let them all gather in syria then carpet bomb the whole place.

It would make for a great half time show at the Super Bowl !!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-02-2014, 07:58 AM
I hate to say it but it is time to take every last one of these animals out, yes there will be some innocents that go along with them, but in war innocents get killed. And think about it ( jafar is a perfect example ) if there is suppose to be so many non violent Muzzies than they ought to police there own, but jafar showed us exactly why they don't, they may not be killers but they sure support those that are. Time to take out the trash !!!

There lies the big difference between us and them . We(Western civilization) abhor the loss of innocent lives while they(murdering Islamists) deliberately engage in it and always pray for greater/higher death tolls!
The differences could not be more stark yet we have American asshats/fools appeasers that defend Islam to the hilt.
I am convinced that 90% of those fools defending Islam do so for one of two reasons
1. cowardice(fear of them) or
2. Abject ignorance (gullible , believe the pro-Islam propaganda--uninformed)
I am not sure which one is worse but either one is sad and bad IMHO!!
Both are immense dangers to our very survival!! Fact...--Tyr

09-02-2014, 11:06 AM
First I saw a rather disturbing video the other day, which I'm not sure is real. But it's of a CHILD practicing beheading someone with a doll. Will place it at bottom. Now this article, about a Mom. :shaking head:


London (AFP) - A middle-aged British mother-of-two and former rock band member has joined jihadists in Syria and wants to behead Christians with a "blunt knife", British media reported.

The reports identified the woman as Sally Jones, 45, from Kent in southeast England, and said she now goes by the name Sakinah Hussain, or Umm Hussain al-Britani.

Security experts estimate that hundreds of Britons have gone to the Middle East to join the Islamic State (IS) militant group, the most brutal to emerge out of Syria's bloody civil war and the most successful.

The well-funded group controls large swathes of Syria and Iraq and has proved adept at using social media to boost its profile, attract recruits and terrify enemies with images of mass executions and battlefield victories.

Last week another female British jihadist reportedly in Syria, known as Khadijah Dare, purportedly tweeted that she wanted to be the first woman to kill a British or US "terrorist".


<iframe src="//www.youtube.com/embed/joiv7DCNoxc" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>

I'm trying to wrap my head around just WHAT exactly is the enticement to becoming a cold blooded murderer of noncombatants.

AND, being the good CinC that he is, The President authorized attacks in Somalia while he's in the Midwest pimping higher minimum wage. THAT's paying attention to what's going on.

09-03-2014, 03:18 PM
British terror fighters banned from coming home by David Cameron

story (http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/505290/British-terror-fighters-banned-from-coming-home-Prime-Minister-David-Cameron)

09-03-2014, 03:32 PM
British terror fighters banned from coming home by David Cameron

story (http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/505290/British-terror-fighters-banned-from-coming-home-Prime-Minister-David-Cameron)

That's certainly what Cameron is working to arrange. Even so, my understanding is that no powers exist -- just yet, anyway -- to make it permanent.

For what it's worth ... posts that talk of exterminating this trash get my fullest backing. I don't care in the slightest if some ARE from Britain .. vermin is vermin, regardless of where it originated from.

Besides, I don't regard any of them as British. Citizenship is for humans, not SUBhumans.

09-03-2014, 04:43 PM
That's certainly what Cameron is working to arrange. Even so, my understanding is that no powers exist -- just yet, anyway -- to make it permanent.

For what it's worth ... posts that talk of exterminating this trash get my fullest backing. I don't care in the slightest if some ARE from Britain .. vermin is vermin, regardless of where it originated from.

Besides, I don't regard any of them as British. Citizenship is for humans, not SUBhumans.

All he needs to do is apply the same standards to the jihad trash as they do to Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer. The trash will never be able to enter Britain again.

09-03-2014, 05:03 PM
All he needs to do is apply the same standards to the jihad trash as they do to Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer. The trash will never be able to enter Britain again.

... or Michael Savage, for that matter. So far as I know, Savage is still on an exclusion list, barred from entering Britain. And that, right along with the Americans you mention, is just because of the views they might impart to us Brits ..... as if they couldn't do so ANYWAY, if they're not physically here to do it ...

But, no. The difficulty is that we'll insist on caring about these terrorists' British nationality.

Which is an act of stupidity, so far as I'm concerned. No subhuman could justifiably qualify for citizenship here.