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View Full Version : Australian police: Raids thwarted beheading plot

09-18-2014, 08:37 AM
Something like this would set off a mass panic. And I'm afraid this won't be the only country this will be attempted in, and others might be successful. :(

SYDNEY (AP) — Police on Thursday said they thwarted a plot to carry out beheadings in Australia by supporters of the radical Islamic State group. They detained 15 people and raided more than a dozen properties across Sydney, though nine of those brought in were freed before the day was over.

The raids involving 800 federal and state police officers — the largest in the country's history — came in response to intelligence that an Islamic State group leader in the Middle East was calling on Australian supporters to kill, Prime Minister Tony Abbott said.

Abbott was asked about reports that the detainees were planning to behead a random person in Sydney.

"That's the intelligence we received," he told reporters. "The exhortations — quite direct exhortations — were coming from an Australian who is apparently quite senior in ISIL to networks of support back in Australia to conduct demonstration killings here in this country."

ISIL refers to the al-Qaida splinter group leading Sunni militants in Iraq, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, which now calls itself simply Islamic State.

"This is not just suspicion, this is intent and that's why the police and security agencies decided to act in the way they have," Abbott said.

Nine of those detained were later released, New South Wales police said. They did not say why, or whether they will face charges later.

The raids came just days after the country raised its terrorism threat to the second-highest level in response to the domestic threat posed by supporters of the Islamic State group. At the time, Abbott stressed that there was no information suggesting a terror attack was imminent.

Later Thursday, Attorney General George Brandis confirmed that a person born in Afghanistan who had spent time in Australia and is now working with the Islamic State group in the Middle East ordered supporters in Australia to behead people and videotape the killings.

"If the ... police had not acted today, there is a likelihood that this would have happened," Brandis told the Australian Broadcasting Corp.

Abbott and Brandis did not name the Australian. But Mohammad Ali Baryalei, who is believed to be Australia's most senior member of the Islamic State group, was named as a co-conspirator in court documents filed Thursday. Police have issued an arrest warrant for Baryalei, a 33-year-old former Sydney nightclub bouncer.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-18-2014, 09:12 AM
Isn't that Jafar territory?

Say, wonder what he is doing now? hmmmm.. ;)--Tyr

09-18-2014, 12:56 PM
all these fuckers wanna do is wack heads.

09-18-2014, 01:02 PM
Isn't that Jafar territory?

Say, wonder what he is doing now? hmmmm.. ;)--Tyr

Tyr. I instantly began to wonder the same thing. Remember how jafar bragged so much with his propaganda machine; how he felt so much safer down there in OZ??

I honestly believe...after we began to learn, and hear about ISIS, or ISIL more often, at the same time we stopped hearing from jafar. That he may have decided to JOIN one of those groups to perpetuate, and prove his hatred.

Guess we'll never really know since he either CAN'T, or REFUSES to come back here to try and Defend his hatred.

09-19-2014, 08:27 AM
Nah, while I believe Jafar is VERY misguided in his beliefs and whom he supports/protests, I still don't see him as a guy being violent or having violent connections. For what appears to be a very bright guy, I believe he is naive when it comes to religion, and very naive and/or in denial as to what happens within Islam around the world. I believe he condemned ISIS as well.

Ok, I just put my helmet on, commence with the tossing of tomatoes! :poke:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-19-2014, 08:36 AM
Nah, while I believe Jafar is VERY misguided in his beliefs and whom he supports/protests, I still don't see him as a guy being violent or having violent connections. For what appears to be a very bright guy, I believe he is naive when it comes to religion, and very naive and/or in denial as to what happens within Islam around the world. I believe he condemned ISIS as well.

