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09-10-2014, 05:12 AM
Why as I get older, I wake up earlier and earlier, even though I want to sleep longer and longer? And I won't even mention the amount of times I need to get up during the night from all the coffee I drink! :coffee2:

09-10-2014, 06:00 AM
it's because we want what we can't have (sleep when we are old). As a kid a nap was punishment, now it's a certain kind of bliss.


09-10-2014, 06:50 AM
Welcome to old age, it just keeps getting better :sleep:

09-10-2014, 07:17 AM
it will change Jim. Eventually you'll have a bowel movement every day at 0600 - but not wake up until 0700.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-10-2014, 09:39 AM
Why as I get older, I wake up earlier and earlier, even though I want to sleep longer and longer? And I won't even mention the amount of times I need to get up during the night from all the coffee I drink! :coffee2:
It gets better Jim. Trust me it does......
For when you pass 60 you'll thank God that you actually wake up each morning!!:laugh:
And then you'll will rush to the bathroom to drain the ole lizard..;) --Tyr

Abbey Marie
09-10-2014, 02:45 PM
it will change Jim. Eventually you'll have a bowel movement every day at 0600 - but not wake up until 0700.

That's it- I'm buying stock in the company that makes Depends.

09-10-2014, 02:49 PM
Why as I get older, I wake up earlier and earlier, even though I want to sleep longer and longer? And I won't even mention the amount of times I need to get up during the night from all the coffee I drink! :coffee2:

Jim. Not fooling here. But, sounds like it's about time to get that PROSTATE exam everybody jokes about. It only takes a couple seconds, and peeing in the cup. But..it can save your life, and slow down the multiple visits to drain each night too!

As for waking up. Not unusual. Age does it. BUT....AT LEAST YOU ARE WAKING UP!

I stopped drinking coffee after 9 at night. Drink more water, but limit it after dinner. Sleep as long as you can now.

All of my years in the NAV, my average sleep at night was less than 5, or 6 hours...if that.

If you drink, and eat less after 8 or 9 at night. You'll be surprised how much more sleep you get.

By the way. Nothing is scarier than having the Doc tell you you have the "BIG C".
Don't take it for granted, or put it off. IT CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE.

red state
09-10-2014, 03:10 PM
I recently turned 46 and although I have felt YOUNG most of my life....the past few years has left me feeling extremely old. We are, after all, only as old as we feel and act and in that regard, I am definitely reached the age deemed OLD.

As for the waking early.....even after going to bed very late, it is your biological and even phsycological clock telling you that time only gets shorter and shorter and the END is nearing faster and faster. With going to bed late and rising early, you are attempting to cheat death (or at least get in as much as life has to offer). Folks with terminal illnesses, will often refuse to sleep at all. I know because I've known to many of them....especially recently. Regardless, we must sleep and even they will eventually slip. They often fear sleep due to the possibility of not waking OR they detest the fact that they may miss something. We fear the unknown and sleeping only ads to this when we are older or very sick. We are also, for the most part, a greedy/self-centered bunch and we absolutely HATE the fact that the world goes on without us and we are then saddened by the times that we will miss when we are gone.

Now, back to sleep (or lack thereof). We often fail to sleep out of some guilt or shame.....this may or may not apply to some but MANY have regrets and the older we get the more we REFLECT. This reflection and attempts to catagorize our lives often keeps us up or awakens us earlier than we may wish.

That's my take on this (morbid as it may be). On a brighter note, I know many Christians who sleep well and long for the day of their "departure" (be it death or the calling up of the saints). I wish I were as strong a Christian but my mind often wonders too much to leave me in peace.

09-10-2014, 04:35 PM
Jim. Not fooling here. But, sounds like it's about time to get that PROSTATE exam everybody jokes about. It only takes a couple seconds, and peeing in the cup. But..it can save your life, and slow down the multiple visits to drain each night too!

I know, and I've been putting it off. I think my Dad takes some medication due to the same issue. I know it's serious. And although I know the test only takes but a few seconds, I still have trouble making this appointment! But I need to have a full blood panel done too, especially check my cholesterol levels, so I should be making this appointment sooner than later.

