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View Full Version : ISIS beheads another American on video

09-02-2014, 03:19 PM
Looks like the muslims have beheaded another American journalist with a knife.

I wonder if Obama still considers ISIS as JV?


09-02-2014, 03:39 PM
The largest can of Raid needs to be opened on this group of cockroaches. I see a few token bombs here and there, but a coalition needs to be setup and hit Syria/Iraq area and decimate these things. Problem is, how far outside that area have they grown already?

09-02-2014, 05:28 PM
I just saw this video. I felt I needed to see it, or at least listen to the message, to fairly argue about it (as if that is necessary). It's a direct message to America, from Sotloff, then the terrorist. Then they perform their typical barbaric ritual. Then a further message to Obama - as they rolled out another prisoner in orange identified as David Cawthorne Haines. I don't know who he is, just identified as British. Then they again tell Obama basically to stop. The video then ends.

So I suppose their goal is to now capture as many Americans and British as they can, and use them as pawns until their beheading, unless someone caves somehow. I hope they don't have anyone else at this time, because my advice is to hit wherever they are with no mercy. No gloves on. No holding back. Simply go in and destroy.

09-02-2014, 05:44 PM
The largest can of Raid needs to be opened on this group of cockroaches. I see a few token bombs here and there, but a coalition needs to be setup and hit Syria/Iraq area and decimate these things. Problem is, how far outside that area have they grown already?

No, this where we need to go back to using napalm and fry their butts alive. Forget the coalition thing. A CinC with some 'nads and not sympathetic to terrorists would work.

09-02-2014, 05:51 PM
I didn't watch it... I've had enough trauma lately and watching a fellow American get executed by those savages always disturbs me deeply.

It would make me laugh maniacally to mow down those animals with an Apache's minigun.

09-02-2014, 06:03 PM
I'm with Gunny, break out the napalm send them to meet their god as painfully as possible.

09-02-2014, 06:17 PM
I'm with Gunny, break out the napalm send them to meet their god as painfully as possible.

Fry their butts with some of that crap and see how quick they re-think their strategy. That and flechete rounds.

Oh, and I heard "Obama hasn't yet come up with a strategy on how to handle ISIS". I'm sure that will happen soon with him in the Midwest pimping minimum wage.

But HERE's an idea .... ask the JCS? Last I knew that was kind of how it worked. He asks them for options and they present him with options and capabilities. That way he doesn't have to strain that half a brain cell over it.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-02-2014, 06:49 PM
The largest can of Raid needs to be opened on this group of cockroaches. I see a few token bombs here and there, but a coalition needs to be setup and hit Syria/Iraq area and decimate these things. Problem is, how far outside that area have they grown already?

Cluster bombs, napalm , few heli-gunships then after that turn about 500 well armed Marines loose on the cowardly murdering bastards. I would have said a hundred Marines to do the job but it would take 400 more Marines to burn the dead bodies. We don't want to leave the place all littered up with stinking pissed on carcasses would we? :laugh:--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-02-2014, 06:54 PM
Cluster bombs, napalm , few heli-gunships then after that turn about 500 well armed Marines loose on the cowardly murdering bastards. I would have said a hundred Marines to do the job but it would take 400 more Marines to burn the dead bodies. We don't want to leave the place all littered up with stinking pissed on carcasses would we? :laugh:--Tyr
oops , forgot just use the napalm last and let the 400 Marines rotate in the turkey shoot.. ;)
Those vermin are no match for our guys, you can bet your last dollar on that. Especially if our guys are not hampered with dumbass Rules of Engagement coming from a politician fool-Obama.

Damn , just think what Chesty Puller would be saying about that piece of human debris..

09-02-2014, 07:46 PM

09-02-2014, 07:48 PM
No, this where we need to go back to using napalm and fry their butts alive. Forget the coalition thing. A CinC with some 'nads and not sympathetic to terrorists would work.

Can ya make napalm outta pig fat??? Just axein.

