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artur axmann
09-15-2014, 05:07 PM
Can anyone make the case for Israel's legitimacy.

The mandate , UN resolution, Congressional approval and ratification,take your pick.

Even take into consideration the wholehearted approval of Joe Stalin and the entire Soviet Block of nations if you have the stomach.

And just for good luck toss in the HOLOCAUST STORY if you feel the need. I'm ready for ya!

09-15-2014, 05:29 PM
Why don't you just come here and tell us WHY you hate Israeal, and Jews?

09-15-2014, 06:00 PM
Can anyone make the case for Israel's legitimacy.

The mandate , UN resolution, Congressional approval and ratification,take your pick.

Even take into consideration the wholehearted approval of Joe Stalin and the entire Soviet Block of nations if you have the stomach.

And just for good luck toss in the HOLOCAUST STORY if you feel the need. I'm ready for ya!

How about you make the case for what you believe and then we discuss it?

artur axmann
09-15-2014, 06:05 PM
Why don't you just come here and tell us WHY you hate Israeal, and Jews?

leading the witness .

irrelevant , inadmissible..

artur axmann
09-15-2014, 06:14 PM
I mean calling attacks on military installations in Syria and in Iraq as being those evil hateful monstrous acts of barbarism and turning a blind eye or even encouraging the merciless slaughter of infants in the Gaza strip speaks to the total subservience of our political system

to the international string pullers ..

09-15-2014, 06:25 PM
I mean calling attacks on military installations in Syria and in Iraq as being those evil hateful monstrous acts of barbarism and turning a blind eye or even encouraging the merciless slaughter of infants in the Gaza strip speaks to the total subservience of our political system

to the international string pullers ..

Ummm, whatchoo talking 'bout Willis?

09-15-2014, 06:29 PM
leading the witness .

irrelevant , inadmissible..

Yet again....state your position and we can discuss it.

artur axmann
09-15-2014, 06:45 PM
Yet again....state your position and we can discuss it.

I stated my position.. I'm the one asking for someone to confirm israel's legitimacy.

What are your reasons to believe it is?

Any clearer?

09-15-2014, 06:49 PM
I stated my position.. I'm the one asking for someone to confirm israel's legitimacy.

What are your reasons to believe it is?

Any clearer?

What did you state? I saw you demanding that people state their position and then you would dress it down. Not doing so well for a start. How about going into detail as to what you believe so we can discuss it openly.

Sir Evil
09-15-2014, 06:52 PM
I stated my position.. I'm the one asking for someone to confirm israel's legitimacy.

What are your reasons to believe it is?

Any clearer?

Hmm, 5 posts and outlining what it takes to debate your topic? What are our reasons to see you as legitimate? :cuckoo:

artur axmann
09-15-2014, 06:53 PM
How come we didn't really see the blood and gore involved in the slaughter of hundreds of small children screaming for their lives during the israeli air raids over GAZA?

I saw a photo of a father kissing only the half of his daughter's head ;the other half had been blown away..

09-15-2014, 07:02 PM
Can anyone make the case for Israel's legitimacy.

Unlike those that they were at war with, they act like human beings? :dunno:

09-15-2014, 07:04 PM
How come we didn't really see the blood and gore involved in the slaughter of hundreds of small children screaming for their lives during the israeli air raids over GAZA?

I saw a photo of a father kissing only the half of his daughter's head ;the other half had been blown away..

Did anyone ask this father if he supported Hamas and helped vote and keep them in power?

09-15-2014, 07:04 PM
Ummm, whatchoo talking 'bout Willis?

I can't make heads or tails of it, either.

artur axmann
09-15-2014, 07:04 PM
Hmm, 5 posts and outlining what it takes to debate your topic? What are our reasons to see you as legitimate? :cuckoo:

I'm not outlining anything.

It seems one other international geo political expert needs constant clarification as to what I'm asking for.

Curious question you ask. Care to outline what you mean by it?

09-15-2014, 07:05 PM
I mean calling attacks on military installations in Syria and in Iraq as being those evil hateful monstrous acts of barbarism and turning a blind eye or even encouraging the merciless slaughter of infants in the Gaza strip speaks to the total subservience of our political system

to the international string pullers ..

The people in Iraq and Syria are fighting against the evil - while the people in Gaza vote for and support a terrorist group.

09-15-2014, 07:06 PM

09-15-2014, 07:07 PM
Did anyone ask this father if he supported Hamas and helped vote and keep them in power?


Fuck with the bull, you get the horn. It's how the world works.

artur axmann
09-15-2014, 07:07 PM
Unlike those that they were at war with, they act like human beings? :dunno:

http://www.debatepolicy.com/image/gif;base64,R0lGODdhAQABAPAAAP///wAAACwAAAAAAQABAEACAkQBADs=Wounded Liberty crew...

The lesson of the cold-blooded attack on the USS Liberty was that there is nothing the Zionist state might not do, to its friends as well as its enemies, in order to get its own way.
by Alan Hart (http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/hart/)
On Thursday 8 June 1967, Israeli air and naval forces attacked America’s most advanced spy ship, the U.S.S. Liberty, killing 34 of its crew and wounding 174.
Forty five years on, thanks to the complicity of the mainstream media, the cover up ordered by President Johnson is still in place.
Two years ago, on New York’s Long Island, I had the pleasure and privilege of being the keynote speaker at the annual dinner of the Liberty Survivors Association. I told them I was aware that if the attack had gone completely according to the plan of the man who ordered it, Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Dayan, none of them would have survived.
I also told them that although I am an Englishman who had not served in any of his country’s armed services (because conscription was abolished by the time I was old enough to have served), we did have something in common – OUTRAGE that could not be expressed adequately in polite words at the continued suppression in America of the truth about Israel’s attack on the Liberty.

http://www.debatepolicy.com/image/gif;base64,R0lGODdhAQABAPAAAP///wAAACwAAAAAAQABAEACAkQBADs= (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/06/07/alan-hart-israels-attack-on-the-uss-liberty-the-full-story/uss-liberty-attack-1967-634x450/) On the 45th anniversary of that attack, this post is providing the complete text of Chapter Two of the three-volume American edition of my book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews. The chapter is titled The Liberty Affair – “Pure Murder” on a “Great Day”.
My American publisher expressed to me the view that it is “the most revealing, the most riveting and the most important chapter in the whole book.” My own view is that it assists real understanding of what the Zionist state of Israel is – a monster beyond control.
Here is the chapter, complete with source notes.
http://www.debatepolicy.com/image/gif;base64,R0lGODdhAQABAPAAAP///wAAACwAAAAAAQABAEACAkQBADs= (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/06/07/alan-hart-israels-attack-on-the-uss-liberty-the-full-story/moshe_dayan_1953-whacked-the-uss-liberty/)Moshe Dayan -- why they whacked the Liberty...

Israel insisted (as it still does) that its attack on the Liberty was an unfortunate “accident”, a case of “mistaken identity”.
The attack ought to have been a sensational, headline-grabbing news story, but beyond the fact that an accident had happened and that Israel had apologised, it did not get reported by America’s news organisations. It was too hot an issue for them to handle and pursue. If it had been an Arab attack on an American vessel it would have been an entirely different matter, of course. In that event there would have been saturation coverage with demands for retaliation, with Zionist and other pro-Israeli columnists and commentators setting the pace and tone.
About the attack and its aftermath – the Johnson administration’s cover-up led by the President himself – retired American Admiral Thomas L. Moorer, who was appointed Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) a month after the incident, was subsequently to say to former U.S. Congressman Paul Findley, “If it was written as fiction nobody would believe it.”
The attack itself, Admiral Moorer said to Findley, was “absolutely deliberate.” And the cover-up? “The clampdown was not actually for security reasons but for domestic political reasons. I don’t think there is any question about it. What other reasons could there have been? President Johnson was worried about the reaction of Jewish voters.” (For which read, I add, the awesome power of the Zionist lobby and its many stooges in Congress). The former Chairman of the JCS added: “The American people would be god damn mad if they knew what goes on.”[ii]
As it happened, the institutions of government in America did not succeed in keeping the truth covered up because there were eye-witnesses who would not be silenced. They were the survivors of the Liberty’s crew. The first prime source of the detailed information about the actual attack is the book [I]Assault on the Liberty.[iii] It was written by Lieutenant James M. Ennes. He was the Officer of the Deck on the Liberty throughout the attack.
On 5 June 1982 there was a reunion of Liberty survivors in the Hotel Washington in Washington D.C. The guest speaker was retired Admiral Moorer. He told the survivors that he had “never been willing to accept the Israeli explanation that it was a case of mistaken identity.” He could not accept that Israeli pilots “don’t know how to identify ships.” It followed, he said, that there “must have been some other motive”, which he was confident “some day will be made public.”[iv]

09-15-2014, 07:08 PM
I'm not outlining anything.

It seems one other international geo political expert needs constant clarification as to what I'm asking for.

Curious question you ask. Care to outline what you mean by it?


Sir Evil
09-15-2014, 07:09 PM
Curious question you ask. Care to outline what you mean by it?

Obviously you are a jew hater and assume all Americans are muslim hater so why not just say so? You will never see it another way even if someone stated why they felt israel is legitimate. I'm not a jew hater or a muslim hater but if you see one as legit why not the other. If you don't like the jews then so be it but don't hide behind it asking for legitimacy either.

artur axmann
09-15-2014, 07:10 PM
Did anyone ask this father if he supported Hamas and helped vote and keep them in power?

Has anyone asked James Foley's parents who they voted for? just thought i'd ask..

09-15-2014, 07:11 PM
Ahhh yes, the old Liberty argument.

It was a CIA ship parked out there off the coast gathering intelligence. Israel made a big mistake and didn't know it was ours, and apologized profusely for it.

Friendly fire happens in War Zones, to this very day.


09-15-2014, 07:11 PM
Has anyone asked James Foley's parents who they voted for? just thought i'd ask..

I was unaware that Mr. Foley was hiding weapons behind himself when attacked. Egads....

Sir Evil
09-15-2014, 07:11 PM
Has anyone asked James Foley's parents who they voted for? just thought i'd ask..

Ok little brown guy, just admit your hatred for jews and be done with it!

09-15-2014, 07:12 PM
Has anyone asked James Foley's parents who they voted for? just thought i'd ask..

Common denominator - MUSLIM TERRORISTS

They are responsible for Foley's death, as well as the deaths in Gaza and so many other places. But I doubt Foley voted in the terrorists, as the dolts in Gaza did.

artur axmann
09-15-2014, 07:13 PM
The people in Iraq and Syria are fighting against the evil - while the people in Gaza vote for and support a terrorist group.

Ever heard of the IRGUN? run by the great ben gurion. What were they boy scouts?

09-15-2014, 07:14 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/image/gif;base64,R0lGODdhAQABAPAAAP///wAAACwAAAAAAQABAEACAkQBADs=Wounded Liberty crew...

Another subject changer. How about you address the filth that controls things in Gaza, the terrorists, that are responsible for thousands of deaths? Or do you support terrorists over there?

09-15-2014, 07:14 PM
Do yourself a favor, Artur, and browse the Israel forum. Many of your questions and statements have already been answered in depth.

09-15-2014, 07:15 PM
Ever heard of the IRGUN? run by the great ben gurion. What were they boy scouts?

That has what to do with the terrorist shitheads responsible for endless deaths in Gaza? Changing your own subject and running already? :laugh:

09-15-2014, 07:19 PM
That has what to do with the terrorist shitheads responsible for endless deaths in Gaza? Changing your own subject and running already? :laugh:

Lets also remember the Irgun is no longer in theater. It shows his arguments to be pretty slim to go back to an organization that pretty much disappeared in the late 1940s.

artur axmann
09-15-2014, 07:20 PM
Ahhh yes, the old Liberty argument.

It was a CIA ship parked out there off the coast gathering intelligence. Israel made a big mistake and didn't know it was ours, and apologized profusely for it.

Friendly fire happens in War Zones, to this very day.


read what really happened not what they told you at the front desk receptionist at yad vashem museum

artur axmann
09-15-2014, 07:21 PM
Another subject changer. How about you address the filth that controls things in Gaza, the terrorists, that are responsible for thousands of deaths? Or do you support terrorists over there?

address the thousands of death..where who what ..

artur axmann
09-15-2014, 07:23 PM
Do yourself a favor, Artur, and browse the Israel forum. Many of your questions and statements have already been answered in depth.

in a very unbiased fashion , I'm sure ,right?

09-15-2014, 07:23 PM
address the thousands of death..where who what ..

The animals that support animals die like animals. :)

artur axmann
09-15-2014, 07:24 PM
Lets also remember the Irgun is no longer in theater. It shows his arguments to be pretty slim to go back to an organization that pretty much disappeared in the late 1940s.

Only the name has changed . Their new Nom de Guerre is: ZIONISM!

09-15-2014, 07:25 PM
Only the name has changed . Their new Nom de Guerre is: ZIONISM!


artur axmann
09-15-2014, 07:26 PM
Ok little brown guy, just admit your hatred for jews and be done with it!

brow beating the witness . Jury ,please disregard!

09-15-2014, 07:26 PM
in a very unbiased fashion , I'm sure ,right?

That's correct, no PC bullshit protecting the radical islamic nutjobs who would slice off their own daughters head if she brought dishonor to the family. Unlike MSNBC, some here aren't afraid to speak up about who is really responsible - the terrorists called Hamas and the people who voted them in, and sit back and cheer them on. No sympathy.

artur axmann
09-15-2014, 07:28 PM
The animals that support animals die like animals. :)

filled with hate ? are you a hater? Why do you hate ?

are you human or animal.

09-15-2014, 07:28 PM
brow beating the witness . Jury ,please disregard!

Bailiff, please take the witness and hold him for 72 on a 5150 - the jury can hear, as it goes directly to the character of the witness

09-15-2014, 07:29 PM
read what really happened not what they told you at the front desk receptionist at yad vashem museum

I've researched it in depth, thanks for your condescending tone, though.

So far you've babbled barely recognizable thoughts strung together in what appears to be a lower form of English.

You want to take a step back, compose yourself, and start typing slowly. Then before posting it, read it back to yourself to see if it makes sense. You'll also want to stick with one subject, as has already been pointed out to you.

There is a wealth of knowledge at this board that will be available to you if you are respectful, and you'll be treated with respect for the most part. Unless you were personally on the Liberty, you won't add to any knowledge of the incident here on this board. It's been hashed and rehashed numerous times.

Ball's in your court, kid. That was a nickel's worth of free advice, on the house.

09-15-2014, 07:29 PM
filled with hate ? are you a hater? Why do you hate ?

are you human or animal.

I hate terrorism and all it stands for and all who support it.

