View Full Version : Fundamentalist Christian groups scare me sometimes

09-25-2014, 08:51 PM
When I was at work today, we were looking at a list of the most challenged books of the last decade.
Parents have a right to challenge any book that kids has access to in a school library. The school or school district then holds a review or hearing to decide whether book remains in the library or is removed.

One of the top five most challenged (and banned) books is "A Bad Kitty Christmas." I looked it up on Amazon, expecting some racy romance novel. Instead, I found it is an illustrated children's that attempts to explain the meaning of Christmas.
Reading the challenge notes and the "one star" (negative) reviews made me wonder why so many adults obviously have screws loose.


09-25-2014, 09:09 PM
When I was at work today, we were looking at a list of the most challenged books of the last decade.
Parents have a right to challenge any book that kids has access to in a school library. The school or school district then holds a review or hearing to decide whether book remains in the library or is removed.

One of the top five most challenged (and banned) books is "A Bad Kitty Christmas." I looked it up on Amazon, expecting some racy romance novel. Instead, I found it is an illustrated children's that attempts to explain the meaning of Christmas.
Reading the challenge notes and the "one star" (negative) reviews made me wonder why so many adults obviously have screws loose.


What does this have to do with "fundamentalist" Christians?

09-25-2014, 09:13 PM
What does this have to do with "fundamentalist" Christians?

They are the ones doing the challenging. Look it up.

09-25-2014, 09:13 PM
When I was at work today, we were looking at a list of the most challenged books of the last decade.
Parents have a right to challenge any book that kids has access to in a school library. The school or school district then holds a review or hearing to decide whether book remains in the library or is removed.

One of the top five most challenged (and banned) books is "A Bad Kitty Christmas." I looked it up on Amazon, expecting some racy romance novel. Instead, I found it is an illustrated children's that attempts to explain the meaning of Christmas.
Reading the challenge notes and the "one star" (negative) reviews made me wonder why so many adults obviously have screws loose.


Wonder no more gabby. Look in a mirror, and get a screw driver.

09-25-2014, 09:15 PM
Wonder no more gabby. Look in a mirror, and get a screw driver.

Got anything to contribute to the conversation?

09-25-2014, 09:40 PM
Got anything to contribute to the conversation?

Sure thing. How come you won't tell us what you saw in the mirror....screw driver in hand?

09-25-2014, 09:42 PM
"...The same-sex partner and the page about other holidays meaning the same thing as Christmas were also unexpected in a children's book..."

So you have a problem people who don't want certain controversial idea's slipped in under the radar to their children?
that scares you?

09-25-2014, 10:06 PM
"...The same-sex partner and the page about other holidays meaning the same thing as Christmas were also unexpected in a children's book..."

So you have a problem people who don't want certain controversial idea's slipped in under the radar to their children?
that scares you?

Gabby knows what's best for us and our children. :slap:

09-27-2014, 01:32 PM
They are the ones doing the challenging. Look it up.

What do you mean...."look it up"??? You're the one that made the claim. Ergo, you are the one that is supposed to provide the proof, evidence and/or validation of your claim. Otherwise, it's just trolling BS.

09-27-2014, 01:49 PM
We have a group of fundamentalist Islamic nutjobs going around cutting people's heads off and Gabs is freaked out over objection to a children's book that tries to normalize homosexuality under the guise of a Christmas theme?

I used to think liberals were just unstable and objected the other day when someone compared Gabs to satan, but I am starting to see now why those comparisons are not only necessary but proper.

09-27-2014, 03:56 PM
We have a group of fundamentalist Islamic nutjobs going around cutting people's heads off and Gabs is freaked out over objection to a children's book that tries to normalize homosexuality under the guise of a Christmas theme?

I used to think liberals were just unstable and objected the other day when someone compared Gabs to satan, but I am starting to see now why those comparisons are not only necessary but proper.

Well....there are liberals, misguided and uninformed. And then... there are rabid leftist propagandists (I call them America's enemy within), who are working overtime to destroy this nation, in the mistaken ideology that after tearing down the USA, they (the fascist left) can then remake the US in their image of "utopia". Which, in effect, would turn out to be just another leftist-created Hell on earth.

I don't know this poster in question....but I usually try to give folks the benefit of the doubt unless or until I know better, but when I do know them....I call it like it is.

And make no mistake.....we on the right are at war and have been for decades. It's just been an undeclared and silent war....that since the onslaught of the Obamanation... has become more apparent and obvious. We are at war against the anti-American radical leftists in America....

also called the Democratic Party.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-27-2014, 04:25 PM
Let me see....
Fundamentalist Christian or
supposedly peaceful muslim--- which shall I fear!!!!

How about fearing the piece of shit that will cut your damn head off, praise his false god and expect 72 damn beautiful women to bang as he wishes forever for doing the deed!???

Then consider what if any reason the Christian will harm you for. For your ignorance?
No way, Christians are not into killing for future(lied about) promises of sex orgies with 72 women and every camel that looks pretty.. - that would be the supposedly "peaceful" muzzie scum.... :laugh:--Tyr

09-27-2014, 05:52 PM
What do you mean...."look it up"??? You're the one that made the claim. Ergo, you are the one that is supposed to provide the proof, evidence and/or validation of your claim. Otherwise, it's just trolling BS.

DLT. Guess you haven't seen gabby's Picture ID. So, enjoy, and be careful. http://icansayit.com/images/troll.jpg
But nobody will ever question her at the Polls.:laugh:

09-27-2014, 06:23 PM
They are the ones doing the challenging. Look it up.

Why do different perspectives scare you? I'm a fundamentalist Christian, but prefer the opposite tactic. My youngest son got REALLY grossed out by visiting a souvenir shop in Provincetown, Mass. If they think that will reduce the chance of kids growing up to be Sodomites, more power to them.

09-27-2014, 09:35 PM
We have a group of fundamentalist Islamic nutjobs going around cutting people's heads off and Gabs is freaked out over objection to a children's book that tries to normalize homosexuality under the guise of a Christmas theme?

I used to think liberals were just unstable and objected the other day when someone compared Gabs to satan, but I am starting to see now why those comparisons are not only necessary but proper.

I used to think that too. However, I saw her defend Christian beliefs rather well. Almost anyone on this forum can testify that I'm no fan of Crabosourus.