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View Full Version : I don't understand.....

09-25-2014, 08:06 PM
why nobody is stepping up to the plate and even seriously trying to stop Obama and his radical leftist cronies from implementing their agenda on our dime....our LAST dime. What explains it?

I have been telling a close friend for years that it's positvely supernatural, what's happening. Never would I have thought that Americans would just sit by and allow someone to deliberately trash and destroy this nation around us. Yet that is exactly what is happening. What else could explain it? Just reading the comments around the net I know that there is a widespread belief and knowledge that Obama hates America and is bringing us down several zillion pegs out of payback. And that he's not just a commie/leftist/Marxist, but one with a huge axe to grind against us and our country. How the hell did we get here?

I can understand the first election ....ideological morons voting for "the first black president" so they could feel good about themselves. So very hip and modern! Forget even worrying about Obama's family, upbringing, past radical associations and background. Character and past doesn't count when it's a Democrat running. But the second election? After four dismal years of a depression-like recession....a deliberately smothered economy, a radical leftist agenda, and Obamacare, rammed down the throats of Americans against their will. No. No way. Cause the America and Americans I know and love would never stand for such BS.....for this long.

It's gotta be supernatural.

Just my two cents....

09-25-2014, 08:22 PM
The democrats spun his absolutely dismal performance of the first 4 years as "Bush's fault".

Now I think everyone has realized the folly of electing this idiot, but there's still quite a few Obamabots running around blaming Dubya for everything - which doesn't wash, even with hardcore Moonbats, for the most part.

Still, it says a lot for the average intelligence for the average American voter... and that's scary.

It's hard to believe that the USA could twice make the same mistake, but the majority did. Sure, there was voter fraud and lots of it, but there were still a majority that voted for this buffoon IMO.

There's no way in hell that this could have happened even 20 years ago, and that's what is truly frightening - how far into lunacy are the idiots going to take the rest of us before they wise up? I firmly believe this is a result of having so many educators so wildly liberal and brainwashing classrooms full of kids. When you see them interviewed at Occupy protests or DNC events, 99% have no freaking clue as to what they're doing or what the end goal is - they're there because it's cool and I firmly believe they vote the same way.

09-25-2014, 08:42 PM
Same reason why nobody stepped to the plate and seriously tried to stop GW Bush and his radical right wing cronies from implementing their agenda on our last dime.
Which is ... politics as usual.

red state
09-25-2014, 08:50 PM
I totally agree but will provide alternative answers that I suspect is the case after I have dwelt on these same issues for years.

Agreed that the first time around was ignorance and a weary public from all the warring and waste of funds through bailouts and new agencies who weakened our Constitution further and infringed upon our rights......all while catering to the hoards who cross our borders without any papers or significant retaliation for breaking our laws (starting with our border laws). That was a lump said and I apologize for going off coarse but these are all reasons for low turnout for Conservative votes and outright gain of independents for the dims. After all, who have WE had to vote for? McShame.....Mittens?! We've had nothing but losers presented to us from a lard @$$ in NJ to another Texan who has proven to be another Bush (to me anyway). Just look at the Texas border for starters.

Anyway, that has much of what happened in '08 and '12 but the part that you have mentioned being supernatural is also a factor to consider (IF) or despite your views on religion. If one can't see prophecy being fulfilled then you simply can't see or refuse to see what is going on around you. One may even shrug at this fulfillment as coincidental. I, for one, always wondered how those "left behind" could be blind to the fact that something amazing had happened YET that is what the Bible says will happen after the dead in Christ and then the living Christians will be caught up and leave this world (for a season). God says that those left behind will be given over to a mind of delusion and will believe a lie......the lie. Now, let me be clear (as B.O. often says) I do not believe we are in the tribulation times or that Christians will be left to that awful time to come but I do see this as a prelude to what will soon happen. I am interested in the progress of iSLUM as well as the nations of the EAST becoming more powerful by the day. After all, there is no mention of the USA in the end times but the EAST will do abundantly well and will eventually come together in the middle east for a major move.....probably when or just before Christ reveals Himself as He prophesied His coming as a LION, Warrior on a white horse and conqueror of all the world. Before all of this happens, however, there will come the hardest, bloodiest and most COMPLETELY evil reign of ONE who will bring a one world gov. to the entire world for the hardest seven years that this ole world will have ever known or will ever know. And all of this will take place cuz of the multitudes believing a lie. B.O. is not the anti-Christ. I never said that and never will. The guy is simply too silly, ignorant and obvious for many but as Christ had front runners....so will the anti-christ and I believe we've seen this through several men but B.O. takes the cake.

We can thank Bush for much of this but I truly believe that God has been reaching out to us for quite some time and we've constantly shrugged our shoulders and even turned our backs to Him. Now, he has obviously given us the leader we deserve when we had the chance to CHANGE but refused.