I'm American, not from Gaza.

artur axmann
09-15-2014, 07:39 PM
I've researched it in depth, thanks for your condescending tone, though.

So far you've babbled barely recognizable thoughts strung together in what appears to be a lower form of English.

You want to take a step back, compose yourself, and start typing slowly. Then before posting it, read it back to yourself to see if it makes sense. You'll also want to stick with one subject, as has already been pointed out to you.

There is a wealth of knowledge at this board that will be available to you if you are respectful, and you'll be treated with respect for the most part. Unless you were personally on the Liberty, you won't add to any knowledge of the incident here on this board. It's been hashed and rehashed numerous times.

Ball's in your court, kid. That was a nickel's worth of free advice, on the house.

"I've researched it in depth, thanks for your condescending tone, though."

you haven't laid a glove on me junior.

artur axmann
09-15-2014, 07:41 PM
I've researched it in depth, thanks for your condescending tone, though.

So far you've babbled barely recognizable thoughts strung together in what appears to be a lower form of English.

You want to take a step back, compose yourself, and start typing slowly. Then before posting it, read it back to yourself to see if it makes sense. You'll also want to stick with one subject, as has already been pointed out to you.

There is a wealth of knowledge at this board that will be available to you if you are respectful, and you'll be treated with respect for the most part. Unless you were personally on the Liberty, you won't add to any knowledge of the incident here on this board. It's been hashed and rehashed numerous times.

Ball's in your court, kid. That was a nickel's worth of free advice, on the house.

"I've researched it in depth, thanks for your condescending tone, though."

you never laid a glove on me ..I'm dealing with amateurs..

artur axmann
09-15-2014, 07:44 PM
Bailiff, please take the witness and hold him for 72 on a 5150 - the jury can hear, as it goes directly to the character of the witness

monkey see ,monkey do.

09-15-2014, 07:46 PM
"I've researched it in depth, thanks for your condescending tone, though."

you haven't laid a glove on me junior.

"I've researched it in depth, thanks for your condescending tone, though."

you never laid a glove on me ..I'm dealing with amateurs..


You're hardly the first to come here and puke up some unrecognizable English and then proclaim yourself winner. You're a troll. And quite frankly, not even a good one.

artur axmann
09-15-2014, 07:46 PM
That's correct, no PC bullshit protecting the radical islamic nutjobs who would slice off their own daughters head if she brought dishonor to the family. Unlike MSNBC, some here aren't afraid to speak up about who is really responsible - the terrorists called Hamas and the people who voted them in, and sit back and cheer them on. No sympathy.

Jury please Disregard , witness answering under duress. Drank the zionist koolade. ; Dismissed!

artur axmann
09-15-2014, 07:49 PM

You're hardly the first to come here and puke up some unrecognizable English and then proclaim yourself winner. You're a troll. And quite frankly, not even a good one.

sorry you don't approve.. But I didn't ask for approval.

you're still an amateur .

09-15-2014, 07:51 PM
sorry you don't approve.. But I didn't ask for approval.

you're still an amateur .



artur axmann
09-15-2014, 07:58 PM

You're hardly the first to come here and puke up some unrecognizable English and then proclaim yourself winner. You're a troll. And quite frankly, not even a good one.

I stated an honest question: why is Israel considered legitimate and everyone went nuts.

I'm not the only one asking. still have not received an answer and I'm the troll using or puking unrecognizable english? Who the hell do you amateurs think you're dealing with?

09-15-2014, 07:59 PM
I was wondering how long it would take to see a long red line under his name.


09-15-2014, 08:01 PM
I stated an honest question: why is Israel considered legitimate and everyone went nuts.

This should explain everything to you.


artur axmann
09-15-2014, 08:08 PM
This should explain everything to you.


is that all you have ;wikipedia knowledge?

09-15-2014, 08:09 PM
is that all you have ;wikipedia knowledge?

Much more.

Read up, afterwards we can discuss.

09-15-2014, 08:16 PM
What makes any country legitimate?

Maybe you should go troll somewhere else. Somehow I don't think you'll be sticking around here for long. I find people like you boring.

09-15-2014, 08:19 PM
I stated an honest question: why is Israel considered legitimate and everyone went nuts.

I'm not the only one asking. still have not received an answer and I'm the troll using or puking unrecognizable english? Who the hell do you amateurs think you're dealing with?

The question itself is asinine. It makes such incredulously huge assumptions as to make discussion impossible. That is why I originally asked you to flesh out your view so it could be discussed. Adults do that, they have discussions. People don't always agree but when an honest participant puts his thoughts out there the mockery that you have seen doesn't happen. Learn from it.

09-15-2014, 08:21 PM
Can anyone make the case for Israel's legitimacy.

The mandate , UN resolution, Congressional approval and ratification,take your pick.

Even take into consideration the wholehearted approval of Joe Stalin and the entire Soviet Block of nations if you have the stomach.

And just for good luck toss in the HOLOCAUST STORY if you feel the need. I'm ready for ya!

Nope. Make your case against Israel's legitimacy first. Then we'll shoot it down like the leftist drivel that it will be....lol.

artur axmann
09-15-2014, 08:38 PM
Much more.

Read up, afterwards we can discuss.

you first. make the case for israeli legitimacy , afterwards we can discuss.

09-15-2014, 09:10 PM
arthur, whoever you are, or wish us to believe you are. Seems like you have become the 1967 version of our present day Conspiracy Theory junkies who feels...after all this time, the capture of the USS Liberty is much more important for all of us than discussions about ISIS.

How long do you plan to carry that CROSS? Personally. I still carry a CROSS that should have instigated a WARTIME reply by Bill Clinton when the USS Cole was bombed. But I haven't felt any need...like you have here, to carry on about how much I despise Radical Muslim's, or Islamists. That should be rather obvious by now.

But jeez man. Most of the people who will read this forum today WEREN'T EVEN BORN when the USS Liberty incident took place.

Needless to say. With our failing educational system here in this nation that puts us in the low 30's compared with other nations. Your obvious hatred for Israel, and the Jewish people makes you look like one of those Radical ISIS members, just waiting to BEHEAD anyone who won't listen to your WHINING here.

09-15-2014, 09:18 PM
Arthur. Believe it or not. You are not, and never will be....http://icansayit.com/images/perrymason.jpg

09-15-2014, 09:30 PM
Perry Mason...You ain't, Arthur.

artur axmann
09-15-2014, 09:45 PM
Perry Mason...You ain't, Arthur.

whats with the smart butt quips.

09-15-2014, 11:38 PM
Many of you have accused me of being a troll without actual knowledge of what a troll really is.
I hereby present a real troll, the OP. Spouting nothing but BS that has little to no basis in reality. Usually about hot button topics sure to garner a response.
Trolls know trolling. :cool:

09-16-2014, 05:32 AM
Many of you have accused me of being a troll without actual knowledge of what a troll really is.
I hereby present a real troll, the OP. Spouting nothing but BS that has little to no basis in reality. Usually about hot button topics sure to garner a response.
Trolls know trolling. :cool:

Your last statement is most accurate. :)

Different trolls for different folks!

09-16-2014, 05:45 AM
Can anyone make the case for Israel's legitimacy.

The Zionists say so. Move for summary judgement. Granted. :gavel:

09-16-2014, 06:00 AM
Can anyone make the case for Israel's legitimacy.

The mandate , UN resolution, Congressional approval and ratification,take your pick.

Even take into consideration the wholehearted approval of Joe Stalin and the entire Soviet Block of nations if you have the stomach.

And just for good luck toss in the HOLOCAUST STORY if you feel the need. I'm ready for ya!

Bait much?

How about YOU bring whatever garbage you have so I can shoot it down? Here's a starter for you though:

Israel is as legit as any other country over there. Or you can name one ME country that still has the same name it started with? Mesopotamia? Persia? Assyria?

09-16-2014, 06:59 AM
Arthur. Believe it or not. You are not, and never will be....http://icansayit.com/images/perrymason.jpg

He has to finish high school first.

09-16-2014, 07:36 AM
He has to finish high school first.

Yep. I'm thinking 14-16, unsupervised after school, and no GF.:laugh:

artur axmann
09-16-2014, 04:30 PM
Bait much?

How about YOU bring whatever garbage you have so I can shoot it down? Here's a starter for you though:

Israel is as legit as any other country over there. Or you can name one ME country that still has the same name it started with? Mesopotamia? Persia? Assyria?

Shakespeare said: 'what's in a name"

making a rather specious argument don't you think.

09-16-2014, 05:15 PM
Shakespeare said: 'what's in a name"

making a rather specious argument don't you think.

Well.....at least he made an argument....

unlike you.

09-16-2014, 05:18 PM
Artur Axmann, Aboutime pegged you from the beginning of this thread. Pretty much everything else I've read from you confirms how right that comment was.

A reminder:


Why don't you just come here and tell us WHY you hate Israeal, and Jews?
And it's a good question. Why don't you ?

Seriously, 'Artur' ... why don't you ?

Besides, I'm really struggling (i.e I haven't managed it !) to find any basis for considering Israel's neighbours any MORE legitimate than Israel herself is.

And as for Gaza .. full of Palestinians, who cannot ever claim to have hitherto been part of any recognised Nation State, and who are, these days, ruled by TERRORIST SCUM !! .. I mean, to try to see THEM as having 'legitimacy', surely has to be an especially sick joke ??

I've a funny feeling that you disagree with me. Am I right ? Tell me WHY I'm right ... why don't you ?

09-16-2014, 05:46 PM
He has to finish high school first.

Gaffer? High School? I'd be happy to see his Pre-School diploma with this year's date.:laugh:

09-16-2014, 05:52 PM
whats with the smart butt quips.

Artur. Are you related to Gabby? It's getting very easy to believe both of you operate on the same TROLLING frequency.

09-16-2014, 06:00 PM
in a very unbiased fashion , I'm sure ,right?

... ummmm ... so, when I perceive bias in YOUR posting, I'm imagining it. Right ??

Care to show us how even-handed it's possible to be ? A practical demonstration from you of this ... ?

Give it your best shot ...

09-16-2014, 06:49 PM
is that all you have ;wikipedia knowledge?

Hey, he provided a source for his commentary. You have provided nothing but invective. Put on your big boy pants and try it.

artur axmann
09-16-2014, 06:51 PM
Well.....at least he made an argument....

unlike you.

An argument about what? i'm still waiting for one of you high schools grads. to address my question.

Why should we consider israel as being legitimate..anyone anyone...

Sir Evil
09-16-2014, 06:55 PM
An argument about what? i'm still waiting for one of you high schools grads. to address my question.

Why should we consider israel as being legitimate..anyone anyone...

What's with the "we" stuff Nancy?

Again, explain your hatred toward the jews, prove you own legitimacy why don't you?

artur axmann
09-16-2014, 07:00 PM
What's with the "we" stuff Nancy?

Again, explain your hatred toward the jews, prove you own legitimacy why don't you?

Hate? how did you get that brilliant idea?

My parents were both married ,to each other ,never divorced ,saw their marriage certificate. were yours?

09-16-2014, 07:03 PM
Hey, he provided a source for his commentary. You have provided nothing but invective. Put on your big boy pants and try it.

The reason he doesn't provide any backup is because all he's got is StormFront or some such other Nazi site.

Being a Nazi narrows down your sources considerably when you're out to run a narrative along those lines. I imagine it's tough as hell, and would explain why he's floundering.

Come on, Artur, break out your StormFront 'facts' so we can get down to business and commence to shredding your propaganda. Don't be afraid, you aren't the first Nazi to wander in.

Sir Evil
09-16-2014, 07:07 PM
Hate? how did you get that brilliant idea?

My parents were both married ,to each other ,never divorced ,saw their marriage certificate. were yours?

Well it's obvious by the content that you have posted so far that you are a muslim supporter and a jew hater. First the jews are better smelling variety so that makes them a bit more legitimate and secondly they tend to be a bit more of a civilized bunch then the cave swellers they happen to reside in the vacinity of but ultimately if you can see them with the hatred you have you can bet they are legitimate.

My parent? Not really sure how that plays it part but my mom and dad were brother and sister...strange eh?

Sir Evil
09-16-2014, 07:10 PM
The reason he doesn't provide any backup is because all he's got is StormFront or some such other Nazi site.

He's a nazi? hmm, that makes sense. thought he was another camel humping reject.....:laugh:

Sir Evil
09-16-2014, 07:15 PM
yep he's a nazi for sure! Seems his topics of choice are quite the same elsewhere and easy enough to see he is heading for implosion.. I predict another week tops!!

09-16-2014, 07:27 PM
Hate? how did you get that brilliant idea?

My parents were both married ,to each other ,never divorced ,saw their marriage certificate. were yours?

Maybe there's a need to remind you of your introductory post ?


Can anyone make the case for Israel's legitimacy.

The mandate , UN resolution, Congressional approval and ratification,take your pick.

Even take into consideration the wholehearted approval of Joe Stalin and the entire Soviet Block of nations if you have the stomach.

And just for good luck toss in the HOLOCAUST STORY if you feel the need. I'm ready for ya!

Show me that you were being 'even handed' in that post.

Tell you what ... take just one example. The - as you refer to it - 'HOLOCAUST STORY' ...

Why refer to it as a mere 'story' ? The Holocaust was, arguably, THE worst crime against humanity the world has ever seen. Yet, you try to diminish all the suffering and death resulting from this, down to just the category of a 'story'.

Aboutime had no trouble in drawing his own conclusion in reply to your post, and others here clearly see this similarly. So, I suggest you start posting to the forum in a more substantive, useful manner, starting with an explanation of what - if anything at all - accounts for your view(s).

09-16-2014, 07:34 PM
yep he's a nazi for sure! Seems his topics of choice are quite the same elsewhere and easy enough to see he is heading for implosion.. I predict another week tops!!

Totally agree - not least from the choice of name, of course.

A troll .... I think we're heading for a .. :trolls: ... scenario ...

09-16-2014, 09:10 PM
Hate? how did you get that brilliant idea?

My parents were both married ,to each other ,never divorced ,saw their marriage certificate. were yours?

Doesn't matter artur. You forgot to tell us how Unhappy they were that ROE V. WADE didn't prevent you from arriving.

09-16-2014, 10:51 PM
Can anyone make the case for Israel's legitimacy.

The mandate , UN resolution, Congressional approval and ratification,take your pick.

Even take into consideration the wholehearted approval of Joe Stalin and the entire Soviet Block of nations if you have the stomach.

And just for good luck toss in the HOLOCAUST STORY if you feel the need. I'm ready for ya!

Asked and answered many times on this board. Do your research and you'll know how we feel about the legitimacy of Israel.


