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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-07-2014, 09:00 PM

Boston bombers’ mosque tied to ISIS

By Paul Sperry

When it was revealed that the Boston Marathon bombers attended a Cambridge, Mass., mosque, its leaders were quick to disavow their actions.

Elder brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s ideology was not their own, the leaders of the Islamic Society mosque claimed. In fact, he was admonished for an extremist outburst he made during one sermon.

So, one crackpot in a congregation. Who can blame the mosque?

But what about eight — including a prominent member of ISIS?

As it turns out, worshippers at the Islamic Society have included:
• Abdurahman Alamoudi, the mosque’s founder and first president who in 2004 was sentenced to 23 years in prison for plotting terrorism. In 2005, the Treasury Department issued a statement saying Alamoudi raised money for al Qaeda in the US.
• Aafia Siddiqui, an MIT scientist-turned-al Qaeda agent, who in 2010 was sentenced to 86 years in prison for planning a New York chemical attack. Known as “Lady al Qaeda,” she is related to 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed. ISIS has tried to trade her release for journalist hostages.
• Tarek Mehanna, who in 2012 got 17 years in prison for conspiring to use automatic weapons to murder shoppers in a suburban Boston mall.
•Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a mosque trustee and Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leader banned from the US after issuing a fatwa that called for the killing of US soldiers.
•Jamal Badawi, another former trustee who in 2007 was named an unindicted co-conspirator in a plan to funnel more than $12 million to Palestinian suicide bombers.

Now it can be revealed that another regular worshipper at the Islamic Society mosque was Ahmad Abousamra, who is now the top propagandist for ISIS.

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Ahmad Abousamra

Abousamra’s father, a prominent doctor, even sat on the board of directors of the Muslim organization that runs the mosque. He stepped down after the FBI began questioning his son.

The FBI suspects Abousamra now operates ISIS’s sophisticated media wing promoting the group’s beheadings and other atrocities through slick videos posted on the Internet. The brutally effective English-language propaganda campaign has helped attract thousands of Western jihadists, including at least 300 Americans.

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Steven Sotloff before he was tragically beheaded.
Photo: EPA

The FBI says Abousamra, 32, traveled to Pakistan and Yemen to train to kill Americans while enrolled at Boston colleges. He justified murdering civilians because “they paid taxes to support the government and were kufar [nonbelievers],” Boston FBI Agent Andrew Nambu testified in an affidavit.

Another agent, Heidi Williams, says Abousamra, who has a $50,000 bounty on his head, was inspired by the 9/11 attacks and, in fact, “celebrated it.”

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Islamic State militant seen holding a knife next to journalist James Foley.
Photo: Reuters

A federal indictment says he even plotted to randomly gun down shoppers, then emergency responders, in a Boston mall. But when he couldn’t obtain the automatic weapons for the attack, he abandoned the plan and moved to Syria where he could enter Iraq and kill US soldiers as part of “violent jihad.”

Where did he learn his views about Islam and jihad?

The Islamic Society insists it’s moderate — that these extremists were fed by online forums. But Charles Jacobs, head of Boston’s Americans for Peace and Tolerance, says the mosque has hosted pro-jihad speakers and has stocked its library with classic jihadi texts — including writings by Osama bin Laden mentor Syed Qutb.

And Islamic Society leaders have openly defended their worshippers convicted of terrorism — including Siddiqui and Mehanna — despite overwhelming evidence against them. At their hearings and trials, officials have sought their release or lenient sentences. They have also held fund-raisers and rallies for the terrorists.

Wow, just who the hell would have ever thought an American mosque would be teaching , promoting and funding this crap!??:rolleyes::rolleyes:

How well I remember being ridiculed right here by ffing geniuses for daring to suggest this over 3 years ago! Fools that thought it utterly ridiculous and attacked me viciously .
Now who thinks this is the one and only mosque in America doing this crap??
O yes, I was called a racist and a bigot and told I was a hatemonger etc..

Surely this is the only mosque that has made this little error..:rolleyes:-Tyr

red state
09-07-2014, 09:17 PM
Wow, just who the hell would have ever thought an American mosque would be teaching , promoting and funding this crap!??:rolleyes::rolleyes:

How well I remember being ridiculed right here by ffing geniuses for daring to suggest this over 3 years ago! Fools that thought it utterly ridiculous and attacked me viciously .
Now who thinks this is the one and only mosque in America doing this crap??
O yes, I was called a racist and a bigot and told I was a hatemonger etc..

