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View Full Version : College Students Sign Petition To Support ISIS … On 9/11

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-16-2014, 08:57 AM

College Students Sign Petition To Support ISIS … On 9/11

College Students Sign Petition To Support ISIS … On 9/11[VIDEO]

Multiple college students signed a petition to support the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) last week.

Media Research Center TV reporter Dan Joseph went to the campus of George Washington University on Thursday, Sept. 11, and collected a dozen signatures from students on a petition to President Barack Obama to not only stop bombing ISIS, but also actively support the terrorist group. ISIS has beheaded two American journalists, James Foley and Steven Sotloff.

By supporting ISIS instead of bombing them we think we can avoid war,” Joseph explains to one signee in the video. ”And uh, you know, they’re just like just like us — only with slightly more beheadings.”

“Oh they’re the ones that kept beheading us?” the student said before signing the petition.

“Every religion has their moments,” explained one girl who signed the petition. “I mean, come on, we can — don’t even get me started where the Christians used to, uh, what they did to the non-believers once upon a time.”

To their credit, a few students were outraged by the petition.

“What the f**k?” one student said. “People are [expletives].” Asked why he thinks some students signed the petition, he said it’s because “they don’t watch the news and they vote uneducated that’s why.”

“For you to stand out here and do that, when they beheaded two americans on live TV, that’s f**king disgraceful!” another student said. “You should be ashamed to call yourself, to even live in this country.”

“At least some people get it,” Joseph remarks, but later concludes. “We’re screwed America.”

^^^^ Yes, folks welcome to our institutions of higher learning.
These are the morons our colleges are turning out and our media/dem party screams are the best candidates to run this nation--these are obama people and exactly how the ffing obambastard was educated too.

Worse than just being sad, it is extremely dangerous for all of us!!

This is why I laugh at the smug , arrogant types that scream of their college degrees and supposed brilliance.
Colleges have not been truly great since before the 60's IMHO..
And that is over 50 years for the dumbass dem readers that may read this post..- :laugh: -Tyr

09-16-2014, 09:06 AM
I think it should be mandatory to teach courses that highlight the current state of the world. How can kids learn math, English, physics and all that other stuff - but still come out clueless about the world around them?

09-16-2014, 09:54 AM
I think it should be mandatory to teach courses that highlight the current state of the world. How can kids learn math, English, physics and all that other stuff - but still come out clueless about the world around them?
Sounds good on paper Jim but you know the only instructors involved with that would be those with an anti-American worldview. You might land up making things worse lol.
Hell, colleges would probably even hire fundamentalist Imams straight from the Middle East to teach that course.

Abbey Marie
09-16-2014, 12:41 PM
^^^^ Yes, folks welcome to our institutions of higher learning.
These are the morons our colleges are turning out and our media/dem party screams are the best candidates to run this nation--these are obama people and exactly how the ffing obambastard was educated too.

Worse than just being sad, it is extremely dangerous for all of us!!

This is why I laugh at the smug , arrogant types that scream of their college degrees and supposed brilliance.
Colleges have not been truly great since before the 60's IMHO..
And that is over 50 years for the dumbass dem readers that may read this post..- :laugh: -Tyr

Well, Tyr, it looks more and more like your warnings about Americans falling for Islamic horrors are warranted. Of course, I never doubted you...

09-16-2014, 01:08 PM
is this one of those petitions that's just testing the ignorance and gullibility of people.
sign this petition to repeal the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th etc amendments, execute gun owners, mandatory euthansia for elders on obama care, infanticide added to obamacare, Petition to add Carcinogens to water,etc

this one takes the cake
Signing the "I am a moron petition"
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/LIvea_QWF4g?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-16-2014, 09:13 PM
Well, Tyr, it looks more and more like your warnings about Americans falling for Islamic horrors are warranted. Of course, I never doubted you...

Careful my friend..
fj dun prove dis ole racist to bez a racist.
You kud git tainted wid da "guilt by association" thang.. :laugh:

Yet look at how in just 3 short years how much of my thread--I Take My Stand, has came to be obvious to so many now and the muslim infiltration, subversion , corruption and dem politician buying has
now divided and weakened this nation. Exactly the same pattern they used in Britain and Britain now has hate speech laws designed specifically to protect the muslims and give them extra -special citizen status--just like they demand and get in every western infidel nation they now infest! -Tyr

red state
09-16-2014, 10:40 PM
[QUOTE=revelarts;704913]is this one of those petitions that's just testing the ignorance and gullibility of people.
sign this petition to repeal the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th etc amendments, execute gun owners, mandatory euthansia for elders on obama care, infanticide added to obamacare, Petition to add Carcinogens to water,etc

this one takes the cake
Signing the "I am a moron petition"QUOTE]

Yep....that one is the mother of all "mothers" when it comes to the ignorance of those signing such things. I want to say leftist but I'm sure there may have been 1 Conservative out of a 1,000 libs who signed without looking. Bad thing for them is that the only guy that may have possibly been a Conservative was the one who actually READ the darn thing. Even worse is the reasons that many who signed were signing for......illegal border invaders, dope and tree huggin'.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-17-2014, 08:11 AM
The big question is-- why isn't this revelation about the dismal failure of our colleges being splashed across the mainstream news??
Answer --is their is no real mainstream news--there is a mainstream propaganda machine ran by the Dem party, the feds and overseen by the globalists (foreign).....
Which is why most of the Obama corruption and out and out attacks upon our Constitution has been covered for and even denied by his bots, sycophants, leftist, muslims and the rest of this nation's TRUE ENEMIES!
Tis' why the many scandals how been denied or drastically down played then cast so quickly into the dustbin.. With only independent or rightwing news keeping them barely alive for only the minority of Americans to consider!-Tyr

09-22-2014, 12:48 PM
Careful my friend..
fj dun prove dis ole racist to bez a racist.

That I did. Just calling a spade a spade. But I see you prefer to troll in different threads rather than confront the truth I've told in the other threads you've started.