09-17-2014, 08:21 AM
I stated an honest question: why is Israel considered legitimate and everyone went nuts.

I'm not the only one asking. still have not received an answer and I'm the troll using or puking unrecognizable english? Who the hell do you amateurs think you're dealing with?

Well, here's one for you professor from just one us "amateurs":

1. You don't state a question. You can, post, or present a question; however, you cannot state one.

2. Questions are followed by a question mark, not a period.

3. English is capitalized.

4. There are two spaces, not one, between the question mark and the first letter of the following sentence.

5. The content of your post is senseless, and addresses nothing pertaining to the topic YOU started.

So, all in all, I'd say we're dealing with someone who is borderline illiterate, and is not going to do well on his upcoming report card in English. Let me know if I can help you some more. :)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-17-2014, 08:49 AM
I stated my position.. I'm the one asking for someone to confirm israel's legitimacy.

What are your reasons to believe it is?

Any clearer?

Did you cite evidence and fact supporting why you believe Israel's illegitimacy is a truth??--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-17-2014, 09:06 AM
[QUOTE=artur axmann;704935]An argument about what? i'm still waiting for one of you high schools grads. to address my question. QUOTE]

High school grads from the 60's and even the early 70's are far more educated than most college grads are now IMHO.

Check this example out and then brag again about college
education .... :laugh:
Your insult and attempt to flaunt your "higher education" falls flat amigo.
And do try to learn to capitalize....:laugh:-Tyr


Your bias and ignorance are competing for first place in your little fantasy world. I think ignorance is winning that race....:laugh:--Tyr

Abbey Marie
09-17-2014, 09:06 AM
Why don't you just come here and tell us WHY you hate Israeal, and Jews?


Abbey Marie
09-17-2014, 09:10 AM
Artur axmann:

1. Do you play bass?

2. Why do you hate Jews?

09-17-2014, 09:10 AM

09-17-2014, 09:15 AM
I think Artur has fled back to the StormFront boards.

09-17-2014, 09:18 AM
I think Artur has fled back to the StormFront boards.

Silly. He's in school. Struggling through English class. :)

Abbey Marie
09-17-2014, 09:19 AM
I think Artur has fled back to the StormFront boards.

Oh darn, and I just found this thread. :poop:

09-17-2014, 09:20 AM
Silly. He's in school. Struggling through English class. :)

Exactly! He's not paying attention and surfing Nazi sites on his Iphone in Remedial English.

Abbey Marie
09-17-2014, 09:22 AM
Exactly! He's not paying attention and surfing Nazi sites on his Iphone in Remedial English.

Why would you assume he is anywhere but a woodland fortress in Idaho?

09-17-2014, 09:23 AM
And, with that... I need to fire up the 'Burb and head off to work.

This working for a living is hard to get back into! 5 months off made a pansy out of me and I'm feeling beat up after 8 hours... I knew this would happen.

Sucks to get old!

See you guys, keep an eye out for Nazis! :laugh:

Abbey Marie
09-17-2014, 09:24 AM
And, with that... I need to fire up the 'Burb and head off to work.

This working for a living is hard to get back into! 5 months off made a pansy out of me and I'm feeling beat up after 8 hours... I knew this would happen.

Sucks to get old!

See you guys, keep an eye out for Nazis! :laugh:

:laugh2: Make sure you come back to us!

artur axmann
09-17-2014, 04:05 PM

09-17-2014, 04:11 PM
I thought this post was about Rhode Island, a basket case that should just a absorbed by Connecticut.

09-17-2014, 04:22 PM
100,000 pals are homeless because of hamas. Maybe they should move or kick hamas out.

Nazi Boy, we have seen all this kind of stuff before. Too bad you missed jafar the muslim propagandist. You two would have loved each other.

artur axmann
09-17-2014, 04:43 PM
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Appearing in HAARETZ ISRAEL..
<IFRAME style="BORDER-BOTTOM: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: 0px; VERTICAL-ALIGN: bottom; BORDER-TOP: 0px; BORDER-RIGHT: 0px" id=google_ads_iframe_/9401/haaretz.com.web/haaretz.com.web.popunder/haaretz.com.web.popunder_section/haaretz.com.web.popunder_section.print-edition/haaretz.com.web.popunder_section.print-edition.opinion_0 height=1 marginHeight=0 src="javascript:&quot;<html><body style='background:transparent'></body></html>&quot;" frameBorder=0 width=1 allowTransparency name=google_ads_iframe_/9401/haaretz.com.web/haaretz.com.web.popunder/haaretz.com.web.popunder_section/haaretz.com.web.popunder_section.print-edition/haaretz.com.web.popunder_section.print-edition.opinion_0 marginWidth=0 scrolling=no></IFRAME>

<!-- BEGIN DY SCRIPT TAG FOR SECTION 8765257 - DO NOT MODIFY --><IFRAME style="DISPLAY: none" id=DY-iframe height=1 width=1 name=DY-iframe></IFRAME><IFRAME style="DISPLAY: none" id=DY-iframe height=1 width=1 name=DY-iframe></IFRAME><IFRAME style="DISPLAY: none" id=DY-iframe height=1 width=1 name=DY-iframe></IFRAME>
<!-- END TAG --><!-- articlebody.vm --><!-- standardarticle.vm --><!-- google_ad_section_start -->Orthodox Judaism treats women like filthy little thingsIf a man and a woman are drowning in a river, first they'll save the man, 'who is obligated to perform more commandments,' whereas a woman's 'wisdom is only in the spindle.' In fact, 'words of Torah should be burned rather than being given to women.'By Yossi Sarid (http://www.haaretz.com/misc/writers/yossi-sarid-1.669)

<!--INFOLINKS_ON--><!-- xx1--><META itemprop="articleBody">If you would like to know the source from which your brothers derive their brazen behavior, go over to the study hall and open a page of Talmud. It's true that the Torah has 70 faces, but the trend of these faces is clear: The source of the pollution is in halakha (Jewish law ) itself. What is happening in Beit Shemesh and its satellites is not "contrary to halakha," it is mandated by halakha. And the rest will be told to the grandmothers, daughters and granddaughters.
Anyone ignoramus knows that the Torah's "ways are ways of pleasantness," that "the honor of a king's daughter is within," and that "proper behavior comes before the Torah," but it's worth knowing more. It's worth knowing that a woman is unfit to be a judge, and is also unfit to give testimony. She is unfit for any public position with authority. "Thou shalt appoint a king over thee" - a king and not a queen.
A daughter, commanded the sages, must not be taught Torah, because "the mind of woman is not suited to be taught, but [only] to words of nonsense." Women are light-minded and have little knowledge.
And if a man and a woman are drowning in a river, first they'll save the man, "who is obligated to perform more commandments," whereas a woman's "wisdom is only in the spindle." In fact, "words of Torah should be burned rather than being given to women."

Sir Evil
09-17-2014, 04:48 PM
And the broken record continues.......:boohoo:

09-17-2014, 04:48 PM
I could post a picture of Native Americans living in pitiful conditions and squeezed into "camps" with broken treaties and ask legitimacy questions of of the U.S..

upsets people but it's a fact.

could do the same all over the world with various countries set up by colonial powers or even some ancient traditional indigenous peoples.

It's no excuse to treat people like crap but the "legitimacy" question is not a strong point.
It was considered legit when the land was given by the colonial British powers in the Balfour Declaration and the Mandate declared legit by the league of nations.
The subsequent wars instigated against Israel were won by them and therefore they won more land.
"Spoils of war" also legit especially since they were not the aggressors.

And they do have as much right to be there as so-called "Palestinians" if you consider ancestral claims.
they are from there as well.

Sir Evil
09-17-2014, 04:58 PM
I could post a picture of Native Americans living in pitiful conditions and squeezed into "camps" with broken treaties and ask legitimacy questions of of the U.S..

upsets people but it's a fact.

Have to admit that I still question your legitimacy revelarts but quite the legitimate point you make! :thumb:

However artur is a legitimate sack of douche juice so don't anticipate a response any more legitimate than my typical responses and that isn't anything too legitimate.

artur axmann
09-17-2014, 05:11 PM
I could post a picture of Native Americans living in pitiful conditions and squeezed into "camps" with broken treaties and ask legitimacy questions of of the U.S..

upsets people but it's a fact.

could do the same all over the world with various countries set up by colonial powers or even some ancient traditional indigenous peoples.

It's no excuse to treat people like crap but the "legitimacy" question is not a strong point.
It was considered legit when the land was given by the colonial British powers in the Balfour Declaration and the Mandate declared legit by the league of nations.
The subsequent wars instigated against Israel were won by them and therefore they won more land.
"Spoils of war" also legit especially since they were not the aggressors.

And they do have as much right to be there as so-called "Palestinians" if you consider ancestral claims.
they are from there as well.

I have to give you an E for effort ,plus it's a good try but sadly ,it's all copy cat propaganda you must've read somewhere.

The British mandate did not prescribe any donation of lands .
The British refused entry to refugee jews for that reason.
The UN denied creation of israel due to its illegality but was pressured by soviets and later by american special interests.
Zionists [terrorists] illegally stormed ashore before independence ,machine gunning helpless arabs. Chasing them off lands and illegally occupying even more territory than they originally had demanded.
There is no legit right for israel to exist in its current state.
No proof that arab countries declared war on Israel.. Some Arab countries ,jordan and syria sent
humanitarian aid . and they were gunned down by the terrorists .

Sir Evil
09-17-2014, 05:13 PM
I have to give you an E for effort ,plus it's a good try but sadly ,it's all copy cat propaganda you must've read somewhere.

Well in that case what do you call the shit that you post little adolph?

artur axmann
09-17-2014, 05:15 PM
well in that case what do you call the shit that you post little adolph?


Sir Evil
09-17-2014, 05:20 PM

history? interesting... And this history lesson that you are providing is just for your own need or just to cover your hatred for the jews?

You are going to have a hard time here if you really feel that you need to educate with the crapola you have been posting.

09-17-2014, 05:20 PM

... ah ! Another of your 'even-handed', 'hate-free' offerings, Herr Axmann ?

Palestine was never a recognised Nation State. 'Palestinians' may have existed in the region for a substantial period, but they were always little better than squatters leading tribal existences, in bygone days.

These days, of course, they've 'upped their game', and taken it upon themselves to vote a terrorist group into political power over them. Relentless terrorism efforts has been the result .. to which, no less than understandably, Israel has responded as their interest in self-preservation requires.

Ask yourself, Artur Axmann, how many of the 'innocents' in Gaza were willing terrorists or terrorist facilitators. Ask yourself how many attacks were against sites which Hamas were using for their terrorist actions, that absolutely mandating their neutralisation.

Or, 'better yet', don't do any of that, because if you DID, you'd have to start judging the whole situation with uncharacteristic fairness ..

artur axmann
09-17-2014, 05:25 PM
history? interesting... And this history lesson that you are providing is just for your own need or just to cover your hatred for the jews?

You are going to have a hard time here if you really feel that you need to educate with the crapola you have been posting.

We know that the Zionist movement is powerful and has had a grip on the West for quite a long time, and we know that its wicked consequences have sent aesthetic terrorism virtually across the world. Hollywood is no exception.For example, at least 200 Hollywood moguls and TV hosts (including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Sarah Silverman, Roseanne Barr, Bill Maher) have recently signed a petition supporting Israel’s recent genocide.
Yet despite all its messianic power and domination both in Israel and much of the West, the Zionist kingdom is feeling an anti-Zionist storm on the horizon. ]
Israeli historian Ilan Pappe of the University of Exeter has recently argued that
“This Israeli narrative is totally rejected in the world of cyber activism and alternative media. There it seems the condemnation of the Israeli action as a war crime is widespread and consensual.”
J. J. Goldberg of the Jewish Daily Forward has reported,
http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/08…zionism-rises/ (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/08/25/anti-zionism-rises/)

09-17-2014, 05:28 PM

um not history, revisionist history and propaganda.

look, i'm not one to sugar a nations faults, and i try not to color the facts to suit my position.
But it seems you've deliberately painted Israel in the worse possible light and ignored the facts of the docs and the attacks against Israel in successive conflicts.

"Humanitarian Aid"lol!
Is that what they call rockets from Jordan and tanks from Egypt now?

Sir Evil
09-17-2014, 05:29 PM
http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/08…zionism-rises/ (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/08/25/anti-zionism-rises/)

Cute chick, is that you?

09-17-2014, 05:32 PM
Why are you all giving this termite the dignity of a serious response?

Sir Evil
09-17-2014, 05:39 PM
Why are you all giving this termite the dignity of a serious response?

nothing serious about my responses, just having fun kicking around the troll...:coffee:

09-17-2014, 05:41 PM
We know that the Zionist movement is powerful and has had a grip on the West for quite a long time, and we know that its wicked consequences have sent aesthetic terrorism virtually across the world. Hollywood is no exception.For example, at least 200 Hollywood moguls and TV hosts (including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Sarah Silverman, Roseanne Barr, Bill Maher) have recently signed a petition supporting Israel’s recent genocide.
Yet despite all its messianic power and domination both in Israel and much of the West, the Zionist kingdom is feeling an anti-Zionist storm on the horizon. ]
Israeli historian Ilan Pappe of the University of Exeter has recently argued that
“This Israeli narrative is totally rejected in the world of cyber activism and alternative media. There it seems the condemnation of the Israeli action as a war crime is widespread and consensual.”
J. J. Goldberg of the Jewish Daily Forward has reported,
http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/08…zionism-rises/ (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/08/25/anti-zionism-rises/)

Good grief. Are we into 'Western Zionist conspiracy' la-la land with this rot ??

Precisely how great is your desire to borrow from 'Mein Kampf', 'Herr Axmann' ?

Let me guess. Bringing this fully up to date - do you subscribe to the Hamas core objective of driving Israel into the sea ? After all .. is it not your position that terrorism can be justified, just so long as it's Jews who are on the receiving end of it ?

Or would you just settle for some concentration camps, and maybe even the revisiting of what you have elsewhere been pleased to call a 'story' ?

So I'll set you this challenge. Be candid. Tell us all - if you had cataclysmic powers to arrange ANYTHING you desired - just what fate you'd want to see visited upon Israel and the Jewish race.

Let's finally see where you're trying to lead us to in your posts. 'Justify' yourself, if you seriously think you can. Let it rip. Give us the truth of you.

artur axmann
09-17-2014, 05:44 PM
... ah ! Another of your 'even-handed', 'hate-free' offerings, Herr Axmann ?

Palestine was never a recognised Nation State. 'Palestinians' may have existed in the region for a substantial period, but they were always little better than squatters leading tribal existences, in bygone days.