I recently turned 46 and although I have felt YOUNG most of my life....the past few years has left me feeling extremely old. We are, after all, only as old as we feel and act and in that regard, I am definitely reached the age deemed OLD.

As for the waking early.....even after going to bed very late, it is your biological and even phsycological clock telling you that time only gets shorter and shorter and the END is nearing faster and faster. With going to bed late and rising early, you are attempting to cheat death (or at least get in as much as life has to offer). Folks with terminal illnesses, will often refuse to sleep at all. I know because I've known to many of them....especially recently. Regardless, we must sleep and even they will eventually slip. They often fear sleep due to the possibility of not waking OR they detest the fact that they may miss something. We fear the unknown and sleeping only ads to this when we are older or very sick. We are also, for the most part, a greedy/self-centered bunch and we absolutely HATE the fact that the world goes on without us and we are then saddened by the times that we will miss when we are gone.

Now, back to sleep (or lack thereof). We often fail to sleep out of some guilt or shame.....this may or may not apply to some but MANY have regrets and the older we get the more we REFLECT. This reflection and attempts to catagorize our lives often keeps us up or awakens us earlier than we may wish.

That's my take on this (morbid as it may be). On a brighter note, I know many Christians who sleep well and long for the day of their "departure" (be it death or the calling up of the saints). I wish I were as strong a Christian but my mind often wonders too much to leave me in peace.

Me too! Just turned 46 in July. The bold - holy crap - now I'm depressed on top of it!! Sounds like a real life "final destination". Those movies were awesome, btw. :)

09-10-2014, 04:57 PM
I know, and I've been putting it off. I think my Dad takes some medication due to the same issue. I know it's serious. And although I know the test only takes but a few seconds, I still have trouble making this appointment! But I need to have a full blood panel done too, especially check my cholesterol levels, so I should be making this appointment sooner than later.

Me too! Just turned 46 in July. The bold - holy crap - now I'm depressed on top of it!! Sounds like a real life "final destination". Those movies were awesome, btw. :)

Listen, Please guys. I wasn't kidding about the "BIG C". I've been clear for six years after the worst scare of my life. Which is why IT'S NOT SOMETHING TO PUT OFF.

It is very treatable, and easily taken care of...IF YOU DO IT NOW. Waiting can only make it worse. Take my word for it. Please.

I had the worst of the treatments. CHEMO sucks, and the Radiation treatments...every day for eight weeks SUCKS EVEN MORE.

If you PREVENT it. You won't need to go through all of that, and the Doc will just get his Jollies with the SINGLE DIGIT VISIT.

09-10-2014, 06:28 PM
Why as I get older, I wake up earlier and earlier, even though I want to sleep longer and longer? And I won't even mention the amount of times I need to get up during the night from all the coffee I drink! :coffee2:

Soon you will have the urge to randomly shout "you kids get off my lawn." THAT is when you know the age thing is really kicking in. :laugh:

red state
09-10-2014, 07:05 PM
Soon you will have the urge to randomly shout "you kids get off my lawn." THAT is when you know the age thing is really kicking in. :laugh:

I've told my own kids to get off of my lawn, stay outta my frig and out of my bathroom for years. I suppose if shouting at them actually works, I'll know I'm OLD......it hasn't worked yet. HA!!!

AT, I know you are 100% correct but I've lost so many to cancer (even those who fought it well and early) die in 2 - 5 years so I'll simply go when it is my time to go and save myself all of the drama and humilation that comes with this aggressive disease. My grandmother died of Lou Gerhig's disease and my grandfather had severe heart conditions. The rest have fallen to cancer so I hope I have it in me to do as my great uncle of WWI did.....blow his brains out while I'm still able. I know this is morbid but it is nowhere near as terrible as those (such as my mom suffering) or having your kids take care of you as they once cared for you as infants. No way....not for me. Maybe I'll take a long walk on a cold day as the Native Americans did long ago.


09-10-2014, 07:54 PM
I kinda like the long walk thang!!! Hopefully that's a way's off yet.