Surely this is the only mosque that has made this little error..:rolleyes:-Tyr

Well, Tyr, I remember well your "rants" about such things and I agreed then and agree now. It was quite elementary really but some have no common sense and can't get around what they were programmed to believe. So, without further delay, I shall once again play the Devil's advocate......

Tyr, you really should be ashamed of yourself for daring to suggest that this story is any different than churches across this nation that teach that 'abortion', homosexuality and other hate speech is a sin. Why, Christians are no better than the Islamist and both have a very evil history (HISTORY) of doing some truly awful things in the name of religion. Never mind that so-called Christians pursecuted REAL Christians or that the islamist of yesteryear do the same awful things today. Why, some (such as jafar) claim that they aren't even real muslims and I may be inclined to agree. We simply need to leave them be an apologize for causing their hatred. As an apologist, I believe we should simply give them and the Mexicans all the land that we unjustly took from those that were here before we were.

How's that for Devil's Advocate?

09-07-2014, 09:23 PM
Same for me. Ten years ago I said how can you tell the good Muslims from the bad, I was very nervous, I was told not to be so paranoid. Well, I was vindicated when a local doctor, my gyn, was arrested for funneling massive amounts of money to Al Qiada, before and after 9-11-01.

red state
09-07-2014, 09:57 PM
Yeah....I'll never forgive Bush Jr for making that "muSLUMS are good" speech while countless muSLUMs (foreign and abroad) celebrated 9/11. You simply do not see this type of savage foolishness so prominent in other religions......not that I'm calling the CULT of iSLUM a religion.

Bush should have said: "We realize that there are 'possibly' a few good muSLUMS out there.....but for those who have been celebrating this terrible attack on innocent Americans, we WILL hunt you down and kill your sorry @$$." Of course, the 'goody muSLUM' speech came from the same president who weakened our Constitution and set us up for the absolute worse president in our history. All in a time when we needed the strongest leader against this 'religion' of PIECES as well as a TRUE American who would fight to preserve and strengthen our freedoms......not all but delete them.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-07-2014, 10:13 PM
09-12-2012, 10:29 PM
jafar00 is offline
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Tyr. I think you are seeing something that isn't there.

09-12-2012, 10:39 PM
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Quote Originally Posted by jafar00 View Post

Tyr. I think you are seeing something that isn't there.

So Islam's goal is not to have Allah worshipped as the only God and to be the only religion in the entire world?
If that is so then please list for me here and now what other religions it will tolerate.-Tyr

09-12-2012, 10:41 PM

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Quote Originally Posted by Anton Chigurh View Post

It's "riff-raff."

You forget this is a marketplace, and we're your customers. Supply and demand.
Well hoss, how would you know? You did not read it , remember?
Your Crystal ball doing overtime or what?---Tyr

09-12-2012, 10:59 PM

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Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post

So Islam's goal is not to have Allah worshipped as the only God and to be the only religion in the entire world?
If that is so then please list for me here and now what other religions it will tolerate.-Tyr

You aren't seriously thinking that's not the goal of Christianity are you?

09-12-2012, 11:55 PM

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Quote Originally Posted by Missileman View Post

You aren't seriously thinking that's not the goal of Christianity are you?

Sure it is! The big difference is that Christians are no longer are using the sword to spread their message. Islam is and will continue to do so because it has not had a Reformation. And judging from their actions I do not see one coming anytime soon. Islam is a combination of political, religious and militant philosophy.
Christians are not beheading, stoning or cutting off feet or hands of thieves etc. Neither are they waging a worldwide campaign of terror to further their goals , Islam is.. -Tyr

09-13-2012, 11:51 AM
ogroller is offline

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Quote Originally Posted by Gaffer View Post

Another misconception you have of America. We don't have secret police. Many on the left would love it if we did, but they do not exist here. We have informants and court ordered surveillance. But no secret police. Our communist inspired lefties would love to see such a thing, as long as it's used against conservatives.

I believe it is you who have the wrong idea...as he was talking about Egypt, not America. Furthermore, Is the patriot act court ordered?

Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post

Perhaps Jafar was thinking of that special civilian force obama stated that he wanted. The one just as well equipped and manned as our military. Remember back when obama mentioned wanting his own Gestapo? And the huge outcry put that on a backburner. Elect him again and watch a couple hundred billion dollars get "borrowed" to make the messiah's dream come true!-Tyr

Oh but if he gets a Gestapo, think of how much easier it will to round up all the Muslims.-- you'd like that

09-13-2012, 06:42 PM

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Quote Originally Posted by logroller View Post

Oh but if he gets a Gestapo, think of how much easier it will to round up all the Muslims.-- you'd like that

Last edited by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot; 09-13-2012 at 06:43 PM.

And it went steadily down hill from there..
Source is my thread here --
Titled,, -- I take my stand, you?

84 pages long and 1,260 posts. -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-07-2014, 10:17 PM
Sorry, its late and I haven't time to correct my previous post.
Thread title is there and the link too. I only went 4 pages deep and its 84 pages long.. It was only just getting started good by page 4..

There are many other threads where I was viciously attacked for stating truth about the vermin but that was easiest one to go to.--Tyr

09-07-2014, 10:31 PM
Yeah....I'll never forgive Bush Jr for making that "muSLUMS are good" speech while countless muSLUMs (foreign and abroad) celebrated 9/11. You simply do not see this type of savage foolishness so prominent in other religions......not that I'm calling the CULT of iSLUM a religion.

Bush should have said: "We realize that there are 'possibly' a few good muSLUMS out there.....but for those who have been celebrating this terrible attack on innocent Americans, we WILL hunt you down and kill your sorry @$$." Of course, the 'goody muSLUM' speech came from the same president who weakened our Constitution and set us up for the absolute worse president in our history. All in a time when we needed the strongest leader against this 'religion' of PIECES as well as a TRUE American who would fight to preserve and strengthen our freedoms......not all but delete them.

Exactly, but PC reared it's ugly head. We had to placate them, I believe out of fear, not respect.

09-07-2014, 10:48 PM
If you eat a hot dog at a baseball game, and the makers of the hot dogs employ illegal aliens, does that mean you support illegal aliens?
I think the NY Post is making a huge stretch here.

It's like the mistake that many newscasters make of linking Isis to AQ, when in reality Isis exists because AQ are "too moderate" for their beliefs. AQ and Isis are actually at odds with each other due to religious differences.

09-09-2014, 02:53 PM

Everyone should take note. Obama has never DENIED these men really do exist in representing him.

If you doubt they are authentic. Google them. That is how I found them.

red state
09-09-2014, 06:10 PM
AT, I posted this a year or more ago but got no response much. Still, it is old news even a year ago as I have read many disturbing things about B.O.'s family from when he was running in '08.

REDROSE, for some it is fear but for many it is simply a numbness and then for others it is because of funding or lack thereof (as we see in the aclu's attacks on small community schools). What they need to realize is that there are those willing and able to be their advocate and if we ALL stick together and not worry about being rude or sounding like 'bigots' then we'd get more done and start winning this thing. They've WAY over played the hands in their rule book yet the continue to deal in the same lies and deraimments. We need to hold them to the lies and HOLD to our truths.

The below isn't in sequence as I posted it a year or more ago but it is still a good read for those who may not have seen this or "googled" it.

Obamas’ Wahhabist Fundraising Empire
After President Obama was inaugurated, the Muslim side of the Obama family in Kenya boomed, and it went from rags to riches overnight. They became one of the most influential families in western Kenya and even extended their sphere of influence to Saudi Arabia. When Sarah, president Obama’s grandmother, decided to go to the Hajj, an obligatory pilgrimage to Mecca with Musa, president Obama’s first cousin, they were welcomed with open arms and were provided a special escort with full security detail and first-class (http://www.shbab2.com/vb/t74052.html)treatment at the Saudi royal court:
His Royal Highness Prince Mamdouh bin Abdul Aziz accompanied the family of U.S. President Barack Obama in his palace in Jeddah after the performance of the Hajj this year. The event was attended by His Royal Highness Prince Faisal bin Thamer bin Abdul Aziz, and His Royal Highness Prince Abdul Aziz Bin Mamdouh Bin Abdul Aziz, and his HRH Prince Abdullah bin Nayef bin Abdul Aziz, and a number of other princes and officials.
The reason for such treatment, as explained in an exclusive interview with Musa Ismail Obama on Al-Jazeera (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eudXuPJtH58), is that a close relationship was built between the Saudi royals, and like president Obama’s call for education in the United States, the Kenyan Obamas embarked on a similar project.
Thus, president Obama’s grandmother, Sarah Obama, started the Sarah Obama Benevolent Fund Institute, otherwise known as the Mama Sarah Obama Children Foundation, (http://sarahobamafoundation.org/index.html) which raises 90% of its monies primarily from donors in the United States and some from Europe, solicited as humanitarian aid (http://www.khaleejtimes.com/kt-article-display-1.asp?xfile=/data/expressions/2012/June/expressions_June49.xml&section=expressions) — as the promotional website advertised: “to make a lasting impact on the lives of the orphans and underprivileged children by improving their housing, their education, their upbringing,” which “continued to weigh heavily on Mama Sarah.” All this and “to help the neglected HIV/AIDS infected and affected in Kogelo village by linking them to care-givers and professional health services providers.”
__________________________________________________ ________________________