Ok, I just put my helmet on, commence with the tossing of tomatoes! :poke:
No tomatoes Jim , but his deception here ran very deep. I started three years ago trying to get him to slip up and reveal his inner loyalties . It took three long years and this latest Hamas war on Israel to get him to make that big slip. Nobody asked him to leave , to not return to continue posting his views but he apparently saw his cover was blown finally.
Additionally , in my view does not matter if he engages in the murdering violence directly himself if he supports it he is just as guilty IMHO.
And this latest go-round he revealed he supports it, hates Israel and believes in/supports jihad/terrorism.
nuff said on that.. -Tyr

09-19-2014, 08:48 AM
No tomatoes Jim , but his deception here ran very deep. I started three years ago trying to get him to slip up and reveal his inner loyalties . It took three long years and this latest Hamas war on Israel to get him to make that big slip. Nobody asked him to leave , to not return to continue posting his views but he apparently saw his cover was blown finally.
Additionally , in my view does not matter if he engages in the murdering violence directly himself if he supports it he is just as guilty IMHO.
And this latest go-round he revealed he supports it, hates Israel and believes in/supports jihad/terrorism.
nuff said on that.. -Tyr

I agree his loyalties seem askew. I thought he slipped up with his defense/support of Hamas long before this latest war, but that proved his prior spin on things. He became emboldened it appeared. I know I certainly didn't ask him to leave either! I also agree that ANY type of aid, even moral support, is nonetheless aid and helps them. I even stated this to Jafar himself on several occasions. My "support" of him was in reference to ISIS and this article, and additionally that I didn't think he was violent. I didn't mean to imply he was my best buddy, or that his prior/current support of Hamas and/or any other type of sympathy for terrorists, was somehow forgotten!

09-19-2014, 09:13 AM
My take on Jafar was that his mission here at DP was to paint a moderate face on Islam. But when called out on the atrocities and his constant attempts to deflect weren't working, he grew frustrated.

Distorting historical events didn't work, distorting current events didn't work and he finally realized that if anything, his efforts here were detrimental to his cause because his lack of honesty was apparent to everyone.

All he had to say was that he was wrong when he was cornered and he would have gained respect from me at least on that level. He never once did, and it was proven in many threads by myself and a lot of other members that he was wrong on a multitude of subjects.

I did notice that he pulled way back when I asked him if the Australian authorities were aware of his staunch support of terrorism and he disappeared not long after. Coincidence?

Abbey Marie
09-19-2014, 09:19 AM
My take on Jafar was that his mission here at DP was to paint a moderate face on Islam. But when called out on the atrocities and his constant attempts to deflect weren't working, he grew frustrated.

Distorting historical events didn't work, distorting current events didn't work and he finally realized that if anything, his efforts here were detrimental to his cause because his lack of honesty was apparent to everyone.

All he had to say was that he was wrong when he was cornered and he would have gained respect from me at least on that level. He never once did, and it was proven in many threads by myself and a lot of other members that he was wrong on a multitude of subjects.

I did notice that he pulled way back when I asked him if the Australian authorities were aware of his staunch support of terrorism and he disappeared not long after. Coincidence?


You hit it on the head, NT.

And I'd be lying if I said I didn't wonder if there is any connection between Jafar leaving us so suddenly, and the current situation in Australia. Hopefully not.

09-19-2014, 12:14 PM
I think that both Tyr and NightTrain make excellent points.

I saw Jafar as being on a mission here, to sanitise the perception people would have of Islam ... to send people 'to sleep' when it came to being alert to it as an ongoing threat. Didn't he go so far as to say that acts of terrorism were themselves un-Islamic ... even despite the tons of evidence that they're inextricably linked ??

And then .... we saw, for my money, a very ugly truth emerge. The latest Gaza v Israel conflict kicked off in earnest, and what did we see from Jafar ?? A mixture of efforts to demonise Israel, and equally, not ONE WORD against Hamas, regardless of what they themselves were doing. And he wouldn't budge from those efforts.

This all, surely, blew any 'peaceloving' image of his out of the water.

And I'm sure he completely understood that.