These days, of course, they've 'upped their game', and taken it upon themselves to vote a terrorist group into political power over them. Relentless terrorism efforts has been the result .. to which, no less than understandably, Israel has responded as their interest in self-preservation requires.

Ask yourself, Artur Axmann, how many of the 'innocents' in Gaza were willing terrorists or terrorist facilitators. Ask yourself how many attacks were against sites which Hamas were using for their terrorist actions, that absolutely mandating their neutralisation.

Or, 'better yet', don't do any of that, because if you DID, you'd have to start judging the whole situation with uncharacteristic fairness ..

Ask yourself, Artur Axmann, how many of the 'innocents' in Gaza were willing terrorists or terrorist facilitators. Ask yourself how many attacks were against sites which Hamas were using for their terrorist actions, that absolutely mandating their neutralisation.

Or, 'better yet', don't do any of that, because if you DID, you'd have to start judging the whole situation with uncharacteristic fairness .

Tallyho to you to..

ASK YOURSELF ,your Lordship the following.
You and your family of small children and a few grannies are home invaded by an armed and dangerous felon ,a bank robber.
And the police arrive to apprehend , would you advise them to just go ahead and demolish your home and lob a grenade into your anteroom just so they can kill the bad guy who had been shooting at them?

I'm sure you would!

Sir Evil
09-17-2014, 05:53 PM
Tallyho to you to..

ASK YOURSELF ,your Lordship the following.
You and your family of small children and a few grannies are home invaded by an armed and dangerous felon ,a bank robber.
And the police arrive to apprehend , would you advise them to just go ahead and demolish your home and lob a grenade into your anteroom just so they can kill the bad guy who had been shooting at them?

I'm sure you would!
Kind of a weak analogy but not bad for a little girl...

09-17-2014, 05:54 PM
Artur is DP's WARD CHURCHILL. No if's, and's, or but's. Anyone who doesn't agree with Artur, Hamas, Hezbollah, or ISIS is a LITTLE HITLER.

artur axmann
09-17-2014, 06:00 PM
Good grief. Are we into 'Western Zionist conspiracy' la-la land with this rot ??

Precisely how great is your desire to borrow from 'Mein Kampf', 'Herr Axmann' ?

Let me guess. Bringing this fully up to date - do you subscribe to the Hamas core objective of driving Israel into the sea ? After all .. is it not your position that terrorism can be justified, just so long as it's Jews who are on the receiving end of it ?

Or would you just settle for some concentration camps, and maybe even the revisiting of what you have elsewhere been pleased to call a 'story' ?

So I'll set you this challenge. Be candid. Tell us all - if you had cataclysmic powers to arrange ANYTHING you desired - just what fate you'd want to see visited upon Israel and the Jewish race.

Let's finally see where you're trying to lead us to in your posts. 'Justify' yourself, if you seriously think you can. Let it rip. Give us the truth of you.

why do you have this obsession with israel and of course the jewish race as you put it? pray tell. and i'll try to answer your timely questions ..Did you happen to notice that I've quoted from HAARETZ [ an Israeli news outlet]
and other Jewish sources..
Where have I quoted from Mein Kampf?

09-17-2014, 06:05 PM

You have some nerve in that one tooth claiming what you are posting is "history." How about you tell us first off what you define as "legitimate." What should happen to Israel in your perfect world? Be specific and put it in your own words. Man up and provide a thoughtful answer.

09-17-2014, 06:06 PM
Ask yourself, Artur Axmann, how many of the 'innocents' in Gaza were willing terrorists or terrorist facilitators. Ask yourself how many attacks were against sites which Hamas were using for their terrorist actions, that absolutely mandating their neutralisation.

Or, 'better yet', don't do any of that, because if you DID, you'd have to start judging the whole situation with uncharacteristic fairness .

Tallyho to you to..

I don't know why. For some reason, I'd hoped for something a little more substantive, intelligent even, than just a 'Tallyho'.

As to the argument you've offered ...

ASK YOURSELF ,your Lordship the following.
You and your family of small children and a few grannies are home invaded by an armed and dangerous felon ,a bank robber.
And the police arrive to apprehend , would you advise them to just go ahead and demolish your home and lob a grenade into your anteroom just so they can kill the bad guy who had been shooting at them?

... your argument is, of course, badly flawed.

If you're trying to draw a parallel between your scenario and Israeli actions against Gaza, the comparison fails in a couple of particulars.

One, the likelihood in Gaza is that 'the innocent(s) are entirely willing helpers of the terrorists involved, and not hapless, helpless bystanders.

Two, that Israel cannot reasonably act as your 'police' could, in your example. Israelis hadn't invaded Gaza en masse with troops, nor yet had they set up police stations in Gaza, manned by Israeli police !!!! So, Israel had no capacity to strike against terrorists with the sort of efficient, surgical precision that individual policemen could've introduced into the mix.

... no. Israel was limited to strikes from the air. This it undertook, preferring those to just taking rocket attack after rocket attack from terrorist scum.

I'm sure you see the truth of this -- it's just that you PREFER not to.

And if it's meaningful truth you're after, and someone to blame for all the destruction in Gaza .. that's easy. BLAME HAMAS. They could renouce their Jihadist Charter if they wanted to. They could renounce violence if they wanted to. They could arrange to verifiably disarm, if they wanted to.


So, blame where it's due.

And let's now see you start to consider these matters with some fairness.

If you want to do that, of course ....

Sir Evil
09-17-2014, 06:06 PM
why do you have this obsession with israel and of course the jewish race as you put it? pray tell. and i'll try to answer your timely questions ..Did you happen to notice that I've quoted from HAARETZ [ an Israeli news outlet]
and other Jewish sources..
Where have I quoted from Mein Kampf?

answer a question with another question....brilliant deflection! :uhoh:

09-17-2014, 06:08 PM
Don't any of these yahoos have anything new or original? I, for one, have grown tired of reading the same old hate filled drivel...

artur axmann
09-17-2014, 06:12 PM
I don't know why. For some reason, I'd hoped for something a little more substantive, intelligent even, than just a 'Tallyho'.

As to the argument you've offered ...

... your argument is, of course, badly flawed.

If you're trying to draw a parallel between your scenario and Israeli actions against Gaza, the comparison fails in a couple of particulars.

One, the likelihood in Gaza is that 'the innocent(s) are entirely willing helpers of the terrorists involved, and not hapless, helpless bystanders.

Two, that Israel cannot reasonably act as your 'police' could, in your example. Israelis hadn't invaded Gaza en masse with troops, nor yet had they set up police stations in Gaza, manned by Israeli police !!!! So, Israel had no capacity to strike against terrorists with the sort of efficient, surgical precision that individual policemen could've introduced into the mix.

... no. Israel was limited to strikes from the air. This it undertook, preferring those to just taking rocket attack after rocket attack from terrorist scum.

I'm sure you see the truth of this -- it's just that you PREFER not to.

And if it's meaningful truth you're after, and someone to blame for all the destruction in Gaza .. that's easy. BLAME HAMAS. They could renouce their Jihadist Charter if they wanted to. They could renounce violence if they wanted to. They could arrange to verifiably disarm, if they wanted to.


So, blame where it's due.

And let's now see you start to consider these matters with some fairness.

If you want to do that, of course ....

"One, the likelihood in Gaza is that 'the innocent(s) are entirely willing helpers of the terrorists involved, and not hapless, helpless bystanders."

Conjecture ,pure hearsay.

Can you specify one incident where gazans assisted Hamas or anyone else.

I'm sure you will be able to tell the jury when and how the students in the UN schools or those in the handicap rehabilitation hospitals aided the terrible hamas group in assaulting israelis with rockets .

09-17-2014, 06:16 PM
"one, the likelihood in gaza is that 'the innocent(s) are entirely willing helpers of the terrorists involved, and not hapless, helpless bystanders."

conjecture ,pure hearsay.

Can you specify one incident where gazans assisted hamas or anyone else.

I'm sure you will be able to tell the jury when and how the students in the un schools or those in the handicap rehabilitation hospitals aided the terrible hamas group in assaulting israelis with rockets .

Answer me, boy!!

Sir Evil
09-17-2014, 06:21 PM
Don't any of these yahoos have anything new or original? I, for one, have grown tired of reading the same old hate filled drivel...

Hey Hjmick, how goes it? you know there are always going to be these nutsacks with nothing better to do then to stop by and post the same old regurgitated crap they've already posted elsehwere, they just need a new audience.

artie has already posted some of this shit elsewhere and has even been banned.. I wonder why? :confused0058:

Sir Evil
09-17-2014, 06:21 PM
Answer me, boy!!

Do it artie or the BoogyMan will get you! :laugh2:

09-17-2014, 06:24 PM

Sweet, looks like Israel gave them a good old fashioned ass kicking - again.

artur axmann
09-17-2014, 06:25 PM
Do it artie or the BoogyMan will get you! :laugh2:

not at all. All I'm trying to do is to counter all the lies and half truths being told in the zionist neo-con controlled media. And also to counter the many lies and calumnies directed at my person over these many years. And that's all there really is to it.

09-17-2014, 06:27 PM
not at all. All I'm trying to do is to counter all the lies and half truths being told in the zionist neo-con controlled media. And also to counter the many lies and calumnies directed at my person over these many years. And that's all there really is to it.

What is your goal in pointing out the "zionists" have killed terrorists in Gaza?

09-17-2014, 06:27 PM
why do you have this obsession with israel and of course the jewish race as you put it? pray tell. and i'll try to answer your timely questions ..Did you happen to notice that I've quoted from HAARETZ [ an Israeli news outlet]
and other Jewish sources..
Where have I quoted from Mein Kampf?

Your offering had a definite 'Mein Kampf' flavour to it. You must surely be aware of that.

Here's a part of your previous post, verbatim ..

We know that the Zionist movement is powerful and has had a grip on the West for quite a long time, and we know that its wicked consequences have sent aesthetic terrorism virtually across the world.

Hitler could've definitely written that. If he had, it would've been fully in keeping with the propaganda his Nazi Party was shoving down Germans' throats in the 1930's.

And if you're not rabidly anti-Semitic, kindly explain your monicker 'Artur Axmann'.

Do so, in view of this .....


Artur Axmann (18 February 1913 – 24 October 1996) was the German Nazi national leader (Reichsjugendführer) of the Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend) from 1940 to the war's end in 1945. He was the last living Nazi with a rank equivalent to Reichsführer.

You have chosen to identify with a one-time loyal supporter of Hitler, and 'Reichsjugendführer', no less, this a prominent role undertaken for Hitler in his Third Reich !! You are now here, trolling away, with anti-Israeli propaganda.

So it's no less than reasonable to extrapolate from all of this just what your motivations must be.

As, indeed, I have.

09-17-2014, 06:29 PM
Hey Hjmick, how goes it? you know there are always going to be these nutsacks with nothing better to do then to stop by and post the same old regurgitated crap they've already posted elsehwere, they just need a new audience.

artie has already posted some of this shit elsewhere and has even been banned.. I wonder why? :confused0058:

How goes it? Living the dream, my man, living the dream...

How's tricks for you? When's everyone coming back to SC?

As to the nutsacks, I know you're right, but a guy can hope...

Sir Evil
09-17-2014, 06:33 PM
How goes it? Living the dream, my man, living the dream...

How's tricks for you? When's everyone coming back to SC?

As to the nutsacks, I know you're right, but a guy can hope...

All good here! I'm sure will be doing another road trip by next summer but I try not to push it as Jim needs a full year to recuperate but have to let you know well in advance so we can meet up for several beers!

09-17-2014, 06:37 PM
All good here! I'm sure will be doing another road trip by next summer but I try not to push it as Jim needs a full year to recuperate but have to let you know well in advance so we can meet up for several beers!

Sounds as if Jim may not be aging well... Poor guy. Well, just give a holler, with enough time, I might could take the day off and drink it away...

artur axmann
09-17-2014, 06:38 PM
Your offering had a definite 'Mein Kampf' flavour to it. You must surely be aware of that.

Here's a part of your previous post, verbatim ..

Hitler could've definitely written that. If he had, it would've been fully in keeping with the propaganda his Nazi Party was shoving down Germans' throats in the 1930's.

And if you're not rabidly anti-Semitic, kindly explain your monicker 'Artur Axmann'.

Do so, in view of this .....


You have chosen to identify with a one-time loyal supporter of Hitler, and 'Reichsjugendführer', no less, this a prominent role undertaken for Hitler in his Third Reich !! You are now here, trolling away, with anti-Israeli propaganda.

So it's no less than reasonable to extrapolate from all of this just what your motivations must be.

As, indeed, I have.

Israeli historian Ilan Pappe of the University of Exeter has recently argued that
“This Israeli narrative is totally rejected in the world of cyber activism and alternative media. There it seems the condemnation of the Israeli action as a war crime is widespread and consensual.”
J. J. Goldberg of the Jewish Daily Forward has reported,

I'm quoting from Jewish sources and not Mein Kampf.. can you see the difference???

Sir Evil
09-17-2014, 06:39 PM
Sounds as if Jim may not be aging well... Poor guy. Well, just give a holler, with enough time, I might could take the day off and drink it away...

I think it's probably this forum, I need to recuperae after one evening! :laugh2:

Yeah we will certainly give a heads up this time around and make a day of it!

Sir Evil
09-17-2014, 06:41 PM
I'm quoting from Jewish sources and not Mein Kampf.. can you see the difference???

I think evryone can see you are quoting and thats about it, hows about an original thought to some of the questions you were asked bean bag?

09-17-2014, 06:43 PM
Sounds as if Jim may not be aging well... Poor guy. Well, just give a holler, with enough time, I might could take the day off and drink it away...

I blame it on too much partying growing up, now paying the price. I feel like this at 46, I have nightmares thinking what I'll feel like if I live to 90!!

09-17-2014, 06:45 PM
Israeli historian Ilan Pappe of the University of Exeter has recently argued that
“This Israeli narrative is totally rejected in the world of cyber activism and alternative media. There it seems the condemnation of the Israeli action as a war crime is widespread and consensual.”
J. J. Goldberg of the Jewish Daily Forward has reported,

I'm quoting from Jewish sources and not Mein Kampf.. can you see the difference???


artur axmann
09-17-2014, 06:45 PM
Washington (CNN) -- Divided on other issues, U.S. lawmakers united in support of Israel on Friday with the Senate approving another $225 million for the Iron Dome missile defense system.
The House followed Friday night by voting 395-8 in favor of the measure.
Senate approval came as the chamber wrapped up work before going on its five-week summer recess.
The United States helped Israel create the missile defense system, which is credited with shooting down Hamas rockets in the current Gaza conflict.
"We could not go out for a month or five weeks and not act to help the Israelis replenish their supply of Iron Dome missiles," GOP Sen. John McCain of Arizona told reporters.
http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/140711220340-ac-foreman-on-iron-dome-00005110-story-body.jpg<cite class="expCaption">How does Israel's Iron Dome work?</cite>
On Thursday night, Republican Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma blocked the Iron Dome funding requested by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel because it would add to the budget deficit.
McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina then spoke to Coburn -- a notorious fiscal conservative -- about the critical moment facing Israel, Graham said, adding that "to his credit, he let it go."
With Coburn's objection gone, the measure passed swiftly by unanimous consent on Friday morning just as the latest attempt at a cease-fire in the Gaza conflict was disintegrating.
Supporting Israel is a political necessity for many U.S. legislators, especially with congressional elections coming in November.
McCain called for the House and President Barack Obama to now also approve the Iron Dome money in order to show the people of Israel that "we will stand with them and that we will provide them with what they need in order to defend themselves."

