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View Full Version : Fallen Soldier returned home Nov. 12, 2008

09-11-2014, 08:25 AM
While getting a few 9/11 related videos, I saw this one on the side of the page. I'm sure there are tons of these. This one brought tears to my eyes. When you think of Code Pink and all the other people that spit on our soldiers and their memories, just remember that there are people out there like this.


Fallen Soldier escorted and flown home to FLA on American Airlines. Honorably greeted by Army personnel, local police, family, and fire department - who showed their respect by showering the plane with 4 powerful streams of water from fire trucks on both sides. (the plane sat under the streaming water for about 5 minutes - edited about 4 minutes out) God Bless the soldier's family and God Bless our Troops! (video taken from inside plane - then out on the tarmac when the fallen soldier is taken from plane)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-11-2014, 10:00 AM
While getting a few 9/11 related videos, I saw this one on the side of the page. I'm sure there are tons of these. This one brought tears to my eyes. When you think of Code Pink and all the other people that spit on our soldiers and their memories, just remember that there are people out there like this.


Fallen Soldier escorted and flown home to FLA on American Airlines. Honorably greeted by Army personnel, local police, family, and fire department - who showed their respect by showering the plane with 4 powerful streams of water from fire trucks on both sides. (the plane sat under the streaming water for about 5 minutes - edited about 4 minutes out) God Bless the soldier's family and God Bless our Troops! (video taken from inside plane - then out on the tarmac when the fallen soldier is taken from plane)
You guys have no idea what I've been thru in my life that has steeled my heart so hard. It takes a lot to bring tears to my eyes but that video just did.
Then anger rushes forth. Anger at the scum that spit on such great sacrifice! A lifelong fight for me to control my extremes.
A crying shame that video and more like it are not shown in our high schools and colleges. The liberal and leftist castles that indoctrinate our children into their insanity.
I've spent my life making sure that insanity was not taught to my kids.
I view such liberal/leftist scum as worthy of a very , very drastic justice to be delivered with no mercy.
My precious son , Justin, is at school now but tonight he will watch that video and it will be explained to him what the world is, what this nation is and what the scum are now doing.
I hope after I am gone he will make a difference and perhaps even deliver some of that justice.. Lord knows it is long, long overdue....--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-11-2014, 09:30 PM
This was Justin's bedtime story tonight. He will be eight years old in December and it is time he starts to learn what evil exists in this world and what kind of people live in it , for it and appease it..
He asked me right away why did that man have to die for us?
I told him because freedom is hated, America is hated and Christianity is hated by the world because the world wants to take what we have and rule over us by pure brute force.
American soldiers stand against that and die to stop it.
Son , you remember this, we are free only as long as we are wiling to die to be free. Someday you may have to make a great choice and you choose to fight instead of to cower in fear and become a slave.
And know this other Americans now stand with our enemies. A very sad reality.
You will understand fully in your teens but that's enough to know now.

What better day/night than this one to teach my son that one must always oppose evil or else one helps it grow.. Ignoring it is not an option...
Next year he starts learning to shoot his 410ga shotgun, this year he started the 22 caliber rifle and did exceptionally well. I taught my daughter starting at 10 years old , with him being male I started him at 7 years old.... At my age I can not waste any time... --Tyr

09-11-2014, 10:24 PM
What better day/night than this one to teach my son that one must always oppose evil or else one helps it grow.. Ignoring it is not an option...
Next year he starts learning to shoot his 410ga shotgun, this year he started the 22 caliber rifle and did exceptionally well. I taught my daughter starting at 10 years old , with him being male I started him at 7 years old.... At my age I can not waste any time... --Tyr

With all due respect, I prefer allowing kids to be kids while they still have the chance. I will give my daughter another year before plunging her headlong into the composite evils of the world. I don't think a 13 year old girl needs to be contemplating the evils of Isis, Mexican drug cartels and political instability. It''s bad enough that she already has to deal with street gangs, drugs, alcohol and evil boys looking to steal her innocence (you guys are awful at that age! :eek: )

My daughter already knows street self defense. She has steel tipped shoes and a ring with a razor sharp tip. She knows not to trust anyone she doesn't know. But I won't teach her how to shoot a gun for the same reason a lot of parents don't talk to their kids about sex. I don't want her to get any ideas.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-11-2014, 10:44 PM
With all due respect, I prefer allowing kids to be kids while they still have the chance. I will give my daughter another year before plunging her headlong into the composite evils of the world. I don't think a 13 year old girl needs to be contemplating the evils of Isis, Mexican drug cartels and political instability. It''s bad enough that she already has to deal with street gangs, drugs, alcohol and evil boys looking to steal her innocence (you guys are awful at that age! :eek: )

My daughter already knows street self defense. She has steel tipped shoes and a ring with a razor sharp tip. She knows not to trust anyone she doesn't know. But I won't teach her how to shoot a gun for the same reason a lot of parents don't talk to their kids about sex. I don't want her to get any ideas.