One thing I really enjoy about gettin up early is, I have the whole world to myself for a few hours. The moon the stars, Orion up in the east and the quiet. The cool easy breeze of a fall mornin, with just a bit of nip in the air, the sun as it comes up on the changin leaves, with a hot cup a joe. It just makes me wanna take all my clothes off an run around in the forest like a naked wood nymph!!! :laugh:

Life is Good!!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-10-2014, 08:19 PM
I kinda like the long walk thang!!! Hopefully that's a way's off yet.

One thing I really enjoy about gettin up early is, I have the whole world to myself for a few hours. The moon the stars, Orion up in the east and the quiet. The cool easy breeze of a fall mornin, with just a bit of nip in the air, the sun as it comes up on the changin leaves, with a hot cup a joe. It just makes me wanna take all my clothes off an run around in the forest like a naked wood nymph!!! :laugh:

Life is Good!!!

Granny, drink enuff of dat shine and go fer it.
Streak like a Nekked jaybird until the squirrels run away. :laugh:

I wake up each morning and say, "well made it again"!!!
Life sho' bez gudd!! ;)--Tyr

09-10-2014, 08:23 PM
Welcome to old age, it just keeps getting better

Well, it gets better until it starts getting worse.
Eventually, you lose your vital senses and become a doddering old fool, bereft of functioning brain cells.
But enough about AT :slap:

09-10-2014, 08:25 PM
It appears that nobody here is willing to take anything I tried to say, seriously.

My bad (as the terrible saying goes)

If you are TOO PROUD to lower yourself to protecting your family by getting examined. Oh well.

Meanwhile. I am enjoying NOT having to worry about the "BIG C" taking Pop away from Six little people who....unlike some of you; actually listen to advice.

Do whatever you want. Sorry for butting in and trying to be a friend.

09-10-2014, 08:41 PM
It appears that nobody here is willing to take anything I tried to say, seriously.

My bad (as the terrible saying goes)

If you are TOO PROUD to lower yourself to protecting your family by getting examined. Oh well.

Meanwhile. I am enjoying NOT having to worry about the "BIG C" taking Pop away from Six little people who....unlike some of you; actually listen to advice.

Do whatever you want. Sorry for butting in and trying to be a friend.

It's sound advice AT, you really have to listen to what your body's tellin ya and havin good people like yourself remind us all of how necessary and simple the tests can be, as opposed to treatment, from personal experience, can make the decision to schedule an appointment a bit easier.

09-11-2014, 04:07 AM
Well, it gets better until it starts getting worse.
Eventually, you lose your vital senses and become a doddering old fool, bereft of functioning brain cells.
But enough about AT :slap:

I see you're trolling again, Gabby.

If you had a reasonable point to make on the subject in hand, and stating the obvious here, you could've easily made it without a gratuitous, personalised attack on a fellow forum member.

.. But, perhaps you couldn't help yourself ? In which case ... some remedial introspection is called for ...

.. rather urgently ?

09-11-2014, 05:04 AM
It gets better Jim. Trust me it does......
For when you pass 60 you'll thank God that you actually wake up each morning!!:laugh:
And then you'll will rush to the bathroom to drain the ole lizard..;) --Tyr

60 hell I thank him now at 51 :laugh:

09-11-2014, 05:36 AM
Why as I get older, I wake up earlier and earlier, even though I want to sleep longer and longer? And I won't even mention the amount of times I need to get up during the night from all the coffee I drink! :coffee2:

Just wait .. it gets "better" ...:laugh:

09-11-2014, 09:40 AM
I'm 67. All but AT have a ways to go to catch up to me. I'll live until I die and there ain't no use in fretting about it.

red state
09-11-2014, 10:12 AM
I'm 67. All but AT have a ways to go to catch up to me. I'll live until I die and there ain't no use in fretting about it.

EXACTLY.....and I meant no disrespect to AT. I simply have lost too many and they fought it tooth and nail. My mom died of lung cancer last Christmas and she NEVER smoked. She had licked it once but in the end (just two years later) it got her.....and in a terrible way to boot. I'll not go that way if I can help it. Would rather be sent to the middle east to do as much harm as I can before going that way and actually be some use to someone.