Sir Evil
09-17-2014, 06:45 PM
I blame it on too much partying growing up, now paying the price. I feel like this at 46, I have nightmares thinking what I'll feel like if I live to 90!!

90??? I don't see you making 60 at this rate! Better hurry and do another road trip as HJ is ready for another round!! :laugh:

Sir Evil
09-17-2014, 06:46 PM


09-17-2014, 06:47 PM
I hope they spend double that on missiles to shoot at the terrorists in Gaza

Sir Evil
09-17-2014, 06:49 PM
I hope they spend double that on missiles to shoot at the terrorists in Gaza

I think this may be jafar using a white supremacy front, ya think?

09-17-2014, 06:49 PM
90??? I don't see you making 60 at this rate! Better hurry and do another road trip as HJ is ready for another round!! :laugh:

We need to rent an RV, then I would enjoy the trip!

artur axmann
09-17-2014, 06:49 PM
I hope they spend double that on missiles to shoot at the terrorists in Gaza

don't stand under any tall buildings.

09-17-2014, 06:50 PM
don't stand under any tall buildings.

Use raid and kill the cockroaches - buildings fine.

09-17-2014, 06:51 PM
I think this may be jafar using a white supremacy front, ya think?

A common interest, hating the big bad "zionists"!

Artur, are you a Muslim from Australia? :)

09-17-2014, 06:52 PM
"One, the likelihood in Gaza is that 'the innocent(s) are entirely willing helpers of the terrorists involved, and not hapless, helpless bystanders."

Conjecture ,pure hearsay.

Can you specify one incident where gazans assisted Hamas or anyone else.

I'm sure you will be able to tell the jury when and how the students in the UN schools or those in the handicap rehabilitation hospitals aided the terrible hamas group in assaulting israelis with rockets .

Your evident faith in my ability to counter you tells its own story.

But I'm not sure I even need to. I've one devastatingly damning fact to give you - a well known fact (?) - from which you can't reasonably conclude anything ELSE but that Hamas must have its willing collaborators, and presumably in substantial numbers.



The people of Gaza overwhelmingly elected Hamas, a terrorist outfit dedicated to the destruction of Israel, as their designated representatives. Almost instantly Hamas began stockpiling weapons and using them against a more powerful foe with a solid track record of retaliation.

What did Gazans think was going to happen? Surely they must have understood on election night that their lives would now be suspended in a state of utter chaos. Life expectancy would be miserably low; children would be without a future. Staying alive would be a challenge, if staying alive even mattered anymore.

Supposing that Gazans 'overwhelmingly elected Hamas', yet had little idea what they were voting FOR, is just not at all credible. Was the Hamas Charter a 'secret' document, until after the election ?? Was their reputation as terrorists completely unknown in Gaza ???

No. There must be more than a few willing collaborators. It's obvious.

Oh, and one more point. Where I am, I get the BBC's domestic news service, and the BBC, throughout the recent conflict, transmitted many hours of footage of the 'awful Gazan plight'. They played various short interviews with Gazans about the Israeli retaliation strikes. Not ONE GAZAN went on air to blame Hamas for what they'd suffered. NOT ONE.

That level of blind loyalty to Hamas, TO KNOWN TERRORISTS, says it all. Support is rock solid amongst Gazans for Hamas, no matter what they suffer. So, collaboration must exist too, to a great extent.

It can't NOT do so.

09-17-2014, 06:54 PM
Here's a Fun Fact for you, Artur : Jews are not a race; it is a religion. That's something you and muslims can't keep straight in your rabid tirades.

The Jews were there in Israel thousands of years before your beloved 'palestinians'. That's why the area was chosen to establish the Nation of Israel there.

Personally, I cheer on Israel in her fight against the 'palestinians', who are in reality displaced Egyptians, Syrians, Jordanians and Lebanese. I have no sympathy for the idiots, because they elected and support terrorism against Israel.

Hamas is a terrorist organization, whether you Nazis like it or not. Launching rockets by the thousands into Israel at civilian population centers is a terrorist act, and as such must be punished, harshly.

The good news is that Israel is using some of the latest weaponry available from the U.S.A., and that should warm the cockles of any American's heart. I'm hoping they'll start deploying more Daisy Cutters, I hear the Next-Gen versions are really impressive and Israel is set to be the first to receive them! :salute:

Sir Evil
09-17-2014, 07:00 PM
Artur, are you a Muslim from Australia? :)


Stranger things have happened!

09-17-2014, 07:00 PM
Israeli historian Ilan Pappe of the University of Exeter has recently argued that
“This Israeli narrative is totally rejected in the world of cyber activism and alternative media. There it seems the condemnation of the Israeli action as a war crime is widespread and consensual.”
J. J. Goldberg of the Jewish Daily Forward has reported,

I'm quoting from Jewish sources and not Mein Kampf.. can you see the difference???

In tone and basic sentiment ... I don't really see a lot of difference. And, I have to assume that this is why you're willing to use such sources as you have.

But then, so what ? Traitors DO exist, people who have no hesitation in stabbing their homeland in the back. I can give you example after example of traitors.

Doesn't mean that their word deserves to receive a sympathetic hearing. Quite the opposite, in fact !

artur axmann
09-17-2014, 07:04 PM
Here's a Fun Fact for you, Artur : Jews are not a race; it is a religion. That's something you and muslims can't keep straight in your rabid tirades.

The Jews were there in Israel thousands of years before your beloved 'palestinians'. That's why the area was chosen to establish the Nation of Israel there.

Personally, I cheer on Israel in her fight against the 'palestinians', who are in reality displaced Egyptians, Syrians, Jordanians and Lebanese. I have no sympathy for the idiots, because they elected and support terrorism against Israel.

Hamas is a terrorist organization, whether you Nazis like it or not. Launching rockets by the thousands into Israel at civilian population centers is a terrorist act, and as such must be punished, harshly.

The good news is that Israel is using some of the latest weaponry available from the U.S.A., and that should warm the cockles of any American's heart. I'm hoping they'll start deploying more Daisy Cutters, I hear the Next-Gen versions are really impressive and Israel is set to be the first to receive them! :salute:

Are you also a war criminal yourself?

"I have no sympathy for the idiots, because they elected and support terrorism against Israel."

Do you have sympathy for those who elected DUBYA and caused 5000 us servicemen to die in vain?

I think the zionists have made an idiot out of you and other americans as well, who blindly support them with billions of bucks each year.

Did you say RELIGION??
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=705091#post705091) http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/pappe-320x238.jpg

09-17-2014, 07:05 PM
Pretty cool that Israel is perfecting the missile shield for us while they save their civilians' lives.

Have we sold them M1A1 Abrams Battle Tanks yet? And if not, why not?

Just think of the justice they can deliver in 68 tons of armored goodness!



artur axmann
09-17-2014, 07:08 PM
Pretty cool that Israel is perfecting the missile shield for us while they save their civilians' lives.

Have we sold them M1A1 Abrams Battle Tanks yet? And if not, why not?

Just think of the justice they can deliver in 68 tons of armored goodness!



are you a war criminal?

09-17-2014, 07:10 PM
I think the zionists have made an idiot out of you and other americans as well, who blindly support them with billions of bucks each year.

I wouldn't say blindly. I've seen a shitload of videos of the missiles being well spent, landing directly on terrorist vehicles and homes. I'll give extra come tax time if I'm guaranteed to see more of my money go to the IDF.

Sir Evil
09-17-2014, 07:10 PM
I think the zionists have made an idiot out of you and other americans as well, who blindly support them with billions of bucks each year.

I don't see any blind support for you or your simple minded posts so clearly there is only one idiot here artie... yep. it's you!

09-17-2014, 07:11 PM
are you a war criminal?

Rolling one of those suckers over a few of the melons attached to terrorists - one would get a medal for doing so.

09-17-2014, 07:14 PM
Are you also a war criminal yourself?

"I have no sympathy for the idiots, because they elected and support terrorism against Israel."

Do you have sympathy for those who elected DUBYA and caused 5000 us servicemen to die in vain?

I think the zionists have made an idiot out of you and other americans as well, who blindly support them with billions of bucks each year.

Allow me to offer my own answer.

'Artur', you're referring to the War on Terror, and deployment of forces as part of that ?

I suppose you've never heard of '9/11', then ? Or, you somehow suppose that the 9/11 attacks didn't merit any meaningful response ??

As for your last sentence, I interpret that to mean that you believe America should abandon Israel .. one of its allies ? And .. to what ?

The tender 'mercies' of scum like Hamas ???

09-17-2014, 07:14 PM
Are you also a war criminal yourself?

"I have no sympathy for the idiots, because they elected and support terrorism against Israel."

Do you have sympathy for those who elected DUBYA and caused 5000 us servicemen to die in vain?

I think the zionists have made an idiot out of you and other americans as well, who blindly support them with billions of bucks each year.

I helped elect Dubya, Slick. And I cheered on our forces as they kicked some terrorist ass. Check the stats of what our Military and Ex-Military personnel think and you'll find overwhelming majority think the way I do about killing the animals over there.

Zionists haven't had any input in how I think - that sort of reasoning is owned by weirdo conspiracy nuts and whackjob Nazi groups. Oh, and muslims, too, but since they're getting their asses kicked by Israel and the USA, I can kind of understand why they'd feel that way.

Hard feelings abound when you realize that you're the asshole that showed up to a gunfight with a stick.

Sir Evil
09-17-2014, 07:17 PM
Hard feelings abound when you realize that you're the asshole that showed up to a gunfight with a stick.


Outstanding sir!

artur axmann
09-17-2014, 07:18 PM

O.K. here it is the late great Auschwitz :center for displaced persons..

What's this? no way you say..

Well that's all it really was.. The Eastern Front was collapsing and we needed to get civilians out of harm's way..

But how many people do you really think could've died here?

Originally a sign at the gate read 4 million died here ;and then it steadily was revamped down to about one million.

So, how do we kniow.. By the way ,no gas was used anywhere at all.

Look don't argue with me about it ,unless you have proof that gas chambers were there. please , I don't want to hear it.

09-17-2014, 07:23 PM

O.K. here it is the late great Auschwitz :center for displaced persons..

What's this? no way you say..

Well that's all it really was.. The Eastern Front was collapsing and we needed to get civilians out of harm's way..

But how many people do you really think could've died here?

Originally a sign at the gate read 4 million died here ;and then it steadily was revamped down to about one million.

So, how do we kniow.. By the way ,no gas was used anywhere at all.

Look don't argue with me about it ,unless you have proof that gas chambers were there. please , I don't want to hear it.

One is one too many.

09-17-2014, 07:24 PM
That picture has a twitter address at the bottom. Is that from an article that can be cited? Or is that you? I don't see the connection.

09-17-2014, 07:25 PM
are you a war criminal?


But I do support the killing of war criminals.

Here's another great way we're helping Israel thin out the herd :



No virgins for you, Achmed! That was a female pilot!

artur axmann
09-17-2014, 07:26 PM
I helped elect Dubya, Slick. And I cheered on our forces as they kicked some terrorist ass. Check the stats of what our Military and Ex-Military personnel think and you'll find overwhelming majority think the way I do about killing the animals over there.

Zionists haven't had any input in how I think - that sort of reasoning is owned by weirdo conspiracy nuts and whackjob Nazi groups. Oh, and muslims, too, but since they're getting their asses kicked by Israel and the USA, I can kind of understand why they'd feel that way.

Hard feelings abound when you realize that you're the asshole that showed up to a gunfight with a stick.

a lot of good it did ,, you should give it another shot. They need advisors .. maybe I'll see you on you tube . Orange is the new black.

Don't bother growing a beard.

Sir Evil
09-17-2014, 07:29 PM
That picture has a twitter address at the bottom. Is that from an article that can be cited? Or is that you? I don't see the connection.

that was in another post as well, I think artie may just be that little girl!

09-17-2014, 07:32 PM
that was in another post as well, I think artie may just be that little girl!

Maybe that's his avatar?

Are you a little girl, Artur?

artur axmann
09-17-2014, 07:32 PM
That picture has a twitter address at the bottom. Is that from an article that can be cited? Or is that you? I don't see the connection.

Breanna Mitchell says she took her Auschwitz selfie in memory of her father, who shared the teenager's love of history
In Mitchell's case, the teenager said she had made the trip to Auschwitz on the anniversary of her father's death, and had wanted a memento.
'Honestly, I don't think I would do anything differently, because I didn't mean any harm,' she said, according to Gawker (http://gawker.com/auschwitz-selfie-teen-i-don-t-think-i-would-do-anythi-1609165119?utm_campaign=socialflow_gawker_twitter&utm_source=gawker_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow).
'And, like, I told everybody my story behind it, so that's the only reason I don't regret taking it.'
The teenager added that she had been shocked by the sudden interest in the picture, and said she had been sent harsh messages and even death threats.

09-17-2014, 07:33 PM
a lot of good it did ,, you should give it another shot. They need advisors .. maybe I'll see you on you tube . Orange is the new black.

Don't bother growing a beard.

Oh, Israel is doing a fine job. Stellar, even!

They don't need my advice - have you seen the incredible differences in casualties between Israel and any Arab army was stupid enough to engage her in combat? That will tell you right there who's side God is on. Google it, you'll be impressed and you may even learn something.

I already have a beard. I keep it closely trimmed because my infidel girlfriend likes it that way.

09-17-2014, 07:33 PM
Breanna Mitchell says she took her Auschwitz selfie in memory of her father, who shared the teenager's love of history
In Mitchell's case, the teenager said she had made the trip to Auschwitz on the anniversary of her father's death, and had wanted a memento.
'Honestly, I don't think I would do anything differently, because I didn't mean any harm,' she said, according to Gawker (http://gawker.com/auschwitz-selfie-teen-i-don-t-think-i-would-do-anythi-1609165119?utm_campaign=socialflow_gawker_twitter&utm_source=gawker_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow).
'And, like, I told everybody my story behind it, so that's the only reason I don't regret taking it.'
The teenager added that she had been shocked by the sudden interest in the picture, and said she had been sent harsh messages and even death threats.

