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09-17-2014, 02:24 AM

U.S. to Commit Up to 3,000 Troops to Fight Ebola in Africa

09-17-2014, 02:41 AM

U.S. to Commit Up to 3,000 Troops to Fight Ebola in Africa

He's attempting to 'out do' Bush and Clinton in Africa, will the media buy it? Don't be so sure they'll give him a pass.

09-17-2014, 07:58 AM

U.S. to Commit Up to 3,000 Troops to Fight Ebola in Africa

Brilliant. 3K troops to battle a virus. I wonder how come no one else thought of that. They going to fix bayonets and threaten the virus, or what?:laugh:

Seriously. Needlessly exposing 3,000 troops to a deadly virus they can bring back here?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-17-2014, 08:02 AM
He's attempting to 'out do' Bush and Clinton in Africa, will the media buy it? Don't be so sure they'll give him a pass.

I think he is hoping

A. To get our troops killed by way of getting infect
B. Bring Ebola back into the States to kill as many Americans as possible

What I find amazing is just how few Americans have found out that this ffing worm hates this nation, "we infidels" and all of Western Civilization.
When a complete look at his life and actions so clearly reveals that truth.

As Commander-in-Chief of our military forces why would he send our military to fight--DISEASE-- in Africa when they should be fighting muslims that are dedicated to the total destruction of this nation?

What's that sweetest sound he ever heard?????


I have neither heard a believing Christian openly mock Scripture as Obama did during the campaign nor heard one mock those who cling to their guns and Bibles.

Though Obama would have us believe that he sat through 20 years of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's sermons without hearing a word, it's hard for us to overlook the fact that Wright took the Lord's name in vain in his church and that the church subscribes to black liberation theology, which seems more race-centered than Christ-centered. We also shake our heads in discovering that this church, through its publications, has championed the causes of certain terrorist organizations.

In office, Obama has rarely attended church and has routinely snubbed Christianity and Christian symbols while consistently espousing values inconsistent with the biblical ethic. On the other hand, he has gone out of his way to glorify Islam. He told us in one of his books that the Muslim call to prayer was the sweetest sound he'd ever heard.

More significantly, he said in his Cairo speech to the Muslim world that Islam is a revealed religion. I'm amazed this didn't get more attention because it is extremely anomalous for a believing Christian to refer to Islam as a revealed religion. The word "revealed" had to have been carefully chosen and was absolutely unnecessary to convey his overtures to the Muslim world. One needn't affirm another person's religion to extend him a hand of friendship and peace.

Words have meaning, and if Obama believes Islam was revealed, then he most certainly believes it was revealed by God. If it was revealed by God more than 600 years after Christ was on earth and contains beliefs wholly inconsistent with doctrinal Christianity — such as that Christ was not God, but a mere prophet — then, in that essential particular, it cannot possibly be reconciled with Christianity. If Obama truly believes Islam was revealed by God, I can't fathom how he could be a believing Christian. I don't know that Obama is not a Christian, but I am dubious.

David Limbaugh is a writer, author and attorney. His new book, "Crimes Against Liberty," is out now. To find out more about David Limbaugh, please visit his website at www.DavidLimbaugh.com. To read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com.

09-17-2014, 11:13 AM
We have a Last Ship scenario being played out here.

09-17-2014, 11:20 AM
Brilliant. 3K troops to battle a virus. I wonder how come no one else thought of that. They going to fix bayonets and threaten the virus, or what?:laugh:

Seriously. Needlessly exposing 3,000 troops to a deadly virus they can bring back here?

Are you trying to say that the U.S. military is not the solution to every world problem?

09-17-2014, 11:32 AM
I wonder if Obama (with his family by his side) is going to be on the tarmack welcoming these troops home with a salute and hand shakes for each soldier?

09-17-2014, 11:49 AM
I know this will be unpopular but I'm in favor of this. Better to fight that deadly virus on African soil rather than the U.S. And let's be honest, these aren't combat troops we're sending. They're engineers, medical, logistics, command and control, etc. Yes, they will be exposed but before being able to openly return to the U.S., they will be screened and quarantined if needed.
What's the alternative? Sit back and hope the Atlantic Ocean will protect us?

The only thing I find concerning is Obama's clear commitment to fight this deadly Ebola virus and less than clear commitment to fight the deadly virus known as ISIL.

09-17-2014, 02:25 PM

U.S. to Commit Up to 3,000 Troops to Fight Ebola in Africa

Because it is?