Besides, there's too many folks doing without thick, juicy steaks and working out.....only to be hit by a bus. I'd rather eat my steak, enjoy my time with loved ones LOUNGING around or in a deer stand/blind......ENJOYING MY TIME without trying to defeat the inevitable.

You have sound wisdom and advice for all of us AT but I'll choose to be the grasshopper I suppose when it comes to preparing to live longer. Be the ant when it comes to standing for something but be the grasshopper and ENJOY.

09-11-2014, 01:33 PM
EXACTLY.....and I meant no disrespect to AT. I simply have lost too many and they fought it tooth and nail. My mom died of lung cancer last Christmas and she NEVER smoked. She had licked it once but in the end (just two years later) it got her.....and in a terrible way to boot. I'll not go that way if I can help it. Would rather be sent to the middle east to do as much harm as I can before going that way and actually be some use to someone.

Besides, there's too many folks doing without thick, juicy steaks and working out.....only to be hit by a bus. I'd rather eat my steak, enjoy my time with loved ones LOUNGING around or in a deer stand/blind......ENJOYING MY TIME without trying to defeat the inevitable.

You have sound wisdom and advice for all of us AT but I'll choose to be the grasshopper I suppose when it comes to preparing to live longer. Be the ant when it comes to standing for something but be the grasshopper and ENJOY.

Thanks red. I fully understand what you feel, and are saying. The lousy part of getting older is watching all your friends go away. And, what really makes me mad is...When I kick the ole Bucket. I won't have any say in it. Not to mention...how I won't know it, or be able to stop it. Dead is Dead. So, I don't really worry about it for myself, but more for how it will affect my wife, son's, and those six little people who make LIFE WORTH LIVING that call me POP.
The unknown, and what their lives will be like when they get to be OUR age...really pisses me off because I won't be around to help them make it through all the STUPIDITY.:laugh:

red state
09-11-2014, 02:30 PM
At, you are very thoughtful and I share your anger and fears but we will simply have to let them forge their own destiny. Our founders did it and so may our offspring have the same wisdom, courage.....and LUCK that we Christians know is not luck at all but the guiding hand of ALL MIGHTY GOD. For those who seem to care little of where this Nation is going......you can lead a JACK@$$ to water but you will have a hell-of-a-time making it drink. HA! With that being said. One can do only so much to help or prepare friends, family and "other" for what awaits us all.

09-11-2014, 03:23 PM
It appears that nobody here is willing to take anything I tried to say, seriously.

My bad (as the terrible saying goes)

If you are TOO PROUD to lower yourself to protecting your family by getting examined. Oh well.

Meanwhile. I am enjoying NOT having to worry about the "BIG C" taking Pop away from Six little people who....unlike some of you; actually listen to advice.

Do whatever you want. Sorry for butting in and trying to be a friend.

Chilly dude! I answered seriously, Drummond and Jeff thanked your post, and no on seemed to post a disagreement to what you wrote? I took what you said VERY seriously, as I know it can be bad. I've seen prostate issues in my own family. As for Cancer - my aunt passed of bone cancer and my Mom recently of lung cancer. I couldn't take that aspect any more seriously at all. Why are you apologizing? Was something deleted that I am missing?

09-11-2014, 04:30 PM
Chilly dude! I answered seriously, Drummond and Jeff thanked your post, and no on seemed to post a disagreement to what you wrote? I took what you said VERY seriously, as I know it can be bad. I've seen prostate issues in my own family. As for Cancer - my aunt passed of bone cancer and my Mom recently of lung cancer. I couldn't take that aspect any more seriously at all. Why are you apologizing? Was something deleted that I am missing?

Jim. Seems to be a time delay that causes the confusion. Nothing more. It takes some of us longer to respond, and I have this habit of expecting Instant responses. By the time you responded, others had already said their piece.

Call it overextended Brain-farting on my part. The Internet, and this entire process of Electronic communications is either too fast, or too slow. No happy medium. Nothing was deleted. I'm just too impatient.