Tis in that link, thank you :)

artur axmann
09-17-2014, 07:37 PM
Tis in that link, thank you :)

Isn't this incredible?


artur axmann
09-17-2014, 07:41 PM
Oh, Israel is doing a fine job. Stellar, even!

They don't need my advice - have you seen the incredible differences in casualties between Israel and any Arab army was stupid enough to engage her in combat? That will tell you right there who's side God is on. Google it, you'll be impressed and you may even learn something.

I already have a beard. I keep it closely trimmed because my infidel girlfriend likes it that way.

And you represent why America is drowning in a cesspool .

09-17-2014, 07:41 PM
Isn't this incredible?

No. I find it to be a tad silly, and disrespectful, even if naive.

09-17-2014, 07:44 PM
And you represent why America is drowning in a cesspool .

For choosing good over evil? Jewish folks over terrorists who have sworn to kill them?

09-17-2014, 07:45 PM
And you represent why America is drowning in a cesspool .


Being told that from a self-professed Nazi is the height of hilarity!

Jesus, I almost fell out of my chair laughing! whewwwwwwwww Damn, my sides hurt.

09-17-2014, 08:58 PM
Why should we consider israel as being legitimate..anyone anyone...

Rational-legal legitimacy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legitimacy_(political)#Types_of_legitimacy) derives from a system of institutional procedure, wherein government institutions establish and enforce law and order in the public interest. Therefore, it is through public trust that the government will abide the law that confers rational-legal legitimacy.

Your turn. Why are they not?

09-17-2014, 09:24 PM
And you represent why America is drowning in a cesspool .

Right you are artur. And none of us can help but face the actual Truth, as to how YOU are causing such drowning with your obvious hatred...disguised as your own feelings of superiority over EVERYONE else who disagree's with you.

09-17-2014, 09:55 PM
Asked and answered many times on this board. Do your research and you'll know how we feel about the legitimacy of Israel.


Has anyone else noticed....a sudden increase and rise in the anti-semitism posts around the net lately? Are we entering another era here (history repeats itself)? I, for one, refuse to just sit by silent and allow this crap to go unanswered and unchallenged. The people in Germany did that and look at the end result. And we're Americans. We've got more 'ballz' in our little fingers than they had in their entire bodies. We need to take a stand against this BS...now.

09-17-2014, 10:06 PM
Has anyone else noticed....a sudden increase and rise in the anti-semitism posts around the net lately? Are we entering another era here (history repeats itself)? I, for one, refuse to just sit by silent and allow this crap to go unanswered and unchallenged. The people in Germany did that and look at the end result. And we're Americans. We've got more 'ballz' in our little fingers than they had in their entire bodies. We need to take a stand against this BS...now.

I have noticed that, DLT. And it's not just the usual suspects like muslims or nazis doing it now.

I really don't understand it, all I can suggest is maybe the large population of ignorant, barely-educated people that voted for BamBam (twice!) are buying into the liberal love-fest with those poor palestinians, and therefore Israel must be bad.

09-17-2014, 11:03 PM
Anytime you want to see how stupid Americans are becoming just watch any episode of Watter's World.

http://video.foxnews.com/v/3770112496001/watters-world-isis-edition/?playlist_id=1383651764001#sp=show-clipser's World.

09-17-2014, 11:44 PM
All this does is make me wonder what type of progressive liberal crap is being taught to our children today.

Artur....Look don't argue with me about it, unless you have proof that progressive liberal crap isn't being taught in school these days....please , I don't want to hear it.

09-18-2014, 06:03 AM
Is this jackass for real?

artur axmann
09-18-2014, 04:45 PM
I wouldn't say blindly. I've seen a shitload of videos of the missiles being well spent, landing directly on terrorist vehicles and homes. I'll give extra come tax time if I'm guaranteed to see more of my money go to the IDF.

Palestinians in gaza have a right to put up some defense ,even if it's futile. What do you want them to do...just sit and watch their families go up in sand and smoke?

artur axmann
09-18-2014, 04:55 PM
Ted Cruz: Can we meet later for drinks , honey? Presidential wannabe politicians seldom will champion an American First foreign policy, but are eager to stand behind a Pro-Zionist agenda, even at the expense of our own essential national interest.

Can an elected US official be serve two masters?

The mess that engulfs the Middle East is only getting worse. Throughout all the past administrations and swings in the post World War II cast of enemies, Israel is never mentioned by the establishment as a force that undermines American national security. The axiom that Zionism is an unquestioned ally and friend of the United States, goes unchallenged. Any honest evaluation of world affairs must concede that the political class accepts this illusion as fact. If this was not true, why does nothing ever improve in the regional caldron of eternal conflict?

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-uTrQQ30VxzM/TZoxRokqvXI/AAAAAAAABAU/sD3yVQ8ub8w/s1600/01_06_12_Soldier_threatens_Palestinian_at_Qalandia _checkpoint.jpg
Tough Guy: IDF soldier administers daily beating on Palestinian man. [whp can not raise his hands, or he'll be shot]

Israel is a country based upon apartheid animus. The claim that it is a practicing democracy is preposterous with the exclusion of displaced Palestinians from the political process. Zionism is a political ideology and any assertions that it is a religion, totally ignores the policy-making nature of the Israeli government.

Judaism historically, based upon a religious adherence to the tenants of the Old Testament, is not universally homogeneous. The differences in the Torah and the Talmud are contentions among some Jews since antiquity. Not all Israelis are professing religious believers. Jews are people. A false assertion, that interchangeably substitutes a population for the identity of the State of Israel, is a fatal error. If Jews, bonded together by a tribal lineage was true, the universe of converts would be most limited.

Continue reading →http://www.fromthetrenchesworldrepor...32#more-104332 (http://www.fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/ted-cruz-i-pledge-of-allegiance-to-israel/104332#more-104332)

artur axmann
09-18-2014, 05:04 PM
Has anyone else noticed....a sudden increase and rise in the anti-semitism posts around the net lately? Are we entering another era here (history repeats itself)? I, for one, refuse to just sit by silent and allow this crap to go unanswered and unchallenged. The people in Germany did that and look at the end result. And we're Americans. We've got more 'ballz' in our little fingers than they had in their entire bodies. We need to take a stand against this BS...now.

I think we do need to take a stand against THIS B.S.!!!!!

PDF of "report" on anti-semitism being sent to US colleges and universities.

Following up on the termination of Steven Salaita and the leaked email from ADL demanding US colleges and universities suppress pro-Palestinian groups and activities, we find this document which is being circulated to those institutions of higher learning indoctrination which defines as anti-semitism areas of intellectual inquiry that would be considered protected free speech under the First Amendment. Pay attention in particular to Appendix 3, which includes as anti-semitism any discussions as to whether the official story of the holocaust has been exaggerated!

Under these guidelines, students mentioning that the Aushwitz museum revised downward the number of people who died there of all causes by 2.5 million would be declared anti-Semitic and subject to official silencing by the school.


From this document, it should be obvious that the real enemy of the American way of life is not Al Qaeda, not ISIS, not Russia, not China, but the state of Israel!

09-18-2014, 05:26 PM
I think we do need to take a stand against THIS B.S.!!!!!

PDF of "report" on anti-semitism being sent to US colleges and universities.

Following up on the termination of Steven Salaita and the leaked email from ADL demanding US colleges and universities suppress pro-Palestinian groups and activities, we find this document which is being circulated to those institutions of higher learning indoctrination which defines as anti-semitism areas of intellectual inquiry that would be considered protected free speech under the First Amendment. Pay attention in particular to Appendix 3, which includes as anti-semitism any discussions as to whether the official story of the holocaust has been exaggerated!

Under these guidelines, students mentioning that the Aushwitz museum revised downward the number of people who died there of all causes by 2.5 million would be declared anti-Semitic and subject to official silencing by the school.


From this document, it should be obvious that the real enemy of the American way of life is not Al Qaeda, not ISIS, not Russia, not China, but the state of Israel!

Until you finally get the courage to simply explain to all of us, why you hate Israel, and Jews. You can talk to yourself here.

artur axmann
09-18-2014, 05:27 PM
Dutch Jew Plans Shabbat 'Kippah Walk' To Make Himself Feel Better About .. Himself (http://therebel.org/en/news/brendon-o-connell/796964-dutch-jew-plans-shabbat-kippah-walk-to-make-himself-feel-better-about-himself) <--Link to crappy Australian anti-Jew site built by a stoned 12 year old.

Dutch Jew Plans Shabbat ‘Kippah Walk’ to Protest Growing Muslim Anti-Semitism (http://www.algemeiner.com/2014/09/12/dutch-jew-plans-shabbat-kippah-walk-to-protest-growing-muslim-anti-semitism-video/) <-- Link to actual story.

09-18-2014, 05:30 PM
Palestinians in gaza have a right to put up some defense ,even if it's futile. What do you want them to do...just sit and watch their families go up in sand and smoke?

Don't you mean offense? Hamas launches rockets into Israel without provocation or warning.

Tell me, Artur, since the Jordanians also drove out the Palestinian loons do they have a "right" to Jordanian land as well?

09-18-2014, 05:40 PM
Palestinians in gaza have a right to put up some defense ,even if it's futile. What do you want them to do...just sit and watch their families go up in sand and smoke?

artur. Palestinians in Gaza would have no need to Defend, or try any Offensive tactics to protect their families if they didn't allow HAMAS to control everything they do. Not to mention...their ELECTIONS in which the default always falls in the HAMAS favor.

Making excuses, as you are doing for Palestinians...sounds like another Israel/Jew hater member we had here called jafar.

I suspect YOU might just be that member, trying another disguise after failing with your FIRST.

Would you like to defend that?

09-18-2014, 05:43 PM
So Artur. Is this the approved method used by ISIS to gather members?

Posting SCUMBAG HATRED to lure the mentally disabled like yourself?

09-18-2014, 05:48 PM
All this does is make me wonder what type of progressive liberal crap is being taught to our children today.

Artur....Look don't argue with me about it, unless you have proof that progressive liberal crap isn't being taught in school these days....please , I don't want to hear it.

SassyLady. In ONE Word.....as a reply to your question. "LIES". That liberal crap is actually sanctioned, and being put out as the re-writing of History based on the sickness of hatred, ignorance, and stupidity. Such as we have seen from this woman( and I use the word woman loosely)http://icansayit.com/images/SHULTZ.jpg

artur axmann
09-18-2014, 06:01 PM
artur. Palestinians in Gaza would have no need to Defend, or try any Offensive tactics to protect their families if they didn't allow HAMAS to control everything they do. Not to mention...their ELECTIONS in which the default always falls in the HAMAS favor.

Making excuses, as you are doing for Palestinians...sounds like another Israel/Jew hater member we had here called jafar.

I suspect YOU might just be that member, trying another disguise after failing with your FIRST.

Would you like to defend that?

In fact ,I have no compelling interests in middle east issues . I'm pointing out that a big price will be paid by the american masses if they do not take back political and financial control from the zionists. It's the abject stupidity of american politicos who have been catering to zionists for over 60 years.

this was warned to all immediately after israel recognition in 48. but no one heeded the advice given by IKE and many others.

09-18-2014, 06:03 PM
In fact ,I have no compelling interests in middle east issues . I'm pointing out that a big price will be paid by the american masses if they do not take back political and financial control from the zionists. It's the abject stupidity of american politicos who have been catering to zionists for over 60 years.

this was warned to all immediately after israel recognition in 48. but no one heeded the advice given by IKE and many others.


Sir Evil
09-18-2014, 06:04 PM
In fact ,I have no compelling interests in middle east issues . I'm pointing out that a big price will be paid by the american masses if they do not take back political and financial control from the zionists. It's the abject stupidity of american politicos who have been catering to zionists for over 60 years.

this was warned to all immediately after israel recognition in 48. but no one heeded the advice given by IKE and many others.

Find the edge and jump....Immediately!

artur axmann
09-18-2014, 06:13 PM
Find the edge and jump....Immediately!

GOOD, typical NON-ANSWER!!

09-18-2014, 06:25 PM
I think we do need to take a stand against THIS B.S.!!!!!

PDF of "report" on anti-semitism being sent to US colleges and universities.

Following up on the termination of Steven Salaita and the leaked email from ADL demanding US colleges and universities suppress pro-Palestinian groups and activities, we find this document which is being circulated to those institutions of higher learning indoctrination which defines as anti-semitism areas of intellectual inquiry that would be considered protected free speech under the First Amendment. Pay attention in particular to Appendix 3, which includes as anti-semitism any discussions as to whether the official story of the holocaust has been exaggerated!

Under these guidelines, students mentioning that the Aushwitz museum revised downward the number of people who died there of all causes by 2.5 million would be declared anti-Semitic and subject to official silencing by the school.


From this document, it should be obvious that the real enemy of the American way of life is not Al Qaeda, not ISIS, not Russia, not China, but the state of Israel!

Artur Axmann .. your name is indeed well chosen. Your would-be Führer would be proud of you. But I second Aboutime's own comment. I also want you to explain your very obvious hatred of Israel and Jews.

Your apology for same also seems mandated ...

09-18-2014, 06:55 PM
GOOD, typical NON-ANSWER!!

How DOES one answer long-since discredited Hitleresque bigotry, anyway ? This utter garbage of yours, alluding to Zionist controls ... very reminiscent of the propaganda the National Socialist (NAZI) Party was pushing in order to get Hitler in a position of power.

You know what I think ? You're lumbered with a massive stock of size 11 Jackboots that you're desperate to sell. In order to do so, you first have to inspire a marketing interest ....

Are swastikas an optional (or is that DICTATED) extra ?

Here's a little something for you to enjoy, my son ... 'Shalom' ....


red state
09-18-2014, 07:51 PM
Your offering had a definite 'Mein Kampf' flavour to it. You must surely be aware of that.

Here's a part of your previous post, verbatim ..

Hitler could've definitely written that. If he had, it would've been fully in keeping with the propaganda his Nazi Party was shoving down Germans' throats in the 1930's.

And if you're not rabidly anti-Semitic, kindly explain your monicker 'Artur Axmann'.

Do so, in view of this .....


You have chosen to identify with a one-time loyal supporter of Hitler, and 'Reichsjugendführer', no less, this a prominent role undertaken for Hitler in his Third Reich !! You are now here, trolling away, with anti-Israeli propaganda.

So it's no less than reasonable to extrapolate from all of this just what your motivations must be.