several alleged Saudis (3) possibly a fourth....student age (one was pushing a COVERED baby carriage). There is still an Arabic guy in question (even tho they have released one of the Saudis). photos of the three were photographed with suspicious reasons and had even gone back and forth to the site of the explosions.

The person of interest who was released,

Good Samaritan didn't tackle the guy because he was racist against Saudi's. He must have had good reason to do what he did. After being tackled and restrained, the Saudi asked if the/a second bomb went off and if anyone was killed. The Good Samaritan may have seen his face on a site that suggested that the guy NOW released was a (at least) associated with family members who are VERY much a part of terrorism. At the very least, their "CLAN" or family (blood family) is very much involved with terrorism. The main family website will prove their hatred. This family ALSO has family members in GITMO. Much of the evidence of these things has now been deleted on FaceBook.

Cover up to hide the fact that our gov. has been lenient on Saudi (including FOX NEWS) who is 20% owned by Saudi Arabian Billionaire. Still, Fox is not 100% owned by scum at the laim stream media who are in B.O.'s pocket.

There were photos that looked exactly like the crime scene but these are gone I think. The photos indicated a before and after shot to suggest that they had scouted the area.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++

Bush allowed the Saudis to fly after 911 when Americans were not (except for governors and such) but even they had to have "OFFICIAL" means of transportation. There were also Saudi princes killed for their participation in 911 but our gov. never mentioned this to my knowledge.

Because of this regime's embarrassment and because of our "buddy-buddy-ship" with the Saudi Gov. we will sweep this under the rug just as Holder swept his giving guns to Mexican gangs and just as B.O. and Hillary swept Benghazi under the rug. We'll never know why we lost the largest number of Navy S.E.A.L.S after we took our OBL and we'll never know justice in the case of the Fort Hood TERRORIST.


After the bombings, a Saudi by the name of Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi was hospitalized and became a ‘suspect’, (http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/authorities_under_suspect_guard_y2m8cJO29uC2PDGIjY BalO) then a ‘person of interest’. (http://www.myfoxboston.com/story/21987838/2013/04/16/fox-news-authorities-guarding-man-at-local-hospital) His apartment was searched (http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/roommate_calls_saudi_national_quiet_vKFFJMC0WCaQmA ofxNDHmO) by federal and local authorities. No confirmation has been given so far to his involvement. The Media were quick to claim his innocence, of course.

__________________________________________________ ____________________
This brings us to the Boston marathon bombings. Foreign Policy (http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2013/04/16/saudi_national_no_longer_person_of_interest_in_bos ton_bombings_no_other_suspects) is reporting that he’s ‘no longer a person of interest’, which means he’s “innocent”, right?
Perhaps a quick look at the Arabic sources should raise the eyebrows of every American relative to the extent of the problem at hand. Many from Al-Harbi’s clan are steeped in terrorism and are members of Al-Qaeda. Out of a list of 85 terrorists (http://aalhameed1.net/vb/showthread.php?t=1565) listed by the Saudi government shows several of Al-Harbi clan to have been active fighters in Al-Qaeda:
#15 Badr Saud Uwaid Al-Awufi Al-Harbi
#73 Muhammad Atiq Uwaid Al-Awufi Al-Harbi
#26 Khalid Salim Uwaid Al-Lahibi Al-Harbi
#29 Raed Abdullah Salem Al-Thahiri Al-Harbi
#43 Abdullah Abdul Rahman Muhammad Al-Harbi (leader)
#60 Fayez Ghuneim Humeid Al-Hijri Al-Harbi
Source: http://aalhameed1.net/vb/showthread.php?t=1565
Then you have Al-Harbi clan members in Gitmo:
Salim Salman Awadallah Al-Sai’di Al-Harbi
Majid Abdullah Hussein Al-Harbi
Muhammad Abdullah Saqr Al-Alawi Al-Harbi
Ghanem Abdul Rahman Ghanem Al-Harbi
Muhammad Atiq Uwaid Al-Awfi Al-Harbi
Source: http://www.muslm.net/vb/showthread.php?169019-أسماء-(90)-سعودياً-لا-زالوا-محتجزين-في-جوانتانامو (http://www.muslm.net/vb/showthread.php?169019-%D8%A3%D8%B3%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%A1-(90)-%D8%B3%D8%B9%D9%88%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%A7%D9%8B-%D9%84%D8%A7-%D8%B2%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D8%A7-%D9%85%D8%AD%D8%AA%D8%AC%D8%B2%D9%8A%D9%86-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%AC%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%AA%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%A7%D 9%85%D9%88)
There are specific Saudi clans that are rife with members of Al-Qaeda, which makes it quite alarming as to why nearly a hundred thousand student visas are issued to these. Americans are clueless as to clan ties when it comes to terrorism.