For that reason, I'm NOT prepared to even begin to make any judgement in Jafar's favour as to how truly anti-war, or 'peaceloving', he really was. The fact is, what we saw was contradictory .. an image crafted, which when tested by real events, did not stand up to scrutiny !! You don't do what Jafar did in his final days of activity here, and at the same time CREDIBLY prove yourself 'peaceloving'.

09-19-2014, 04:06 PM
Nah, while I believe Jafar is VERY misguided in his beliefs and whom he supports/protests, I still don't see him as a guy being violent or having violent connections. For what appears to be a very bright guy, I believe he is naive when it comes to religion, and very naive and/or in denial as to what happens within Islam around the world. I believe he condemned ISIS as well.

Ok, I just put my helmet on, commence with the tossing of tomatoes! :poke:

Jim. Keep in mind. OSAMA BIN LADEN was also a very bright guy as well.

09-19-2014, 05:03 PM
Maybe I'm wrong, wouldn't be the first time. Just read thousands of the mans posts, and I honestly didn't see him as a violent person. And I know he condemned ISIS. He may even have radical views, but that by itself doesn't make him violent, or associated with violence. Absolutely no doubt that he has radical views on some subjects. Those radical views, held by many Muslims, help to enable and lend moral support for terrorists and others that would prefer evil over good, IMO. I'll accuse him of the latter, as I told him many times that his views gave support to terrorists. I just haven't seen anything to lead me to believe he could be violent, or be associated with such. His Hamas fascination I never understood, nor his defense of almost anything Islam, nor his ability to declare any bad person "not a real Muslim". But more often than not, he spoke out against violence, and much of it committed by Muslims, even if he did try to disassociate the religion from every bad offense.

09-19-2014, 06:41 PM
Maybe I'm wrong, wouldn't be the first time. Just read thousands of the mans posts, and I honestly didn't see him as a violent person. And I know he condemned ISIS. He may even have radical views, but that by itself doesn't make him violent, or associated with violence. Absolutely no doubt that he has radical views on some subjects. Those radical views, held by many Muslims, help to enable and lend moral support for terrorists and others that would prefer evil over good, IMO. I'll accuse him of the latter, as I told him many times that his views gave support to terrorists. I just haven't seen anything to lead me to believe he could be violent, or be associated with such. His Hamas fascination I never understood, nor his defense of almost anything Islam, nor his ability to declare any bad person "not a real Muslim". But more often than not, he spoke out against violence, and much of it committed by Muslims, even if he did try to disassociate the religion from every bad offense.

Jim, I think the point was (is) that Jafar showed us opposite sides of himself. On the one hand, he painted himself as a peaceloving individual .. being careful to place that firmly within his chosen context of his 'peaceloving religion' (.. 'of course' ..). But on the other, his love of peace somehow didn't extend to the practical application of it which the 'test' of the Gaza v Israel situation should've wanted him to identify with, and promote - that of wanting peace between both sides, decrying the use of terrorist attacks ...

... somehow, that mindset utterly deserted him, at the very time when it would've been most appropriate to give it some public expression !!

HOW COME -- if Jafar was as we were led to believe he was ?

I don't think we really properly understood what Jafar amounted to as an individual, so it's maybe unwise to think we can come to any useful conclusions. What we thought we 'knew', I still say, was invalidated by the reaction he gave once tested by a real situation.

You say he spoke out against violence. Well, Hamas committed plenty of it, didn't they, when they launched all their rockets in the direction of Israel. Did Jafar speak out against ANY of those attacks ? OR, was he totally one-sided in the criticisms, and his attempted demonisations ?

The safe conclusion to come to is to say that Jafar was loyal to his Muslim brethren, which was proven to include Hamas terrorists ... at a time of ultimate testing. That's to say, their terrorism was NOT criticised at the time they perpetrated it !