As, indeed, I have.


09-18-2014, 08:18 PM
Archaeologists in eastern Poland claim they have discovered new evidence related to the Nazi regime’s evil and murderous history.

(http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/09/18/archaeologists-in-poland-make-horrendous-discovery-underneath-the-ground-that-the-nazis-never-wanted-found/)Hidden underneath the ground at a former Nazi concentration camp on the outskirts of the village of Sobibor, archaeologists reputedly found gas chambers that were intentionally hidden by Nazis after an uprising in 1943. Officials estimate roughly 250,000 Jews were killed in the gas chambers. (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/09/18/archaeologists-in-poland-make-horrendous-discovery-underneath-the-ground-that-the-nazis-never-wanted-found/)
Following an uprising at the camp on Oct. 14, 1943, German forces reportedly demolished the gas chambers. The site of the mass killing of Jews was later covered with an asphalt road. (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/09/18/archaeologists-in-poland-make-horrendous-discovery-underneath-the-ground-that-the-nazis-never-wanted-found/)

Very timely story. Artur will call it fraud.

09-18-2014, 08:48 PM
Nazi Boy doesn't seem to realize there are not any influential young kids posting here. He's up against well read, intelligent, older posters that aren't influenced by propaganda. Another two days and he's going to find out what it's like to get fully attacked by people that know how to make him feel like a fool. It's already starting.

09-18-2014, 08:58 PM
My, oh my. There seems to be a deafening silence from artur at this point. Guess Mommy made him turn off the laptop, x-box, and the light to get to sleep for the busy TGIF day at Pre-school.

09-18-2014, 09:05 PM
Wow, more jafar propaganda. Have you considered becoming a suicide bomber?

09-18-2014, 09:08 PM
Like this...http://icansayit.com/images/naziflag.bmp

Next comes the shaving of the head.

09-18-2014, 09:17 PM
Like this...http://icansayit.com/images/naziflag.bmp

Next comes the shaving of the head.

Ten bucks says the little fruitloop already has it shaved and practices goose-stepping in the mirror.

09-18-2014, 09:34 PM
Ten bucks says the little fruitloop already has it shaved and practices goose-stepping in the mirror.

NightTrain. Would you accept OBAMA-BUCKS?:laugh:

09-18-2014, 10:10 PM
NightTrain. Would you accept OBAMA-BUCKS?:laugh:


09-18-2014, 10:34 PM
No proof that arab countries declared war on Israel.. Some Arab countries ,jordan and syria sent
humanitarian aid . and they were gunned down by the terrorists .
Holy shit! I stopped reading whatever that guy had to say right there.
Humanitarian aid.../CACKLE. You don't feed the hungry or heal the sick by pulling up your Tanks on someone's border son.

On a side note: How cool what it have been to capture Baghdad Bob and commission him to write his own version of world history over the last 6,000 years. I'd pay top dollar for that comedy.

Abbey Marie
09-19-2014, 09:24 AM
Some people make me feel like they see DP as a highway rest stop. They stop in, leave "something smelly", and then drive off.

09-19-2014, 01:00 PM

O.K. here it is the late great Auschwitz :center for displaced persons..

What's this? no way you say..

Well that's all it really was.. The Eastern Front was collapsing and we needed to get civilians out of harm's way..

But how many people do you really think could've died here?

Originally a sign at the gate read 4 million died here ;and then it steadily was revamped down to about one million.

So, how do we kniow.. By the way ,no gas was used anywhere at all.

Look don't argue with me about it ,unless you have proof that gas chambers were there. please , I don't want to hear it.

next you'll tell us Zyklon B was used as a disinfectant or insecticide. don't forget. no gas chambers either

09-19-2014, 01:14 PM

O.K. here it is the late great Auschwitz :center for displaced persons..

What's this? no way you say..

Well that's all it really was.. The Eastern Front was collapsing and we needed to get civilians out of harm's way..

But how many people do you really think could've died here?

Originally a sign at the gate read 4 million died here ;and then it steadily was revamped down to about one million.

So, how do we kniow.. By the way ,no gas was used anywhere at all.

Look don't argue with me about it ,unless you have proof that gas chambers were there. please , I don't want to hear it.

so your the final solution huh??

I will argue. a kid standing with a pic of buildings is no proof at all. so cough it up storm trooper. prove it didn't happen. i say you can't and never will.

09-19-2014, 01:16 PM
Is this jackass for real?

he thinks he is. ive seen his type before. many times

Abbey Marie
09-19-2014, 01:44 PM
Now, Arthur, I asked you these two questions in another of your threads. You must have missed it, because you did not respond.

Let's try again:

1. Do you play Bass?
2. Why do you hate Jews?

Thanks in advance for your reply!


09-19-2014, 07:13 PM
Now, Arthur, I asked you these two questions in another of your threads. You must have missed it, because you did not respond.

Let's try again:

1. Do you play Bass?
2. Why do you hate Jews?

Thanks in advance for your reply!


they all hate Jews because the Holocaust gets more worldwide attention then they do.

09-19-2014, 09:22 PM
are you a war criminal?

None of us are artur. But if you are turning yourself in to us. I salute you for being so honest.

09-20-2014, 08:52 AM
So Nazi Boy, I have a question. Israel is a tiny country. They receive aid from the US. They produce very little, at least in comparison with the world. So how do they control the US, UK, Western Europe and so many other places in the world? They just don't have that much money and their military is certainly not big enough to intimidate anyone but the arabs.

And, who is your mentor at stormfront? I think he was here before and got run off like a whipped puppy.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-20-2014, 11:03 AM
I hope they spend double that on missiles to shoot at the terrorists in Gaza

I hope for at least triple Jim.. ;)

And hope they toss in 20 Abrams and a half dozen of our best attack copters to boot...--Tyr

09-20-2014, 02:04 PM
Washington (CNN) -- Divided on other issues, U.S. lawmakers united in support of Israel on Friday with the Senate approving another $225 million for the Iron Dome missile defense system.
The House followed Friday night by voting 395-8 in favor of the measure.
Senate approval came as the chamber wrapped up work before going on its five-week summer recess.
The United States helped Israel create the missile defense system, which is credited with shooting down Hamas rockets in the current Gaza conflict.
"We could not go out for a month or five weeks and not act to help the Israelis replenish their supply of Iron Dome missiles," GOP Sen. John McCain of Arizona told reporters.
http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/140711220340-ac-foreman-on-iron-dome-00005110-story-body.jpg<cite class="expCaption">How does Israel's Iron Dome work?</cite>
On Thursday night, Republican Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma blocked the Iron Dome funding requested by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel because it would add to the budget deficit.
McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina then spoke to Coburn -- a notorious fiscal conservative -- about the critical moment facing Israel, Graham said, adding that "to his credit, he let it go."
With Coburn's objection gone, the measure passed swiftly by unanimous consent on Friday morning just as the latest attempt at a cease-fire in the Gaza conflict was disintegrating.
Supporting Israel is a political necessity for many U.S. legislators, especially with congressional elections coming in November.
McCain called for the House and President Barack Obama to now also approve the Iron Dome money in order to show the people of Israel that "we will stand with them and that we will provide them with what they need in order to defend themselves."


09-20-2014, 02:09 PM
So Nazi Boy, I have a question. Israel is a tiny country. They receive aid from the US. They produce very little, at least in comparison with the world. So how do they control the US, UK, Western Europe and so many other places in the world? They just don't have that much money and their military is certainly not big enough to intimidate anyone but the arabs.

And, who is your mentor at stormfront? I think he was here before and got run off like a whipped puppy.

Because they're JEWS, man! It's a magical power that they all have, of course!

All you have to do is convert and you too can be financially independent and control the governments of the world!

artur axmann
09-20-2014, 03:59 PM
Some people make me feel like they see DP as a highway rest stop. They stop in, leave "something smelly", and then drive off.

"something smelly " could be to your failure to flush or to change your plug.

09-20-2014, 04:05 PM
"something smelly " could be to your failure to flush or to change your plug.

But we all know how much fresher the air is around here when YOU are not posting.

artur axmann
09-20-2014, 04:06 PM
Holy shit! I stopped reading whatever that guy had to say right there.
Humanitarian aid.../CACKLE. You don't feed the hungry or heal the sick by pulling up your Tanks on someone's border son.

On a side note: How cool what it have been to capture Baghdad Bob and commission him to write his own version of world history over the last 6,000 years. I'd pay top dollar for that comedy.

The big mistake everyone made in 48 was to trust the UN ,thinking they would step in and allow refugees to return to their homes ,from out of which the zionists established their illegitimate state.. and that's the truth

09-20-2014, 04:14 PM
The big mistake everyone made in 48 was to trust the UN ,thinking they would step in and allow refugees to return to their homes ,from out of which the zionists established their illegitimate state.. and that's the truth

artur. Were you born so full of HATE, or did someone like you teach you to HATE so much?

artur axmann
09-20-2014, 04:41 PM
In his book, “L’antisémitisme son histoire et ses causes,” published
in 1894, noted Jewish author, Bernard Lazare, stated the following
with regard to these expulsions of Jews,

For all of you who are quick to call me an antisemite ,you would do well to read what follows and please answer the question implied by the author ,as to how the expulsion of jews could happen

in every era and in every period of history ;and by so many different and disparate groups ;each one unable to live at peace with the jewish people over the many centuries. GIVE ME AN ANSWER ; all you geniuses.

“If this hostility, even aversion, had only been shown towards the
Jews at one period and in one country, it would be easy to unravel the
limited causes of this anger, but this race has been on the contrary
an object of hatred to all the peoples among whom it has established
itself. It must be therefore, since the enemies of the Jews belonged
to the most diverse races, since they lived in countries very distant
from each other, since they were ruled by very different laws,
governed by opposite principles, since they had neither the same
morals, nor the same customs, since they were animated by unlike
dispositions which did not permit them to judge of anything in the
same way, it must be therefore that the general cause of anti-Semitism
has always resided in Israel itself and not in those who have fought
against Israel.”


250 C.E.

224 C.E.
Forced Conversion

325 C.E.

351 C.E
Book Burning

357 C.E.
Property Confiscation

379 C.E.
Synagogue Burning

415 C.E.

418 C.E.
Forced Conversion

469 C.E.

489 C.E.
Synagogue Burning

506 C.E.
Synagogue Burning

519 C.E.
Synagogue Burning

554 C.E.
Diocese of Clement (France)

561 C.E.
Diocese of Uzes (France)

582 C.E
Forced Conversion

612 C.E.
Visigoth Spain

628 C.E.
Forced Conversion

629 C.E.
Forced Conversion

633 C.E.
Forced Conversion

638 C.E.
Stake Burnings

642 C.E.
Visigothic Empire

653 C.E.

681 C.E.
Forced Conversion

693 C.E.
Jews Enslaved

722 C.E.
Judaism Outlawed

855 C.E.

876 C.E.

897 C.E.
Land Confiscation

945 C.E.
Ban on Sea Travel

1009 C.E.

1012 C.E.
Rouen, Limoges & Rome

1012 C.E.

1021 C.E.
Jews Burned Alive

1063 C.E.

1095 C.E.

1096 C.E.
Northern France & Germany
1/3 of Jewish Population Massacred

1096 C.E.

1096 C.E.

1099 C.E.
Jews Burned Alive

1100 C.E.

1140 C.E.

1146 C.E.
Rhine Valley

1147 C.E.

1147 C.E.
Belitz (Germany)
Jews Burned Alive

1147 C.E.
Carenton, Ramenu & Sully (France)

1171 C.E.
Stake Burnings

1181 C.E.

1181 C.E.
Property Confiscation

1188 C.E.
London & York
Mob Attacks

1190 C.E.
Jews Burned Alive

1191 C.E.
Bray (France)
Jews Burned Alive

1195 C.E.
Property Confiscation

1209 C.E.

1212 C.E.
Rioting and blood bath against the Jews of Toledo.

1215 C.E.
Lateran Council of Rome decrees that Jews must wear the “badge of shame” in all Christian countries. Jews are denied all public sector employment, and are burdened with extra taxes.

1215 C.E.
Toulouse (France)
Mass Arrests

1218 C.E.
Jews Forced to Wear Badges

1231 C.E.
Inquisition Established

1236 C.E.
Forced Conversion/Massacre

1239 C.E.
Massacre & Property Confiscation

1240 C.E.
Property confiscation. Jews either imprisoned, converted, expelled, or burned.

1240 C.E.
Talmud Confiscated

1240 C.E.
Book Burning

1240 C.E.
Forced Conversion

1242 C.E.
Talmud Burned

1244 C.E.
Mob Attacks

1255 C.E.
Blood libel in Lincoln results in the burning / torture of many Jews & public hangings.

1261 C.E.
Mob Attacks

1262 C.E.
Mob Attacks

1264 C.E.
Mob Attacks

1264 C.E.
Council of Vienna declares that all Jews must wear a “pointed dunce cap.” Thousands murdered.

1267 C.E.
Jews Forced to Wear Horned Hats

1270 C.E.
Weissenberg, Magdeburg, Arnstadt, Coblenz, Singzig, and Erfurt
Jews Burned Alive

1270 C.E.
The libel of the “counterfeit coins” – all Jewish men, women and children in England imprisoned. Hundreds are hung.

1276 C.E.

1278 C.E.
Genoa (Spain)
Mob Attacks

1279 C.E.
Hungary & Poland
The Council of Offon denies Jews the right to all civic positions. The Jews of Hungary & Poland are forced to wear the “red badge of shame.”

1283 C.E.
Mayence & Bacharach
Mob Attacks

1285 C.E.
Jews Burned Alive

1290 C.E.
King Edward I issues an edict banishing all Jews from England. Many drowned.

1291 C.E.
The Jewish refugees from England are promptly expelled from France.

1292 C.E.
Forced conversions & expulsion of the Italian Jewish community.

1298 C.E.
The libel of the “Desecrated Host” is perpetrated against the Jews of Germany. Approximately 150 Jewish communities undergo forced conversion.

1298 C.E.
Franconia, Bavaria & Austria
Reindfel’s Decree is propagated against the Jews of Franconia and Bavarai. Riots against these Jewish communities, as well as those in Austria, result in the massacre of 100,000 Jews over a six-month period.