09-09-2014, 06:22 PM
AT, I posted this a year or more ago but got no response much. Still, it is old news even a year ago as I have read many disturbing things about B.O.'s family from when he was running in '08.

REDROSE, for some it is fear but for many it is simply a numbness and then for others it is because of funding or lack thereof (as we see in the aclu's attacks on small community schools). What they need to realize is that there are those willing and able to be their advocate and if we ALL stick together and not worry about being rude or sounding like 'bigots' then we'd get more done and start winning this thing. They've WAY over played the hands in their rule book yet the continue to deal in the same lies and deraimments. We need to hold them to the lies and HOLD to our truths.

The below isn't in sequence as I posted it a year or more ago but it is still a good read for those who may not have seen this or "googled" it.

Obamas’ Wahhabist Fundraising Empire
After President Obama was inaugurated, the Muslim side of the Obama family in Kenya boomed, and it went from rags to riches overnight. They became one of the most influential families in western Kenya and even extended their sphere of influence to Saudi Arabia. When Sarah, president Obama’s grandmother, decided to go to the Hajj, an obligatory pilgrimage to Mecca with Musa, president Obama’s first cousin, they were welcomed with open arms and were provided a special escort with full security detail and first-class (http://www.shbab2.com/vb/t74052.html)treatment at the Saudi royal court:
His Royal Highness Prince Mamdouh bin Abdul Aziz accompanied the family of U.S. President Barack Obama in his palace in Jeddah after the performance of the Hajj this year. The event was attended by His Royal Highness Prince Faisal bin Thamer bin Abdul Aziz, and His Royal Highness Prince Abdul Aziz Bin Mamdouh Bin Abdul Aziz, and his HRH Prince Abdullah bin Nayef bin Abdul Aziz, and a number of other princes and officials.
The reason for such treatment, as explained in an exclusive interview with Musa Ismail Obama on Al-Jazeera (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eudXuPJtH58), is that a close relationship was built between the Saudi royals, and like president Obama’s call for education in the United States, the Kenyan Obamas embarked on a similar project.
Thus, president Obama’s grandmother, Sarah Obama, started the Sarah Obama Benevolent Fund Institute, otherwise known as the Mama Sarah Obama Children Foundation, (http://sarahobamafoundation.org/index.html) which raises 90% of its monies primarily from donors in the United States and some from Europe, solicited as humanitarian aid (http://www.khaleejtimes.com/kt-article-display-1.asp?xfile=/data/expressions/2012/June/expressions_June49.xml&section=expressions) — as the promotional website advertised: “to make a lasting impact on the lives of the orphans and underprivileged children by improving their housing, their education, their upbringing,” which “continued to weigh heavily on Mama Sarah.” All this and “to help the neglected HIV/AIDS infected and affected in Kogelo village by linking them to care-givers and professional health services providers.”
__________________________________________________ ________________________

several alleged Saudis (3) possibly a fourth....student age (one was pushing a COVERED baby carriage). There is still an Arabic guy in question (even tho they have released one of the Saudis). photos of the three were photographed with suspicious reasons and had even gone back and forth to the site of the explosions.

The person of interest who was released,

Good Samaritan didn't tackle the guy because he was racist against Saudi's. He must have had good reason to do what he did. After being tackled and restrained, the Saudi asked if the/a second bomb went off and if anyone was killed. The Good Samaritan may have seen his face on a site that suggested that the guy NOW released was a (at least) associated with family members who are VERY much a part of terrorism. At the very least, their "CLAN" or family (blood family) is very much involved with terrorism. The main family website will prove their hatred. This family ALSO has family members in GITMO. Much of the evidence of these things has now been deleted on FaceBook.