Glad you brought this up but I still prefer to leave religion out of most of my posts.....just thought that this needed to be said given the nature of the thread so there it is. If we make it another 20 or 30 years, no telling what mess we can expect to see or survive (if we can survive). I've always hoped that God would at least grant REAL Americans to go out in a blaze of glory (as our founders did) rather than simply go quietly and submissively (as we are now doing). wouldn't it be a shame for us to NOT be as our founders in the end and allow their blood and the blood of our loved ones / family who have fought to be all for naught?!

09-25-2014, 09:08 PM
why nobody is stepping up to the plate and even seriously trying to stop Obama and his radical leftist cronies from implementing their agenda on our dime....our LAST dime. What explains it?

I have been telling a close friend for years that it's positvely supernatural, what's happening. Never would I have thought that Americans would just sit by and allow someone to deliberately trash and destroy this nation around us. Yet that is exactly what is happening. What else could explain it? Just reading the comments around the net I know that there is a widespread belief and knowledge that Obama hates America and is bringing us down several zillion pegs out of payback. And that he's not just a commie/leftist/Marxist, but one with a huge axe to grind against us and our country. How the hell did we get here?

I can understand the first election ....ideological morons voting for "the first black president" so they could feel good about themselves. So very hip and modern! Forget even worrying about Obama's family, upbringing, past radical associations and background. Character and past doesn't count when it's a Democrat running. But the second election? After four dismal years of a depression-like recession....a deliberately smothered economy, a radical leftist agenda, and Obamacare, rammed down the throats of Americans against their will. No. No way. Cause the America and Americans I know and love would never stand for such BS.....for this long.

It's gotta be supernatural.

Just my two cents....

DLT. IMO...though everyone will ignore me. There is only one, logical reason so many Americans have allowed Obama and company to get away with so much. And I seriously believe that reason comes down to the DUMBING DOWN of Americans who have been cheated, robbed, and coerced into becoming the result of a Faulty, Expensive, near 3rd world education controlled by politicians.

09-25-2014, 09:19 PM
After thinking about the 2004 election results for a while, I came to one conclusion:
There is only one, logical reason why too many Americans allowed Dubya and company to get away with so much. And I seriously believe that reason comes down to the dumbing down of Americans who had been cheated, robbed, and coerced into becoming the result of a faulty, expensive, near third world political system controlled by Republicans.

09-25-2014, 09:25 PM
After thinking about the 2004 election results for a while, I came to one conclusion:
There is only one, logical reason why too many Americans allowed Dubya and company to get away with so much. And I seriously believe that reason comes down to the dumbing down of Americans who had been cheated, robbed, and coerced into becoming the result of a faulty, expensive, near third world political system controlled by Republicans.

As I said earlier, there's still a few Moonbats blaming Dubya for this monstrosity of a President.

09-25-2014, 09:39 PM
After thinking about the 2004 election results for a while, I came to one conclusion:
There is only one, logical reason why too many Americans allowed Dubya and company to get away with so much. And I seriously believe that reason comes down to the dumbing down of Americans who had been cheated, robbed, and coerced into becoming the result of a faulty, expensive, near third world political system controlled by Republicans.

GABBY. You're not even a good thief. Thanks for showing everyone how really dumb you want us to believe you are anyhow.

09-26-2014, 12:12 AM
why nobody is stepping up to the plate and even seriously trying to stop Obama and his radical leftist cronies from implementing their agenda on our dime....our LAST dime. What explains it?

I have been telling a close friend for years that it's positvely supernatural, what's happening. Never would I have thought that Americans would just sit by and allow someone to deliberately trash and destroy this nation around us. Yet that is exactly what is happening. What else could explain it? Just reading the comments around the net I know that there is a widespread belief and knowledge that Obama hates America and is bringing us down several zillion pegs out of payback. And that he's not just a commie/leftist/Marxist, but one with a huge axe to grind against us and our country. How the hell did we get here?

I can understand the first election ....ideological morons voting for "the first black president" so they could feel good about themselves. So very hip and modern! Forget even worrying about Obama's family, upbringing, past radical associations and background. Character and past doesn't count when it's a Democrat running. But the second election? After four dismal years of a depression-like recession....a deliberately smothered economy, a radical leftist agenda, and Obamacare, rammed down the throats of Americans against their will. No. No way. Cause the America and Americans I know and love would never stand for such BS.....for this long.

It's gotta be supernatural.

Just my two cents....

Dependence on government?
Power brokers like Soros?
Millions hate America as much as Obama and this is working for them?

There are a myriad of reasons .... not just one. Supernatural might work also.,

red state
09-26-2014, 12:45 AM
As I said earlier, there's still a few Moonbats blaming Dubya for this monstrosity of a President.