I have no problem with you teaching your daughter as you see fit and what you think is best Gabby. None at all. More power to you for showing concern and thinking it out to do.
As to guys at that age-13, myself I was not into girls. I was into target shooting, hunting , fishing , archery and reading every book on history that I could lay my hands on. The rest of my time was doing homework for school and "my chores". We farm boys had "chores" which were actually adult jobs that needed to be done every day.
Some of us had chores from age 5 onwards.. I did..
Good luck with your daughter , I hope she never has to use those shoes and razor ring in defense of herself ever!
As to me, I'll teach my son to stand proud and tall, never back down and say his prayers because Heaven is ahead and we have scum that need adjusting in the here and now..;)--Tyr

09-12-2014, 04:22 AM
This man was a good friend of ours. No video posted will ever make me cry more than I did for this man. His hometown had a parade for him when he returned.



One of my best friends was his escort back here to N. California. What a lot of people don't understand is that when there is an explosion like an IED, not everything is found at first. My friend had to make a second trip to bring the remainder of his body home.

Also, my ex was the CAO for another soldier in the unit. I think he had to inform family members twice during that time of his career. He said the first one was just awful. The family was having a birthday party for one of the children.

These are the stories behind "the story".

09-12-2014, 06:41 AM
With all due respect, I prefer allowing kids to be kids while they still have the chance. I will give my daughter another year before plunging her headlong into the composite evils of the world. I don't think a 13 year old girl needs to be contemplating the evils of Isis, Mexican drug cartels and political instability. It''s bad enough that she already has to deal with street gangs, drugs, alcohol and evil boys looking to steal her innocence (you guys are awful at that age! :eek: )

My daughter already knows street self defense. She has steel tipped shoes and a ring with a razor sharp tip. She knows not to trust anyone she doesn't know. But I won't teach her how to shoot a gun for the same reason a lot of parents don't talk to their kids about sex. I don't want her to get any ideas.

Every parent is entitled to raise their children as they see fit, and not all are the same. I don't think Tyr is stating he will be entering his kid into studies about the things you mentioned, but rather having a father/son discussion from time to time, and surely nothing wrong with that. My son has known a small amount about politics since like the 1st grade. Nothing wrong with kids contemplating things out there that they may typically not be involved in.

As for the guns, that's awesome, so long as the kids are being taught responsibly and are in no danger other than their own fears for the first time. I think teaching kids at an early age is advantageous. Let them know they have nothing to fear from them when used responsibly, let them learn, let them gain knowledge.

Kids are smarter than we believe. They hear and get involved in things. Some times a little parental teaching ensure that they are being taught the truth, and not some made up version. Ensure they learn in a safe and friendly environment. And for the guns, ensure that they learn that protecting themselves is their right. I'd MUCH rather that my kid learn to shoot with me. I'd much rather I mention the worlds evils to him, than the 12 year old kid down the road!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-12-2014, 07:11 AM
Every parent is entitled to raise their children as they see fit, and not all are the same. I don't think Tyr is stating he will be entering his kid into studies about the things you mentioned, but rather having a father/son discussion from time to time, and surely nothing wrong with that. My son has known a small amount about politics since like the 1st grade. Nothing wrong with kids contemplating things out there that they may typically not be involved in.

As for the guns, that's awesome, so long as the kids are being taught responsibly and are in no danger other than their own fears for the first time. I think teaching kids at an early age is advantageous. Let them know they have nothing to fear from them when used responsibly, let them learn, let them gain knowledge.

Kids are smarter than we believe. They hear and get involved in things. Some times a little parental teaching ensure that they are being taught the truth, and not some made up version. Ensure they learn in a safe and friendly environment. And for the guns, ensure that they learn that protecting themselves is their right. I'd MUCH rather that my kid learn to shoot with me. I'd much rather I mention the worlds evils to him, than the 12 year old kid down the road!

Dead on the money..
I know who has the responsibility to teach my son moral values, responsibility and the understanding that even when unpleasant things need to be done the proper course is to just do them and not complain.
And since teaching gunning is a serious and dangerous business it is I that will teach my son that same as my father and grandfather TAUGHT ME. I want him to learn WELL AND BE AN EXPERT SHOT BY AGE TEN , I WAS BY AGE NINE with small caliber rifles and with shotguns and pistols by age twelve.
We in the South have a tradition of teaching our sons at a very young age to shoot and to do so extremely well!
As to politics, I'll teach him about its evil nature and who are the enemies of this great nation.
Gabby is fine teaching her daughter as she sees fit, we need only to teach our sons how to fight for freedom and this nation's security IMHO.
However I went the extra mile and taught my daughter how to shot guns extremely well. Hell, she shoots better than her husband much to his dismay!:laugh:-Tyr