Cover up to hide the fact that our gov. has been lenient on Saudi (including FOX NEWS) who is 20% owned by Saudi Arabian Billionaire. Still, Fox is not 100% owned by scum at the laim stream media who are in B.O.'s pocket.

There were photos that looked exactly like the crime scene but these are gone I think. The photos indicated a before and after shot to suggest that they had scouted the area.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++

Bush allowed the Saudis to fly after 911 when Americans were not (except for governors and such) but even they had to have "OFFICIAL" means of transportation. There were also Saudi princes killed for their participation in 911 but our gov. never mentioned this to my knowledge.

Because of this regime's embarrassment and because of our "buddy-buddy-ship" with the Saudi Gov. we will sweep this under the rug just as Holder swept his giving guns to Mexican gangs and just as B.O. and Hillary swept Benghazi under the rug. We'll never know why we lost the largest number of Navy S.E.A.L.S after we took our OBL and we'll never know justice in the case of the Fort Hood TERRORIST.


After the bombings, a Saudi by the name of Abdul Rahman Ali Al-Harbi was hospitalized and became a ‘suspect’, (http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/authorities_under_suspect_guard_y2m8cJO29uC2PDGIjY BalO) then a ‘person of interest’. (http://www.myfoxboston.com/story/21987838/2013/04/16/fox-news-authorities-guarding-man-at-local-hospital) His apartment was searched (http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/roommate_calls_saudi_national_quiet_vKFFJMC0WCaQmA ofxNDHmO) by federal and local authorities. No confirmation has been given so far to his involvement. The Media were quick to claim his innocence, of course.

__________________________________________________ ____________________
This brings us to the Boston marathon bombings. Foreign Policy (http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2013/04/16/saudi_national_no_longer_person_of_interest_in_bos ton_bombings_no_other_suspects) is reporting that he’s ‘no longer a person of interest’, which means he’s “innocent”, right?
Perhaps a quick look at the Arabic sources should raise the eyebrows of every American relative to the extent of the problem at hand. Many from Al-Harbi’s clan are steeped in terrorism and are members of Al-Qaeda. Out of a list of 85 terrorists (http://aalhameed1.net/vb/showthread.php?t=1565) listed by the Saudi government shows several of Al-Harbi clan to have been active fighters in Al-Qaeda:
#15 Badr Saud Uwaid Al-Awufi Al-Harbi
#73 Muhammad Atiq Uwaid Al-Awufi Al-Harbi
#26 Khalid Salim Uwaid Al-Lahibi Al-Harbi
#29 Raed Abdullah Salem Al-Thahiri Al-Harbi
#43 Abdullah Abdul Rahman Muhammad Al-Harbi (leader)
#60 Fayez Ghuneim Humeid Al-Hijri Al-Harbi
Source: http://aalhameed1.net/vb/showthread.php?t=1565
Then you have Al-Harbi clan members in Gitmo:
Salim Salman Awadallah Al-Sai’di Al-Harbi
Majid Abdullah Hussein Al-Harbi
Muhammad Abdullah Saqr Al-Alawi Al-Harbi
Ghanem Abdul Rahman Ghanem Al-Harbi
Muhammad Atiq Uwaid Al-Awfi Al-Harbi
Source: http://www.muslm.net/vb/showthread.php?169019-أسماء-(90)-سعودياً-لا-زالوا-محتجزين-في-جوانتانامو (http://www.muslm.net/vb/showthread.php?169019-%D8%A3%D8%B3%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%A1-(90)-%D8%B3%D8%B9%D9%88%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%A7%D9%8B-%D9%84%D8%A7-%D8%B2%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D8%A7-%D9%85%D8%AD%D8%AA%D8%AC%D8%B2%D9%8A%D9%86-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%AC%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%AA%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%A7%D 9%85%D9%88)
There are specific Saudi clans that are rife with members of Al-Qaeda, which makes it quite alarming as to why nearly a hundred thousand student visas are issued to these. Americans are clueless as to clan ties when it comes to terrorism.

Red State. Sorry. I forgot about your previous posting on this. But..I thought the REMINDER would help the Denial bunch who wasted their last TWO presidential votes.

09-10-2014, 04:42 AM
Same for me. Ten years ago I said how can you tell the good Muslims from the bad, I was very nervous, I was told not to be so paranoid. Well, I was vindicated when a local doctor, my gyn, was arrested for funneling massive amounts of money to Al Qiada, before and after 9-11-01.

The good ones have a little blue hole in their foreheads and half the back of their heads missing. The bad ones can still talk.