09-11-2014, 05:35 PM
Jim. Seems to be a time delay that causes the confusion. Nothing more. It takes some of us longer to respond, and I have this habit of expecting Instant responses. By the time you responded, others had already said their piece.

Call it overextended Brain-farting on my part. The Internet, and this entire process of Electronic communications is either too fast, or too slow. No happy medium. Nothing was deleted. I'm just too impatient.

No problemo!! :beer:

I just didn't want you to think that what you believe is true. I take those words to heart, and more so considering I know you've been through your own experiences. I have my phobias, but I don't take these things lightly. Quite frankly, I'm scared! I'm afraid of the test, but I know I need it. In my case, I know it's about an enlarged prostate as I get older that medication can help with. The cholesterol, that's something I need to stay up on. My grandfather died of a heart attack, and I believe most of the men in my family have issues with high cholesterol. I'm not afraid of the blood test, but rather the results on that one. I don't know why either. Maybe fear of the changes that need to be made, maybe fear of going to the doctor, maybe fear of another medication to be on.... I do the same with the dentist, as they scare the crap out of me.

I may not go on time, and I may be my worst enemy - but please don't think I scoff ay what you say, or don't take it seriously. I've seen enough to know better. I don't know why I don't better care for myself, or see physicians more often, but it's not because of lack of knowledge, or refusal to listen to things like you say.

09-11-2014, 05:43 PM
No problemo!! :beer:

I just didn't want you to think that what you believe is true. I take those words to heart, and more so considering I know you've been through your own experiences. I have my phobias, but I don't take these things lightly. Quite frankly, I'm scared! I'm afraid of the test, but I know I need it. In my case, I know it's about an enlarged prostate as I get older that medication can help with. The cholesterol, that's something I need to stay up on. My grandfather died of a heart attack, and I believe most of the men in my family have issues with high cholesterol. I'm not afraid of the blood test, but rather the results on that one. I don't know why either. Maybe fear of the changes that need to be made, maybe fear of going to the doctor, maybe fear of another medication to be on.... I do the same with the dentist, as they scare the crap out of me.

I may not go on time, and I may be my worst enemy - but please don't think I scoff ay what you say, or don't take it seriously. I've seen enough to know better. I don't know why I don't better care for myself, or see physicians more often, but it's not because of lack of knowledge, or refusal to listen to things like you say.

Jim. I totally understand what you are saying, and know exactly how you feel. But, there really is a good side to all of that too! Believe it or not. Like most things we hate, or fear in life. When we finally face them, and discover THINGS really weren't as bad as we thought...or feared. It gives a whole new meaning to understanding who "WE", "YOU", and "I" are for probably the first time.
In other words, as something I learned as a greenhorn sailor back in the 60's. You really have to learn how to "NOT SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF". And that happens to be almost everything we do in life. But something inside us tells us to WORRY, and keep Wondering about all the "WHAT IF's" that usually turn out to be just the opposite of what we Worried so much about.

I know I can't pretend to tell you how YOU should think, or act in your life. But you should always remind yourself. Things could always be worse until you find out...THEY REALLY AREN'T!

09-12-2014, 04:46 AM
:thinking5:Let's see ..... perhaps not getting enough sex?

09-12-2014, 06:23 AM
:thinking5:Let's see ..... perhaps not getting enough sex?

If not enough sex somehow lead to not enough sleep, I'd have been awake for years now!! :laugh2:

09-12-2014, 02:37 PM
:thinking5:Let's see ..... perhaps not getting enough sex?

Quite right SassyLady. Oddly. One of the results Jim might not enjoy IF..he doesn't take care of possible Prostate threats early....It can, and does usually mean...THE END OF SEX.

Not a joke. Since my bout with the BIG C. The only good thing about surviving is...I am still alive.

If PLAYBOY paraded every one of their Past, and Present PLAYBOY Bunnies past me...totally naked. The reaction is, and would be...

Not an easy path for someone known for enjoying "BOOBS". Can you hear me Jim?