1306 C.E.

1308 C.E.
Jews Burned Alive

1320 C.E.
Toulouse & Perpigon
120 Communities Massacred & Talmud Burned

1321 C.E.
Public Executions

1328 C.E.
5,000 Jews Slaughtered

1348 C.E.
France & Spain
Jews Burned Alive

1348 C.E.

1349 C.E.
Worms, Strasbourg, Oppenheim, Mayence, Erfurt, Bavaria & Swabia
Jews Burned Alive

1349 C.E.
Heilbronn (Germany)

1349 C.E.

1354 C.E.
Castile (Spain)
12,000 Jews Slaughtered

1368 C.E.
8,000 Jews Slaughtered

1370 C.E.
Majorca., Penignon & Barcelona
Mob Attack

1377 C.E.
Huesca (Spain)
Jews Burned Alive

1380 C.E.
Mob Attack

1384 C.E.
Mass Murder

1388 C.E.

1389 C.E.
Mass Slaughter & Book Burning

1391 C.E.
Castille, Toledo, Madrid, Seville, Cordova, Cuenca & Barcelona
Forced Conversions & Mass Murder

1394 C.E.

1394 C.E.

1399 C.E.
Posen (Poland)
Jews Burned Alive

1400 C.E.
Stake Burnings

1407 C.E.
Mob Attack

1415 C.E.
Talmud Confiscated

1422 C.E.
Jews Burned Alive

1422 C.E.

1424 C.E.
Fribourg & Zurich

1426 C.E.

1431 C.E.
Southern Germany
Jews Burned Alive

1432 C.E.

1438 C.E.

1439 C.E.

1449 C.E.
Public Torture &. Burnings

1456 C.E.

1453 C.E.

1453 C.E.

1454 C.E.

1463 C.E.
Mob Attack

1473 C.E.
Mob Attack

1480 C.E.
Jews Burned Alive

1481 C.E.
Stake Burnings

1484 C.E.
Cuidad Real, Guadalupe, Saragossa & Teruel
Jews Burned Alive

1485 C.E.
Vincenza (Italy)

1486 C.E.
Jews Burned Alive

1488 C.E.
Stake Burnings

1490 C.E.
Public Executions

1491 C.E.
Public Torture & Execution

1492 C.E.

1495 C.E.

1497 C.E.

1499 C.E.

1506 C.E.
Mob Attack

1510 C.E.
Public Torture & Execution

1514 C.E.

1519 C.E.

1539 C.E.
Cracow & Portugal
Stake Burnings

1540 C.E.

1542 C.E.

1550 C.E.

1551 C.E.

1555 C.E.

1556 C.E.
Sokhachev (Poland)
Public Torture & Execution

1559 C.E.

1561 C.E.

1567 C.E.

1569 C.E.
Papal States

1571 C.E.

1582 C.E.

1593 C.E.

1597 C.E.
Cremona, Pavia & Lodi

1614 C.E.

1615 C.E.

1619 C.E.

1635 C.E.
Mob Attack

1637 C.E.
Public Torture & Execution

1647 C.E.
Jews Burned Alive

1648 C.E.
1/3 of Jewry Slaughtered

1649 C.E.

1649 C.E.

1652 C.E.
Stake Burnings

1654 C.E.
Little Russia

1656 C.E.

1660 C.E.
Jews Burned Alive

1663 C.E
Public Torture &. Execution

1664 C.E.
Mob Attack

1669 C.E.
Oran (North Africa)

1670 C.E.

1671 C.E.
Mob Attacks

1681 C.E.
Mob Attacks

1682 C.E.
Mob Attacks

1687 C.E.
Mob Attacks

1712 C.E.

1727 C.E.

1738 C.E.

1740 C.E.
Liule Russia

1744 C.E

1744 C.E.

1745 C.E.

1753 C.E.
Kovad (Lithuania)

1757 C.E.
Talmud Burning

1761 C.E.

1768 C.E.
3,000 Jews Slaughtered

1772 C.E.

1775 C.E.

1789 C.E.

1801 C.E.
Mob Attack

1804 C.E.
Russian Villages

1808 C.E.
Russian Countryside

1815 C.E.
Lubeck & Bremen

1820 C.E.

1843 C.E.
Austria & Prussia

1850 C.E.
New York City
500 People, Led by Police, Attacked & Wrecked Jewish Synagogue

1862 C.E.
Area under General Grant’s Jurisdiction in the United States

1866 C.E
Galatz (Romania)

1871 C.E.
Mob Attack

1887 C.E.
Mob Attacks

1897 C.E.
Kantakuzenka (Russia)
Mob Attacks

1898 C.E.
Rennes (France)
Mob Attack

1899 C.E.
Mob Attack

1900 C.E.
Konitz (Prussia)
Mob Attack

1902 C.E.
Widespread Pogroms

1904 C.E.
Manchuria, Kiev & Volhynia
Widespread Pogroms

1905 C.E.
Zhitomir (Yolhynia)
Mob Attacks

1919 C.E

1915 C.E.
Georgia (U.S.A.)
Leo Frank Lynched

1919 C.E.
Wide Spread Pogroms

1920 C.E.
Munich & Breslau
Mob Attacks

1922 C.E.
Boston, MA
Lawrence Lowell, President of Harvard, calls for Quota Restrictions on Jewish Admission

1926 C.E.

1928 C.E.
Widespread Anti-Semitic Riots on University Campuses

1929 C.E.
Lemberg (Poland)
Mob Attacks

1930 C.E.
Mob Attack

1933 C.E.
Mob Attacks

1938-45 C.E.


artur axmann
09-20-2014, 04:44 PM
artur. Were you born so full of HATE, or did someone like you teach you to HATE so much?

strange you should ask ,since I don't hate anyone and I never have.

09-20-2014, 04:58 PM
You need to provide a link when you use another persons work. Please add a link to the source.

artur axmann
09-20-2014, 05:08 PM
You need to provide a link when you use another persons work. Please add a link to the source.

from: History of AntiSemitism – Lesser Known Highlights of Jewish International Relations In The Common Era « Kalki 666 (http://kalki666.wordpress.com/2011/09/18/lesser-known-highlights-of-jewish-international-relations-in-the-common-era/)

09-20-2014, 05:09 PM
strange you should ask ,since I don't hate anyone and I never have.

Sure thing. I remember hearing those very same word from others, both here on this forum, and from the lips of infamous people who also tried to TAKE OVER THE ENTIRE WORLD, causing TWO Great wars.

09-20-2014, 05:12 PM
You want a question answered you need to answer those put to you first. And yeah, as Jim said you need to put in a link.

artur axmann
09-20-2014, 05:13 PM
Because they're JEWS, man! It's a magical power that they all have, of course!

All you have to do is convert and you too can be financially independent and control the governments of the world!
I'm sorry but you don't qualify.

Times Of Israel: We Jews DO Control The Media And Govt. In The United States

We Jews are a funny breed. We love to brag about every Jewish actor. Sometimes we even pretend an actor is Jewish just because we like him enough that we think he deserves to be on our team. We brag about Jewish authors, Jewish politicians, Jewish directors. Every time someone mentions any movie or book or piece of art, we inevitably say something like, “Did you know that he was Jewish?” That’s just how we roll.
We’re a driven group, and not just in regards to the art world. We have, for example, AIPAC, which was essentially constructed just to drive agenda in Washington DC. And it succeeds admirably. And we brag about it. Again, it’s just what we do.

But the funny part is when any anti-Semite or anti-Israel person starts to spout stuff like, “The Jews control the media!” and “The Jews control Washington!”
Suddenly we’re up in arms. We create huge campaigns to take these people down. We do what we can to put them out of work. We publish articles. We’ve created entire organizations (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Defamation_League) that exist just to tell everyone that the Jews don’t control nothin’. No, we don’t control the media, we don’t have any more sway in DC than anyone else. No, no, no, we swear: We’re just like everybody else!

And let’s not forget AIPAC, every anti-Semite’s favorite punching bag. We’re talking an organization that’s practically the equivalent of the Elders of Zion. I’ll never forget when I was involved in Israeli advocacy in college and being at one of the many AIPAC conventions. A man literally stood in front of us and told us that their whole goal was to only work with top-50 school graduate students because they would eventually be the people making changes in the government. Here I am, an idealistic little kid that goes to a bottom 50 school (ASU) who wants to do some grassroots advocacy, and these guys are literally talking about infiltrating the government. Intense.

The truth is, the anti-Semites got it right. We Jews have something planted in each one of us that makes us completely different from every group in the world. We’re talking about a group of people that just got put in death camps, endured pogroms, their whole families decimated. And then they came to America, the one place that ever really let them have as much power as they wanted, and suddenly they’re taking over. Please don’t tell me that any other group in the world has ever done that. Only the Jews. And we’ve done it before. That’s why the Jews were enslaved in Egypt. We were too successful. Go look at the Torah — it’s right there. And we did it in Germany too.
This ability to succeed, this inner drive, comes not from the years of education or any other sort of conditional factors, but because of the inner spark within each Jew.
Now, the reason groups like the ADL and AIPAC hate admitting this is because, first of all, they are secular organizations. Their whole agenda is to prove that every Jew is the same as every other person in the world. I cannot imagine a more outlandish agenda. No, we’re different. We’re special.

Jews DO control the media | Elad Nehorai | Ops & Blogs | The Times of Israel (http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/jews-do-control-the-media/)

artur axmann
09-20-2014, 05:15 PM
You want a question answered you need to answer those put to you first. And yeah, as Jim said you need to put in a link.

from: History of AntiSemitism – Lesser Known Highlights of Jewish International Relations In The Common Era « Kalki 666 (http://kalki666.wordpress.com/2011/09/18/lesser-known-highlights-of-jewish-international-relations-in-the-common-era/)

artur axmann
09-20-2014, 05:16 PM
In his book, “L’antisémitisme son histoire et ses causes,” published
in 1894, noted Jewish author, Bernard Lazare, stated the following
with regard to these expulsions of Jews,

For all of you who are quick to call me an antisemite ,you would do well to read what follows and please answer the question implied by the author ,as to how the expulsion of jews could happen

in every era and in every period of history ;and by so many different and disparate groups ;each one unable to live at peace with the jewish people over the many centuries. GIVE ME AN ANSWER ; all you geniuses.

“If this hostility, even aversion, had only been shown towards the
Jews at one period and in one country, it would be easy to unravel the
limited causes of this anger, but this race has been on the contrary
an object of hatred to all the peoples among whom it has established
itself. It must be therefore, since the enemies of the Jews belonged
to the most diverse races, since they lived in countries very distant
from each other, since they were ruled by very different laws,
governed by opposite principles, since they had neither the same
morals, nor the same customs, since they were animated by unlike
dispositions which did not permit them to judge of anything in the
same way, it must be therefore that the general cause of anti-Semitism
has always resided in Israel itself and not in those who have fought
against Israel.”

from: History of AntiSemitism – Lesser Known Highlights of Jewish International Relations In The Common Era « Kalki 666 (http://kalki666.wordpress.com/2011/09/18/lesser-known-highlights-of-jewish-international-relations-in-the-common-era/)

artur axmann
09-20-2014, 05:20 PM
Sure thing. I remember hearing those very same word from others, both here on this forum, and from the lips of infamous people who also tried to TAKE OVER THE ENTIRE WORLD, causing TWO Great wars.

hearing voices ;schizo much.?

09-20-2014, 05:34 PM
hearing voices ;schizo much.?

Sure thing. It happens every time I try to imitate, or emulate people like you.

09-20-2014, 05:35 PM
strange you should ask ,since I don't hate anyone and I never have.

Throughout life people will make you mad
Disrespect you and treat you bad
Let God deal with the things they do
Cause hate in your heart will consume you too

-Will Smith

artur axmann
09-20-2014, 05:38 PM
Throughout life people will make you mad
Disrespect you and treat you bad
Let God deal with the things they do
Cause hate in your heart will consume you too

-Will Smith

you know, I don't know anyone who hates ,not even jewish people. in fact ,I really don't believe that Hitler hated them, honestly.

09-20-2014, 05:44 PM
you know, I don't know anyone who hates ,not even jewish people. in fact ,I really don't believe that Hitler hated them, honestly.

I don't think you hate as much as you troll. All you really seem capable of is posting crap that's already been posted around the internet on other hate sites. Regurgitated hate.

artur axmann
09-20-2014, 05:58 PM
<DL class=userinfo_extra><DT> Israeli Defense Forces sniping at Palestinian kids playing </DT></DL>
How could anyone get lower than these psychopathic satan worshipping animals have proven themselves to be?

All in a day's work for the brave menschen of the IDF.

<IFRAME id=yui-gen36 class=restrain title="YouTube video player" height=390 src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Lxi4lcZ4dWQ?wmode=opaque" frameBorder=0 width=640 origwidth="640" origheight="390" aspect="1.64102564102564"></IFRAME>

09-20-2014, 06:13 PM
We saw this before. It's fake. jafar already posted this shit defending hamas. Try again Nazi Boy.

09-20-2014, 06:15 PM
So now try answering some of the questions you have been asked.

09-20-2014, 06:48 PM
The argument posted by Artur in this case in the same argument people having been making against almost all religions since the beginning of time. The argument simply says that since those being hated are so because they are different than those around them wherever they go that it is not only proper to hate them, but also the fault of those who hold to the differing ideals.

This is a most pernicious form of hate that simply tries to justify a conform or die type of mentality.

09-20-2014, 07:06 PM
from: History of AntiSemitism – Lesser Known Highlights of Jewish International Relations In The Common Era « Kalki 666 (http://kalki666.wordpress.com/2011/09/18/lesser-known-highlights-of-jewish-international-relations-in-the-common-era/)

Really, artur? How about you explain to us "amateurs" how if Jews are Semites, and Arabs are Semites, antisemitism is only against Jews?

Abbey Marie
09-20-2014, 07:42 PM
"something smelly " could be to your failure to flush or to change your plug.

Luckily, I do not know what you are talking about. And you STILL have not answered my 2 questions.

09-20-2014, 10:40 PM
For all of you who are quick to call me an antisemite ,you would do well to read what follows and please answer the question implied by the author ,as to how the expulsion of jews could happen

in every era and in every period of history ;and by so many different and disparate groups ;each one unable to live at peace with the jewish people over the many centuries. GIVE ME AN ANSWER ; all you geniuses

Artie ... As someone who does not hate the Jewish people I cannot answer your question. You are the one espousing such vileness towards them ... perhaps you can tell us what they have done to you personally to warrant such hatred from you.


09-20-2014, 10:58 PM
"something smelly " could be to your failure to flush or to change your plug.

Artur ... are you advocating for us to flush you away or change our plug to keep people like you away?

Either way, we are not afraid of a little smelly around here, unless of course, it's after Jim has had a chili cheese dog!

09-20-2014, 11:06 PM
Artur ... why are you wasting your time on this forum? No one here is interested in your obvious bias.

09-21-2014, 08:47 AM
We saw this before. It's fake. jafar already posted this shit defending hamas. Try again Nazi Boy.

More Bull Sheot from the peanut Gallery