View Full Version : 9-22 off topic

09-22-2014, 08:20 PM
No rev. Those who claim to believe they will end up as slaves...need to be perpetual victims in order to have others feel sorry for them.
You and others NEED to use the SLAVERY threats to get the approval of others who also need to find excuses for FAILURE.
(a quote from aboutime)

? (a quote from aboutime).

Make some sense, please?

09-22-2014, 08:30 PM
? (a quote from aboutime).

Make some sense, please?

You think aboutime is ever going to make sense? :no:

09-22-2014, 08:50 PM
Oop's. My apologies for going over your heads.

09-22-2014, 08:52 PM
Really, dude? Geez.

Prove he's a deserter,tyr. Let's see your evidence. Because if I'm sitting on a court-martial and all you got is hearsay and note you can't authenticate, I'm hanging the board. Period. Your opinion is NOT due process. It's vitriol.

And if I'm going to going to go against the administration I want a slam dunk case. And your opinion ain't a slam dunk. It's nothing in a court.

The penalty is death only for desertion under fire.

You don't even know the damned rules. How're you going to get your ducks in a row?

Gunny. Nuff of that, okay. You can drop the Courts Martial bragging here. Some of us actually have some experience with such things.

09-22-2014, 09:02 PM
Oop's. My apologies for going over your heads.

You couldn't go over my head on your best day. You're not even a cd. You're an 8-track of rhetoric.

Try again. In clear concise English and make a point. Leave out the hatred and personal attack. Oh wait .. you just ran out of arguments, didn't you?

09-22-2014, 09:07 PM
You couldn't go over my head on your best day. You're not even a cd. You're an 8-track of rhetoric.

Try again. In clear concise English and make a point. Leave out the hatred and personal attack. Oh wait .. you just ran out of arguments, didn't you?

Finally letting the truth out? My apologies for daring to think you were trustworthy.

09-22-2014, 09:18 PM
Finally letting the truth out? My apologies for daring to think you were trustworthy.

Trustworthy to what? A locked in the mud ideology? Don't know whatever made you think that. I'll die for what I believe in. You going to die for what the party tells you to? I'd say that difference between you and me is telling.

I think for myself. You want everything YOUR way. What makes you different than a leftwinger? From my POV not much.

09-22-2014, 09:31 PM
Trustworthy to what? A locked in the mud ideology? Don't know whatever made you think that. I'll die for what I believe in. You going to die for what the party tells you to? I'd say that difference between you and me is telling.

I think for myself. You want everything YOUR way. What makes you different than a leftwinger? From my POV not much.

Gunny. Just listen to yourself. I'll leave it there. You have decided to lower yourself to that and I am really sorry you feel that way.

END (As You Were)

09-22-2014, 09:39 PM
Gunny. Just listen to yourself. I'll leave it there. You have decided to lower yourself to that and I am really sorry you feel that way.

END (As You Were)

I DO kisten to myself. I don't see the world through a coffee stir.

You have to be in command in of something to give the order "as you were". Try again. Your ass would just get a bunch of people killed for nothing based on your political beliefs rather than accomplishing a mission. Y'all squids are good at giving us, the ones that do the actual fighting, a ride. Stick to you day job.

09-22-2014, 09:53 PM
^^^^^ I guess this part did not register. And was he not in a war zone when he deserted?
Is it only when under active enemy fire? I never mentioned me getting ducks in a row. I know the military does the investigation.

Not saying you are wrong on the under fire bit but I did not see that mentioned in the link provided above.-Tyr

Looks like you are correct about how hard it will be to prove..
I saw video of what his comrades in arms stated about him deserting and took their word over his.
I do not have to prove he deserted to state my opinion that he deserted.
I can ask why all (0r most ) those comrades in arms either lied or turned on him falsely. -Tyr

Gunny. Nuff of that, okay. You can drop the Courts Martial bragging here. Some of us actually have some experience with such things.

STFU, jackass. I didn't volunteer. I got stuck with it. I'd rather have been out killing squids on the basketball court. I stated a fact, jackass. If you sat on MY court martial if I ever had one, I'd take a plea bargain. I wouldn't trust your judgement when cats were having kittens. You're so full of hatred and vitriol you can't see the light of day.

Now, if you want to take me on jackass, let's do it. You're nothing. Let's play,

09-22-2014, 09:57 PM
I DO kisten to myself. I don't see the world through a coffee stir.

You have to be in command in of something to give the order "as you were". Try again. Your ass would just get a bunch of people killed for nothing based on your political beliefs rather than accomplishing a mission. Y'all squids are good at giving us, the ones that do the actual fighting, a ride. Stick to you day job.

Gunny. We're done. I had all of nothing but the highest respect for you as a Marine because my oldest son is a Marine. But you have crossed that invisible Respect Line, and now sound like a wannabe who pretends to be everything you claim. I have known, and been with dozens of people like that over thirty years in uniform. And if you think using the squid name calling makes you special. I will agree. Special, like many of the Grunts I also escorted to JAG offices in Norfolk, and accompanied to their Summary C.M.'s.
So you have rendered yourself UNQUALIFIED to receive any more Semper Fi's, and I feel sorry for those around you whom you have managed to convince...you are something you have never been.
The Word Honor comes to mind. But I'll reserve that until an Honest Man steps forward.