G-Whiz! Thanks, NT!!! HA!!! Just kidding.....I know what you mean and know that you'd never have me rowing the same boat as that troll. (I think.....hope anyway).

I'm not blaming Bush for B.O. just blaming Bush for what Bush did (which was plenty). Bush can just about claim the "muSLUMs are the religion of peace" thing, weak border while we must have our papers, and economic downfall as well as bailouts. Why, if you thing about it, Bush was simply B.O. Lite in a more respectful/presidential looking can.....not the latte drinking queen who disrespectfully salutes our military. No, Bush is not entirely to blame; It is our "Republican" party that has caused Conservatives (and independents) to lose zeal to vote for the water-downed candidates or vote at all. As AT suggested, we have been numbed by the failed education/INDOCTRINATION and we have certainly lost all feelings for the non-leaders that the Republicans continue to push.

Another avenue that we failed to explore is the Eric Holder scandal that kept the Tea Party down and most everyone/anyone who spoke out against B.O. practically silent. Then, there were folks such as I who was not able to vote the first time around while others voted multiple times (even dead people). We also have the Black Panthers, on an insignificant level, who deterred no telling how many folks from voting (again, on an almost insignificant level). We may have seen the silent masses of illegals turn the tide for the second B.O. election but if that is simply conspiracy theory gab, then we may most certainly see the masses turn the tide for HELLary....but not before POSSIBLY putting in a dim majority or in turning Red States (purple or BLUE). I'll not mention any such States by name so as not to offend any who rather ignore the problem of demographic change. It is a scary thought but we're seeing it happen.

I don't understand why we ever started giving in to the liberals.....perhaps it was our being sick of wars, sick of the prosperity of others, a turning from God or simply out of "politeness" towards those who are 'different'. Whatever it was, I wish we'd manned up then cuz we're sure paying for it now. The USSR certainly would be smiling cuz they said decades ago that we'd lose without anyone ever firing a shot.....we'd fall from enemies WITHIN. The silent revolution has attacked our Nation federally and now that silent bunch is now screaming loud proclamations of victory while systematically attacking the last remaining RED blooded States/citizens who once held firm to our founding and would die before loosening their grip. The fingers always get numb before weakness and relaxation leading to a FALL. and that isn't hard to understand at all.

09-26-2014, 08:56 AM
Same reason why nobody stepped to the plate and seriously tried to stop GW Bush and his radical right wing cronies from implementing their agenda on our last dime.
Which is ... politics as usual.

Did Mr. Bush go after the 1st and 2nd amendments to the constitution as your American Communist Party has? No. Did Mr. Bush push his party to try and hand over the power of speech to the government and take it from the hands of the public as your party has? No. Did Mr. Bush drive wedges between the American people in order to gain political advantage? No.

09-26-2014, 09:02 AM
Same reason why nobody stepped to the plate and seriously tried to stop GW Bush and his radical right wing cronies from implementing their agenda on our last dime.
Which is ... politics as usual.

People were under the shadow of 9/11 when GW Bush curtailed our freedoms, so actually that was the LEFT WING part of Bush's agenda. So with the shadow of 9/11 faded, why does Obama get away with curtailing our freedom?

Abbey Marie
09-26-2014, 09:25 AM
Oh, that's easy: Apple built invisible mind rays into our iPhones. We stare and stare at them, until the rays are absorbed, and we are lulled into complete complacency.

Seriously, I often feel the same way about it. Like, WTH? It is difficult to explain why we are all letting these things go, like this President's usurpation of power beyond that given to the Executive branch. Like the IRS scandal, like Fast n Furious. The list goes on and on. But we must keep in mind that the mainstream media is on the side of the Dems. That always goes a long way in keeping the folks believing.

09-26-2014, 09:27 AM
After thinking about the 2004 election results for a while, I came to one conclusion:
There is only one, logical reason why too many Americans allowed Dubya and company to get away with so much. And I seriously believe that reason comes down to the dumbing down of Americans who had been cheated, robbed, and coerced into becoming the result of a faulty, expensive, near third world political system controlled by Republicans.

I see your cranio-rectal inversion is still untreated, Gabs.

09-26-2014, 01:21 PM
After thinking about the 2004 election results for a while, I came to one conclusion:
There is only one, logical reason why too many Americans allowed Dubya and company to get away with so much. And I seriously believe that reason comes down to the dumbing down of Americans who had been cheated, robbed, and coerced into becoming the result of a faulty, expensive, near third world political system controlled by Republicans.

I see your cranio-rectal inversion is still untreated, Gabs.

She's actually about 25% correct if you account for RINOs. The dumbing down she speaks of is 75% the fault of Democrats putting free stuff for themselves above all else.