09-02-2014, 07:59 PM
oops , forgot just use the napalm last and let the 400 Marines rotate in the turkey shoot.. ;)
Those vermin are no match for our guys, you can bet your last dollar on that. Especially if our guys are not hampered with dumbass Rules of Engagement coming from a politician fool-Obama.

Damn , just think what Chesty Puller would be saying about that piece of human debris..

400? A Marine Expeditionary Force is comprised of 2,500 Marines. A third are combat troops. Maybe a quarter fly nasty little things close to ground. One Supercobra has more firepower than a WWII B-17. There are 18 of those on the boat. 12 AV-8B Harriers. Six CH-53's, 3 Abrams tanks, 3 LCAC's. An assorted number of LVT VII's (amtracks), and hummers.

That's one. Last I checked, the East Coast MEU is in the Gulf as well. They usually tromp around in the Med. That means the West Coast MEU that is usually in the Gulf Means two. So double the number.

We've got the firepower. No political will.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-02-2014, 09:38 PM
400? A Marine Expeditionary Force is comprised of 2,500 Marines. A third are combat troops. Maybe a quarter fly nasty little things close to ground. One Supercobra has more firepower than a WWII B-17. There are 18 of those on the boat. 12 AV-8B Harriers. Six CH-53's, 3 Abrams tanks, 3 LCAC's. An assorted number of LVT VII's (amtracks), and hummers.

That's one. Last I checked, the East Coast MEU is in the Gulf as well. They usually tromp around in the Med. That means the West Coast MEU that is usually in the Gulf Means two. So double the number.

We've got the firepower. No political will.

Da bammyboy got no will because he is still deciding just how much territory to just let the vermin(muslims) take in payback to what he thinks was our previous meddling and sacrilege in Holy lands....
Da scum is a (muslim-in-hiding), I'll bet my life on it...--Tyr

09-02-2014, 09:44 PM
Da bammyboy got no will because he is still deciding just how much territory to just let the vermin(muslims) take in payback to what he thinks was our previous meddling and sacrilege in Holy lands....
Da scum is a (muslim-in-hiding), I'll bet my life on it...--Tyr

He's an apologist who has lost sight of what's right and wrong. And get ready. That generation is coming of age politically.

09-02-2014, 10:30 PM
oops , forgot just use the napalm last and let the 400 Marines rotate in the turkey shoot.. ;)
Those vermin are no match for our guys, you can bet your last dollar on that. Especially if our guys are not hampered with dumbass Rules of Engagement coming from a politician fool-Obama.

Damn , just think what Chesty Puller would be saying about that piece of human debris..

I can get a 1000 rednecks together that would love to just open fire on this scum, let us go with no Boot Camp and no rules just shoot to kill !!! :thumb:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-02-2014, 10:36 PM
He's an apologist who has lost sight of what's right and wrong. And get ready. That generation is coming of age politically.

Yes and I truly fear for my kids and grandkids but will do my best to protect..
Sumbiatches haven't seen the kind of ass stomping I can and will deliver
when any of them harm any of my family. I am still as strong as a damn gorilla even at my age. I fear no man but do understand about back shooters and facing overwhelming odds- superior numbers.
They make weapons for that type of conflict.. ;)--Tyr

09-02-2014, 10:51 PM
I see people are posting about this all over Fb, people are tired of Obama being a Non Leader and are realizing what his special kind of leadership ( or lack of it ) are doing, not only in this country but throughout the world, And yes I see even Dems posting, folks I argued with when Obama was running are now seeing the truth, hopefully people will realize and stock together before it is to late.

09-03-2014, 12:30 AM
I see people are posting about this all over Fb, people are tired of Obama being a Non Leader and are realizing what his special kind of leadership ( or lack of it ) are doing, not only in this country but throughout the world, And yes I see even Dems posting, folks I argued with when Obama was running are now seeing the truth, hopefully people will realize and stock together before it is to late.

The EXACT same thing happened when Carter got all stupid about Iran.

