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View Full Version : The Deaf pushing for right to serve in Military (non combat roles)

09-16-2014, 12:04 PM

I'm sympathetic to the argument but I think the reality is this presents unique challenges to the military even in non-combat roles. However, I'm not a Vet and cannot make a fully informed opinion.
What do our DP vets think of this?

09-16-2014, 12:22 PM
They shouldn't have to push. It could be an asset in certain roles. They don't need earplugs on the firing range for starters.

09-16-2014, 12:34 PM
They shouldn't have to push. It could be an asset in certain roles. They don't need earplugs on the firing range for starters.

I don't think so. They'd just die. Communications is as big a weapon as the rifle you carry.

09-16-2014, 02:18 PM
There are lots of jobs for Deaf in the Military - as CIVILIANS. SweetJumpinJosephandMary.

Holy shit now...really.

People are pussies. Accept you cannot do EVERYTHING and ANYTHING you want. Find another way.

09-16-2014, 05:20 PM

I'm sympathetic to the argument but I think the reality is this presents unique challenges to the military even in non-combat roles. However, I'm not a Vet and cannot make a fully informed opinion.
What do our DP vets think of this?

COMMON SENSE. Which seems to have been lost on this question would be...Obviously. It would be a safety hazard in many situations on military bases...outside of protected area's.

SAFETY must always come before FAIRNESS, and EQUAL Opportunity. As long as the SAFETY FACTOR is in play. There is no reason NOT to have the Deaf serving in the military.

BUT...how long before the other extremes begin to take effect? Like Blindness?


09-16-2014, 05:46 PM
In the military everyone, no matter what their job, is a potential infantryman. Just because they are not in a combat role doesn't mean they might not get placed in that role due to enemy action. There's a reason the military demands good physical conditioning. This is more left wing, how can we further destroy the US military, rhetoric.

If your putting deaf people in the military you might as well put in the blind, diabetics, obese, mentally retarded and epileptics. Just think queers are now eligible to be drafted. It no longer can be used to keep from being conscripted.

09-16-2014, 05:50 PM
In the military everyone, no matter what their job, is a potential infantryman. Just because they are not in a combat role doesn't mean they might not get placed in that role due to enemy action. There's a reason the military demands good physical conditioning. This is more left wing, how can we further destroy the US military, rhetoric.

If your putting deaf people in the military you might as well put in the blind, diabetics, obese, mentally retarded and epileptics. Just think queers are now eligible to be drafted. It no longer can be used to keep from being conscripted.

Gaffer. It now appears that "D.A.D.T." is slowly getting a much broader, more Liberal reach in the Military.

Before long. If Obama has his way. Anyone who attempts to join today's military won't need to know how to read, write, count, see, hear, or breath. So we Won't be able to ASK, or TELL anyone anything. Sounding very much like the Obama administration.

09-16-2014, 06:55 PM
It sounds like a pretty dumb idea to me.

If you can't communicate with that soldier via voice, radio or other auditory means, I can't see how that person would be an asset.

The only possible job for a deaf person that I could see being helpful would be for lip-reading, but that would probably fall under intelligence areas anyway.

09-16-2014, 09:12 PM
It sounds like a pretty dumb idea to me.

If you can't communicate with that soldier via voice, radio or other auditory means, I can't see how that person would be an asset.

The only possible job for a deaf person that I could see being helpful would be for lip-reading, but that would probably fall under intelligence areas anyway.

NightTrain. How would anyone ever explain to their family, speaking of the Deaf member of the military. How when everybody was yelling "DUCK"...he/she just didn't hear the screams?:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: