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View Full Version : Hunter S. Thompson predicted today's situation one day after 9-11

09-11-2014, 10:09 PM
On the day following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, journalist Hunter S. Thompson wrote a column for ESPN that many dismissed as a folly of his notably drug and alcohol crazed mind.
Interesting how so much of it has come to pass and remains so today.


09-12-2014, 04:28 AM
Something freaky happened today ... I've been packing for the move and while packing I'm sorting through a ton of photographs to give to various members of the family. While flashing through a set I came across my ex and I with the towers in the background. Found a couple more and it gave me chills to think that they are gone now. It was like seeing a ghost in the background. Same kind of creepy feeling .... especially that I found it today.