09-03-2014, 08:07 AM
The problem with libs is they know how to stir the pot, they don't know how to cook.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-03-2014, 08:35 AM
The problem with libs is they know how to stir the pot, they don't know how to cook.
Any damn fool can stir shit. It takes better people to know how to clean up the ffing mess. Usually that means our military. Then they get blasted by asshats as being baby killers etc. by the very jackasses that made the damn mess to start with, recycle and recycle!

red state
09-03-2014, 08:49 AM
The problem with libs is they know how to stir the pot, they don't know how to cook.
:rofl1::rofl1::rofl1::rofl1::rofl1::rofl1::rofl1:: rofl1::rofl1:

Simple and truly hilarious! Liberals in a nut-shell.....except for what they've done to this Nation not being anything to laugh at.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-03-2014, 08:54 AM
:rofl1::rofl1::rofl1::rofl1::rofl1::rofl1::rofl1:: rofl1::rofl1:

Simple and truly hilarious! Liberals in a nut-shell.....except for what they've done to this Nation not being anything to laugh at.
Our problem is that , their monkey is still in charge..
oopsi, will get called a racist for that one for sure. :laugh: -Tyr

red state
09-03-2014, 09:03 AM
Our problem is that , their monkey is still in charge..
oopsi, will get called a racist for that one for sure. :laugh: -Tyr

I don't know why. The muSLUMs call their blacks monkeys all the time and view them as Stalin viewed his liberals (useful idiots). I believe it was Stalin anyway. The muSLUMs have always claimed that Jews came from pigs and apes and refer to Americans as the Jew's dogs. They have also (throughout history) sold, used and considered the black man their useful idiots (including the blind nation of iSLUM her in the USA). It is mind boggling how that probably HALF the blacks in the world follow a group/ethnicity/cult that continues to sell and use them to this day. It is also a shame that the left are iSLUM's useful idiots and how the left attack this Christian Nation and regard Conservatives as racist while blindly following an obvious hate filled cult who KILL women, children and homosexuals with extreme prejudice.

09-03-2014, 02:11 PM

For those unfamiliar with such holes. It is called a 'CESSPOOL'. The quality of the Obama methods of Leadership...as low as possible.

09-03-2014, 03:38 PM
I'm with Gunny, break out the napalm send them to meet their god as painfully as possible.:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

09-03-2014, 03:42 PM
Can ya make napalm outta pig fat??? Just axein.

-- Good one !! It'd be the perfect response to this scum.

09-03-2014, 03:52 PM
By the way, for what it's worth ... our media are suggesting that we're getting near to identifying who the British terrorist is, who's apparently appeared as part of both the beheading videos.

If it somehow doesn't prove possible to kill the scum (preferably agonisingly) ... I hope this is one creature that Cameron DOES allow back into the UK ... so he can be arrested on arrival and handed over to the Americans.

.... That said .... and I don't know if any exception would be made (or could be) for this scum, but it's supposed to violate our laws to agree to extradition if in doing so a death sentence is at all likely.

So, IF that holds true in this case, I instead recommend carpet-bombing (or napalming) it, to preclude any possibility of capture by the British. I don't want that creature to exist for one more second than is necessary.

09-03-2014, 06:02 PM
By the way, for what it's worth ... our media are suggesting that we're getting near to identifying who the British terrorist is, who's apparently appeared as part of both the beheading videos.

If it somehow doesn't prove possible to kill the scum (preferably agonisingly) ... I hope this is one creature that Cameron DOES allow back into the UK ... so he can be arrested on arrival and handed over to the Americans.

.... That said .... and I don't know if any exception would be made (or could be) for this scum, but it's supposed to violate our laws to agree to extradition if in doing so a death sentence is at all likely.

So, IF that holds true in this case, I instead recommend carpet-bombing (or napalming) it, to preclude any possibility of capture by the British. I don't want that creature to exist for one more second than is necessary.

Sir Drummond. This all reminded me about that pair of Murderers who did the same thing, on a London street, to that British Soldier many, many months ago. I don't recall what the BRITISH Government did to those two. Could you enlighten us?
Seems they wanted to handle the BEHEADING the same way Obama, and Holder threaten...using the Courts, and our Constitutional Laws, both Obama, and Holder IGNORE.