It's just another Obamalama "in yer face and FU America" from the Commie/Muzzie-In-Chief. We should get used to it. It's only going to get worse as he doubles-down on his mission and agenda over the next two years.

09-17-2014, 02:36 PM
I know this will be unpopular but I'm in favor of this. Better to fight that deadly virus on African soil rather than the U.S. And let's be honest, these aren't combat troops we're sending. They're engineers, medical, logistics, command and control, etc. Yes, they will be exposed but before being able to openly return to the U.S., they will be screened and quarantined if needed.
What's the alternative? Sit back and hope the Atlantic Ocean will protect us?

The only thing I find concerning is Obama's clear commitment to fight this deadly Ebola virus and less than clear commitment to fight the deadly virus known as ISIL.

Lol! What makes you think they will be properly quarantined? Supposedly, there's no threat to America from Ebola. They probably won't even bother to screen those troops before bringing them back unless they have a 'cough'.

Heard on talk radio yesterday that the virus stays in recovered patients' blood and semen for 61 days after they are "over it". Half of the folks that get the virus die. But if or when our troops get the virus, assuming they recover, do you really think they're going to abstain from having sex for two months?

One doctor contracted the disease with no "known" contact with an ebola patient ....he was just delivering babies in the Ebola Zone. That means he had to get it just from contact with the bodily fluids of a woman who had not even been diagnosed yet.

This is a deliberate attempt to infect Americans and to cause the chaos that Obama needs to complete his mission of destruction. And much like everything else he has done TO America, we're letting him get away with it.

red state
09-17-2014, 02:55 PM
http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/16/world/africa/obama-to-announce-expanded-effort-against-ebola.html?_r=1 U.S. to Commit Up to 3,000 Troops to Fight Ebola in Africa

Sassy, I've found this to be extremely disturbing as I've found the introduction to our demographics the past few years disturbing. We've not heard much outcry about the diseased border jumpers or considered that B.O. simply could be paving the way for martial law. Look, if he can set an example of what should be done to combat disease/viruses by sending troops and if he can get a pat on the back from the UN......he is very likely to introduce the same scenario here on OUR soil......using both US troops and UN troops. I've been looking for this scenario for several years now......let us sit back and see what happens.

09-17-2014, 03:08 PM
This is a deliberate attempt to infect Americans and to cause the chaos that Obama needs to complete his mission of destruction. And much like everything else he has done TO America, we're letting him get away with it.
That's just plain horse shit.
But OK, let's not do anything. Ebola poses no threat to anyone but people in Africa.

09-17-2014, 10:51 PM
I wonder if Obama (with his family by his side) is going to be on the tarmack welcoming these troops home with a salute and hand shakes for each soldier?

Pigs will fly before this is likely to happen. :coffee:

09-17-2014, 10:55 PM
I know this will be unpopular but I'm in favor of this. Better to fight that deadly virus on African soil rather than the U.S. And let's be honest, these aren't combat troops we're sending. They're engineers, medical, logistics, command and control, etc. Yes, they will be exposed but before being able to openly return to the U.S., they will be screened and quarantined if needed.
What's the alternative? Sit back and hope the Atlantic Ocean will protect us?

The only thing I find concerning is Obama's clear commitment to fight this deadly Ebola virus and less than clear commitment to fight the deadly virus known as ISIL.

TK .... why our troops? Why not send Doctors Without Borders, the Peace Corp, etc. Our troops are trained to fight in a war ... not fight infectious diseases. I do believe we should do something to minimize impact to America ... just not sure putting 3,000 troops on the ground is the common sense thing.

red state
09-17-2014, 11:36 PM
TK .... why our troops? Why not send Doctors Without Borders, the Peace Corp, etc. Our troops are trained to fight in a war ... not fight infectious diseases. I do believe we should do something to minimize impact to America ... just not sure putting 3,000 troops on the ground is the common sense thing.

Well, I believe Rev or someone else may have touched on this but it makes sense to have a "containment" force in case a panic ensues leaving neighboring areas a spread zone. Still, our military should have never been the "world police". As terrible as it may sound, I still believe this could all be planned for a much bigger event. I don't feel that it is to simply kill off our military as I believe someone else suggested. We shall see.

09-17-2014, 11:38 PM
Wellllllll...that kinda makes sense. Are any other nations sending troops for "containment" purposes?

red state
09-20-2014, 10:49 AM
Wellllllll...that kinda makes sense. Are any other nations sending troops for "containment" purposes?

NOPE.....just US good ole, dependable, GIVING Americans the world regards as the Universal Police (expendables).

