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View Full Version : Democrats are not fear mongers

09-13-2014, 05:58 AM
That's what Nancy Pelosi said in a recent interview. And then in the next breath - she states that civilization as we know it would be in jeopardy should the republicans win the senate. WTF? I wonder if she at least reads the internet on occasion, and realizes after the fact what a flaming asshole she is?

Nancy Pelosi: Civilization ‘In Jeopardy’ If GOP Takes Senate

On the one hand, California U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi claims that Democrats are not “fear-mongers;” on the other hand, she believes civilization is doomed if Republicans take control of the Senate from Democrats in November.

The former speaker of the House made those dramatic, incongruous statements on “Real Time with Bill Maher,” which aired live from Washington, D.C. Friday.

Maher asked Pelosi about recent polling which shows that the GOP is likely to take over the upper chamber and asked, given gridlock in Washingon, why it matters that Democrats keep control.

“It would be very important for the Democrats to retain control of the Senate,” Pelosi told Maher. “Civilization as we know it today would be in jeopardy if the Republicans win the Senate.”

Democrats currently hold 53 seats in the Senate. Republicans have 45. Two independents caucus with Democrats.


09-13-2014, 06:29 AM
That's what Nancy Pelosi said in a recent interview. And then in the next breath - she states that civilization as we know it would be in jeopardy should the republicans win the senate. WTF? I wonder if she at least reads the internet on occasion, and realizes after the fact what a flaming asshole she is?

Nancy Pelosi: Civilization ‘In Jeopardy’ If GOP Takes Senate


Pelosi doesn't bother. She's a screwball of the highest order. What should be worried about is the fact that people believe her and keep putting her screwy ass back in office. There's no "maybe" ... no benefit of doubt. The woman's a loon. No one in their right mind could not see that. Yet she still holds office.

Abbey Marie
09-13-2014, 10:26 AM
My question, is Pelosi a liar, or an idiot? Put another way, does she believe the things she says?

09-13-2014, 10:28 AM
My question, is Pelosi a liar, or an idiot? Put another way, does she believe the things she says?

I'm going for idiot.

09-13-2014, 11:46 AM
My question, is Pelosi a liar, or an idiot? Put another way, does she believe the things she says?

My money is on her being a crackhead. Drug abuse and crazy are the only two scenarios that could actually explain the commentary that dimwit constantly spews.......but I have no strong feelings about her one way or another. :laugh:

09-13-2014, 12:50 PM
My question, is Pelosi a liar, or an idiot? Put another way, does she believe the things she says?

My answer is that Pelosi is both a liar AND an idiot. I think she believes her own lies

09-13-2014, 04:10 PM
Pelosi is Living Proof that garbage always rots, lobotomy's never work, and colonoscopies performed on the face require much more than Botox treatments to survive.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-13-2014, 04:12 PM
That's what Nancy Pelosi said in a recent interview. And then in the next breath - she states that civilization as we know it would be in jeopardy should the republicans win the senate. WTF? I wonder if she at least reads the internet on occasion, and realizes after the fact what a flaming asshole she is?

Nancy Pelosi: Civilization ‘In Jeopardy’ If GOP Takes Senate


As if the Dem led and promoted global warming hoax/scam isn't the biggest false fear ever heaped upon man worldwide!!
you simply can not make up the lunacy in her statement.. :laugh:
Yet the Cali loons keep inflicting her brand of stupidity upon us....
The Cali loons are in a very special class all to themselves IMHO..

Only the Washington "ruling class" gives them a race to be first place in insanity and stupidity.. -Tyr

09-13-2014, 06:34 PM
That's what Nancy Pelosi said in a recent interview. And then in the next breath - she states that civilization as we know it would be in jeopardy should the republicans win the senate. WTF? I wonder if she at least reads the internet on occasion, and realizes after the fact what a flaming asshole she is?

Nancy Pelosi: Civilization ‘In Jeopardy’ If GOP Takes Senate


Does that mean Obama is going to send the IRS to audit Y2K games if the GOP takes the Senate unless they make building the Kremlin result in an immediate victory in Civilization V?



09-14-2014, 10:02 AM
My question, is Pelosi a liar, or an idiot? Put another way, does she believe the things she says?

I think she believes the people she's speaking to are idiots.
And that she can just say ANYTHING and people will buy it, at least some people.

I wish i could find the clip of her being asked a question about democratic campaign promises.
she said
"well ... we say a lot of things during the campaign don't we."
with a giggle and crocodile smile.

Republicans at least try to wrap their lies in with a cover of thin or unrelated facts,
or try to make them more or less consistent,
or use some patch work principal of higher justice (read security 911!!!) being served for telling the lies or killing people illegally .

but dems will just spin their heads around and say 2 different thing in one sentence and look at you like YOU'RE crazy if you don't buy both.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-14-2014, 11:05 AM
I think she believes the people she's speaking to are idiots.
And that she can just say ANYTHING and people will buy it, at least some people.

I wish i could find the clip of her being asked a question about democratic campaign promises.
she said
"well ... we say a lot of things during the campaign don't we."
with a giggle and crocodile smile.

Republicans at least try to wrap their lies in with a cover of thin or unrelated facts,
or try to make them more or less consistent,
or use some patch work principal of higher justice (read security 911!!!) being served for telling the lies or killing people illegally .

but dems will just spin their heads around and say 2 different thing in one sentence and look at you like YOU'RE crazy if you don't buy both.

I think she believes the people she's speaking to are idiots.
And that she can just say ANYTHING and people will buy it, at least some people.

And why shouldn't she believe that???
Those idiots(scum) keep voting her in don't they??--Tyr