09-20-2014, 05:53 AM
Jim, I think the point was (is) that Jafar showed us opposite sides of himself. On the one hand, he painted himself as a peaceloving individual .. being careful to place that firmly within his chosen context of his 'peaceloving religion' (.. 'of course' ..). But on the other, his love of peace somehow didn't extend to the practical application of it which the 'test' of the Gaza v Israel situation should've wanted him to identify with, and promote - that of wanting peace between both sides, decrying the use of terrorist attacks ...

... somehow, that mindset utterly deserted him, at the very time when it would've been most appropriate to give it some public expression !!

HOW COME -- if Jafar was as we were led to believe he was ?

I don't think we really properly understood what Jafar amounted to as an individual, so it's maybe unwise to think we can come to any useful conclusions. What we thought we 'knew', I still say, was invalidated by the reaction he gave once tested by a real situation.

You say he spoke out against violence. Well, Hamas committed plenty of it, didn't they, when they launched all their rockets in the direction of Israel. Did Jafar speak out against ANY of those attacks ? OR, was he totally one-sided in the criticisms, and his attempted demonisations ?

The safe conclusion to come to is to say that Jafar was loyal to his Muslim brethren, which was proven to include Hamas terrorists ... at a time of ultimate testing. That's to say, their terrorism was NOT criticised at the time they perpetrated it !

No, Jafar didn't speak out against Hamas attacks. That's why I said "more often than not" he spoke out against violence, but he did not when it came to Hamas. I think we all agreed on that all along. My point still stands though, I don't think he is violent, or gave us any reason to believe that, nor associated with any violent/radical people.

I'm not debating with you guys, nor trying to change minds, nor trying to make Jafar out to be a 'saint' - but in order for me to label someone as having violence in them, I need proof. In order for me to say someone is perhaps associated with radicals that commit violence, I need proof. While I know he sided with anything Islam, and tossed away anyone within Islam that did bad - outside of Hamas, he denounced the overwhelming majority of violence that he read/heard about. I saw him more as a denier than I did a promoter of violence.

Abbey Marie
09-20-2014, 07:43 AM
I guess the question is, do we believe Jafar's protestations that he was against violence, or do we not? It really comes down to that.

09-20-2014, 08:02 AM
I guess the question is, do we believe Jafar's protestations that he was against violence, or do we not? It really comes down to that.

I do. Outside of supporting Hamas' "struggle" against the Jews, I never saw him support violence. Of course everyone is entitled to their personal opinions, and I fully expect some to say that they don't believe what he has said. For me personally, I would need proof in some manner. To some, as a "far right, radical nut, nazi, chickenhawk..." they may perceive me as a dangerous person, or some might even perceive "violence" out of it. I just hope if this happens, that someone has some solid proof of such to state that about me. And to think he may not be believable is even cool, but that doesn't make him violent, nor having any such connections.

09-20-2014, 05:12 PM
I do. Outside of supporting Hamas' "struggle" against the Jews, I never saw him support violence. Of course everyone is entitled to their personal opinions, and I fully expect some to say that they don't believe what he has said. For me personally, I would need proof in some manner. To some, as a "far right, radical nut, nazi, chickenhawk..." they may perceive me as a dangerous person, or some might even perceive "violence" out of it. I just hope if this happens, that someone has some solid proof of such to state that about me. And to think he may not be believable is even cool, but that doesn't make him violent, nor having any such connections.

Jim. You honestly DO NOT REMEMBER jafar's constant Support of HAMAS?

09-20-2014, 05:31 PM
I agree his loyalties seem askew. I thought he slipped up with his defense/support of Hamas long before this latest war, but that proved his prior spin on things. He became emboldened it appeared. I know I certainly didn't ask him to leave either! I also agree that ANY type of aid, even moral support, is nonetheless aid and helps them. I even stated this to Jafar himself on several occasions. My "support" of him was in reference to ISIS and this article, and additionally that I didn't think he was violent. I didn't mean to imply he was my best buddy, or that his prior/current support of Hamas and/or any other type of sympathy for terrorists, was somehow forgotten!