09-20-2014, 09:01 PM
Only one thing disturbs me more than the Ebola threats, and that one thing is.....http://icansayit.com/images/obambook.jpg

09-20-2014, 10:07 PM
I know this will be unpopular but I'm in favor of this. Better to fight that deadly virus on African soil rather than the U.S. And let's be honest, these aren't combat troops we're sending. They're engineers, medical, logistics, command and control, etc. Yes, they will be exposed but before being able to openly return to the U.S., they will be screened and quarantined if needed.
What's the alternative? Sit back and hope the Atlantic Ocean will protect us?

The only thing I find concerning is Obama's clear commitment to fight this deadly Ebola virus and less than clear commitment to fight the deadly virus known as ISIL.

While I commend those healthcare workers, with the courage to volunteer to help, knowing the risks, they know the risks!!! This ebola thang is nothing to mess with and it needs to be contained, in country!!! We don't need to be transporting the illness to multiple U.S. sites, as well as Europe, that's just askin for trouble!!! Then you have to ask, or at least I do, where is the hail is the UN and WHO in all of this???

red state
09-21-2014, 09:25 AM
While I commend those healthcare workers, with the courage to volunteer to help, knowing the risks, they know the risks!!! This ebola thang is nothing to mess with and it needs to be contained, in country!!! We don't need to be transporting the illness to multiple U.S. sites, as well as Europe, that's just askin for trouble!!! Then you have to ask, or at least I do, where is the hail is the UN and WHO in all of this???

Granny, everyone knows that we're the 'City Police' and the UN is the 'mayor' and as the city police, we are simply doing the UN's business. So, they (the UN) are truly all in this thing. Oh.....B.O.....he's the mayor's lil' stooge (just as iSLUM is under the approval of what the 'mayor' and the liberal stooges who believe they can use the iSLUMists just as Hitler was used. It backfired on them back in the days of WWII and it (IS) backfiring on the pukes of today (PUKES being the UN and the libs).

Ebola is just a fraction of the problem.....I'm more concerned with the unregulated distribution or dimocrat votes, diseases and iSLUMist threats of our "guests" south of the border than I am the "regulated" ebola virus. There are those who do not see this threat for what it is but I tell you that this 'south of the border' and liberal exodus to our border States is (IS) changing that area for the worse. Those who scoff or make lightly of this (as if they will NEVER allow such a change) are only deluding themselves to the FACT. They, whether wanting to acknowledge it or not, have already changed and it is quite possible to see Red States turn blue (or at least VERY purple). Ask yourself: "IF I (YOU) disagree with what is going on....what has been done to stop it and when will enough be enough before CHANGE slaps you in the face?" You have illegal activity and threats stomping all over you YET you say that you have it all under control and that you'll not lose in the end. I say that you (WE) have already lost simply through submission and while the water gets hotter and hotter. Perhaps if the water had been scolding hot to begin with but with the gradual warming......we've already been cooked (ALIVE).

I'm no Bush fan (any of them) but had Bush did half of what this Bad Odor has done, the left would have had camps all around OUR White House lawn in protest....possibly riots with bloodshed. This is what THEY want us to do and I've been interested to know just how peacefully and honorably this Bad Odor will leave office and hand the reigns over. That guy has always spooked the fire out of me and I don't see how many don't see through him (or the threat he has proven himself to be). Some love him out of mutual HATE for this Nation.....others are still ignorant and, sadly, some are still sleeping.

10-03-2014, 10:38 AM
That's just plain horse shit.
But OK, let's not do anything. Ebola poses no threat to anyone but people in Africa.

And speaking of horse shit.....

there's about 100 people in Dallas right now.....

that would disagree with you on that.

There are also folks in Italy and Spain and Australia that would disagree.

But hey....

you obviously know better than they do, right?

red state
10-03-2014, 07:14 PM
Agree with the above statement.....the BULL I see is liberals who deny.....

This is already HERE folks and before Ebama sends troops there and everywhere, we need them on our border "containing" that endless list of diseases that are already infecting our citizenry. Yes, I believe this is all planned and that it is going well (for those that hate America).

President Ebama is either stupid, very evil or both. Like most liberals, my bet says he's BOTH.

10-03-2014, 07:47 PM
Agree with the above statement.....the BULL I see is liberals who deny.....

This is already HERE folks and before Ebama sends troops there and everywhere, we need them on our border "containing" that endless list of diseases that are already infecting our citizenry. Yes, I believe this is all planned and that it is going well (for those that hate America).

President Ebama is either stupid, very evil or both. Like most liberals, my bet says he's BOTH.

Amen Red!