09-22-2014, 09:57 PM
Gunny. Nuff of that, okay. You can drop the Courts Martial bragging here. Some of us actually have some experience with such things.

You jealous because instead of your knee jerk reaction I actually know what I'm talking about? Sucks to be you, don't it? You don't cite the UCMJ, much less the articles. You just want to crucify someone based on your opinion.

Says a lot about you, don't it?

09-22-2014, 10:00 PM
You jealous because instead of your knee jerk reaction I actually know what I'm talking about? Sucks to be you, don't it? You don't cite the UCMJ, much less the articles. You just want to crucify someone based on your opinion.

Says a lot about you, don't it?

Whatever you say Gunny. Whatever you say. By the way. Every other member of DP is also reading your words. The name calling like that is BENEATH A REAL, HONORABLE MARINE.

09-22-2014, 10:09 PM
Whatever you say Gunny. Whatever you say. By the way. Every other member of DP is also reading your words. The name calling like that is BENEATH A REAL, HONORABLE MARINE.

Guess what, AT ... everyone on DP already KNOWS me. You act like you're some special act. I've been around most everyone on this board for 10+ years off and on. Want to try another weapon? One that might work?

You don't know jack shit about being a Marine. When you want to get off the personal shit because you can't handle a debate, let me know. I'll be your best fucking friend.

09-22-2014, 10:18 PM
Guess what, AT ... everyone on DP already KNOWS me. You act like you're some special act. I've been around most everyone on this board for 10+ years off and on. Want to try another weapon? One that might work?

You don't know jack shit about being a Marine. When you want to get off the personal shit because you can't handle a debate, let me know. I'll be your best fucking friend.

Ten plus years of fooling the easily fooled? You still have no idea what you sound like....do ya?

By the way. The only personal shit comes from you. AS YOU WERE on that.

09-22-2014, 10:32 PM
I don't. That's the point. All you do is put down Islam, and aboutime has a fetish with obama. Could y'all make a legitimate argument without posting rhetoric? What part about any of that makes you think you are smart?

Believing BS that someone tells you makes you no smarter than a Democrat. In fact, it makes you exactly the same thing.

Gunny. My wife asked me to ask you a question. With all due respect, of course. As you have told us you had much experience with Courts Martials as a Gunny, Marine. HOW MANY OF THOSE COURT MARTIALS WERE......YOURS?

You seem angry to play the gotcha game, sounding like some people I once met, who had SHORTENED career's in the military.
Would you like to share now?

09-22-2014, 10:39 PM
Gunny. We're done. I had all of nothing but the highest respect for you as a Marine because my oldest son is a Marine. But you have crossed that invisible Respect Line, and now sound like a wannabe who pretends to be everything you claim. I have known, and been with dozens of people like that over thirty years in uniform. And if you think using the squid name calling makes you special. I will agree. Special, like many of the Grunts I also escorted to JAG offices in Norfolk, and accompanied to their Summary C.M.'s.
So you have rendered yourself UNQUALIFIED to receive any more Semper Fi's, and I feel sorry for those around you whom you have managed to convince...you are something you have never been.
The Word Honor comes to mind. But I'll reserve that until an Honest Man steps forward.

You don't respect me anymore because I don't agree with you being a sheep of a different color?

You need to grow up. You think anyone that disagrees with you is the enemy. I respect your right to your opinion. And I respect you. That doesn't mean I have to respect nor agree with your opinion.

But look who is playing the game here. I don' rate any more "Semper Fi's" because YOU say so? Really? Who the fuck are you?

And, you son of a bitch, don't question MY honor while you sat around on a boat while we did your dirty work. Last war you were useful in was WWII. All you're worth now is the ride you provide to Marines going in. Bus drivers. What'd YOU ever do? Ever looked into the eyes of your enemy when you killed him? No you didn't.

You want to play games with me, let's do it. Or shut up and get back on topic. I guarantee you your best bet is the latter.

09-22-2014, 10:47 PM
You don't respect me anymore because I don't agree with you being a sheep of a different color?

You need to grow up. You think anyone that disagrees with you is the enemy. I respect your right to your opinion. And I respect you. That doesn't mean I have to respect nor agree with your opinion.

But look who is playing the game here. I don' rate any more "Semper Fi's" because YOU say so? Really? Who the fuck are you?

And, you son of a bitch, don't question MY honor while you sat around on a boat while we did your dirty work. Last war you were useful in was WWII. All you're worth now is the ride you provide to Marines going in. Bus drivers. What'd YOU ever do? Ever looked into the eyes of your enemy when you killed him? No you didn't.

You want to play games with me, let's do it. Or shut up and get back on topic. I guarantee you your best bet is the latter.

You win. Any questions? Now that you have what you wanted. What now?