Maybe I'm wrong, wouldn't be the first time. Just read thousands of the mans posts, and I honestly didn't see him as a violent person. And I know he condemned ISIS. He may even have radical views, but that by itself doesn't make him violent, or associated with violence. Absolutely no doubt that he has radical views on some subjects. Those radical views, held by many Muslims, help to enable and lend moral support for terrorists and others that would prefer evil over good, IMO. I'll accuse him of the latter, as I told him many times that his views gave support to terrorists. I just haven't seen anything to lead me to believe he could be violent, or be associated with such. His Hamas fascination I never understood, nor his defense of almost anything Islam, nor his ability to declare any bad person "not a real Muslim". But more often than not, he spoke out against violence, and much of it committed by Muslims, even if he did try to disassociate the religion from every bad offense.

No, Jafar didn't speak out against Hamas attacks. That's why I said "more often than not" he spoke out against violence, but he did not when it came to Hamas. I think we all agreed on that all along. My point still stands though, I don't think he is violent, or gave us any reason to believe that, nor associated with any violent/radical people.

I'm not debating with you guys, nor trying to change minds, nor trying to make Jafar out to be a 'saint' - but in order for me to label someone as having violence in them, I need proof. In order for me to say someone is perhaps associated with radicals that commit violence, I need proof. While I know he sided with anything Islam, and tossed away anyone within Islam that did bad - outside of Hamas, he denounced the overwhelming majority of violence that he read/heard about. I saw him more as a denier than I did a promoter of violence.

I do. Outside of supporting Hamas' "struggle" against the Jews, I never saw him support violence. Of course everyone is entitled to their personal opinions, and I fully expect some to say that they don't believe what he has said. For me personally, I would need proof in some manner. To some, as a "far right, radical nut, nazi, chickenhawk..." they may perceive me as a dangerous person, or some might even perceive "violence" out of it. I just hope if this happens, that someone has some solid proof of such to state that about me. And to think he may not be believable is even cool, but that doesn't make him violent, nor having any such connections.

Jim. You honestly DO NOT REMEMBER jafar's constant Support of HAMAS?

I've mentioned it throughout this very thread.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-20-2014, 07:06 PM
I've mentioned it throughout this very thread.
Yes you have Jim..
Here is how I see it and saw it , --- from the start Jafar could only support one terrorist group or else his scam(propaganda cover) was too damn likely to be exposed early on. It takes time and patience to catch these weasels and I had to be so very careful not to give him any leeway to play the "poor little mistreated victim" card that the muzzies play so damn often . They learned that from the blacks here in America methinks. So I posted my muslim terrorism thread and others but he ran from that glaring truth and even refused to answer me for months at a time. I knew he would eventually crack when he started running away....
The final straw was when Israel started kicking the cowardly Hamas ass. He saw that and let the cat out of the bag.
The same cat I saw immediately upon my arrival here over 3 years ago.
Now exposed he sees no benefit to using his peaceful, nice muslim propaganda here..
Thus he makes like a flushed turd and goes away.. :laugh:--Tyr

09-21-2014, 10:46 AM
Yes you have Jim..
Here is how I see it and saw it , --- from the start Jafar could only support one terrorist group or else his scam(propaganda cover) was too damn likely to be exposed early on. It takes time and patience to catch these weasels and I had to be so very careful not to give him any leeway to play the "poor little mistreated victim" card that the muzzies play so damn often . They learned that from the blacks here in America methinks. So I posted my muslim terrorism thread and others but he ran from that glaring truth and even refused to answer me for months at a time. I knew he would eventually crack when he started running away....
The final straw was when Israel started kicking the cowardly Hamas ass. He saw that and let the cat out of the bag.
The same cat I saw immediately upon my arrival here over 3 years ago.
Now exposed he sees no benefit to using his peaceful, nice muslim propaganda here..
Thus he makes like a flushed turd and goes away.. :laugh:--Tyr

I do think that if one is willing to stand up and defend a terror group, and likely because that group is Muslim and the enemy Jewish, there is a good probability that this person may defend other terror groups that are Muslim. I also have little doubt that his goal was propaganda based, to somehow cancel out the bad things that others had posted here. I think he was actually upset that so many terror stories were related to Islam, so he started by claiming these people were no longer Muslims, or "not real Muslims". But even Jafar can only do that for so long. With thousands and thousands and thousands of attacks, eventually the house of cards will come crumbling down. Why he ever felt the need to somehow defend these things is beyond me. I make NO effort to defend Americans, or Christians, that do evil things.

So the man has a lot of fucked up issues in who he defends, how he absolves Islam of so much, denies things happening and such. I just saw no reason to label him as violent or having such connections. Similar to our new board idiot, the weird nazi kinda guy. While we all know he's an idiot already, I'm not ready to claim he is violent, or burns people in ovens, or wants Jews dead. I would need more to go on than just his retarded rants and defense of Hitler.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-21-2014, 01:33 PM
I do think that if one is willing to stand up and defend a terror group, and likely because that group is Muslim and the enemy Jewish, there is a good probability that this person may defend other terror groups that are Muslim. I also have little doubt that his goal was propaganda based, to somehow cancel out the bad things that others had posted here. I think he was actually upset that so many terror stories were related to Islam, so he started by claiming these people were no longer Muslims, or "not real Muslims". But even Jafar can only do that for so long. With thousands and thousands and thousands of attacks, eventually the house of cards will come crumbling down. Why he ever felt the need to somehow defend these things is beyond me. I make NO effort to defend Americans, or Christians, that do evil things.

So the man has a lot of fucked up issues in who he defends, how he absolves Islam of so much, denies things happening and such. I just saw no reason to label him as violent or having such connections. Similar to our new board idiot, the weird nazi kinda guy. While we all know he's an idiot already, I'm not ready to claim he is violent, or burns people in ovens, or wants Jews dead. I would need more to go on than just his retarded rants and defense of Hitler.

Jim my --"yes you have" comment was directed at your previous comments of having addressed these issues several times previously in this thread.
It was not any condemnation or disagreement on your judgment that Jafar is/was not capable of violence. I myself have no crystal ball on that. I do have this, the knowledge derived from his many posts here to know he is a true muslim.
A true muslim will always engage in violence if ordered to by an Imam. Here is why--
TO REFUSE IS TO REJECT ISLAM! The Quran makes that plain to all of them.
They can NEVER REFUSE to fight for Allah..
The western idea that those suicide bombers ALL volunteered is a false one Islam prefers and promotes. The truth is that when told by an Imam you are chosen to do this the muslim MUST do it or be apostate if he refuses. I suspect the majority of the craven cowards do
not truly volunteer but are told it is their mission and then they must obey.
You see the idea that people would destroy themselves just to kill us injects massive fear into men that have no true courage, honor and understanding that such evil must be opposed regardless of how many of us die doing so.
The choice is our very survival. This enemy is the greatest this nation faces , simply because this nation refuses to admit it is and because after Israel we are the next target it aims to utterly destroy!
These scum are more fanatical , crazy and stupid than were the Japanese Kamikaze pilots of WW2.
I do not recall we ever thinking to just understand those pilots, or appease them or refuse to face them!!
We killed them, problem solved... -Tyr

09-21-2014, 02:11 PM
I guess the question is, do we believe Jafar's protestations that he was against violence, or do we not? It really comes down to that.

As is obvious, I for one do not. It would've been consistent with such a broad position as that to be condemnatory against all those engaged in violence. Yes, Jafar made points against Israel. But, why stop there ? Why, when Hamas was launching all their rockets, didn't he also speak out against that ?

I posted myself that Hamas could end violence in the region by agreeing to verifiably disarm. I challenged Jafar to support this. Which he did NOT do ... I could never commit him to come anywhere near an agreement either that Hamas disarm, or that they should renounce violence.

Unless he SUPPORTED their terrorist attacks .. why not do so ?